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Evening 'entertainment' In Cr

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A friend of mine is heading to Chiang Rai next week for a few days and was wondering about the places to head for entertainment of the female variety, also places to avoid if any. I've been there myself a couple of times and it seemed a bit on the quiet side. Any recommendations for a single man heading to you town?

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Please do not visit Chiang Rai if that is what your friend wants. He can get that sort of "entertainment" else where. Chiang Rai is a nice town - not a sleasy town.

Please do not visit Chiang Rai if that is what your friend wants. He can get that sort of "entertainment" else where. Chiang Rai is a nice town - not a sleasy town.

If you could recommend a nice Christian church, that would be fine too. :) You do live in Chiang Rai, right?

BTW ~ Sleazy


Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?


So is this guy a sex tourist or a missionary? Sorry - about the spelling error. English is not my "Native" language...

There are other places where your friend can get his "entertainment" Pattaya, Soi Nana, Patpong, Hat Yai are just some of these places.

Oh and by the way, Chiang Rai used to have one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the country. You might want to tell your "friend" about that as well.

Please do not visit Chiang Rai if that is what your friend wants. He can get that sort of "entertainment" else where. Chiang Rai is a nice town - not a sleasy town.

If you could recommend a nice Christian church, that would be fine too. :) You do live in Chiang Rai, right?

BTW ~ Sleazy

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

When did I say he was a sex tourist? Like many single people in the world, seeking company of the opposite sex is still considered normal behaviour, I think you guys are a little paranoid not to mention unrealistic. If you want to stay at home in quiet Chiang Rai, go ahead. I think I'll join my friend there and see what we can see, Cheers. :)

So is this guy a sex tourist or a missionary? Sorry - about the spelling error. English is not my "Native" language...

There are other places where your friend can get his "entertainment" Pattaya, Soi Nana, Patpong, Hat Yai are just some of these places.

Oh and by the way, Chiang Rai used to have one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the country. You might want to tell your "friend" about that as well.

Please do not visit Chiang Rai if that is what your friend wants. He can get that sort of "entertainment" else where. Chiang Rai is a nice town - not a sleasy town.

If you could recommend a nice Christian church, that would be fine too. :) You do live in Chiang Rai, right?

BTW ~ Sleazy

How can so many people have HIV if there is no nonsense in your town and I presume and no prostitutes? :D A bit confusing.

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

Did the OP ask about places with sex workers? Can't believe you guys in CR think in such a sleazy way :)

The OP just asked for places with female entertainment.

If he wants bars with girls to sit and chat with, then head down Chet Yot Road (a turning off the clock tower roundabout). If he wants female companions karaoke style, then go to the Wiang Inn Hotel (he may be able to get a special massage there, too) or one of the karaoke joints along Phaholyothin Road. If he wants to meet some of the nice young locals, then he could check out one of the many local night spots - Sperm, Par Club, The Womb or Where Else. If he's not a conversationalist, then tell him to ask a tuk-tuk driver for some action.

Have fun!


Like all provinces, Chiang Rai has its share of commercial sex workers. They in turn infect others. The men infect their wives. Young men visit commercial sex works and they get infected. They sleep with their girl friend and they get infected. Haven't you learned how STDs are transmitted? Oh BTW, HIV is not a disease of gay people only or IV drug users. It is a disease that affects everyone.

So if your friend is not a sex tourist then you and your friend have nothing to worry about. Unless.... you did things in the past that you might regret having done.

How can so many people have HIV if there is no nonsense in your town and I presume and no prostitutes? :) A bit confusing.

Perhaps toybits needs a new monicker. Maybe seriousbits or righteousbits or bitterbits. That "toy" part always gets me thinking dirty.

We can't control what others do, so to each their own. I survived over twenty years of being a very bad boy, so it can be done safely. Twelve years of being faithful has also been good, just different.

Enjoy your visit to Chiang Rai whatever you end up doing.


Maybe the OP's friend can bring a young lady from another part of Thailand to enjoy the delights of our province with him as guide and translator.

Like most of rural Thailand female company is available in the clubs and karaoke bars for those that wish to seek it. Down around the old airport area seems to have a number of small establishments decorated with strings of coloured lights. These could well sell fish or vegetables but my good lady wife doesn't allow me to make a closer inspection of them to find out.

It's pretty safe most places, but place not temptation in the path of the unGodly by wandering around drunk in the small hours of the morning or leaving cash and valuables lying around while entertaining guests.

