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Girl With Tattoo


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Very unoriginal and boorish comments like 'tramp stamp' should perhaps be directed by the posters in person at the male population with 'love and hate' Tattoos on their knuckles......or the other muscle men who enjoy wearing Tattoos......then perhaps they may change their sad opinions.......and appreciate that for years both men and women...formerly mostly men.....have been sporting tattoos.

Wait - am I reading this right? The threat of being beat up by "muscle men" because I don't like tattoos is supposed to change my "sad" opinion? Wrong - that only reinforces my low opinion of tattoos and those who "sport" them. In fact, your post reinforces my opinion.

Sorry, tattoos are just ugly, on either sex, of whatever ethnicity. That's my opinion. Never mind that tattoo needles are infecting many people with HIV, Hepatitis, and god knows what other incurable diseases (both directly and indirectly, through their sex partners). Now that's sad.

Beat up??......who said anything about people having Tattoos being violent......you may if you bother to look around and associate with people with Tattoos, find they are friendly outgoing normal people........Preconceptions based on appearance.....oh dear ..reinforces my opinion of people who throw around disparaging labels without a thought..... :)

We have to sort people against some standard. For many, the tattoo simply makes the job easier.

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do you think everyone gets a tattoo for fashion purposes then?

For fashion reasons or to magically protect ones body or to look tough. They all seem silly to me.

Why? is that only because the art isn't on a paper but on a human body, understand 99 % of all tattoos looking worse then the drawing off my sisters little daugher (she is 1 year and 5 months) . But to say that they all look silly , no

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Why so many woman working in this branch cover themselfs with tattoos, the reason would likely be that there is a higher demand for woman having this tattoos then for the woman who don't.

More likely a psychological need to inflict physically what the trade is doing to their inner state of mind/psyche (an appropriately making it as permanent as possible).


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Actually, young, pretty women who smoke cigarettes and who have tatoos attract men sexually because they look so slutty. If that is what they want, there is no problem.

However, most men want to marry a woman who is a pleasant companion and good at raising a family, rather than a sex vixen. I know that I do.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There are some right stuffy members on this forum. Maybe just reflects age? Anyway, each to their own i guess. Im just surprised by much of the narrow mindedness and superficiality. As for tattoos being permanent..i guess people are backwards in technology as well as backwards in mindset...ipl laser anyone? (..and no, its not costly or damaging, or evasive etc etc etc to have tattoos lasered off, if one decides to do so later down the line).

evasive huh.

ever seen what one of those lasers can do with thai skin? so you lost the tat and have a permanent keloid scar.

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Yeah, so if you have a tattoo, you may want to get checked for all diseases which can be transmitted by blood/needle. Even if incurable, there are treatments that can at least alleviate symptoms and keep the disease from progressing.

oh dear, suggest you get some proof of the "many" recent cases if that is your stance as you seem to be trolling imo.

Anyone who gets a tattoo knows well to check the sterilization process of their artist & the cleanliness of the studio they go to. There are always isolated cases of poor hygiene in the odd studio but this doesn't amount to "many" or that everyone with a tattoo would have caught something from getting one!! Jebus :)

now you are both making stupid generalizations

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I wanted to get one in a delicate place that said "If you are reading this then you've scored"

Problem was the tattoist said he wouldn't be any more room once he had tattoed the word "If" :D

I thought there would have been plenty of room on your arse cheeks Paully. :D

If thats the case he would only need the words, "Please enter" :)

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This now reminds me of the Bill Murray movie 'Lost in Translation' although it seems everyone here has a good command of the English language so I'm not sure why there is so much confusion as to what I was trying to say!

Because you read selectively. It has little to do with our language of choice.

I'm sure that the sex workers in Pattaya have travelled there from all over Thailand and that they are real people but to say Pattaya is the 'real' Thailand and the same as places like Sukhothai, Korat, Ayuthaya, Nan etc etc just because these places also have sex workers is just plain silly.

I didn't say that. *YOU* *asked* : " in which way are places like Sukhothai and Korat similar to Pattaya?"

That is a question I can answer (see my post #85). I was however NOT saying "those places are similar to Pattaya". I even spelled that out in post #85.

That's where communication breaks down, when people say one thing, but somehwere in between the screen and yourself, the message apparently morphs into something I other than what I wrote.

Obviously if you did listen to the girls and understood their history and why they were there doing what they were doing then it would explain a lot about Thailand and definitely would be stone cold real but the reality is that most people don't.

Right. First and foremost starting with your good self because you (somewhat proudly) claimed to never have visited Pattaya. From that I take that you also don't visit bar areas in other cities much, though that's an assumption on my part. Other than that I can't speak for other people; not sure what they get out of it, but I do think that sex tourists (for lack of a better term) tend to pick up quite a bit of the culture, quite possibly more than your average package tourist or backpacker.

What I was trying to say in my original post is actually quite simple, a Thai girl with a tattoo doesn't mean they are a BG and people should remember that when they travel outside of unique tourist destinations like Pattaya because not every girl in Thailand should be judged by what people see in Pattaya.

Why the obsession with Pattaya? Someone pointed this out earlier: You argue against stereotyping based on fashion/tattoos, and I agree with that. But in the same breath you are very eager to stereotype based on location? I for one love the real Thailand, and I love Pattaya as well, and I very much consider Pattaya a part of any definition of 'the real Thailand'.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Very unoriginal and boorish comments like 'tramp stamp' should perhaps be directed by the posters in person at the male population with 'love and hate' Tattoos on their knuckles......or the other muscle men who enjoy wearing Tattoos......then perhaps they may change their sad opinions.......and appreciate that for years both men and women...formerly mostly men.....have been sporting tattoos.

