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N. Korea Aircraft Makes Emergency Landing At Bangkok's Don Mueang Airport

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Any reports yet of one of the Belarus passports being in the name of Takki Shinegra?.

No that's the 'ship to' name on the AWB.

Ship date - 10 minutes after next coup starts - ;-(


During its first year the Obama Defense Department and intelligence agencies have been all over the N Koreans in their sea and air transport of weapons, which if I'm not mistaken is a much more intensive course of action than during the Bush years.  

The Bush boyz focused on N Korea's nuclear weapons, which Obama and his administration continue to do, but never paid much mind to intercepting Pyongyang's conventional arms shipments. Remember that a few months ago the USN shadowed a N Korean ship suspected of carrying an arms cargo bound for Burma, finally causing the ship to reverse course back to N Korea. Now this in Thailand with the coordination of US intelligence/military.

One aspect is a loss of badly needed cash to the N Koreans who produce and deal in everything from drugs to arms. There seems to be a new squeeze going on. Thailand already is on the N Korean sh*t list for being the only country in the region to allow N Korean defectors to flee to Thailand to transit to third countries, and for other reasons.

Sounds good to me. 

During its first year the Obama Defense Department and intelligence agencies have been all over the N Koreans in their sea and air transport of weapons, which if I'm not mistaken is a much more intensive course of action than during the Bush years.

The Bush boyz focused on N Korea's nuclear weapons, which Obama and his administration continue to do, but never paid much mind to intercepting Pyongyang's conventional arms shipments. Remember that a few months ago the USN shadowed a N Korean ship suspected of carrying an arms cargo bound for Burma, finally causing the ship to reverse course back to N Korea. Now this in Thailand with the coordination of US intelligence/military.

One aspect is a loss of badly needed cash to the N Koreans who produce and deal in everything from drugs to arms. There seems to be a new squeeze going on. Thailand already is on the N Korean sh*t list for being the only country in the region to allow N Korean defectors to flee to Thailand to transit to third countries, and for other reasons.

Sounds good to me.

Hello, My first post here. I get this ThaiVisa stuff in my e-mail every day. Sometimes entertaining. (especially the dimwit stuff) N.Korean airplane story is almost funny. (except for cargo of death)

Ok flame me.

Thanks for your input

During its first year the Obama Defense Department and intelligence agencies have been all over the N Koreans in their sea and air transport of weapons, which if I'm not mistaken is a much more intensive course of action than during the Bush years.

The Bush boyz focused on N Korea's nuclear weapons, which Obama and his administration continue to do, but never paid much mind to intercepting Pyongyang's conventional arms shipments. Remember that a few months ago the USN shadowed a N Korean ship suspected of carrying an arms cargo bound for Burma, finally causing the ship to reverse course back to N Korea. Now this in Thailand with the coordination of US intelligence/military.

One aspect is a loss of badly needed cash to the N Koreans who produce and deal in everything from drugs to arms. There seems to be a new squeeze going on. Thailand already is on the N Korean sh*t list for being the only country in the region to allow N Korean defectors to flee to Thailand to transit to third countries, and for other reasons.

Sounds good to me.

Hello, My first post here. I get this ThaiVisa stuff in my e-mail every day. Sometimes entertaining. (especially the dimwit stuff) N.Korean airplane story is almost funny. (except for cargo of death)

Ok flame me.

Welcome, PCR

I also find some stuff so dimly lit from within,

I can only laugh at it.

Sit back, don you flack vest, and wade right in.

You have nothing to lose but a few hours

and occasionally your composure...

but you can get that back.


Going to Pak? OR Afgan?

Coming FROM Ukraine, going TO North Korea.

Why does everyone assume North Korea would have ANYTHING to do with America's illegal invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, or their illegal and immoral drone attacks on their "Ally" Pakistan???

Munitions shipments happen EVERY DAY, EVERY HOUR, EVERYWHERE. So one flight had mechanical malfunction: LET'S PANIC!!!!!

Just because the idiot George W. Bush labeled North Korea as part of an "axis of evil"?? Word: Bush was "projecting" his own designs on others.

Thailand should have simply repaired the problem, made some fees, and sent them on their way. Instead, it gets blown up as some sort of "crisis"...sheeesh.

Signed: embarrassed and fed up American

I find it hard to believe you are an" embarrassed and fed up American" more just a basher!!! or a loser in this arms deal. It was the Americans that alerted the Thais about these scum and their cargo. N. Korea has been selling arms and munitions to terrorists for years. It is about time they were exposed for the war merchants that they are.