Edit: A quick look at our interactive map will reveal a number of places to the south east of the main town indicated by wine glasses, where I assume drinks are available. :)


Chiang Rai is quiet for the people that wants it to be quiet. There are a few venues that do offer both food, music and foxy entertainment in various areas and directions around town. But, it's not a party town which I'm glad for because that would mean a sudden drop in the average age (95+ at the moment) and add too many young British school teachers looking for soul searching, spirit guidance and creating havoc to what little they can contribute to in school.

Now, for anyone that is at least normally gifted would go on google and search for what they like and if they put in "girls, sex, party, thailand" - Chiang Rai won't show, but loads of other places will!

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

Did the OP ask about places with sex workers? Can't believe you guys in CR think in such a sleazy way :D

The OP just asked for places with female entertainment.

If he wants bars with girls to sit and chat with, then head down Chet Yot Road (a turning off the clock tower roundabout). If he wants female companions karaoke style, then go to the Wiang Inn Hotel (he may be able to get a special massage there, too) or one of the karaoke joints along Phaholyothin Road. If he wants to meet some of the nice young locals, then he could check out one of the many local night spots - Sperm, Par Club, The Womb or Where Else. If he's not a conversationalist, then tell him to ask a tuk-tuk driver for some action.

Have fun!

Sperm!!! The Womb!!!!

OMG - I expect all those members of the "Christian Movement for Paranoia and Prudence" that were so vocal in the first few replies will be torching these blasphemous dens of inequity very soon. Imagine that !!!! In pure and god-fearing CR, people would have the audacity to open such horrible places. LOL :)

The OP's friend is automatically labeled a sex tourist because he asks about places to meet girls? C'mon, it's obvious that ThaiVisa has a very strong gay influence, but us heterosexuals aren't jumping all over posts by the gay members when they ask about the wheres, whys, and hows involved in their sexual preference. There seems to be a very good live and let live approach to the high number of gays who post on here, so let's be fair to the hetros as well. Straight Pride, baby!!!

Amazing to see so many people decide that if a guy wants to have sex with a girl in Thailand, he's a pervert. Hilariously twisted sh*t, that is.

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

Did the OP ask about places with sex workers? Can't believe you guys in CR think in such a sleazy way :D

The OP just asked for places with female entertainment.

If he wants bars with girls to sit and chat with, then head down Chet Yot Road (a turning off the clock tower roundabout). If he wants female companions karaoke style, then go to the Wiang Inn Hotel (he may be able to get a special massage there, too) or one of the karaoke joints along Phaholyothin Road. If he wants to meet some of the nice young locals, then he could check out one of the many local night spots - Sperm, Par Club, The Womb or Where Else. If he's not a conversationalist, then tell him to ask a tuk-tuk driver for some action.

Have fun!

Sperm!!! The Womb!!!!

OMG - I expect all those members of the "Christian Movement for Paranoia and Prudence" that were so vocal in the first few replies will be torching these blasphemous dens of inequity very soon. Imagine that !!!! In pure and god-fearing CR, people would have the audacity to open such horrible places. LOL :)

The OP's friend is automatically labeled a sex tourist because he asks about places to meet girls? C'mon, it's obvious that ThaiVisa has a very strong gay influence, but us heterosexuals aren't jumping all over posts by the gay members when they ask about the wheres, whys, and hows involved in their sexual preference. There seems to be a very good live and let live approach to the high number of gays who post on here, so let's be fair to the hetros as well. Straight Pride, baby!!!

Amazing to see so many people decide that if a guy wants to have sex with a girl in Thailand, he's a pervert. Hilariously twisted sh*t, that is.

The Sperm and Womb bars are actually just normal bars but with odd names, nothing sleazy about them despite their name. They are in the main entertainment area of Chiang Rai for Thai's around the big Par Club. The main area that farang tend to hang out is Jetyod Rd in the centre. There is no Christian movement as far as I'm aware but I'd hate for CR to turn into somewhere that farang visit mainly for the ready supply of girls for sale, like every service provided, it's all about supply and demand and the more farang who visit who will pay for the services of a girl then the more that industry will grow. Is the ops friend not able to have a normal relationship with a girl instead of paying for her company? There are already far too many farang who think that every Thai girl is for sale regardless of where they are, the more that small towns and villages cater for people with these views then this will just get worse.

I was in a 7/11 not so long ago with my wife when I noticed an odd-looking chap staring at me and following me round. He then cornered me and asked me where the bars are where he can get a girl like I had. I live and let live but maybe that's why I'm not a great fan of CR attracting sex tourists and I don't see why I should have to hear sh1t like that just because of a stereotype that is only going to get worse if places like CR change for the worse. This is where I intend to raise a family and If I were to have a daughter I'd hate for some old desperado in 16-18yrs time to presume she was a whore just because she happens to be (50%) Thai.

