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Can I come and watch? Nothing I like better than a good sword fight.

Now we need a new thread: "Where to buy the best sword in Chiang Mai?". Sword, not swords. We need only one. :)

Reason for edit: BTW, you are welcome, Ian. But I am afraid the duel is delayed. We have to find this bloody sword before

Lots of wats have them but they are made of cement and held by Yaks...will that do?

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As the saying goes, "if you can't stand the heat..."

There were as many, if not more, mean and derogatory posters that left because of the heat than those that thought they were being picked on. Leaving, as they believe, is their way of making a statement that they could not verbalize. Many who thought they were being picked on and those bullies made some bold statement about how they were not going to put up with this and that and blah, blah, blah, they were finished, feeling some sense of accomplishment over getting in the final jab, the last word, the kill. They might have lost the argument but they had won the fight. Their departing words meant to demoralize and damage their particular adversary and then to make a bigger statement about the kids on this block just don't play fair. They had done it, they could wash their hands.

Meanwhile, back on the farm, the fallen all sit at their computers, silently reading and feeling some sense of accomplishment that the TV forum community does not have their little pearls of wisdom, their words of wit. Bravo for them, bravo. They got out, a little soiled but they got out.

As the rest boldly prepare to post pictures of fish and argue about important issues like newspapers, burgers and where is the better gay night club.

At dusk, I will send you my seconds. :)

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Monsieur Hulot,

" ... yet there is something still that will always be mine, and when I go to God's presence, there I'll doff it and sweep the heavenly pavement with a gesture — something I'll take unstained out of this world ... my panache ". Cyrano's last words.

regardez, ~o:37;

As the saying goes, "if you can't stand the heat..."

There were as many, if not more, mean and derogatory posters that left because of the heat than those that thought they were being picked on.

Very true, the really creepy ones don't last long and that is because of the mods. They may infuriate us from time to time, but they also get rid of the real nasties pronto! :)


I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

Actually, I received no such PM. If people would prefer that I don't post pictures then just say so. And, I spend a lot of time resizing photos so they can be seen on a forum, but are not full size. If you would prefer thumbnail photos then please advise how to do them. Very often a thumb nail photo is of little or no use.

Ian, i enjoy the pics you post, so dont stop. heres an online photo resizer, quick and easy to use and good for posting on forums :)

photo resize

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

i guess some of the old boys have formed a network of friends over time and have similiar points of view, nothing wrong with that, but that wouldnt stop me posting however non sensical, or different to their point of view.

the forum would be a boring ole place if everyone had the same POV, so post away without fear i say!

at the end of the day, paying customers keep businesses going, not whos popular or post most on the forum

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

I agree. I'm out.

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Kevin and I are sponsors, but hardly Thai Visa favorites. We both spend more time on suspension than on-line and have both been the target of the mod's and other poster's anger, literary barbs and wrath on numerous occasions.

My opinions are too concervative for Thai Visa and Kevin has an undeserved reputation for promoting his business a little too much.

Anyone who thinks that the powers that be do much more than put up with us, is misinformed.

As far as "hogging the posts" goes. You can post as much as you want - I am not stopping to you - but maybe you don't like what I have to say. Well welcome to the club, many people agree with you, but others like what I write and tell me so and I know that Kevin gets the same sort of feedback.

This old boys network is a bunch of crap. The other business owners are polite and mostly quiet and want nothing to do with anyone who isn't into promoting their business properly.

Very true, the really creepy ones don't last long and that is because of the mods. They may infuriate us from time to time, but they also get rid of the real nasties pronto! :D

:D As one more regular-poster, who has felt the mods' ire, upon the odd occasion, I agree with UG that they do a good job in keeping things civil. :D

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

Note to a (welcome) Newbie, it helps to get your facts right, and to have a slightly-thicker skin.

Of course we all mostly know each other, and jump to our friends' defence, you'll probably become like us yourself, in time. This sub-forum has been running for a while now, we do like to pull each others' legs, but we also pass-on a lot of helpful information, especially about food and the latest places to eat/drink/be-merry ! :)

Think of it as a bunch of (mostly) old-farts, propping up a bar, and having a gossip, but where new-arrivals are welcomed into the fold. It's not too serious, we're not too serious, and as you settle into retired-life, you too may move in the same direction. Let's discuss this over a beer sometime ! :D :D


The way I see it, a forum like this has two main purposes. To help people obtain information they need about something, which in this case is Chiang Mai. Or to engage in discussion and social interactions. I can understand why people give opinions and maybe even get emotional about certain issues like politics or religion, and I have engaged in these kinds of thing myself sometimes. What I don't understand is why, when someone asks some thing like how to get to the train station or how much something costs or something like that, there are still people who will find some way to give some kind of sarcastic or nasty comment. I do not understand the mentality of these people. They must be very bored or have too much free time if they have nothing better to do than this. In my opinion, this is the one thing which would destroy a forum like this, even more than the supposed trolls.

