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The Gentleman Scamp

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They are the most irksome of winged insects and the scourge of expats and tourists from Singapore to Suphanburi.

How much do you hate them?

If the entire species were to be eradicated, (which, let's face it, you have probably briefly daydreamed about at some point during your occupancy) - then what effect would it have on nature? Do they serve any purpose whatsoever other than to relentlessly piss us off?

What tips do you have regarding prevention and methods of killing that have not been heard on this forum before, such as Vit b12, Marmite, carrot droppings etc...

(I personally find that having a good soapdown in the shower makes them easier to grab when your hands are in a lather - they just stick and wash off.)

Vent your angst and anecdotes here.


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As a good buddhist I avoid squashing them, prefering instead to burn a fragrant incense, and as the smoke rises the mosquitoes, drawn by the c02 given off by the burning joss stick, the winged creatures slowly rise up towards the ceiling and away from the people in the room, saving all much discomfort.

Then, when they're trapped like that I blast the fcukrs with a torrent of chemicals and go have a beer round the corner until they're all dead and the air is clear. :o


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As a good buddhist I avoid squashing them, prefering instead to burn a fragrant incense, and as the smoke rises the mosquitoes, drawn by the c02 given off by the burning joss stick, the winged creatures slowly rise up towards the ceiling and away from the people in the room, saving all much discomfort.

Then, when they're trapped like that I blast the fcukrs with a torrent of chemicals and go have a beer round the corner until they're all dead and the air is clear.  :o



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Mossies don't like smoke. Burning incense at 6pm helps to dicourage them.

I hate the smell of the aerosols but I find my electrocution bat a very effective tool and the smell of toasted mossies always brings a satified smile to my usual sombre face as I ponder the pain they have suffered.

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Mossies don't like smoke.  Burning incense at 6pm helps to dicourage them.

I hate the smell of the aerosols but I find my electrocution bat a very effective tool and the smell of toasted mossies always brings a satified smile to my usual sombre face as I ponder the pain they have suffered.


yes,the smell of BBQ'd mozzies also brings a nasty wee smile to myself as well. :D

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I prefer the electric bat method myself. Although i am trying to train myself not to look quite so maniacal whilst waving my mosquito frying bat around my head and giggling with glee at the lovely sound of them popping. I fear i am losing the battle though!

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Be glad you only have to deal with Thai mosquitoes (mostly). Back in the Great White North (Canada eh !), we have mosquitoes the size of small birds, (can bleed a child dry in minutes. Been known to fly away with small babies).

PLUS we have:

Horseflies (about 5 times the size of the flies you see buzzing around the garbage, they actually bite hunks of flesh off of you).

Deer Flies - slightly smaller than horseflies, but usually in greater numbers.

Gnats - another "biter", smaller than the average mosquito, seem to like the area around the eyes (looking for a drink to go with their meal).

"No-see-ums" The smallest of the biters, can fly straight through most mosquito nets without slowing down.

And those are just the ones that fly !

One repellant that alot of folks back home are using is those Fabric Softener sheets (like "Bounce"). People tuck those little sheets in their pockets and hats, and rub them on exposed skin. Cheaper than most retail repellants too !

Citronella is popular among the crowd that like "natural" repellants, but it has a nasty tendency to attract bears if you are in the woods (they like that sweet smell).

Another natural repellant (supposedly) is garlic. ("Not Just For Vampires Anymore"). Some people swear by it, eating a clove of raw garlic every day. (of course if you do that, nobody else will want to be near you, so why would mosquitoes ?)

One ex-pat in Pattaya had a different solution. While he sat on a stool getting plastered, his g/f would swat the mossies away with a rolled up newspaper !

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It's funny you should ask about putting your mozzies down. I've just been reading this great big book on "How to put your mozzie down" and it turms out you can either shoot them just above the beak or hit them with the book. (With appologies to Monty Python.)

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It's funny you should ask about putting your mozzies down. I've just been reading this great big book on "How to put your mozzie down" and it turms out you can either shoot them just above the beak or hit them with the book. (With appologies to Monty Python.)

I have heard that they are hard to skin after you have shot them....

( appologies to Monty Python, Hank and Hal, the two great mozzie hunters from Australia)

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there's an amazing device called a screen...goes over windows and doors...designed by rocket scientists...

You read too much science fiction. Next thing you'll be making up stories about some magic liquid you can put on your walls to change the colour and cover up the grime, or some wacky plan to arrange neat parallel rows on the street to keep traffic in order.


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there's an amazing device called a screen...goes over windows and doors...designed by rocket scientists...

You read too much science fiction. Next thing you'll be making up stories about some magic liquid you can put on your walls to change the colour and cover up the grime, or some wacky plan to arrange neat parallel rows on the street to keep traffic in order.


Thailand resides in a different dimension...

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You read too much science fiction. Next thing you'll be making up stories about some magic liquid you can put on your walls to change the colour and cover up the grime, or some wacky plan to arrange neat parallel rows on the street to keep traffic in order.


If they did that, then someone would have to come up with a way of actually enforcing the traffic to keep it in order !

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You read too much science fiction. Next thing you'll be making up stories about some magic liquid you can put on your walls to change the colour and cover up the grime, or some wacky plan to arrange neat parallel rows on the street to keep traffic in order.


If they did that, then someone would have to come up with a way of actually enforcing the traffic to keep it in order !

They built thousands of brown machines to do this. You put money in the machine and it enforces traffic laws. So far they only managed to get the first part to work. :o


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A mosquitos purpose in nature...Well they do pollinate bannana trees.

Mosquito control method:

Take a beer bottle and fill it half way with Apple Cider Vinegar.Place the bottle in

the dark part of your home or where they like to hang out.You will catch some in

the vinegar.They like it,but it kills them....

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Arent mossie coils banned in Australia?

They should be benned everywhere - even outside they will do far more harm to you than the mozzie.

When sleeping, a fan is a surprisingly simple way of avoiding the lumps.

Unfortunatly it doesn't kill em, just stops the bastards from being able to land on you.

Thats great advice I never knew,I looked it up after reading what you said.

ONE coil has more toxins(no not taxins) than 75 to 130 odd cigs.I always thought they were saver than sprays

Well read it here


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i know when i'm drunk they dont bother me, maybe its the alcohol in the blood


I have the same experience, enough alcohol and they leave you alone, or perhaps they don't like my taste :D

Surely it's just that after a few drinks, you don't notice them...

So what is so dangerous about mozzie coils? Is there any difference between the red ones and the green ones? And who is daft enough to use them indoors in the first place? (Well okay, The Gentleman Scamp is.)

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