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

Man this post made sign up for Thai visa and post a reply, my friends and I visited Chiang Rai last year and we had a great time, not difficult at all to find female company. We don't consider ourselves 'sex tourist' but tourist who enjoy sex :D I remember going to many resorts in Europe and having a great time there too. I understand you grumpy old ba#@&*#s trying to protect your town from perverts but it seemed like an innocent post deserving a decent reply. You guys don't seem to care about running down Pataya etc. what about the decent, quiet families who live there? :) A little bit of thought, compassion and understanding might be in order before you pound angrily on those computer keys. :D

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

Man this post made sign up for Thai visa and post a reply, my friends and I visited Chiang Rai last year and we had a great time, not difficult at all to find female company. We don't consider ourselves 'sex tourist' but tourist who enjoy sex :D I remember going to many resorts in Europe and having a great time there too. I understand you grumpy old ba#@&*#s trying to protect your town from perverts but it seemed like an innocent post deserving a decent reply. You guys don't seem to care about running down Pataya etc. what about the decent, quiet families who live there? :) A little bit of thought, compassion and understanding might be in order before you pound angrily on those computer keys. :D

Yes it's not difficult to find female company here, there are many many beautiful girls in Chiang Rai and many of whom find farang men very attractive. Like most men I also enjoy sex and when I was single I could go out any night of the week and meet a like-minded girl in one of the local bars, nightclubs the same as I would back at home or in any city throughout the world but I never paid for sex. Does the ops friend pay for sex in his home country? Like I said in a previous post though, I will be raising a family here soon and already had one idiot approach me and my wife recently asking where the bars were where he could also get a girl like I had and the more tourists who come here that are willing to pay for sex will increase the amount of sex workers but I guess that's OK because this is Thailand and not Canada, Australia or the UK. I'm not old, far from it, and I often recommend Chiang Rai to friends for a visit because of the amount of beautiful single girls here but not the ones you need to pay for their company.


I was wondering when someone would bring up the "I never paid for sex." line. Perhaps it would have been better to leave out the part about the guy being attracted to the wife, too. Considering what these guys are usually attracted to, that is hardly a ringing endorsement of the wife. Perhaps a little discretion, about what one volunteers. Might save some embarrassment or misunderstanding.

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

Man this post made sign up for Thai visa and post a reply, my friends and I visited Chiang Rai last year and we had a great time, not difficult at all to find female company. We don't consider ourselves 'sex tourist' but tourist who enjoy sex :D I remember going to many resorts in Europe and having a great time there too. I understand you grumpy old ba#@&*#s trying to protect your town from perverts but it seemed like an innocent post deserving a decent reply. You guys don't seem to care about running down Pataya etc. what about the decent, quiet families who live there? :) A little bit of thought, compassion and understanding might be in order before you pound angrily on those computer keys. :D

Yes it's not difficult to find female company here, there are many many beautiful girls in Chiang Rai and many of whom find farang men very attractive. Like most men I also enjoy sex and when I was single I could go out any night of the week and meet a like-minded girl in one of the local bars, nightclubs the same as I would back at home or in any city throughout the world but I never paid for sex. Does the ops friend pay for sex in his home country? Like I said in a previous post though, I will be raising a family here soon and already had one idiot approach me and my wife recently asking where the bars were where he could also get a girl like I had and the more tourists who come here that are willing to pay for sex will increase the amount of sex workers but I guess that's OK because this is Thailand and not Canada, Australia or the UK. I'm not old, far from it, and I often recommend Chiang Rai to friends for a visit because of the amount of beautiful single girls here but not the ones you need to pay for their company.

Not sure if I fully understand the highlighted part.

Am I right in saying that you frequented the bars

whilst in Thailand, took girls home and you

NEVER paid?

Because that my friend is a rarity.

And using that theory, the guy could

come to CR, take girls home and sleep

with them. And as long as he doesn't pay

them, it's ok.

Also, your average sex tourist ain't

gonna come to CR for the girls. They

will go to Pattaya, Bangkok or a host

of other area's. So I don't think you

have any worries about CR becomming

another "Sin City".

Surely a guy can visit CR and go and

visit the bars without getting sledged for

it. Maybe he should just stay in his hotel

room at night.



We have a full range of opinions here.

You'll have to forgive toybits, he hasn't been the same since they completed the Little Duck roadworks.