I have heard from a reliable source at Don Muang that the plane was forced to land.
It seems to me that if it was forced to land, it would have been forced to land a U-Tapao or possibly the giant airbase at Lopburi, not in a crowded megalopolis like BKK - Don Mueang. Just conjecture on my part.
Remember that Don Mueang [however it is spelt these days] is both a military and civilian airfield.


During its first year the Obama Defense Department and intelligence agencies have been all over the N Koreans in their sea and air transport of weapons, which if I'm not mistaken is a much more intensive course of action than during the Bush years.

The Bush boyz focused on N Korea's nuclear weapons, which Obama and his administration continue to do, but never paid much mind to intercepting Pyongyang's conventional arms shipments. Remember that a few months ago the USN shadowed a N Korean ship suspected of carrying an arms cargo bound for Burma, finally causing the ship to reverse course back to N Korea. Now this in Thailand with the coordination of US intelligence/military.

One aspect is a loss of badly needed cash to the N Koreans who produce and deal in everything from drugs to arms. There seems to be a new squeeze going on. Thailand already is on the N Korean sh*t list for being the only country in the region to allow N Korean defectors to flee to Thailand to transit to third countries, and for other reasons.

Sounds good to me.

Hello, My first post here. I get this ThaiVisa stuff in my e-mail every day. Sometimes entertaining. (especially the dimwit stuff) N.Korean airplane story is almost funny. (except for cargo of death)

Ok flame me.

Welcome aboard.

You've chosen an auspicious thread at which to make your cherry post, and it's an honor that you should chose to quote me in your first splash and a cannonball splash it is. 


anyway, dont know what all the fuss is about. Weapons are produced every single day by more as a handfull countries and have to be sold. Weaponproduction assure places of employment and bring a lot of money, not only tax....No country is producing weapons only for itself and they have to be transported then.

My guess is that the USAmerican Agencys DEA, CIA and NSA are deeply involved in the most scams going on, doesnt matter where and when, finally its always cash that counts.

BTW one poster here requested informations about Israels Nuclear sources. As far as I know Israel got so far only one Nuclear Power Plant in Dimona about 80km away from the Gaza Strip. If they produce weapon compatible uran you can guess by yourself please.

If my neighbor got a sword I want one too :)

I find it hard to believe you are an" embarrassed and fed up American" more just a basher!!! or a loser in this arms deal. It was the Americans that alerted the Thais about these scum and their cargo. N. Korea has been selling arms and munitions to terrorists for years. It is about time they were exposed for the war merchants that they are.

Well put cmdream! I'll second that!

Coming FROM Ukraine, going TO North Korea.

That was the day before. We are discussing the more recent outbound flight from North Korea.

Why does everyone assume North Korea would have ANYTHING to do with America's illegal invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, or their illegal and immoral drone attacks on their "Ally" Pakistan???

As cmdream said North Korea have been supplying arms to terrorists for years.

Any country that condones terrorist training camps resulting in 911 type attacks will be invite a justified invasion to prevent further attacks.

The terrorists use every dirty tactic they can but cry "not fair" when they get hit by drones.

Anyway what's moral about a roadside bomb?

If you want to use remote detonated roadside bombs instead of facing your enemy bravely with a gun, then expect more drone attacks.

Even the Pakistan "authorities" recognize the Taliban as their enemy and quietly hope the drones snuff out more of the lunatics.

Munitions shipments happen EVERY DAY, EVERY HOUR, EVERYWHERE. So one flight had mechanical malfunction: LET'S PANIC!!!!!

Who's panicking? We're just having an interesting discussion about arms dealers being caught red-handed.

Just because the idiot George W. Bush labeled North Korea as part of an "axis of evil"?? Word: Bush was "projecting" his own designs on others.

I think George's label is great. If it is evil, then call it like it is. There's nothing like hearing the truth!

Thailand should have simply repaired the problem, made some fees, and sent them on their way. Instead, it gets blown up as some sort of "crisis"...sheeesh.

Certainly a crisis for the crew of that aircraft.

Yes Thailand has "repaired" the problem as you put it - confiscated the shipment of arms that were going to be used to kill thousands of allied troops.

UN troops I might add (not just US troops)

Signed: embarrassed and fed up American

Sorry to embarrass you further!

Certainly a crisis for the crew of that aircraft.

Yes Thailand has "repaired" the problem as you put it - confiscated the shipment of arms that were going to be used to kill thousands of allied troops.

