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90 Day Report + Visa Extention

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My question is. Can I do the 90 day report,without G/F? Do I need proof of address? If so would a Thai driving licence be enough, as I don't have a yellow book. I also have x2 Thai bank accounts. I do intend to travel in Thailand next year. Can I do 90day report by post. Reading other posts there does seem to be some confusion on this. The take I have on it is that it can be done, at my normal Immigration office.

My extention of visa is due in April next year. Can this be done by myself, without g/f. What documents would I need.

Is there an official website that I could find this information, to print off?

I would be grateful of any help, on this.


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There is no extension of stay for GF so you would need the same next year as this year I suspect. You do not say where you are so can not confirm local office has mail ability. No, you do not need a GF to do a 90 day report. A letter addressed to you, a lease, or such should be all that is required - and in many cases nothing is asked.

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There is no extension of stay for GF so you would need the same next year as this year I suspect. You do not say where you are so can not confirm local office has mail ability. No, you do not need a GF to do a 90 day report. A letter addressed to you, a lease, or such should be all that is required - and in many cases nothing is asked.

Thanks Lopburi3,

Sorry might not have made my question to clear. I was not asking of extention of stay for g/f, as she is Thai. I seem to remember that, she had to show her ID for either 90 day report or visa extention. But can not really remember! I do not have a lease. As I said I do have a Thai driving licence, + I do have a letter from Immigration addressed to me, Informing me of change of address (Khorat) The reason for these questions is that we are splitting up. Ido intend to keep the address i have now as my permanent address. It is a house that I had built. Which I will be leaving my g/f with?


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My comment was if she is GF and not wife you do not have an extension of stay for marriage. So what is your extension of stay for? Retirement? Work? Study? There should never be a reason to show GF ID card for extension of stay that I know of. Surly not for any 90 day report (unless was in conjunction with proving where you lived - perhaps during extension of stay application?).

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So I should be able to do both the 90 report, also my visa extentin myself. With documents I have. Do you know if I can do 90 report at Khorat by post?


The last reports we got said that the new Korat Office do not accept 90 day reports by post. They seem to be staffed by the old Surin Office Officers who did not accept it.

Give them a ring and ask. Contact details are Here

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