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

I agree. I'm out.

If you are not kidding, I rest my case.

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

Sawasdee Khrup BigWheelMan,

We are sorry to hear that, and hope our own behavior here, which, for us, is a form of play-therapy, related to our rather unique domestic situation of two soul/minds of two different species (human and Orangutan) sharing one body (an old human one going to rot), is not a contributing factor to your unhappiness.

"It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time."

We can see that for newcomers it may appear there's 'cliques' here, and some posters do post a lot more than others, but we think if you hang around a while you may see it in different light. TV-CM just reflects the collective insane asylum of farang expats in Chiang Mai. It just reflects the human condition from altruism and mutual helping to backbiting and vendettas, and provocations, and self-promotion.

"I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members."

Well, to these two minds, there's only one who maintains a continual barrage of pointless self-promotion and chatter with about zero content related to Chiang Mai, but the beauty of TV is you can block out posts of people you don't want to read ! We sure don't see the moderators having any "favorites" here. And there have been unfavorable reviews posted of regular advertisers/sponsors with no interference from the Mods.

"Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother."

Well, you won't know if you don't post and try it out. So what if one-hundred people post on a thread you've started agreeing or dis-agreeing with you ? We are still going to read your words, and listen to what you have experienced. Do those who will listen to you count less than those who won't ?

"It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out."

We really are trying to imagine the specifics of what you are seeing that lead you to these conclusions. Yes, there are times there are some angry exchanges here, some "feuds," but we don't see people getting "pushed out." We, ourselves, have been justly taken to task at times for our excesses :)

Compared to other forums we've participated in (like the old alt.soc.thai unmoderated forum on usenet) TV-CM is like a Sunday picnic for missionaries :D

Really, we think you have more power than you realize to make this forum what you want it to be.

best, ~o:37;



I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

I agree. I'm out.

If you are not kidding, I rest my case.

I think that sponsors shouldn't be allowed to post and that we should all be only allowed 2.2 posts a day

I for one would like to read bigwheelman's restaurant reviews, I really enjoyed his review of all the rubbish British pubs in Chiang Mai.

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

Yes it is clicky, but some of the posters have known each other for a long time so their defensive reaction is to be expected. Not acceptable in my view but one has to put up with it. As someone said one needs a thick skin here.

My advice would be to post your views and ignore the minority who try to spoil it. You can then enjoy a reasonable debate with those who, while they may not agree with you, will do so with some courtesy. Replies via the use of the private message function will also show you that you are in the majority in wanting to enjoy the forum.

Please share your views of the interesting venues you talk of and either report or ignore anything negative that is posted

Compared to other forums we've participated in (like the old alt.soc.thai unmoderated forum on usenet) TV-CM is like a Sunday picnic for missionaries :)

Have we yet had a thread, on popular picnic venues, whether for missionaries or indeed us regular folks too ? :D

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

All forums, online ones in particular, have their cliques, it's only natural. Not a reason to stay away. People will say what they want, it's just pixels on a screen.

I'm sure visitors are able to judge each post on it's own merits and decide what's what. Even newbies are not newbies to life.

I for one am grateful this forum exists and advertisers, understandably, for their own selfish reasons, pay to make that possible.

I've met (albeit, virtually) many interesting characters here and enjoy frequent stopovers between work sessions. I've also benefited from the many resources available here. I feel that the least I can do in return is make the occasional contribution and tolerate whatever chaff that might accompany the wheat.

And as Orang says, each of us is not so powerless: "Really, we think you have more power than you realize to make this forum what you want it to be"

I look forward to reading your restaurant reviews if you would be kind enough to share.

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

I agree. I'm out.

If you are not kidding, I rest my case.

I think that sponsors shouldn't be allowed to post and that we should all be only allowed 2.2 posts a day

I for one would like to read bigwheelman's restaurant reviews, I really enjoyed his review of all the rubbish British pubs in Chiang Mai.

I can assure you that sponsors get no special treatment from the mods when it comes to posting, just having come back from a week long vacation for disgusting politics.

