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A Hare Brained Idea


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I am not sure what to name this thread topic but just had an eureka moment, just sharing with the experts here to see if its do-able.

Some background, I fly into BKK to visit the gf regularly and also I have an ex-wife with kids here as well. My gf recently forbade me to visit the ex and the kids (wont go into details). To prevent this, she is always picking me up at the airport and checking the stamps on my passport as well. I have just thought of an idea to bypass this so as I can have some time to visit my ex and the kids.

Here goes - I will tell the gf that I am flying in arrival in BKK at night, same day I actually fly in in the morning and after visiting the ex and kids then I return to the airport at night (here comes the hard part). I will purchase beforehand aonther domestic/international ticket out of BKK scheduled around the same time i am 'supposed' to arrive so I can enter the restricted area of the airport and then tell customs that I had to go back out due to some urgent matters and not make the flight. I will then exit from the restricted area to my waiting gf outside who will be none the wiser thinking I have just arrived and the passport will show the stamp bearing same day. (minor details) Now with internet ticketing I would have amend the details on my flight schedule beforehand.

Anyone (for whatever reasons) tried this before? Did I leave anything out? Any loopholes to this? Can I enter from departure and exit from arrival?

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I havent tried what you are suggesting, but believe you are treading on rocky ground.

The real issue here is you being able to see your children, whats the crime there, perhaps its time to sit the gf down and discuss this with her and depending on the outcome of that discussing it may be time for you to seek a more understanding gf. Those children are most likely to benifit from having you in their lives, I wouldnt let any woman dictate those terms to me. Goodluck.

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Not letting you see your ex is one thing, not letting you see your own kids is another matter entirely.

I think that you need to man up.

Agree 100%

Are you planning on NEVER seeing your kids again because of this "control freak" of a woman you are with?

It's a shame for your kids not to know their farther, but on the other hand maybe they don't need a dad as spineless as you appear to be :)

Get a grip man

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Living a lie always gets deeper and more expensive in the long run. What you afraid of will sooner or later caught up with you and destroy your life. You may as well man up and be true to yourself because you are the only one you are deceiving. The kids should come first in my opinion.

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Thank you for the comments about confronting the problem, maybe some thai culture has rubbed off on me to sidetrack the issue and avoid confrontation. I guess I will deal with it further down the road when I have no choice.

For the time being, I will try to explore other avenues like these.

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Firstly gotta agree with the previous posters. If a GF told me I could not see my kid she'd be straight out the door, but fotunately I'm not in that position so only you can decide that.

Secondly the practical issue of what you propose. You'd have to go all the way through to the dedparture gate to be able to get airside to come back in through arrivals, IF they would escort you in that way, they might just send you out through departures the way you came in.

And then there's the security question as well and the suspicion that you may have put a b**b on the 'plane and that's why you don't want to board.

AND you'll have a departure stamp and 2 arrival stamps dated the same day so unless you're luck yand they're on separate pages or your GF is stupid then in short I personally think your idea won't work.

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Firstly gotta agree with the previous posters. If a GF told me I could not see my kid she'd be straight out the door, but fotunately I'm not in that position so only you can decide that.

Secondly the practical issue of what you propose. You'd have to go all the way through to the dedparture gate to be able to get airside to come back in through arrivals, IF they would escort you in that way, they might just send you out through departures the way you came in.

And then there's the security question as well and the suspicion that you may have put a b**b on the 'plane and that's why you don't want to board.

AND you'll have a departure stamp and 2 arrival stamps dated the same day so unless you're luck yand they're on separate pages or your GF is stupid then in short I personally think your idea won't work.

I think I would have to go thru immigration again if I had bought a flight out of the country. What about a domestic flight? No need to stamp my passport right? The reason for the other ticket is just like 'cover charge' to re-enter the airport restricted area and appear again. But my concern will be entering in from 'departures' and them not letting me exit in 'arrivals'. In some other smaller airports I might be able to pull this off but not sure about Swampy.

