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I Lost A Whole Baht On My Euro The Last Week :(

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Personally I think the Euro is looking pretty unhealthy at present, the budget deficit in Greece has been the reason for recent falls but IMF has already warned that similar problems are lined up with Ireland, Spain and Portugal. The Pound is not in a brilliant state at present but if I had to bet I would continue to think that the Euro is going to fall against Sterling and things have to be pretty bad for any currency to fall against the Pound currently.

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yes another tech term to add would be 'bearish trend' or even 'extremely bearish'.

so those who diversed/invested in time are happy & those who are yet to 'act' may still be worth it...

Yes maybe, but the risk doesn't look good either way hence I think that USD looks more attractive.

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Personally I think the Euro is looking pretty unhealthy at present, the budget deficit in Greece has been the reason for recent falls but IMF has already warned that similar problems are lined up with Ireland, Spain and Portugal. The Pound is not in a brilliant state at present but if I had to bet I would continue to think that the Euro is going to fall against Sterling and things have to be pretty bad for any currency to fall against the Pound currently.

So basically you admit, Euroland is in a state just like the UK ! I said this a year ago and you dismissed this argument as nonsense! So just to confirm, they are all in a state my friend, and you can stop your insane attacks on UK.

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Personally I think the Euro is looking pretty unhealthy at present, the budget deficit in Greece has been the reason for recent falls but IMF has already warned that similar problems are lined up with Ireland, Spain and Portugal. The Pound is not in a brilliant state at present but if I had to bet I would continue to think that the Euro is going to fall against Sterling and things have to be pretty bad for any currency to fall against the Pound currently.

So basically you admit, Euroland is in a state just like the UK ! I said this a year ago and you dismissed this argument as nonsense! So just to confirm, they are all in a state my friend, and you can stop your insane attacks on UK.

a "Euroland" which can be judged arbitrarily and by generalising does not exist.

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Personally I think the Euro is looking pretty unhealthy at present, the budget deficit in Greece has been the reason for recent falls but IMF has already warned that similar problems are lined up with Ireland, Spain and Portugal. The Pound is not in a brilliant state at present but if I had to bet I would continue to think that the Euro is going to fall against Sterling and things have to be pretty bad for any currency to fall against the Pound currently.

So basically you admit, Euroland is in a state just like the UK ! I said this a year ago and you dismissed this argument as nonsense! So just to confirm, they are all in a state my friend, and you can stop your insane attacks on UK.

a "Euroland" which can be judged arbitrarily and by generalising does not exist.

It can, in much the same USA exists. As we know USA comprises some states that are healthy some not so. But it is possible to judge overall. And the same applies to those countries whose currency is the Euro. Surely it's possible to take UK, Denmark, and Sweden out the equaton and come up with an entity!.

Or are you one of those that says Germany is Euroland? Tha's a bit like the guy who says Texas (or wherever) is ok, so USA is ok!

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What was on 13-12-2009 Bad news MAK MAK :) Euro 47.7

Seems 6 weeks later only to be Bad news NIDNOY

As the euro is today 45.4 :D

Strange that bad new mak mak can change into bad new nidnoy withing a few weeks

Always think about this lesson when recieving the next Bad news MA MAK, so you can still smile a little bit :D

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Personally I think the Euro is looking pretty unhealthy at present, the budget deficit in Greece has been the reason for recent falls but IMF has already warned that similar problems are lined up with Ireland, Spain and Portugal. The Pound is not in a brilliant state at present but if I had to bet I would continue to think that the Euro is going to fall against Sterling and things have to be pretty bad for any currency to fall against the Pound currently.

So basically you admit, Euroland is in a state just like the UK ! I said this a year ago and you dismissed this argument as nonsense! So just to confirm, they are all in a state my friend, and you can stop your insane attacks on UK.

Enough of your inane BS posts and late commenting, leaving a trail like a dog with the runs. If you have difficulty understanding an opinion I have posted, post a link to it so that we can ALL judge your understanding of the written word!

Edited by chiang mai
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On Friday, December 4th Kasikorn's rate was 49.2. Today it is 47.2. What is going on?

rating agencies are publishing negative EU news because of the EU "PIIGs" (Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Greece).

and i would add that with this remark, you just sound like the "PORK" you are (post on reply Kasikorn....rates)

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Personally I like to be in decent hard currencies like the Thai baht. (I cant think of a single euro country with as good fundamentals.)

Euro is a strange beast. People tend to choose giving it some value between its highest common denominator (say Germany) or trending towards its lowest (say Greece). Single currencies, especially fiat ones, are extremely unlikely to last for long. Given that capital in a single currency will always migrate to the highest risk if there is no risk in the currency, it must become a weaker currency over time (although there is tough competition.)

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Hi folks, I wanted to start a new thread on this but guess I will post here for now. I just went back to Vietnam and cashed out all of my money there (was living there before coming here in September) and of the three currencies I was looking at, the Euro gave me a slight edge value-wise, so I went with that. I now have 4860 Euro. I come on here and I see that the Euro was listed as high as 49+ just a few weeks ago but is now at 47.106 or something and likely going down, that equates to about ten thousand baht. What's the general consensus? Although the Euro was the better value in Vietnam looks like it's not a good one here? Think it will go back up? Any reason for decline or just usual market unpredictability?

