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I Know This Will Sound Racist, But It's A Serious Question


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After many visits here, and now living here for the past 6 months on a "retirement visa", there is one thing I see so often that I feel compelled to ask about.

Let me preface this by saying I have been scammed here more than once...always little stuff...never anything significant. And, I've been scammed by Thais and non-Thais. So, my antennae are always up.

Quite often, particularly at Skytrain stations (especially from Siam to Nana), but elsewhere as well, I'll have two African men (based on accent and dress, clearly not Blacks from America...just to clarify) who will make eye contact, come over to chat ("Where you from?" "Do you live here?"). They're usually in their 30's, while I'm 60. Sometimes the conversation starters are really dumb -- "Really cool shades man!" To which I replied, "Not cool. The kind that many old men wear."

I feel like I'm being rude when I sort of shift away from them, yet something keeps saying, "Be careful! Scam ahead!"

What is going on here? If it happened once in a blue moon...okay. But this seems to happen once or twice a week. Does it sound like a scam come-on?

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I am usually quite skeptical when strangers talk to me. This is especially true if there is more than one. Other than the odd question about "which bus do I catch to....." I try to be cool and get away as soon as possible.

My favorite one is when someone asks if you can help them with their English (usually newspaper or something in hand) and then try to sell you something like a Condo!

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If you persist to hang out and or live in the heart of scammer country, which is Sukhumvit, what do you expect?

What amazes me is what are all these African/Nigerians doing for VISA's? They seem to be everywhere around Gullivers Soi 5 over to Soi 3 the last time I was there?

I am glad I live far away from this madness.

Why someone would move to Thailand and live or hang out on Sukhumvit is beyond me?

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I am usually quite skeptical when strangers talk to me. This is especially true if there is more than one. Other than the odd question about "which bus do I catch to....." I try to be cool and get away as soon as possible.

My favorite one is when someone asks if you can help them with their English (usually newspaper or something in hand) and then try to sell you something like a Condo!

Sadly I'm the same now. Random strangers approaching me are treated with suspicion.

I can revert to being friendly if I see they're genuinely asking for some advice or directions, but my default response is defensive and to get away.

Its a shame, but trust and giving the benefit of the doubt is what these scammers prey on

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If you persist to hang out and or live in the heart of scammer country, which is Sukhumvit, what do you expect?

What amazes me is what are all these African/Nigerians doing for VISA's? They seem to be everywhere around Gullivers Soi 5 over to Soi 3 the last time I was there?

I am glad I live far away from this madness.

Why someone would move to Thailand and live or hang out on Sukhumvit is beyond me?

Apparently there is good money in it. Otherwise, why would the scammers be there? :)

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If you persist to hang out and or live in the heart of scammer country, which is Sukhumvit, what do you expect?

What amazes me is what are all these African/Nigerians doing for VISA's? They seem to be everywhere around Gullivers Soi 5 over to Soi 3 the last time I was there?

I am glad I live far away from this madness.

Why someone would move to Thailand and live or hang out on Sukhumvit is beyond me?

And if you notice they all tend to start showing up around noon for a daily rendezvous down soi 7 so I don't think they are on work permits or they work off office hours as I know it.. Drift into Soi 5 at night near Foodland and it's a regular hangout place.

Never had any of them comment on my sunglasses though.

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And if you notice they all tend to start showing up around noon for a daily rendezvous down soi 7 so I don't think they are on work permits or they work off office hours as I know it.. Drift into Soi 5 at night near Foodland and it's a regular hangout place.

Never had any of them comment on my sunglasses though.

A lot of african nationals work in the gem industry and are usually involved with import/export back and forth from their native countries so they are constantly traveling. They probably aren't staying long term in Thailand at any point in time thus their visa needs are different.

There's a minority of them that are hustlers/scamsters as well as drug runners but most of those guys (drug related especially) are probably working for some Thai further up the chain.

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If you persist to hang out and or live in the heart of scammer country, which is Sukhumvit, what do you expect?

What amazes me is what are all these African/Nigerians doing for VISA's? They seem to be everywhere around Gullivers Soi 5 over to Soi 3 the last time I was there?

I am glad I live far away from this madness.

Why someone would move to Thailand and live or hang out on Sukhumvit is beyond me?

And if you notice they all tend to start showing up around noon for a daily rendezvous down soi 7 so I don't think they are on work permits or they work off office hours as I know it.. Drift into Soi 5 at night near Foodland and it's a regular hangout place.

Never had any of them comment on my sunglasses though.

i just dont smile, dont answer and try to look like the most miserable person on earth.

they always get the hint.

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I have also bumped into one often near MBK. I am always careful if you tell them you visiting, most likely they ask you to carry something with you and that is a big sign of trouble and most likely illegal, drug, etc. I normally very polite and say hi and walk away without carrying any additional discussion

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I feel like I'm being rude when I sort of shift away from them, yet something keeps saying, "Be careful! Scam ahead!"