Noted on the other comments regarding the gf. Thanks

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Guys such as the OP totally do amaze me.

Are some men really so desperate for a woman that they are willing to let themselves be 100% controlled and would give all including their assets as in the sin-sod scams and in some cases even their souls.

In the OPs case he should have stipulated from the beginning that he has children and will be visiting them on a regular basis and that’s the situation and she should accept it or leave it.

I doubt if the OP will be able to do this, as it seems hot totty first and family matters second.

Today in one of the Thai national newspapers the front page is about a 75 year old Jap who married a Thai lady 25 years his junior. The Thai lady manipulated her Thai boyfriend to murder the Jap and burn his body for his money. Both are now is jail.

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The exact details are too complicated and personal for me to share. Would it be better if I said the premise that I am doing this is to get away some away time from the gf and meet up with a new hot chick that i have just met? Please dun judge me, I am just trying to find out if my idea can work.

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Guys such as the OP totally do amaze me.


Today in one of the Thai national newspapers the front page is about a 75 year old Jap who married a Thai lady 25 years his junior. The Thai lady manipulated her Thai boyfriend to murder the Jap and burn his body for his money. Both are now is jail.

I don't think that's a very constructive suggestion. I know the OP's idea's a bit hare-brained, but its better than murdering the girlfriend and torching her body.

I think he'd be better to spend a a couple of weeks picking up other girlfriends. and then after a thorough taste-test challenge, select one that was more family-friendly.

I don't see why he is telling the girlfriend whenever he comes to Thailand anyway; make it a nice surprise foer her from time to time... given his flagrant disregard for money, I doubt she's paying for him to come here...

Having said all that, I have some sypathy for him, and I appreciate the enjoyment that can be had from making things un-necessarily complicated and sailing close to the wind. What about flying the ex and kids to a 3rd country to meet them there?


maybe he's dyslexic? and got the word order mixed up, and he's here to see the wife and kids, but likes to slope off to see the girlfriend en route, same as the rest of us? Wel, not me, obviously, but presumably others...

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The exact details are too complicated and personal for me to share. Would it be better if I said the premise that I am doing this is to get away some away time from the gf and meet up with a new hot chick that i have just met? Please dun judge me, I am just trying to find out if my idea can work.

Ex-wife with kids

Current GF in tow

Trying to sneak off and meet the future GF...

Why am I getting visions of carving knives and noise of ducks quack quacking in my head.... :)

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What nonsense is that?? If he would be let's say French he would be as much an embarrassment for anyone calling himself a man...

Get rid of that gf!

To the OP: Your idea is stupid. What are you going to do with your luggage? If you have check-in luggage your plan will not work. Or are you travelling with handluggage only and your gf doesn't expect you arriving with a big suitcase from overseas?

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The exact details are too complicated and personal for me to share. Would it be better if I said the premise that I am doing this is to get away some away time from the gf and meet up with a new hot chick that i have just met? Please dun judge me, I am just trying to find out if my idea can work.

If i understand you right, you want to pretend to yourself that you need to see your kids which you aren't allowed to by your current missus, yet in reality you want get a bit on the side, and all that under the guise of that "maybe some thai culture has rubbed off on..." you.

This is getting better by the minute. Please continue... :)

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Sorry, I think you have confused what I said with another post. I totally agree with everything you say.

30 years ago, my wife and I suffered over the death of our child, and later she had an affair and left me. I also fought like a tiger for custody of my 2 children, a boy of 5 and a daughter of 2.

The odds were against me in the UK courts and I lost big time, my home, being full time with the kids and all the crap that went with it. Took me 20 years after that to rebuild my life again.

Got the teeshirt, read the book and seen the movie.

I can 100% relate to how you feel, but the anger does wear off over time, life has to continue on.

And please don`t suggest I should be castrated, my sex life is bad enough as it is.