UN troops I might add (not just US troops)

so does this mean the UNO and USAmericans have the right to kill but the Taliban or whoever doesnt?

If anyone INVADED my country for what reason ever, I will fight and trying to protect it. Not everybody on this planet need Coca Cola, Mc Donald Tits in Television and a pornindustry. BUT like an old German speech says.....und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein dann hau ich dir den Schädel ein.... free translated....be my brother or I kill you.

I doubt since years that the reason for a WAR in Afghanistan is to free the people from the US created Taliban. The true case behind are oil and gas pipelines and a lot of drugs. Afghanistan cost money, every drugdollar the USA doesnt make is a lost dollar. And another reason is, there is no better place to get rid of the old weapons....except Irak.


My favorite movie.

These N Koreans should get the firing squad treatment, send a message that N Korea is not welcome. Anyone taking the side of N Korea on this thread should go live there.

This is a confusing report. The pilot, under questioning, stated that the plane left Ukraine enroute to Pyongyang(North Korea) and refuelled three times including one stop in Thailand. Then it says it would stop for refuelling at Don Mueang then Sri Lanka on the return journey to Ukraine.

Doesn't really sound credible somehow. Surely they were aware of the likelihood of a search or check of its cargo in Thailand?

Over to the experts

Sri Lanka is a hel_l of a detour for a Thailand-Ukraine flight. Like 2000 km to the right off course detour. Considering the 3600 km loaded range of the plane there must be a very interesting reason why to choose such route.

One thing to keep in mind is that this kind of plane was specifically designed to work on the rugged boonies of Eastern Azkrakistan, so to speak. Built by the soviets to operate in unprepared airfields, that is, likely grass or dirt runways. So it wouldn't necesarily need something that most people would recognize as an airport to land, unload and take off.

If Sri Lanka was actually in the flight plan, before Ukraine (but it would necesarilly need to refuel somewhere else in between) I'd say that's where the goods where going. I don't think that Ukraine, at least it's government, needs to buy weapons from North Korea.

Certainly a crisis for the crew of that aircraft.

Yes Thailand has "repaired" the problem as you put it - confiscated the shipment of arms that were going to be used to kill thousands of allied troops.

UN troops I might add (not just US troops)

so does this mean the UNO and USAmericans have the right to kill but the Taliban or whoever doesnt?

If anyone INVADED my country for what reason ever, I will fight and trying to protect it. Not everybody on this planet need Coca Cola, Mc Donald Tits in Television and a pornindustry. BUT like an old German speech says.....und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein dann hau ich dir den Schädel ein.... free translated....be my brother or I kill you.

I doubt since years that the reason for a WAR in Afghanistan is to free the people from the US created Taliban. The true case behind are oil and gas pipelines and a lot of drugs. Afghanistan cost money, every drugdollar the USA doesnt make is a lost dollar. And another reason is, there is no better place to get rid of the old weapons....except Irak.

What a load of Jihad crap !!! The true case is the Muslim Jihad mission is to kill or convert all non believers thru terror. Like any disease its best to stop it before it spreads. The USA did not create the Taliban. The Taliban was created and supported by the Muslim community everywhere. It is the responsibility of this community to stop these mad killers. If the Muslims refuse to stop them it is the same as condoning their activity. The NATO forcses are there to snuff out this Muslim test of our resolve. Time will tell.


Amazing how an intercept of arms destined for Sri Lanka is such fodder for imaginary plots. And of course, what's a TV thread without dragging Israel into it and somehow finding a way to malign the USA. Well, if you silly kids want to know who paid for the weapons, go and look in the mirror. Of course, you did not do it willingly, but if you have ever been a victim of credit card fraud in Canada, Australia, New Zealand the UK and much of Asia , chances are your funds went to support the Tamil Tigers 25% of the time. The crime rings have been out of control in these countries floating under the radar for a decade. Crimes deemed to be "insignificant" that have raised the funds to pay for the weapons. Of course, in this case the arms may very well have been destined for the "legitimate" elected government of Sri Lanka, but chances are it was for the Tamil Tiger terrorists. Sri Lanka proper usually buys its weapons from China.