Scea, are you sure toybits is a guy? With the attitude and english proficiency, I was sure we were dealing with a Thai female who didn't understand that her nickname sounds ever so much like a Bond Girl, or a stripper. :)


I admit to never having met the person but his rage at the incompetent handling of the bridge/roadworks on the superhighway by the Little Duck Hotel definitely had a masculine ring to it.

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

Man this post made sign up for Thai visa and post a reply, my friends and I visited Chiang Rai last year and we had a great time, not difficult at all to find female company. We don't consider ourselves 'sex tourist' but tourist who enjoy sex :D I remember going to many resorts in Europe and having a great time there too. I understand you grumpy old ba#@&*#s trying to protect your town from perverts but it seemed like an innocent post deserving a decent reply. You guys don't seem to care about running down Pataya etc. what about the decent, quiet families who live there? :) A little bit of thought, compassion and understanding might be in order before you pound angrily on those computer keys. :D

Yes it's not difficult to find female company here, there are many many beautiful girls in Chiang Rai and many of whom find farang men very attractive. Like most men I also enjoy sex and when I was single I could go out any night of the week and meet a like-minded girl in one of the local bars, nightclubs the same as I would back at home or in any city throughout the world but I never paid for sex. Does the ops friend pay for sex in his home country? Like I said in a previous post though, I will be raising a family here soon and already had one idiot approach me and my wife recently asking where the bars were where he could also get a girl like I had and the more tourists who come here that are willing to pay for sex will increase the amount of sex workers but I guess that's OK because this is Thailand and not Canada, Australia or the UK. I'm not old, far from it, and I often recommend Chiang Rai to friends for a visit because of the amount of beautiful single girls here but not the ones you need to pay for their company.

Not sure if I fully understand the highlighted part.

Am I right in saying that you frequented the bars

whilst in Thailand, took girls home and you

NEVER paid?

Because that my friend is a rarity.

And using that theory, the guy could

come to CR, take girls home and sleep

with them. And as long as he doesn't pay

them, it's ok.

Also, your average sex tourist ain't

gonna come to CR for the girls. They

will go to Pattaya, Bangkok or a host

of other area's. So I don't think you

have any worries about CR becomming

another "Sin City".

Surely a guy can visit CR and go and

visit the bars without getting sledged for

it. Maybe he should just stay in his hotel

room at night.



Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Are you not aware that there are 'normal' bars/clubs here too just like in America, Australia, England, Canada, France etc etc? Where do you think the vast majority of Thai's go when they want to have fun, the go-go bars and bars full of bar-girls? Every town/city in Thailand has bars and clubs with the main patrons being your normal, everyday Thai. The Uni students, Toyota dealership employees, bank staff etc etc also like to go out and enjoy themselves and if you go to the same places they go to then that is where you can meet like-minded people who have a relationship, whether a one-night stand or longer, based on being attracted to you rather than because you pay them. It was not a rarity for me when I was single in Lampang, Korat, or Khon Khaen where I used to live, and it's not been a rarity for friends who have visited me since I moved to Chiang Rai. Maybe it would be a rarity if you frequented bars where the girls who work there require payment to keep you company for a night but not if you go to the same sort of places you would go to in your own country. I know there are places which attract sex tourists like Pattaya as there are thousands of sex workers there but if more people come to CR and are willing to pay for sex then it won't be long before CR has more of those types of bars which I'd rather didn't happen. What's wrong with that? If you lived in a small town in Canada or America would you want lot's of bars opening up with bar girls selling themselves and lot's of people visiting your town solely for the purpose of paying for sex? It's just another sad example of how many people see Thailand as basically one big brothel, don't see anything wrong with the increasing amount of sex tourists coming here and think that every Thai female is for sale. But it could be that I see things differently as I'm in my early 30's and still able to attract a girl without using $, I guess if I was old, bald and fat then I would need to pay for sex too. And village farang <//deleted by Admin//>, you needn't worry about my wife, she's 25 and very beautiful which is perhaps why I was approached and asked about her, I'd concentrate on your silly blog rather than make daft comments on here!


This thread is quickly turning into a discussion about prostitution. Posters are reminded to follow the rules.

Fortunately Chiang Rai isn't a popular destination for sex tourists and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The more sex tourists that come here will increase the amount of sex workers and it will then, slowly but surely, become like many other sleaZy places that can be found in Thailand. Why can't he come here and enjoy Chiang Rai as it is without having to pay for a girls company while he's here?

Did the OP ask about places with sex workers? Can't believe you guys in CR think in such a sleazy way :D

The OP just asked for places with female entertainment.