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He is my solution....bin the GF...problem solved...this your GF has some serious issues with control...grow a pair


And especially as you're talking about some other piece, to boot! Why not go whole hog and have a replica passport made with the time in that you want if you're that manic about it all?... saying that, do they even stamp the time?

As the others, you seriously need to grow a pair. Christ, I wouldn't even have the wife rummage through my passport, let alone some floozy if I were in your shoes, and in particular one who forbade me to see my kids. Srike a f'kin light!

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My gf recently forbade me to visit the ex and the kids (wont go into details). To prevent this, she is always picking me up at the airport and checking the stamps on my passport as well.

Er...she even goes as far as checking the stamps on you passport..and you let her! How about "mind your own business and dont be so dam_n controlling woman!!". Why would seeing your ex wife and kids even be up for discussion, let alone be forbidden by your gf? Why would you even consider accepting that demand?..its your kids! Im honestly scratching my head over this...

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I feel so sorry for the OP's kids. He's had and will have many girlfriends (obviously), but those kids will have only one father. It will take them decades to get over the unfortunate karma that allowed the OP to be their father.

If sex is so important to the OP, then he can pay for it on a single-use basis here very easily and keep it quiet from his kids. The kids should feel that they are the most important thing in his life.

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please, carry on with your plan. hijinks and shenanigans are precisely what a relationship based on yearly visits should be all about. i'll give you bonus points if you can squeeze in a gik!

I'm glad someone else is taking the original poster's question seriously and trying to be constructive, rather than just nay-saying and criticising the poor chap.

I thought the idea of a spare false passport was a good one, as well, eek; but why not just claim to have lost it - he'd then have to go back to the airport a day or two early on te way home to recover it; he could probably squeeze in another fancy piece as well... Again, it would probably only work two or three times before the gf became suspicious...

For the OP: I really would not start messing about with airport security controls or immigration. People in that line of work are notorious for serious sense-of-humour limitations. You can run from the quacking ducks, but you;'d not want to fall foul of the law, regardless of how innocently mischevious your intentions were.

Best of luck, and please let us know any more cunning plans, and how they go...


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My gf recently forbade me to visit the ex and the kids (wont go into details). To prevent this, she is always picking me up at the airport and checking the stamps on my passport as well.

Er...she even goes as far as checking the stamps on you passport..and you let her! How about "mind your own business and dont be so dam_n controlling woman!!". Why would seeing your ex wife and kids even be up for discussion, let alone be forbidden by your gf? Why would you even consider accepting that demand?..its your kids! Im honestly scratching my head over this...

I’m not going to jump on the bandwagon of blaming the gf .

The OP has withheld the reason for his gf’s demands, so how do we know whether she is being unreasonable.

Example: The last time the OP visited his ex-wife and kids he ended up Sh***ing her. Then the ex was only too pleased to contact the gf with all the dirty details (it happens).

The OP needs to tell the whole story before we condemn the gf.

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Its hard to not judge when the OP states she forbids him from having contact with his children. But, chickenlegs, i think that most of us are not "blaming" the gf, we are shocked at her controlling behaviour. It spells trouble. If the OP gave her cause to be seriously concerned to the point of dictating what he should do and checking up on his passport stamps, shes better off without him. If both of them dont mind having a relationship in this way, then ok, good luck to them, but doesnt sound very healthy at all to me. The main factor however, is that there are children involved. I cant understand why the OP would go along with any kind of demand of this sort at all. At the very least a compromise should have been sought with regards to visitation. Having to concoct some bizarre plan just to get to see his kids beggars belief.

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A second passport, issued at the home country, is only useful for hiding the stamps of another stay in Thailand to the gf. Claim to have lost the passport in Thailand is illegal and can have serious consequences. Apart from that it means police report, embassy and Thai immigration procedures.

Besides: the domestic "arrival" exit is not the same like the international "arrival" exit. And anyway: She can look for and ask for boarding pass and baggage tags, which show the flight number. If she is that cunning, she can ask the airline, if he was on that evening flight.

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