Wait - am I reading this right? The threat of being beat up by "muscle men" because I don't like tattoos is supposed to change my "sad" opinion? Wrong - that only reinforces my low opinion of tattoos and those who "sport" them. In fact, your post reinforces my opinion.

Sorry, tattoos are just ugly, on either sex, of whatever ethnicity. That's my opinion. Never mind that tattoo needles are infecting many people with HIV, Hepatitis, and god knows what other incurable diseases (both directly and indirectly, through their sex partners). Now that's sad.

Beat up??......who said anything about people having Tattoos being violent......you may if you bother to look around and associate with people with Tattoos, find they are friendly outgoing normal people........Preconceptions based on appearance.....oh dear ..reinforces my opinion of people who throw around disparaging labels without a thought..... :)

We have to sort people against some standard. For many, the tattoo simply makes the job easier.

And if the Tattoo is hidden under clothing......what of your sort process then........fallible........some prefer to take people as they find them.....not cast aspersions based on ill judged preconceptions regarding their artistic flair.

Edited by 473geo
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Why the obsession with Pattaya? Someone pointed this out earlier: You argue against stereotyping based on fashion/tattoos, and I agree with that. But in the same breath you are very eager to stereotype based on location? I for one love the real Thailand, and I love Pattaya as well, and I very much consider Pattaya a part of any definition of 'the real Thailand'.

Please advice me what part off "the real Thailand" Pattaya you talking about.

Would you consider walking with your children at 19:00 on walking street "part off the real Thailand"

i don't and even should you.

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I did not say that they look silly. I said that it is silly to get one because of the way one is percieved afterwards.

By who??? YOU :)

By a LOT of people. Life is difficult enough without purposely offending much of the population in order to be fashionable for a very few years during one's youth.

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I did not say that they look silly. I said that it is silly to get one because of the way one is percieved afterwards.

By who??? YOU :)

By a LOT of people. Life is difficult enough without purposely offending much of the population in order to be fashionable for a very few years during one's youth.

Purposely offending, WHY?? people having tattoos don't hurt or offend anyone, it is just people like you how feel like beeing offended because off your own way off thinking,.

And yes, if think like your way live would be difficult enough i agree.

But if been open minded live isnt so difficult.

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So a tattoo is the same as a nazi armband, really, time to stop now UG. You are wandering off into the realms of fantasy.

One wonders how a tattoo on someones body that can easily be covered with clothes would cause offense if the wearer was walking down the street & yet no one could see the tattoo?

Is it one of those "if a tree falls in the forest" type scenarios :) Gawd, never knew there were so many Victorian old ladies posting on thaivisa.

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There's no point in trying to reason with people who compare having a tattoo with wearing a swastika armband or feel that getting one is for the sole purpose of offending people. I think it would be interesting to know the ages of those who make these ridiculous comments and who say we need to 'sort' people etc etc. A girl who smokes and has a tattoo is a slut?! <deleted>!!! Perhaps many many years ago only a particular type of male would get a tattoo and only a particular type of female would get one but things are very different now and a tattoo on a person, whether male or female, shouldn't change the way people think of them or judge them or their history/background. In most countries now there are many people that have tattoos from different backgrounds and many different reasons why they got them but mostly it is just plain and simple body art, I'm sure many of those people who are making daft statements about tattoos would love the actual designs if they weren't on someone's skin.

I have no obsession with Pattaya nor do I judge anyone who resides there or visits there as a tourist, the point I was making was that people shouldn't judge every single Thai girl with a tattoo just because most of the BG's in Pattaya happen to have a tattoo, why is that so difficult to understand?

But this is really only about stereotyping and ignorance. People like to judge other people without knowing anything about them because it makes them feel better and increases their superiority complex. There are hundreds of thousands of famous sport stars, actors, singers etc and also many successful, educated and wealthy people that have tattoos which is making them more acceptable and slowly breaking down the ridiculous stereotypes that some people still have about them, so as the older generation who make decisions based on institutionalised stereotypes die out the world will become a better place. That's all I have to say on the subject, I'm now going to have my head shaved then go home to read the Koran and then walk my Rottweiler, keep the stereotypes coming!

Edited by skybluestu
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So a tattoo is the same as a nazi armband

No, I did not say that, but both things can offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone. I just don't see why anyone - and especially a woman - would want to permanently mark themselves in a way that so many people view negatively.

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In most countries now there are many people that have tattoos from different backgrounds and many different reasons why they got them but mostly it is just plain and simple body art

When they are 20 years old, one might call it body art, but when they are 40 it is a stupid, youthful blunder. I have never seen a tattoo on an older person that was in the least attractive. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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but both things can offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone

Being fat, being a certain religion, having facial hair, employing the services of a prostitute for sex can also all offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone too. But those things are ok right?

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but both things can offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone

Being fat, being a certain religion, having facial hair, employing the services of a prostitute for sex can also all offend a lot of people without directly hurting anyone too. But those things are ok right?

Painting your face purple and branding it with stars is really cool too, but getting a job might not go so well. :)

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I have never seen a tattoo on an older person that was in the least attractive

becuase you are not someone who appreciates tattoos but those of who do, have & on people much older too. :)

Sure I do, on rock stars, but I still think that they will regret them when they get old.

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