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Miserly Uk Passport


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The new UK passport - that is the so called bumper 48 page version - has actually only 41 useable pages. The new standard Thai pasport - valid for only 5 years - has 47 useable pages.

One wonders why the british government have slimmed down and slimmed down the useable pages :)

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"One wonders why the british government have slimmed down and slimmed down the useable pages huh.gif"

Anything to do with Gordon Clown and his bunch of cronies will involve squeezing as much cash out of people by stealth as is possible. This I suspect is another way of doing so. :)

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One wonders why the british government have slimmed down and slimmed down the useable pages

For the same reason that a 100 page magazine contains 75 pages of adverts, an index page, an editorial page telling how good the mag is, 3 pages of previews of next month's issue, 2 pages of reader's letters and a "free" pull out section guide to the wineries of southern Botswana but still charges you 5 quid for the priveledge.

Answer (magazine) : Profit and because they can (knowing people will still buy it no matter what trash is contained).

Answer (passport) : Profit and because they can (knowing people will still pay up).

You can always make a stand for the common man and refuse to buy one. I'll send an e mail of support for you to the government.

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You can always make a stand for the common man and refuse to buy one. I'll send an e mail of support for you to the government.

:) Of course Gordon and his morons will be more than happy to listen to what the common man wants.

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The standard 10 year british passport has only half the pages of the standard Thai 5 year pssport. They are obviously taking the p*ss

They have been taking the piss for the last 12 years, and more so in the last 3.

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When I renewed my passport in Dubai 2 years ago I was unable to get larger one with the one with the extra pages, and it is almost full already. On the other hand the cost of a passport is a small price to pay for being allowed not to stay there

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"One wonders why the british government have slimmed down and slimmed down the useable pages huh.gif"

Anything to do with Gordon Clown and his bunch of cronies will involve squeezing as much cash out of people by stealth as is possible. This I suspect is another way of doing so. :D

Exactly ! if you are one of those who have dared to be sucessful enough to be able to travel overseas you must pay, pay ,Pay ! It's all to help the enviroment you know :D:D:D:D:D

Nothing to do with the fact that the Govt is potless :)

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"One wonders why the british government have slimmed down and slimmed down the useable pages huh.gif"

Anything to do with Gordon Clown and his bunch of cronies will involve squeezing as much cash out of people by stealth as is possible. This I suspect is another way of doing so. :)

It's been like that for a long long time before Gordon Brown.

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As the holder of an American passport with 3 sets of "added pages" (26 or so pages each) in addition to the original pages, I always cringe when I hear from my British Commonwealth brethren about their expensive route of not being able to do so for free. I always feel bad for them.

Edited by bowin
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Unbelievable! Stop your whining! You're going on because there are few extra pages missing (that 99% of the population would never use anyway)?

At least you get 5 years for you money. In other countries, the citizens often pay as much or more for only a 5-year passport.

I've never made a comment before about Brits being a whining bunch of chronic complainers, but I've read many of them. NOW I see why.

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Unbelievable! Stop your whining! You're going on because there are few extra pages missing (that 99% of the population would never use anyway)?

At least you get 5 years for you money. In other countries, the citizens often pay as much or more for only a 5-year passport.

I've never made a comment before about Brits being a whining bunch of chronic complainers, but I've read many of them. NOW I see why.

As it clearly isn't a problem to you, then why bother commenting. I hardly think it is a whine, just an observation that the pages in the passport have been cut. Now run along to kindergarten, and stop trying to turn the thread into a Brit bashing one, it's all rather tired and boring.

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The OP complains that the passport is "slimmed down" but he doesn't say from what, he only compares it to a Thai passport. I've just "uprated" from a 32-page to a 48-page, so am unable to make a direct comparison, but one feature of the new passport is that the biodetails page with its embedded chip is on a separate page instead of incorporated in the back cover, a vast improvement, as the former configuration lent itself very easily to photo-substitution.

The fatuity of having to include every European language in the heading of the "Notes" page has resulted in that increasing to two pages, ditto the "Details" (surname, given names, etc).

So you might as well blame the Eurofanatics as Gordon Brown - but hey, let's give GB another kicking anyway, that's all he's good for now.

But the Brit passport is certainly an expensive item now.

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As the holder of an American passport with 3 sets of "added pages" (26 or so pages each) in addition to the original pages, I always cringe when I hear from my British Commonwealth brethren about their expensive route of not being able to do so for free. I always feel bad for them.

Pretty sure one day our colonial cousins in the US goverment will pick up on this one, it will be implemented to stop the spread terrorism under the patriot act of course..... :)

Then again remember reading somewhere that 90% of US citizens done even have a passport, so dont think there would be much finanical benefit by refusing to put additional pages in anyways.. :D

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Ithink my UK passport is great value, even though its just a diddy little 32 pager.

THat'll only last me a couple of years, but if I was actually living there and travelling round Europe, it would probably go ten years as clean as the day I bought it.

