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Most Famous Friends In Thailand?


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Not talking about some superstar or politician you met in a bar once, but who has any famous people that are actual 'call up and go out with' friends?

I have one, not very famous at all but since he's the only one he'll have to do :o

A good friend of mine from many years back in Thailand is a Burmese guy who does the live chat show/music for the Burmese people here on Radio Thailand every Friday.

Yep that's it for me :D , but I think Ajarn on here has some politcians for friends, who else does?

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I used to sell converted coaches and hang with the rich and famous. They were some messed up people, I can assure you that with very few exceptions I would greatly prefer having a beer with ovenman, I bet his one liners are as good and quick in person.

A few favorites though were alot of fun, one was a comedian by the name of Gallagher, that guy could honestly get everyone lauging so hard they would piss their pants. Another favorite was Ernest Evans, stage name of Chubby Checker, he must be pushing 70 now. A kind gentle man who fell in love with his coach we built him. For the most part about 99 percent of my rich and famous group were just plain the most talented god awful @ssholes you ever would like to meet. It was interesting, always thinking about writing a book because I got to know most of the people when their guard was down, unlike professional media doing interviews and such.

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Family friend and client for my Dad and family is the ex commerce minister for Thailand, He owns sports clubs/ shopping centres in BKK.

does Lam count as a famous person? :o

Not friends as such but famous music stars are regular customers.

Back home the families known various famous cricketers, Barry Hearn etc.

Theres a few wannabe famous farangs in Pattaya :D

Edited by davethailand
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I met the Minister of Industry at the grand opening of the mall next to the Indra Hotel couple months ago - does that count?

He and his wife were in a group of people my wife knows and we got introduced.

BTW - his wife's a babe... :o

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Not talking about some superstar or politician you met in a bar once, but who has any famous people that are actual 'call up and go out with' friends?

  I have one, not very famous at all but since he's the only one he'll have to do :o

A good friend of mine from many years back in Thailand is a Burmese guy who does the live chat show/music for the Burmese people here on Radio Thailand every Friday.

Yep that's it for me :D , but I think Ajarn on here has some politcians for friends,  who else does?

I suppose I have lived too long in Scandinavia to appreciate the point of this thread.

There, and particularly in Denmark, the people loathe anything that resemble “celebrity celebrations” as it is practised in UK and other places. So much so that many famous people, often from the music industry choose to live there.

Copenhagen the capital city is quite a small place. Therefore a Saturday trip downtown means inevitably bumping into a few of these “knowns” as the Danes call them. If this should happen everyone makes as though they do not notice, often averting their eyes, even crossing the street, but all making an effort to ignore the “known”.

This gives enormous freedom to those who are often a plagued by stupid “so-called” fans whenever they are working abroad. Many of them pay back these freedoms in often unusual ways to the obvious pleasure of most Danes. The most common way for the musicians is that they often spontaneously join the groups of buskers found around the city.

I have seen busking in the streets: Jazz musician Thadd Jones (before he died), Bruce Springsteen, Van Morrison (who was a neighbour in Vanlose), Billy Cross (Bob Dylan’s lead guitarist on his Tokyo tour) and many others whose names I forget.

If ever you visit one of the clubs in Copenhagen where they play live music, you stand a good chance of sharing a table with someone who, in another time and place, would have been surrounded by genuflecting fans.

One example to further illustrate what is an enormous difference, from especially Thailand, this Danish attitude is: I was in a bookshop, about to buy a book, when the assistant looked over my head saying, “Oh yes, your books have arrived. I’ll just go downstairs and get them”. A little annoyed, as perhaps only the British can be, when someone appears to break the queue, I turned around to give the offender the frosty look. Only to be greeted by the smiling face of the Queen of Denmark.

Her Majesty freely walks the streets of Copenhagen to do her personal shopping, recognised by all, but respectful ignored, whilst going about her private business

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I am pretty sure that I can top everybody in one respect. Okay, he is not a friend now, but I knew Taksin Shinawatra when he had an IBM dealership and he took me out to lunch a couple of times as a potential client.

He was a Police Captain at the time, running the police computer department, from memory.

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I have a good friend(almost family) who is an ex-diplomat who knows a lot of famous politicians and members of royal families.

Whilst staying at his hotel on the beach, the Prince of Cambodia came round for a surprise visit as it was his good friends birthday. There were some famous politicians there too, but I take no interest in them.

Stephen Hendry, who I met a couple of times when he was playing snooker in Bangkok. I've had a drink with Ad Carabao. I had a drink with Jonathan Rythes Jones, who I didn't know who he was at the time, last year.

The singer from the Pogues and I got wasted together one night.

Oh, there was a night with Jimmy white and Tony Drago(snooker players).

I beat a guy who was Thailand's no.4 at snooker once. He had beaten James Wattana!, he must have let me win though.

I went out with a girl, who as it happens was a student of mine :o I never used my position as a teacher to bed her, I don't think. Her father was Minister of Defense(10 years or so ago). Luckily, he never met me, or I wouldn't be here today!

Oh does Dougie Donnelly count, Willie Miller, Dennis Law(friend of Dads)?

Recently, I was standing in a shower in a swimming pool in Melbourne whe I noticed the guy next to me was familiar. I didn't want to stare as it was a shower, but he was that guy Thorpe, the swimmer, big guy, height I mean!

I have Ronan keatings telephone number, which many girls have asked for. I stupidly gave it to one. He is a good friend of my brother.