Do you speak any obscure languages? You could pretend not to speak English, or to be very bad at it. Then proceed to speak in Navajo or Hawaiian (or whatever other language you speak), all the while looking confused at why they don't understand you. Keep this up until they grow weary of it and go away on their own.

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In the past in the whole time I lived in my home country I was never scamed. One or two people tried to scam me (one was a Chinaman trying to sell me a woman and the other was a Thai trying to sell paintings), but apart from that over many years nobody bothered or hassled me.

In the 9 years since I have moved to live in Thailand , however, humdreds of dregs and low lifes have tried to approach me with one thing or another . They find out very quickly that I have no interest in them or their wares or anything they have to say. I totally ignore them as if they didn't exist. And if they try to gain eye contact or block my path I just scowl at them and motion that they move themselves back to the trash heap they came from.

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One or two people tried to scam me (one was a Chinaman trying to sell me a woman and the other was a Thai trying to sell paintings), but apart from that over many years nobody bothered or hassled me.

Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. :)

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One or two people tried to scam me (one was a Chinaman trying to sell me a woman and the other was a Thai trying to sell paintings), but apart from that over many years nobody bothered or hassled me.

Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. :)

I agree. Maybe someday Farang will similarly be thrown on the graveyard of racially charged words ...

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One or two people tried to scam me (one was a Chinaman trying to sell me a woman and the other was a Thai trying to sell paintings), but apart from that over many years nobody bothered or hassled me.

Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. :)

I agree. Maybe someday Farang will similarly be thrown on the graveyard of racially charged words ...

Yeah, really. But, in this case I was just quoting a movie (The Big Lebowski). Sorry, I just couldn't resist! :D

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If you persist to hang out and or live in the heart of scammer country, which is Sukhumvit, what do you expect?

What amazes me is what are all these African/Nigerians doing for VISA's? They seem to be everywhere around Gullivers Soi 5 over to Soi 3 the last time I was there?

I am glad I live far away from this madness.

Why someone would move to Thailand and live or hang out on Sukhumvit is beyond me?

Soi 24 is hardly a dive.

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If you persist to hang out and or live in the heart of scammer country, which is Sukhumvit, what do you expect?

What amazes me is what are all these African/Nigerians doing for VISA's? They seem to be everywhere around Gullivers Soi 5 over to Soi 3 the last time I was there?

I am glad I live far away from this madness.

Why someone would move to Thailand and live or hang out on Sukhumvit is beyond me?

Soi 24 is hardly a dive.

I look at Sukhumvit in the same way as all the other overdeveloped areas in cities around the world. It's like a more unfashionable and seedy melrose place. Instead of Los Angeles fashionistas wearing prada parading around their hollywood exec boyfriends you have Thai nightlife hi-so bunnies in their slutty clothes, bargirls, poofter thai boys, and the usual contingent of glassy eyed farang wandering around. It's a mish mash that's trying hard to be upscale and cosmopolitan and failing in every respect. Money doesn't buy class. I don't see LA as any more superior but the same dregs of humanity are just dressed in different camo.

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I recommend the same rules in any big city, strangers approach you with unexpected pleasantries, especially around transport networks, train stations etc. Hand on wallet/phone, mind fully switched on, smile, shake of the head and walk off. Especially if you're outnumbered (one talks to you the other moves around you.....) don't worry about offending them.

They're relying on the idea that most people, when using public transport, are daydreaming and walking around in their own 'little bubble', they jump into your bubble and then run whatever scam they have in mind having caught you off-guard and burst it for you!

Could be something small like poncing a cigarette, could be christians, could be anything. My advice, keep walking.

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I think many of these guys are into serious scams, confidence games, etc. I was approached several times by similar overly friendly Africans in Kuala Lumpur. The bottom line is that in an urban setting strangers who instantly act like they want to be close friends with you (except if it is a mutual sexual attraction) have an agenda. They are seeking the naive, they are out there.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just tell them to <removed> off it works everytime for me especially when they try to touch you, because hey presto your wallets gone

Works with me as well but didn't work for my parents as they where followed by them two guys(this was also in Sukhumvit road).

My parent walked as hard as possible (they are 73 and 78 year old)

into the nearest hotel called me from there to pick them up as they where so scarred that they couldn't go back to there hotel in Silom road.

This happened the third day of there holiday in Thailand, they never when shopping again in Bangkok.

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Once or twice a week? They obviously find you extraordinarily alluring.

I get it maybe three or four times a year. I always say "You don't know me and I don't know you. Go away." And they do.

No racism on my part. I would say exactly the same if it were a honky. But in fact it has always been a black African. And always somewhere within 100m or so from Sukhumwit.

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