Equally astounding is how the USA is being attacked on this thread. I don't get it. The USA provides info to Thailand, info that will stop weapons used to murder people being sent to a country under a strict weapons sanction and yet the USA is being savaged? If the Americans did tip off the Thais, it most likely came courtesy of intelligence shared from Australia, Canada and the UK, all of whom are active in monitoring Sri Lanka because of the Tamil Tiger terror cells in their respective countries. So feel free to heap abuse on these countries too. And don't forget to denigrate India as well, since India has shouldered most of the burden of keeping the air and waterways around Sri Lanka under surveillance and it is India that has suffered some serious attacks in Tamil populated areas. Spread your hatred around.


My favorite movie.

These N Koreans should get the firing squad treatment, send a message that N Korea is not welcome. Anyone taking the side of N Korea on this thread should go live there.

There's a young and boisterous PRChinese English teacher I work with at a uni in the PRC who's more than young enuff to be Communist Party aggressive in his attitude and statements, always trying to initiate his party line with me. He and I have desks in the same office.

In yet another remark out of the blue he said, "Every North Korean I've met is happy." To which I said, "Every North Korean I've met is happy to have escaped North Korea and to be living in South Korea" (where I taught English for two years). That again shut him up but being young and dumb he hasn't been deterred and continues to initiate presentations of his Party dogma, so I enjoy always shooting him down. He's just too wet behind the ears and too stupid to quit digging himself deeper into his hole.

I too would like to see more focus in this thread on the regimes of the world that didn't learn from the nature of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and a long line of others who hate democracy, freedom, prosperity and peace. Pres Obama's Nobel speech said it well, the real and practical choices democracies must make in protecting themselves against those who never learn, to include the Holocaust denying Iranian ayatollahs.


Wow, this thread seems to be developing a serious wobble.

All this talk of weapons, and killing, and war.

Are we a failed species?


My favorite movie.

These N Koreans should get the firing squad treatment, send a message that N Korea is not welcome. Anyone taking the side of N Korea on this thread should go live there.

Your favorite movie? That may just possibly be the worst movie I've ever seen.


Sadly, N Korea and Burma are China's junkyard dogs. They say that the reason China supports these regimes is because they don't want the US to invade these countries because it would put US military presence along their borders. China seems to like the current setup but in cannot last with the way the North is acting.

I am guessing that S Koreans dream one day that the Northern regime will fall and the country will reunite but China does not want that. Yet the behavior of the North recently is even getting China impatient. Clearly China has less control in N Korea then people think.

Certainly a crisis for the crew of that aircraft.

Yes Thailand has "repaired" the problem as you put it - confiscated the shipment of arms that were going to be used to kill thousands of allied troops.

UN troops I might add (not just US troops)

so does this mean the UNO and USAmericans have the right to kill but the Taliban or whoever doesnt?

If anyone INVADED my country for what reason ever, I will fight and trying to protect it. Not everybody on this planet need Coca Cola, Mc Donald Tits in Television and a pornindustry. BUT like an old German speech says.....und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein dann hau ich dir den Schädel ein.... free translated....be my brother or I kill you.

I doubt since years that the reason for a WAR in Afghanistan is to free the people from the US created Taliban. The true case behind are oil and gas pipelines and a lot of drugs. Afghanistan cost money, every drugdollar the USA doesnt make is a lost dollar. And another reason is, there is no better place to get rid of the old weapons....except Irak.

What a load of Jihad crap !!! The true case is the Muslim Jihad mission is to kill or convert all non believers thru terror. Like any disease its best to stop it before it spreads. The USA did not create the Taliban. The Taliban was created and supported by the Muslim community everywhere. It is the responsibility of this community to stop these mad killers. If the Muslims refuse to stop them it is the same as condoning their activity. The NATO forcses are there to snuff out this Muslim test of our resolve. Time will tell.

I agree, this guy is watching too much Micheal Moore docs. Lets have a look at the number of countries that make up the coalition in Iraq, never mind Afghanistan. I might add that Thailand is in the list.

Western Europe:

United Kingdom








Baltic States:

Estonia #

Latvia #

Lithuania #

Central Europe:


Czech Republic

Slovakia #



Albania #

Macedonia #

Romania #

Bulgaria #


Croatia #

Slovenia #

Eastern Europe





South Korea








Marshall Islands


Solomon Islands





North America:

United States of America

South and Central America:

El Salvador



Costa Rica

Dominican Republic




New Zealand

Middle East:








During its first year the Obama Defense Department and intelligence agencies have been all over the N Koreans in their sea and air transport of weapons, which if I'm not mistaken is a much more intensive course of action than during the Bush years.

