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Why Get Married?


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I'm just thankful I know more than she does how special she is, otherwise she'd realize how much better she could have done.  :D

That is a very honest statement cdnvic, if you ALWAYS remember that phrase and treat her like a Queen, you worship HER more than She does you then you wont go to far wrong. and its more than likely your marriage will last a lifetime. :D

Its my opionion that most Thai Farang marriages fail because the Farang thinks he can treat his wife as a maid -well if you want HER to be happy you just cant do that. In my relatively short time in LOS neraly 3 years, I have seen two relationships hit the rocks because of an attitude of late nite drinking and flanderingwhile she stays home doing the chores. The Guys think they can just go out and get another gal, well they can, but they ain't the same and they dont realise what they have lost until its too late. :o

Chock de na!

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Another word for marriage... Imprisonment. And thats for both the men and women.

Stick with escorting rich older divorced thai and chinese ladies with lots of cash!

They are not thinking of marriage. They know what they want and want lots of it.

Can't even imagine getting married and being tied down. I do get tied up thoigh.


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Another word for marriage... Imprisonment.  And thats for both the men and women.

Stick with escorting rich older divorced thai and chinese ladies with lots of cash! 

They are not thinking of marriage.  They know what they want and want lots of it. 

Can't even imagine getting married and being tied down.  I do get tied up thoigh.


its only prison if you make it that way, a marriage is only as good as the love you both put into it, and until you have that, you have no idea what it is :o

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I married my wife because i love her, and I love her as much (if not more than I did when I married her) We have been tigether 2.5 years. Its all one sided though. You would not beleive whta she has to put up with from me, from the day we married I have been in and out of hospital, she would not dream of going home, just sleeps on a hard sofa (thats love). Yeah she is a lot younger than me (11 years) and will inherit all my Thai aquistions when I pass on (and before all you cynics say she is probably poisioning me) most of my problems are skelatal)so forget that. She waters the flowers every morning and evening, she cooks and cleans while I play TV or watch TV because I cant do so much. She has been to the UK and all my family LOVE her. It was the BEST decision I have ever made to marry her. But as we all know that is all in the TODAY. I no more than anyone can predict the future, and in one years time she may have had enough of me, who knows. But TODAY I am HAPPY :o

And I wish you all the same

Well I never! so you are human. :D

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Another word for marriage... Imprisonment.  And thats for both the men and women.

Stick with escorting rich older divorced thai and chinese ladies with lots of cash! 

They are not thinking of marriage.  They know what they want and want lots of it. 

Can't even imagine getting married and being tied down.  I do get tied up thoigh.


I really just can't understand why you bother posting Turok.?

I am sure I speak for many but you just spout a tirade of garbage. Do you actually for one moment think anybody in their right mind takes a blind bit of notice of anything you spew out? Bet you have never been tied up in your life (except by your Mother). You live in a completely different world and probably a completely different country. You are just a pathetic little Troll :o

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Another word for marriage... Imprisonment.  And thats for both the men and women.

Stick with escorting rich older divorced thai and chinese ladies with lots of cash! 

They are not thinking of marriage.  They know what they want and want lots of it. 

Can't even imagine getting married and being tied down.  I do get tied up thoigh.


I really just can't understand why you bother posting Turok.?

I am sure I speak for many but you just spout a tirade of garbage. Do you actually for one moment think anybody in their right mind takes a blind bit of notice of anything you spew out? Bet you have never been tied up in your life (except by your Mother). You live in a completely different world and probably a completely different country. You are just a pathetic little Troll :D


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Turok has been branded a troll for expressing his opinion here on this forum regarding marriage. He has an strong opinion on this matter and is sharing it here. The man's entitled to do that. You just don't agree with him as he has touched a sensitive nerve or something. I'd say that he has a valid point to an extent. I've heard some pretty lame reasons for getting married while reading this forum the past year such as making visa requirements easier. It would appear to me that many MFers here run out and get married without thinking it through. This reminds me to start the failed marriage thread

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Turok has been branded a troll for expressing his opinion here on this forum regarding marriage. He has an strong opinion on this matter and is sharing it here.

You are mistaken: Turok has expressed views boasting of his own gigolo activities and his apparent need to continue living in this manner.

If the title of this thread was "What lowlife activities keep you away from behaving responsibly?" then I would agree with you.

However this thread is asking for answers to the question "Why Get Married?”

Therefore I agree with Thaipauli - Turok is a troll.

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Turok has been branded a troll for expressing his opinion here on this forum regarding marriage. He has an strong opinion on this matter and is sharing it here. The man's entitled to do that. You just don't agree with him as he has touched a sensitive nerve or something. I'd say that he has a valid point to an extent. I've heard some pretty lame reasons for getting married while reading this forum the past year such as making visa requirements easier. It would appear to me that many MFers here run out and get married without thinking it through. This reminds me to start the failed marriage thread

Before you start your "Defender of the faith" role just check through ALL his postings recently and see if you come to the same conclusion as you have just posted :o

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Turok has been branded a troll for expressing his opinion here on this forum regarding marriage. He has an strong opinion on this matter and is sharing it here.

You are mistaken: Turok has expressed views boasting of his own gigolo activities and his apparent need to continue living in this manner.

If the title of this thread was "What lowlife activities keep you away from behaving responsibly?" then I would agree with you.

However this thread is asking for answers to the question "Why Get Married?”

Therefore I agree with Thaipauli - Turok is a troll.