If he wants bars with girls to sit and chat with, then head down Chet Yot Road (a turning off the clock tower roundabout). If he wants female companions karaoke style, then go to the Wiang Inn Hotel (he may be able to get a special massage there, too) or one of the karaoke joints along Phaholyothin Road. If he wants to meet some of the nice young locals, then he could check out one of the many local night spots - Sperm, Par Club, The Womb or Where Else. If he's not a conversationalist, then tell him to ask a tuk-tuk driver for some action.

Have fun!

Sperm!!! The Womb!!!!

OMG - I expect all those members of the "Christian Movement for Paranoia and Prudence" that were so vocal in the first few replies will be torching these blasphemous dens of inequity very soon. Imagine that !!!! In pure and god-fearing CR, people would have the audacity to open such horrible places. LOL :)

The OP's friend is automatically labeled a sex tourist because he asks about places to meet girls? C'mon, it's obvious that ThaiVisa has a very strong gay influence, but us heterosexuals aren't jumping all over posts by the gay members when they ask about the wheres, whys, and hows involved in their sexual preference. There seems to be a very good live and let live approach to the high number of gays who post on here, so let's be fair to the hetros as well. Straight Pride, baby!!!

Amazing to see so many people decide that if a guy wants to have sex with a girl in Thailand, he's a pervert. Hilariously twisted sh*t, that is.

The Sperm and Womb bars are actually just normal bars but with odd names, nothing sleazy about them despite their name. They are in the main entertainment area of Chiang Rai for Thai's around the big Par Club. The main area that farang tend to hang out is Jetyod Rd in the centre. There is no Christian movement as far as I'm aware but I'd hate for CR to turn into somewhere that farang visit mainly for the ready supply of girls for sale, like every service provided, it's all about supply and demand and the more farang who visit who will pay for the services of a girl then the more that industry will grow. Is the ops friend not able to have a normal relationship with a girl instead of paying for her company? There are already far too many farang who think that every Thai girl is for sale regardless of where they are, the more that small towns and villages cater for people with these views then this will just get worse.

I was in a 7/11 not so long ago with my wife when I noticed an odd-looking chap staring at me and following me round. He then cornered me and asked me where the bars are where he can get a girl like I had. I live and let live but maybe that's why I'm not a great fan of CR attracting sex tourists and I don't see why I should have to hear sh1t like that just because of a stereotype that is only going to get worse if places like CR change for the worse. This is where I intend to raise a family and If I were to have a daughter I'd hate for some old desperado in 16-18yrs time to presume she was a whore just because she happens to be (50%) Thai.

I completely understand what you're saying, and I hope you realize that I was being facsicious. As others have mentioned, CR isn't exactly the first name that's blurted out when people talk about prostitution in Thailand. As a matter of fact, it's probably never mentioned (unless joking) so I wouldn't worry about it being flooded with devient sex tourists.

However, one thing that comes across in this thread is that there seems to be no grey area when it come to hiring a women for a night of passion. The general concensus seems to be that if you ever hire a woman of the night, you're a devient, plain and simple. Isn't there any middle ground or sympathy for the extremely shy or exceedingly unattractive? Amazing how many people in this thread ride very high up on their pure white horses looking down at those who are possibly very desperate for some intimate conact with a woman. Is there no chance that the OP's friend falls into these catagories of shyness or unattractiveness? I've put the sentence above in bold lettering because this type of question has come up several times. So, perhaps that answer is, "No, he can't." And that could be due to a physical or personality realted situation. Admittly, the OP's friend could also simply be a boorish jerk with no real respect for women, but I don't think it's fair for so many to hold their high and mighty ground, condemming this person without trying to see that every sutuation has more than one perspective.


This thread is just too ^%$#* hilarious. We have folks here who married bar girls slagging off someone coming on a holiday with hopes of getting lucky. We have "I never paid for it" playboys who have converted to white knightism making dire warnings about how future visitors had better behave.

But what takes the cake is trying(?) to dis-associate Chiang Rai with nightlife:

As others have mentioned, CR isn't exactly the first name that's blurted out when people talk about prostitution in Thailand.*

Actually, it often is .. especially among Thais. Chiang Rai has supplied more than a fair (?) share of their damsel population to the nightlife industry all over Thailand. Northern women, especially CR women, are sought after for their beauty, light skin .. and their parents' willingness to sell them into the nightlife industry.

For those who feel the need to defend their wives and family from the mere thought of ... perhaps a glance in the mirror and an honest recollection of their own past is in order.

Just as Thailand, Chiang Rai is what it is .. and no amount of chest thumping, flag waving and lance wielding will change that.

Edit: [*]No attack on Beacher, just to make a point.

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