Asked at one currency exchange if I could go directly from Euro to another int'l, such as dollar (usd) but they said no. Edit: I am not a European and don't travel there, just used the currency as it offered a bit of a higher value. Feels strange holding onto money you'll never use.

my opinion is the EUR overshot. Maybe fair value at about par to the USD. So long term, the USD should recover against the EUR and the THB should weaken abit.

Perhaps like so:

35 - 38 THB / USD

35 - 45 THB / EUR

just my 2 cents...satangs whatever.

I am going through the motions with a large USD transfer of 400K. Everytime the THB moves 0.10 it's 40,000 baht. Real bummer, since I planned on converting at around 38, and now averaging just near 34 on my condo purchase.

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AUD dropped from 29 to 28 last night just before my fortnightly wefare cheque came through.

Woe is moi!

Now I only have 37,000 per month to live on instead of 38,000. Them Thai invalid pensioners I see outside the 711 stores with the beggars' trays got it lucky! Oh what am I to do with my poor fortune now that another 250 baht a week has been stolen from my welfare allowance? Maybe I should buy a tray and find a vacant 711 verandah before things get too unbearable! Woe is moi poor me however can I survive on this pittance of a fair wage for stuff all ?

Of course, we must remember that if life ever gets too darned-well tough for us farang pensioners, we can always embrace the Theravada and flock to the wat for a plate of rice and a daily cigarette...

Edited by SeanMoran
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If I now transfer the Euro equivalent of the 800,000 I need to show for a retirement extension, I will lose about 35,000 compared with the rate 10 days ago.

That's a fair few Leos :)

No, thats LIFE

Remember the year sending my OA cash over I lost 32,000 baht on the exchange rate,was I P****d off.

Next year I gained 56,000 baht.

Swings and roundabout!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess links aren't allowed on this site? Not even in the form of regular text, I guess.

Anyways at dailymail (dot) co (dot) uk, in the worldnews section a couple of days ago, a pretty strong worded article appears. Here's some snips.

Collapse of the euro is 'inevitable': Bailing out the Greek economy futile

The European single currency is facing an 'inevitable break-up' a leading French bank claimed yesterday....

Claims that the euro could be headed for total collapse are particularly striking when they come from one of the oldest and largest banks in France - a core founder-member. ...

In a note to investors, SocGen strategist Albert Edwards said: 'My own view is that there is little "help" that can be offered by the other eurozone nations other than temporary, confidence-giving "sticking plasters" before the ultimate denouement: the break-up of the eurozone.'

Other than that the article states several political candidates in England are pledging not to have Britain join the Euro or Eurozone.

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  • 1 month later...
Now, it's not a question of will the Euro crash, just how badly!

Anyone bluffing it out that the Euro will hold firm is a very brave man!

anyone bluffing it out that the Pound will hold firm is a very brave man! :)

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Now, it's not a question of will the Euro crash, just how badly!

Anyone bluffing it out that the Euro will hold firm is a very brave man!

anyone bluffing it out that the Pound will hold firm is a very brave man! :)

rather have that than the Euro at present. it's a bit like a patient possibly on the mend looking at the ICU ward I suppose but that Euro is gong down !

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Now, it's not a question of will the Euro crash, just how badly!

Anyone bluffing it out that the Euro will hold firm is a very brave man!

anyone bluffing it out that the Pound will hold firm is a very brave man! :)

rather have that than the Euro at present. it's a bit like a patient possibly on the mend looking at the ICU ward I suppose but that Euro is gong down !


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now portugal is also rated down-

soon will see 41 for 1 euro.

I Reckon 32-38 within I month an I would prefer 50 but we have to live with it. macroeconomics,

The Greek financial crisis is the latest example of the gap between reality and rhetoric. At root, it is a crisis of “enlargement,” in this case enlargement of the euro-zone. Unprecedented effort at fiscal discipline in the 1990’s – helped in Greece by creative accounting – enabled Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain (disobligingly known as the PIGS) to meet the entry criteria in 2002. But once in, the pressure was off. Most of the Mediterranean countries continued on their spendthrift ways, confident that the markets would not call them to account.

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Now, it's not a question of will the Euro crash, just how badly!

Anyone bluffing it out that the Euro will hold firm is a very brave man!

anyone bluffing it out that the Pound will hold firm is a very brave man! :)

rather have that than the Euro at present. it's a bit like a patient possibly on the mend looking at the ICU ward I suppose but that Euro is gong down !


It is going down that is clear. Euroland has a number of economies that need to be bailed out. Whereas UK and US have bankrolled their economies more or less to completion, Euroland has not. Italy alone has a crisis similar to the UK. Then the PIGS! This will impact on the value of the Euro, well it is now isn't it?

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It is going down that is clear. Euroland has a number of economies that need to be bailed out. Whereas UK and US have bankrolled their economies more or less to completion, Euroland has not. Italy alone has a crisis similar to the UK. Then the PIGS! This will impact on the value of the Euro, well it is now isn't it?

how much did you invest shorting the €UR, vs. what currency and what time frame?

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