I also like to read restaurant reviews as long as they are true, written with a certain amount of culinary knowledge and by someone who knows the business and does not have a hidden agenda. Unfortunately, in an anonymous forum, this is almost impossible to regulate.

Restaurant critics are professional people with certain expertise and qualifications and have usually been associated with the food and beverage business in a more substantial capacity than as a consumer.

I thought bigwheelman's opinions were fine compared with what usually goes on here.


If you are not kidding, I rest my case.

I think that sponsors shouldn't be allowed to post and that we should all be only allowed 2.2 posts a day

I for one would like to read bigwheelman's restaurant reviews, I really enjoyed his review of all the rubbish British pubs in Chiang Mai.

I can assure you that sponsors get no special treatment from the mods when it comes to posting, just having come back from a week long vacation for disgusting politics.

I also like to read restaurant reviews as long as they are true, written with a certain amount of culinary knowledge and by someone who knows the business and does not have a hidden agenda. Unfortunately, in an anonymous forum, this is almost impossible to regulate.

Restaurant critics are professional people with certain expertise and qualifications and have usually been associated with the food and beverage business in a more substantial capacity than as a consumer.

I thought bigwheelman's opinions were fine compared with what usually goes on here.

The comments about sponsors and 2.2 posts a day were in jest :)

I also enjoyed the response that Bigwheelman's opinions provoked, maybe your view on his comments might also be due to the favourable review he gave your restaurant :D

I can assure you that sponsors get no special treatment from the mods when it comes to posting, just having come back from a week long vacation for disgusting politics.

Well at least you admit it. :)

I hate the Chiang Mai forum.

It`s very clicky and I've noticed that a small minority are creating the most threads and posts and that these same names seem to appear, time after time.

And if anyone dare make a criticism about a restaurant than either the owner or a friend or friend of a friend of the owner will instantly jump to it`s defence.

I have noticed that some of the big business owners are also ThaiVisa sponsors who not only seem to hog the posts but are also ThaiVisa favourites, so of course many of the newbies and long term members are going to shy away in trepidation of going against the grain with the ThaiVisa moderators and it`s good ole pal members.

Have visited a few decent restaurants and entertainment venues in Chiang Mai, which I would like to mention on the Chiang Mai forum, but to be honest, believe that my thread would soon be overrun by the ole pal brigade, so I wont bother.

It is these clicky members that spoil the enjoyment of Thaivisa for others, who don`t seem to be letting other members have as much say. It is simply down to that they are being pushed out.

All forums, online ones in particular, have their cliques, it's only natural. Not a reason to stay away. People will say what they want, it's just pixels on a screen.

I'm sure visitors are able to judge each post on it's own merits and decide what's what. Even newbies are not newbies to life.

I for one am grateful this forum exists and advertisers, understandably, for their own selfish reasons, pay to make that possible.

I've met (albeit, virtually) many interesting characters here and enjoy frequent stopovers between work sessions. I've also benefited from the many resources available here. I feel that the least I can do in return is make the occasional contribution and tolerate whatever chaff that might accompany the wheat.

And as Orang says, each of us is not so powerless: "Really, we think you have more power than you realize to make this forum what you want it to be"

I look forward to reading your restaurant reviews if you would be kind enough to share.

Two good posts. I fully understand where <BigWheelMan> is coming from.

However, I do not hate the CM forum - it is a useful resource once you find your way around - but it is dominated by a few.

Everybody was a newbie once, and genuine newbies, and those who post not so often, have just as much right to their opinion as the "old-sweats".

I think the mods, on the whole, do a reasonable job. I noticed recently that a previously regular and angry flamer has been banned. Well done. I also think that posts containing foul language (albeit "deliberately misspelt") should be immediately removed too.

OK, a quick review.

Guitarman - nice atmosphere, friendly, great music and a very decent pizza. I first went there on a recommendation from this forum and have been back many times since. Thank you to whoever first told me about this place.


  • 2 weeks later...
That is what happens when people continually get called trolls. The negative grumps win again. Anyone posting anything slightly interesting gets jumped on. If you happen to mention a good place to eat or visit it's considered advertising... which is a no-no.

I'm completly with you on that, Ian. Your perceptive description is exactly what a forum should never become.

Views that are opposite to the "politically correct" stance are not really tolerated. As you say one gets jumped on. From my reading of posts ( and some pm s) it happens a lot to newbies. Comments on good places to eat, or anything else positive about Thailand and which could be of interest, should not be subject to these antics of "negativity".

A witty response is fine. Rudeness, flaming and misquoting or quoting out of context should be off limits.