The Bush boyz focused on N Korea's nuclear weapons, which Obama and his administration continue to do, but never paid much mind to intercepting Pyongyang's conventional arms shipments. Remember that a few months ago the USN shadowed a N Korean ship suspected of carrying an arms cargo bound for Burma, finally causing the ship to reverse course back to N Korea. Now this in Thailand with the coordination of US intelligence/military.

One aspect is a loss of badly needed cash to the N Koreans who produce and deal in everything from drugs to arms. There seems to be a new squeeze going on. Thailand already is on the N Korean sh*t list for being the only country in the region to allow N Korean defectors to flee to Thailand to transit to third countries, and for other reasons.

Sounds good to me.

Hello, My first post here. I get this ThaiVisa stuff in my e-mail every day. Sometimes entertaining. (especially the dimwit stuff) N.Korean airplane story is almost funny. (except for cargo of death)

Ok flame me.

Welcome, PCR

I also find some stuff so dimly lit from within,

I can only laugh at it.

Sit back, don you flack vest, and wade right in.

You have nothing to lose but a few hours

and occasionally your composure...

but you can get that back.


Mr. newcomer pcrooms seems shortlived; his first post disappeared and is untraceable.



Pilot to thai police: we thought weapons were oil rig equipment

By The Nation

Published on December 14, 2009

Intelligence and security officials in various countries were scrambling yesterday to find out the destination of a massive consignment of war weapons found in Bangkok over the weekend in a plane arriving from North Korea.

As the security alert spread across continents, attention was focused on the Thai interrogation of the five foreign suspects, who reportedly claimed they thought they were transporting heavy equipment for oil rigs.

A North Korean dealer was probably responsible for the impounded consignment, weighing more than 35 tonnes, PM's Secretary-General Panitan Watayagorn yesterday quoted intelligence sources as saying.

"But we don't know to whom these weapons will be delivered," he said.

On Saturday, acting on a tip-off, Thai authorities seized the military weaponry, which included rocket-propelled grenades, surface-to-air missiles and ammunition from the military plane after it landed at the Don Mueang Airport for refuelling.

All five crew members are in police detention. They are Alexander Zrybnev, Viktor Abdullayev, Vitaly Shumkov and Ilyas Isakov from Kazakhstan, and Mikhail Petukhov from Belarus.

They denied charges of possessing war weapons and would defend themselves in court, police said.

Petukhov, who was the pilot, reportedly told interrogators that the plane picked up the goods in North Korea and would offload them in Ukraine.

During a six-hour interrogation by the Crime Suppression Division, he insisted that he had no knowledge about the war materials. Petukhov told investigators that he and his four companions were hired to transport goods and that he would only "provide other information in court".

Petukhov also reportedly admitted delivering such consignments three or four times before. The seized weapons are being stored at an air force arms depot at Takhli air base in Nakhon Sawan province.

The Thai government said this case involved many laws and Bangkok had to comply with the United Nations (UN) resolution. A report would be filed with the UN within 45 days.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban, who oversees security affairs, will today convene a meeting of security agencies to discuss the case with armed forces chiefs.

Kazakhstan is closely checking developments. "We can neither confirm nor reject this [registration] information so far. We are clarifying the circumstances of the incident through diplomatic channels, and the possibility of the aircraft's affiliation with Kazakh air companies," Kazakh Foreign Ministry spokesman Ilyas Omarov told RIA Novosti.

Where the weapons would be delivered also was not clear. Thai police said the plane was bound for a Middle East country. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka yesterday denied it was the destination. The pilot claimed the shipment was bound for Ukraine.

South Korean officials were on high alert.

"If the Thai government's announcement is true that North Korean weapons were on board, measures should be taken against the apparent violation of UN resolutions," an official at Seoul's Foreign Ministry said on condition of anonymity.

En route to Pyongyang, the plane refuelled three times - in Azerbaijan, the United Arab Emirates and Thailand - the pilot reportedly said. The flight plan was to stop for refuelling at Don Mueang and Sri Lanka and drop off the cargo in Ukraine.

Insisting that he had no knowledge about the war material aboard the aircraft, Petukhou told investigators that he and his four companions were hired to transport goods and that he would only "provide other information in court."

Police are scheduled to escort them to the Criminal Court today to seek further detention for interrogation.


-- The Nation 2009/12/14



I was told by someone in ATC at Don Muang that the plane was forced to land as it entered Thai airspace. It could have been scheduled to land here anyway, but as I heard it, it was escorted to the ground by the RTAF.

I cannot name the source for obvious reasons so regard this as a rumour if you like.