If you're not happy with your UK passport, buy a Thai one. But I think you'll find it more expensive, and not as safe as a legitimate British one. And it won't get you visa-free entry to so many countries.


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Ithink my UK passport is great value, even though its just a diddy little 32 pager.

Personally I agree, the people who complain about the cost of a passport that lasts ten years are like those who spend 600 quid flying to Thailand then moan about paying ten Baht on a Pattaya song taew.

I must admit I never checked the number of usable pages in my 48 pager, have just done so, but I can only assume that the same number of redundant pages exist in the standard 32 page job.

Still we'll soon see passports go the way of 45 RPM records, we will travel the world with an implant in our right fore arm or a quick glance in a pair of binoculars at immigration. Then the whingers will be out complaining it's all a BIG CONSPIRACY by big brother to track us and scan our brains to neutralise any radical thinking.

Oh I forgot the traditionalists who will be moaning because they prefer a printed document to remind them when their visa is up.

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The OP complains that the passport is "slimmed down" but he doesn't say from what, he only compares it to a Thai passport. I've just "uprated" from a 32-page to a 48-page, so am unable to make a direct comparison, but one feature of the new passport is that the biodetails page with its embedded chip is on a separate page instead of incorporated in the back cover, a vast improvement, as the former configuration lent itself very easily to photo-substitution.

The fatuity of having to include every European language in the heading of the "Notes" page has resulted in that increasing to two pages, ditto the "Details" (surname, given names, etc).

So you might as well blame the Eurofanatics as Gordon Brown - but hey, let's give GB another kicking anyway, that's all he's good for now.

But the Brit passport is certainly an expensive item now.

I suspect the only reason to mention a Thai passport was to make the topic relevant to a Thai oriented forum.

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Ithink my UK passport is great value, even though its just a diddy little 32 pager.

Personally I agree, the people who complain about the cost of a passport that lasts ten years are like those who spend 600 quid flying to Thailand then moan about paying ten Baht on a Pattaya song taew.

I must admit I never checked the number of usable pages in my 48 pager, have just done so, but I can only assume that the same number of redundant pages exist in the standard 32 page job.

Still we'll soon see passports go the way of 45 RPM records, we will travel the world with an implant in our right fore arm or a quick glance in a pair of binoculars at immigration. Then the whingers will be out complaining it's all a BIG CONSPIRACY by big brother to track us and scan our brains to neutralise any radical thinking.

Oh I forgot the traditionalists who will be moaning because they prefer a printed document to remind them when their visa is up.

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Edited by rabcbroon
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Very good rabc, do you realise that there is life, real life, outside your front door? :D:D

phazey, how does leaving room for the RFID chip mean we are in the nanny state even if we're not?

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Because when i walk past any brit embassy it makes my passport vibrate...previously, it was used to track packages :)

[edit] RFID was supposed to make immigration quicker.....i feel swampy has not improved with check in/out speed at all....

Edited by phazey
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The OP complains that the passport is "slimmed down" but he doesn't say from what, he only compares it to a Thai passport. I've just "uprated" from a 32-page to a 48-page, so am unable to make a direct comparison, but one feature of the new passport is that the biodetails page with its embedded chip is on a separate page instead of incorporated in the back cover, a vast improvement, as the former configuration lent itself very easily to photo-substitution.

The fatuity of having to include every European language in the heading of the "Notes" page has resulted in that increasing to two pages, ditto the "Details" (surname, given names, etc).

So you might as well blame the Eurofanatics as Gordon Brown - but hey, let's give GB another kicking anyway, that's all he's good for now.

But the Brit passport is certainly an expensive item now.

Well I prefer the old type than the new type.

Got mine passport just prior to the big brother sht of chips and biometric crp. All a very good excuse to bump up the price of the passport, crony out the work to inflated priced companies and laugh all the way to the bank.

Oh and Golden GB deserves a length of rope or a big stay in prison the way he's continuing the dismantling of the UK into Eurosville and third-world ruin...

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Well I prefer the old type than the new type.

So do I..... the old one's had a sentence in them something along the lines of "give this passport holder any sh*t and we will send a gun boat up your river"....ah the good old colonial days of empire... :)

These days...Give the passport holder any sh*t you want cos we wont help them...

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Very good rabc, do you realise that there is life, real life, outside your front door? :D:D

phazey, how does leaving room for the RFID chip mean we are in the nanny state even if we're not?

Thai Visa and the cyber world are my only true worlds now. Anyway it is dangerous out there - just read Thai Visa forum and you will see that :D

Excuse me just a moment as i have to order some groceries - online ofcourse :D

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sorry, not Thailand related

we have let the pension related questions/threads run, because they are of importance to a lot of our UK members living in Thailand.

however, while passport is an important document, unless it is something thats affecting your daily lives in Thailand, I will have to close this

(as otherwise there would be lots of other things non Thai related, but of interest to members, but we have to try to keep discussions on the forum more Thai related)


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