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Time To Organzie A Boycott?


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Given the rapes and murders that continue -- not to mention the road deaths and police shakedowns -- is it time to organize at boycott?

Beside the dangers, which are usually just swept under the rug, it seems the Thai government is increasingly indifferent to foreigners coming, even though they bring in so much money and expertise.

It seems that the only thing that might get their attention to address the serious, all-to-often fatal, flaws in how the entire system is run would be to withdraw all that cash.

Perhaps then they might actually appreciate the goose laying golden eggs instead of abusing it.

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The final nail in Thailand's coffin!

I'm boycotting right now, I absolutely will NOT fly from the UK to Thailand for the next year, no doubt.

Edited by bonobo
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rapes, murder, road deaths, police shakedowns were here (and in many other countries) before even you came the first time - there is not more of them now, than before.

some foreigners, like tourists and pensioners, do spend cash in thailand; some other make money, by employment or business - all of them need thailand as much as thailand needs them. Thailand is a cheap country to live in, but there are drawbacks (like less security and corruption of the government officials).

everybody makes their informed choice.

thailand lost a lot last year because of the airport occupations and many tourists and businesses are afraid, that it will happen yet again soon, but in a long term, thailand is a nice holiday and retirement destination.

Edited by londonthai
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Why Boycott?

Vote with your feet, if you are dissatisfied with the countries laws, Leave ,no one is paying to keep anyone here.

I do what Thai law requires of me, As I "never forget that I am but a visitor" to their beautiful country.

If I was not satisfied with Thailand and its people, I would have left a long time ago!


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I am currently boycotting Thailand and will finish this on March 22nd (thank <deleted>).

There are many bad sides to Thailand but in my opinion there are many more plus sides. While the positives outweigh the negatives then there will be a constant supply of visitors to Thailand.

I am currently in the UK and wish I could boycott this place but needs must :)

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I understand why some may get farked off with Thailand now and then but to boycot would be very dumb. They way I see it is Thailand has a lot of good things to offer and I enjoy my life here. Sometimes I get annoyed and even down right pissed off but I wouldn't leave the place. I have lived and worked in many countries and I find Thailand the best yet.

Every country has their pros and cons, so if you are not happy with Thailands try to find somewhere else that you can enjoy.

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Every country has their pros and cons, so if you are not happy with Thailands try to find somewhere else that you can enjoy.

I bet there were no pot plants in those other places onnut :)

:D that was one time I was down right pissed off!

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I was down right disappointed tonight. I walked the two kilometers home at almost 2AM through what is supposed to be the most dangerous area of Chiang Mai and I wasn't accosted once. A few Katois asked me if I needed a partner but that was it. Nobody came at me with a knife or gun, only the occasional soi dog barked at me and twenty minutes after I left the bars I was back in my apartment. I guess I'll have to do it all over again tomorrow night to get my thrill out of some bad guy trying to do his dirty deed. I mean gee whiz, what's this modern world coming to when you can't even get rolled by a drunk.

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Why Boycott?

Vote with your feet, if you are dissatisfied with the countries laws, Leave ,no one is paying to keep anyone here.

I do what Thai law requires of me, As I "never forget that I am but a visitor" to their beautiful country.

If I was not satisfied with Thailand and its people, I would have left a long time ago!


Maybe you just a visitor but most foreigners are bringing with them experience, knowledge and hard cash, so i don't called "that just a visitor"

If you lived here for year and having children growing up here you have commitments and responsibilities in this country, and isn't so easy to just leave.

But also if you go with all regulations paying and giving your part to the Thai society, do we get anything back from the country as a foreigner :) ????????

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Whatever shuts off the spigot is okay with me, but I'm guessing this will end like most Thai Visa inspired acts of insurrection: With a couple of bloody minded UK pensioners mumbling to one another on barstools and then looking indignant and satisfied with themselves.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, murders and rapes and rip-offs are always up on Thai Visa, foreigners are always being ripped off more on Thai Visa and Thai people are always "ain't wot like they used to be!" on Thai Visa, yet many of us manage to make it through year after year without being repeatedly ripped off, raped, murdered or experiencing roving bands of double-charging Thai people bent on behaving rudely (on the contrary, just this year I've been chased down by a woman who saw me drop my ATM card, people who saw me drop money, people helping me find the right boat and countless other good samaritans). Perhaps some people do need to get out of Thailand, because clearly a lot of you attract trouble - though I fear this condition may depend a lot on the user and less on the environment.

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I was down right disappointed tonight. I walked the two kilometers home at almost 2AM through what is supposed to be the most dangerous area of Chiang Mai and I wasn't accosted once. A few Katois asked me if I needed a partner but that was it. Nobody came at me with a knife or gun, only the occasional soi dog barked at me and twenty minutes after I left the bars I was back in my apartment. I guess I'll have to do it all over again tomorrow night to get my thrill out of some bad guy trying to do his dirty deed. I mean gee whiz, what's this modern world coming to when you can't even get rolled by a drunk.

I think you meant: Gee whiz, what's this modern world coming to when you're a drunk who can't even get rolled.

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Vote with your feet, if you are dissatisfied with the countries laws, Leave ,no one is paying to keep anyone here.


I did three years ago and haven't been back.

As nobody has reported missing you - seems your protest has gone unnoticed - but we are now overjoyed that you told us all about it.

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