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I have a good friend(almost family) who is an ex-diplomat who knows a lot of famous politicians and members of royal families.

Whilst staying at  his hotel on the beach, the Prince of Cambodia came round for a surprise visit as it was his good friends birthday. There were some famous politicians there too, but I take no interest in them.

Stephen Hendry, who I met a couple of times when he was playing snooker in Bangkok. I've had a drink with Ad Carabao. I had a drink with Jonathan Rythes Jones, who I didn't know who he was at the time, last year.

The singer from the Pogues and I got wasted together one night.

Oh, there was a night with Jimmy white and Tony Drago(snooker players).

I beat a guy who was Thailand's no.4 at snooker once. He had beaten James Wattana!, he must have let me win though.

I went out with a girl, who as it happens was a student of mine :D I never used my position as a teacher to bed her, I don't think. Her father was Minister of Defense(10 years or so ago). Luckily, he never met me, or I wouldn't be here today!

Oh does Dougie Donnelly count, Willie Miller, Dennis Law(friend of Dads)?

Recently, I was standing in a shower in a swimming pool in Melbourne whe I noticed the guy next to me was familiar. I didn't want to stare as it was a shower, but he was that guy Thorpe, the swimmer, big guy, height I mean!

I have Ronan keatings telephone number, which many girls have asked for. I stupidly gave it to one. He is a good friend of my brother.

In summary, " No, I don't"


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Oh does Dougie Donnelly count, Willie Miller, Dennis Law(friend of Dads)?

No, but my cats blacker than your cat.

Did I tell you about the time Prince Charles asked my advice about the horror he has just married?

He obviously did not heed my pearls of wisdom, I tell you I am sick to death of all these celebrities mithering me next time I will keep my phone number ex-directory.

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The singer from the Pogues and I got wasted together one night.

This puts you in a rather large group, doesn't it?

Oh, and to Thomas Merton, who said:

I suppose I have lived too long in Scandinavia to appreciate the point of this thread.

There, and particularly in Denmark, the people loathe anything that resemble “celebrity celebrations” as it is practised in UK and other places.

My respect for Scandinavians grows and grows.

I have no famous friends in Thailand.

jb :o

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I had Richard Bestic from Sky news in the pub,interviwing me about one of our customers Ken Bigley that got killed in Iraq. I suppose in retrospect Ken himself is,or was quite famous,but for the wrong reasons. We have had lots of authors, photographers, painters, musicians etc all of them famous in their own departments. Three or four film directors( Butterfly Man,Suryiathai,national geographic and a documentry on Isaan) The Dutch pair of Murial and Raymond who cycled the silk road from Ubekistan to Indonesia,another couple that have been round the world three times in their camper van. All famous people in their own rights that still keep in touch. And of course there's me

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I had Richard Bestic from Sky news in the pub,interviwing me about one of our customers Ken Bigley that got killed in Iraq. I suppose in retrospect Ken himself is,or was quite famous,but for the wrong reasons. We have had lots of authors, photographers, painters, musicians etc all of them famous in their own departments. Three or four film directors( Butterfly Man,Suryiathai,national geographic and a documentry on Isaan) The Dutch pair of Murial and Raymond who cycled the silk road from Ubekistan to Indonesia,another couple that have been round the world three times in their camper van. All famous people in their own rights that still keep in touch. And of course there's me

And of course there's me

I believe he was asking about 'famous', not 'infamous' :o

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One of my friends reads the news on a popular English radio station. I have another friend who's appears in several music videos (as a bass player in the band for solo-artists). Another friend of mine is in Parliament. Several friends of mine are in various diplomatic positions at the American Embassy and other embassies. And of course my wife, who's quite famous.

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One of my friends reads the news on a popular English radio station.  I have another friend who's appears in several music videos (as a bass player in the band for solo-artists).  Another friend of mine is in Parliament.  Several friends of mine are in various diplomatic positions at the American Embassy and other embassies.  And of course my wife, who's quite famous.

whos' your wife Pudgie?

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One of my friends reads the news on a popular English radio station.  I have another friend who's appears in several music videos (as a bass player in the band for solo-artists).  Another friend of mine is in Parliament.  Several friends of mine are in various diplomatic positions at the American Embassy and other embassies.  And of course my wife, who's quite famous.

whos' your wife Pudgie?

Mrs Pudgie :o:D:D

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Not in LoS, but when I lived in the UK, we were good friends with the personal bodyguard of the Queen (of UK). His wife had just had twins and my children used to go round and play with them.

A very nice guy, but he got another job after a slight accident. (He was the guy who shot himself in the foot a few years ago whilst cleaning his gun on the Queen's royal train... :D )

My UK wife knows Cherie Blair (wife of the UK prime-minister) quite well as they both go to the same catholic church near to Chequers (PM's country retreat). They got talking about 4 years back when our daughter was sick over Cherie's shoulder :o

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I "know" several people in Thai Hi Society and meet with them often. My wife is also related to quite a prominent person in the finance world.

I am also close to a Thai politician accused of taking a multimillion bribe (never proved guilty).

Not here in Thailand, but one of my best friends is the chairman (or whatever it's called) of the Danish stockmarket.

One of my friends in Denmark was a body guard of the royal family.

I personally know Leo Sayers and Adam Faith (ever heard of them?). I went to school with David Green ( a European boxer).

My mum was a nurse. Me? I'm just an ordinary guy like all these people. Deep down inside they are skin and blood just like you and me.

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