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Motorbike Accident


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this Story is unbelieveable:

Wednesday late afternoon, I was riding the Beach Road in Pattaya down South

just was parking my Motorbike near Central Road to watch the Sunset, a Guy from Israel

crashed into the Bike next to me - and in an "Domino Effect", I also went down with my Bike

at first, a little injury at my right leg - but exactly at my Achilles Tendon - appeared with blood

I just took a Foto of his License Plate and know, where I can find the Witness

nothing serious, I thought - but since yesterday, I can hardly walk without Pain

my question now is, if I can sue this Guy for compensation for personal suffering under Thai Law?

if so, how do I proceed and get the Maximum out of it?

Thanks in Advance for any helpfull Suggestion

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Find a lawyer... Quick. Good luck. But, don't ask more than you are entitled to or you are no better than the guy who caused the accident. It WAS an accident and sometimes you just have to live with the consequences of living in a world where accidents happen.

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my question now is, if I can sue this Guy for compensation for personal suffering under Thai Law?

if so, how do I proceed and get the Maximum out of it?

About all you would get, if anything at all, is the cost of your medical bills. Personal suffering doesn't cut it in Thailand. Doesn't sound like you are at death's door, so just chalk it up to experience, and move on.

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my question now is, if I can sue this Guy for compensation for personal suffering under Thai Law?

if so, how do I proceed and get the Maximum out of it?

About all you would get, if anything at all, is the cost of your medical bills. Personal suffering doesn't cut it in Thailand. Doesn't sound like you are at death's door, so just chalk it up to experience, and move on.

Yeap medical bills, repair of motor bike ,if applicable, only....you are not in the US toto....

Is there a BIB report about detailing the accident ?..Sounds to me like a geniune accident and sounds me like you are trying to exploit the situation

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my question now is, if I can sue this Guy for compensation for personal suffering under Thai Law?

if so, how do I proceed and get the Maximum out of it?

About all you would get, if anything at all, is the cost of your medical bills. Personal suffering doesn't cut it in Thailand. Doesn't sound like you are at death's door, so just chalk it up to experience, and move on.

Yeap medical bills, repair of motor bike ,if applicable, only....you are not in the US toto....

Is there a BIB report about detailing the accident ?..Sounds to me like a geniune accident and sounds me like you are trying to exploit the situation

it is very hard to squeeze blood from a stone, especially one on a rented bike.

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Is the photo proof enough? A friend of mine's car was hit by a bus a week ago, and because he didn't want to block traffic while waiting for the police, he moved his car. Because of this, the police said there was no proof that the bus hit him, so he'd have to use his own insurance. You should have done something immediately, now it may be too late.

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Find a lawyer... Quick. Good luck. But, don't ask more than you are entitled to or you are no better than the guy who caused the accident. It WAS an accident and sometimes you just have to live with the consequences of living in a world where accidents happen.

Don’t act like a farang and abuse the system. I came here because I thought the life is simpler and lawyers have less influence and cost are since law sues are rare

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Find a lawyer... Quick. Good luck. But, don't ask more than you are entitled to or you are no better than the guy who caused the accident. It WAS an accident and sometimes you just have to live with the consequences of living in a world where accidents happen.

Ian, this was a motor vehicle (cycle) collision, they are often branded as 'accidents' but there was nothing accidental about it. It most likely occurred due to someones negligence. Motorcycles DO NOT just crash for no reason. The term 'accident' implies that what occurred happened by chance without an apparent cause. i like to live in a world where people take responsibility for their careless actions and in this case the OP, should at very least have his medical expenses and damage to his motorcycle taken care of. I doubt he will receive money for pain and suffering in Thailand.

OP, I believe if the Police attended the accident then you may have been able to recover some of your medical expenses or perhaps some money to repair your motorcycle, but by the sounds of it you didnt call them, so I reakon ur chances are buckleys.

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That Israeli cannot ride a bike and somehow let the clutch out, triggering events?

How's your ankle?

In theory, the guilty party has insurance for such situations.

But some farang on a rented bike in Pattaya, on Beach Road...? :)

It might be too late...


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