There will always be negativity in a Thai forum because Thailand has more than its fair share of scams, corrupt practices, and discrimination of foreigners. The problem is it gets overemphasised by some posters while other posts try to show it does not exist. Neither is healthy either for the society or for polite debate.

I like the majority of Thai people but I accept there are rogues out there. The Thais I know are fully aware of that too.

The safe answer is to keep off topics that get these negative responses but as this thread is suggesting it then gets boring and really no longer a forum.

I suppose things would be easier if I was gay, anti-Thaksin, and a retired English teacher. Is that a typical TV profile? Where is Jngthing when one needs an instant poll?

( to keep the record straight I do not discriminate against gays, I have friends here who are gay. I do not support Thaksin though I support his being treated a little more fairly particularly by the daily attacks from The Nation that a poster has already alluded to. I have never taught in a Thai school or university but have been a moderator here which did not endear me to the system )

I've found many thread's are like 'clubs' (not this one particularly) and if you dissent you are threatened with being kicked off

I also think that posts containing foul language (albeit "deliberately misspelt") should be immediately removed too.

It would most certainly lift the tone of this forum.

About 3 years ago I came across a Chiang Mai forum, evidently un- or very poorly moderated, and the language used by members was so off-putting that it brought discredit to the Organisation to which it was attached. I am sure that there have been and still are others.

One can only assume that the descent started with postings such as are being referred to above.


I also think that posts containing foul language (albeit "deliberately misspelt") should be immediately removed too.

It would most certainly lift the tone of this forum.

About 3 years ago I came across a Chiang Mai forum, evidently un- or very poorly moderated, and the language used by members was so off-putting that it brought discredit to the Organisation to which it was attached. I am sure that there have been and still are others.

One can only assume that the descent started with postings such as are being referred to above.


Sawasdee Khrup, Khun SwaziBird, Happy Farang New Year ! (Sawasdee Pi Mai, Farang)

Are you saying that you experience the "tone" of this forum, now, as being something that needs "lifting" ?

We're sorry to hear that, if that it is the case ! By the way : what happened to you three years ago on another forum somewhere in internet-space : do you think that may have been so "traumatic" for you, that it is such a "living reality' for you, right now, that you may be "judging" or "responding" to this forum in a rather biased way, seeing not this forum's healthy diversity, but the previous forums whatever that bothered you ?

May we invite you to consider this forum as being like a radio : many stations are "broadcasting" at once, but you have your hands on both the dial that controls what you "tune into," and the power-switch in case everything you tune in to is "static."

Imagine you can also call up the company providing the radio set, in this case by writing to the moderators, to report specific very bad reception on one channel and that "badness" may also be "corrected" (even if not, perhaps, corrected exactly to your tastes), although perhaps the moderators would not respond to a request to "replace the whole radio set" :)

The comments about "foul language" really puzzle us : this forum seems "squeaky clean" compared to most other forums we've experienced, and in general, people are generally respectful here.

Isn't a forum, like this, a reflection of "real life," and its diversity : in "real life" some people just "instinctively" don't like ... even hate ... the way you "smell" or "look" or "talk" : other people like you too much for the same reasons, and some people are indifferent, and a very rare, few people, over time, become "real friends" for complex reasons. Who do you pay the most attention to ?

If you "judge" this forum as needing tone-lifting, and it's not what you want it to be, how about the idea of demonstrating how you'd like it to be : by posting examples (being a "living example" yourself) of the kind of posts that would have the "tone" you want to hear ?

If only we could live by what we know, "live up" to what in our better moments we know is right ! Yes, we fail; we lose control; we say and do stupid, silly narrow-minded selfish nasty things; we lose face; we lose money; we lose people we love; but then : here we are again; there's a time to apologize, to be contrite, perhaps even ... to be "re-born."

Reach out, Khun SwaziBird : there : that's your hand on the dial of that radio; you are in control : feel the Power flowing through you now, and send us 1000 baht for a special prayer handkerchief into which we have muttered many very funny mantras of Ur-Orang :D

Because the most lost we can get is when we lose sense of humor.

best, ~o:37;

I also think that posts containing foul language (albeit "deliberately misspelt") should be immediately removed too.

It would most certainly lift the tone of this forum.

About 3 years ago I came across a Chiang Mai forum, evidently un- or very poorly moderated, and the language used by members was so off-putting that it brought discredit to the Organisation to which it was attached. I am sure that there have been and still are others.

One can only assume that the descent started with postings such as are being referred to above.