DM is a military installation.

The USA did not create the Taliban. The Taliban was created and supported by the Muslim community everywhere. It is the responsibility of this community to stop these mad killers.

OK, they not create but they supported them and Osama Bin Laden. Maybe you should check some more sources as Fox, WIKI for example, they write just a little bit and for sure not the whole true story behind western (not only USAmerican intrests there)

Although there is no evidence that the CIA directly supported the Taliban or Al-Qaeda, some basis for military support of the Taliban was provided when, in the early 1980s, the CIA and the ISI (Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency) provided arms to Afghans resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the ISI assisted the process of gathering radical Muslims from around the world to fight against the Soviets.[23] Osama Bin Laden was one of the key players in organizing training camps for the foreign Muslim volunteers. The U.S. poured funds and arms into Afghanistan, and "by 1987, 65,000 tons of U.S.-made weapons and ammunition a year were entering the war."[24] FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, who has been fired from the agency for disclosing sensitive information, has claimed United States was on intimate terms with Taliban and Al-Qaeda, using them to further certain goals in Central Asia.

You will also find informations about an Oil Company called UNOCAL and a gas-Pipeline between Turkmenistan and Pakistan, if you go a bit deeper.

@ Geriatrick,

To make this clear. I do not hate the USAmericans (I have to write USAmerican because America is much more than only US and I got complaints from South-Americans) I just dont like the people in Power since the 60`s USAmerica is not ruled by its citizens, its ruled by money and the people which have it.

Just why USAmerica has a black president atm doesnt mean the people in power (which financed his campain too) are not there anymore. Obama was the right person for the right time. After the world hated the US for many reasons it seems better now...so mission accomplished! The outcome is still the same, nothing changed.

And yes, I kind of like Michael Moore and I kind of hate lies and false information spreaded to make people hate other people they dont even know, just because of that small hypnosis box in their living rooms, thats where 99% of all people have their information from. But the information is spreaded from people with intrestst in more than the well being of normal citizens.

I do not like the Taliban either, but WAR is never an answer and the only people who win a WAR is the weapon industry.

North Korean plane impounded, tons of weapons seized

BANGKOK: -- Five Eastern European men were detained and their plane was impounded and grounded at Don Muang Airport on Saturday after it was found loaded with tons of war weapons.

A TV footage showed military trucks believed to be loaded with the confiscated weapons left Don Muang Airport. The footage also showed the grounded plane.

Thai TV reported that the weapons were transferred in the military trucks to a depot in Nakhon Sawan.

Panithan said the impound of the plane was the result of cooperation between Thai and foreign intelligence units.

He added that the matter was now under the supervision of the Thai police who would provide further details later Saturday.


-- The Nation 2009-12-12


Christmas came early for the Thai military, maybe now they can get rid of the Vietnam era M-16s!

I was told by someone in ATC at Don Muang that the plane was forced to land as it entered Thai airspace. It could have been scheduled to land here anyway, but as I heard it, it was escorted to the ground by the RTAF.

I cannot name the source for obvious reasons so regard this as a rumour if you like.

DM is a military installation.

Being scheduled to land here and escorted to ground, is a little different to being 'forced' to land... :)

If you were forced to do something, it would be something that you were not planning on doing unless you were 'forced' ?


Would Thai officials have waylaid/checked the cargo if they had not been tipped off by the American intelligence officials?

Same for the Al Qaeda's 9-11 mastermind, Hambali, who was caught trying to enter Thailand via Chiang Kong border crossing - he was detained because of US intelligence reports fed to Thai counterparts.

Hopefully Thai operatives are learning from these contacts, and are beginning to form their own intelligence operations, and not having to rely so often on outsiders' tip-offs.

More importantly, let's hope Thai operatives will find/search/detain/prosecute some of these sorts of bad guys on their own initiative, rather than always having to be directed to do so by American operatives and others.

I was told by someone in ATC at Don Muang that the plane was forced to land as it entered Thai airspace. It could have been scheduled to land here anyway, but as I heard it, it was escorted to the ground by the RTAF.

I cannot name the source for obvious reasons so regard this as a rumour if you like.

DM is a military installation.

Being scheduled to land here and escorted to ground, is a little different to being 'forced' to land... :)

If you were forced to do something, it would be something that you were not planning on doing unless you were 'forced' ?

Yes, agreed - The Thais had good intelligence as to what was on this plane, and once it was in Thai airspace they were taking no chances and escorted it down, that is different to being forced.....sorry.


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