Sawasdee Khrup, Khun SwaziBird, Happy Farang New Year ! (Sawasdee Pi Mai, Farang)

Are you saying that you experience the "tone" of this forum, now, as being something that needs "lifting" ?

We're sorry to hear that, if that it is the case ! By the way : what happened to you three years ago on another forum somewhere in internet-space : do you think that may have been so "traumatic" for you, that it is such a "living reality' for you, right now, that you may be "judging" or "responding" to this forum in a rather biased way, seeing not this forum's healthy diversity, but the previous forums whatever that bothered you ?

May we invite you to consider this forum as being like a radio : many stations are "broadcasting" at once, but you have your hands on both the dial that controls what you "tune into," and the power-switch in case everything you tune in to is "static."

Imagine you can also call up the company providing the radio set, in this case by writing to the moderators, to report specific very bad reception on one channel and that "badness" may also be "corrected" (even if not, perhaps, corrected exactly to your tastes), although perhaps the moderators would not respond to a request to "replace the whole radio set" :)

The comments about "foul language" really puzzle us : this forum seems "squeaky clean" compared to most other forums we've experienced, and in general, people are generally respectful here.

Isn't a forum, like this, a reflection of "real life," and its diversity : in "real life" some people just "instinctively" don't like ... even hate ... the way you "smell" or "look" or "talk" : other people like you too much for the same reasons, and some people are indifferent, and a very rare, few people, over time, become "real friends" for complex reasons. Who do you pay the most attention to ?

If you "judge" this forum as needing tone-lifting, and it's not what you want it to be, how about the idea of demonstrating how you'd like it to be : by posting examples (being a "living example" yourself) of the kind of posts that would have the "tone" you want to hear ?

If only we could live by what we know, "live up" to what in our better moments we know is right ! Yes, we fail; we lose control; we say and do stupid, silly narrow-minded selfish nasty things; we lose face; we lose money; we lose people we love; but then : here we are again; there's a time to apologize, to be contrite, perhaps even ... to be "re-born."

Reach out, Khun SwaziBird : there : that's your hand on the dial of that radio; you are in control : feel the Power flowing through you now, and send us 1000 baht for a special prayer handkerchief into which we have muttered many very funny mantras of Ur-Orang :D

Because the most lost we can get is when we lose sense of humor.

best, ~o:37;

Wow !

Sawasdee Khrup Khun Orang,

What a remarkable response. So many words put into my mouth!

So many assumptions made/claimed !

I love this forum.

I read it daily, sometimes on a few occasions daily.

I made precisely one point and one point only - and that was that the forum would be better off without the foul-language ( disguised or otherwise ) and the dangers of it's escalation.

The rest of your posting appears to be the machinations of your own mind - not mine.

Having said that; no hard feelings but some of your advice about radios and knobs and handkerchiefs etc was really beyond me.

I'm glad we both feel passionate about this forum. That's good.


<snip> the forum would be better off without the foul-language ( disguised or otherwise ) <snip>

&lt;deleted&gt; that! :)

I could say that the forum would be better off without excessively sensitive prudes. But I don't believe that. I believe that, as far as reasonable, inclusiveness trumps exclusiveness. I think the TV forum has found a reasonable balance when it comes to language and subject matter. The moderators have a light touch and I like that, though I'd like it more if it were a little lighter still.

<snip> the forum would be better off without the foul-language ( disguised or otherwise ) <snip>

&lt;deleted&gt; that! :)

I could say that the forum would be better off without excessively sensitive prudes. But I don't believe that. I believe that, as far as reasonable, inclusiveness trumps exclusiveness. I think the TV forum has found a reasonable balance when it comes to language and subject matter. The moderators have a light touch and I like that, though I'd like it more if it were a little lighter still.

light touch? some maybe...

<snip> the forum would be better off without the foul-language ( disguised or otherwise ) <snip>

&lt;deleted&gt; that! :)

I could say that the forum would be better off without excessively sensitive prudes. But I don't believe that. I believe that, as far as reasonable, inclusiveness trumps exclusiveness. I think the TV forum has found a reasonable balance when it comes to language and subject matter. The moderators have a light touch and I like that, though I'd like it more if it were a little lighter still.

light touch? some maybe...

I mostly only spend time at the CM forum so that's all I can comment on. Perhaps you're thinking of other parts of TV. In any case, like I said: lighter would be better still. That's all I'll say, because we're not supposed to be discussing moderation issue, and for good reason. I do wish, though that there was a sub forum exclusively for that discussion and that it's appropriate to ban everywhere else.

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