Obviously Turok never heard of COMMITMENT (look it up in your oxford) and thinks women (thai or otherwise)are put on earth for his enjoyment, "get a life."

My T/W is the prettiest,sexiest, most caring and attentive wife this well-worn farang could wish for. Life IS wonderful. Remember Turok, "We reap what we sow"

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Marriage is about love, caring, companionship, partnership, equality and ultimately comfort and security for having someone you care for and who cares for you in your old age.

To play the field is fun, but one day its time to shape up and get a real life.

And if you wait to long, you will probebly end up as just a boozed out former has been. And at such a time, what kind of wife will you be likly to snatch?


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Marriage is about love, caring, companionship, partnership, equality and ultimately comfort and security for having someone you care for and who cares for you in your old age.

To play the field is fun, but one day its time to shape up and get a real life.

And if you wait to long, you will probebly end up as just a boozed out former has been. And at such a time, what kind of wife will you be likly to snatch?

:o  :D  :D

To answer you....

A 21 year old thai wife who will mooch as money off as me as she can! Just what I see around town nowadys. Nothing new.


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Marriage is about love, caring, companionship, partnership, equality and ultimately comfort and security for having someone you care for and who cares for you in your old age.

To play the field is fun, but one day its time to shape up and get a real life.

And if you wait to long, you will probebly end up as just a boozed out former has been. And at such a time, what kind of wife will you be likly to snatch?

:D  :D  :D

To answer you....

A 21 year old thai wife who will mooch as money off as me as she can! Just what I see around town nowadys. Nothing new.


I see it around town everyday too..... :D and its a sad sight.... :o

Would you really aspire to be one?

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Marriage is about love, caring, companionship, partnership, equality and ultimately comfort and security for having someone you care for and who cares for you in your old age.

To play the field is fun, but one day its time to shape up and get a real life.

And if you wait to long, you will probebly end up as just a boozed out former has been. And at such a time, what kind of wife will you be likly to snatch?

:o  :D  :D

To answer you....

A 21 year old thai wife who will mooch as money off as me as she can! Just what I see around town nowadys. Nothing new.


That was meant to be a comical look at what we see in Thailand everyday. Dont picture myself in that situation. Personally, I will be well taken care of and will gladly step to the side in my older age and let the young studs do their thing.

I will not rush into marrying a 21 year old thai girl just to have some one take care of me and keep my visa extended.

I get labeled a troll for stating my opinion becuase I touch a nerve and have a different opinion about marrying these thai girls.

Enjoy the freedom of being single.

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Look Turpok,

I do not mean to be popping at you here, I am as willing as the next man to give somebody the benefit of the doubt, but for the life of me I dont know what you are talking about. Are you saying you are married or not.

Please clarify, because if you are saying you are then your posts make even less sense.

And No you are not labled a roll because you touch anybody's nerves. You are labeled a Troll because of the snide comments you make on a constant basis that goes against what everyone else thinks. ie you SEEK to provoke people because all your posts are SO NEGATIVE

and go against the grain of logical thinking of 99.9% of T.V. Members

Now TRY and say something sensible theres a good boy and we may even downgrade you from Troll status to Teletubby. Hows that ?

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I had a mate who got pressured by his gf into marraige coz her family didnt want them to live in sin, he was never bothered about it coz "its just a piece of paper", anyway, over in the UK she dumped him for another guy. :D

Another textbook ending.

Yippie!!! :D

here we go......again


Edited by devildog683
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Look Turpok,

I do not mean to be popping at you here, I am as willing as the next man to give somebody the benefit of the doubt, but for the life of me I dont know what you are talking about. Are you saying you are married or not.

Please clarify, because if you are saying you are then your posts make even less sense.

And No you are not labled a roll because you touch anybody's nerves. You are labeled a Troll because of the snide comments you make on a constant basis that goes against what everyone else thinks. ie you SEEK  to provoke people because all your posts are SO NEGATIVE

and go against the grain of logical thinking of 99.9% of T.V. Members

Now TRY and say something sensible theres a good boy and we may even downgrade you from Troll status to Teletubby. Hows that ?

Well then I am speaking for the .1% of the guys who dont feel marrying a thai girl is such a great thing. I think its only fair that the other side be heard and I guarantee there are others. I not looking to get people riled up but the fact is people get scammed here in Thailand and should be aware of what goes on. That is how I feel. And since this is "why get married"section I feel it is ok to express my opinion even if it ruffles some feathers!

I am very single and so happy that I didnt get wrapped up in the Thai love scene. Certainly had ample opportunites but the signs were all there and I listened to some good advice form others in addition to keeping my eyes open and just watching. Ive seen guys rush into marrying after a two week sexcapade with a lady. In two weeks he decided that this girl who he paid for her service was it! Heck, you dont even know if you like a puppy after 2 weeks.

I just look at the guys who come here and fall into that trap and feel for them They just dont know what they are getting into. But then any marriage can be liek that. Nope.... I lll stay single and free and not be impriosned or tied down. I ll continue to keep the older wealthier ladies of Bangkok happy and content. Heck.... I even get an allowance!!!


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Look Turpok,

I do not mean to be popping at you here, I am as willing as the next man to give somebody the benefit of the doubt, but for the life of me I dont know what you are talking about. Are you saying you are married or not.

Please clarify, because if you are saying you are then your posts make even less sense.

And No you are not labled a roll because you touch anybody's nerves. You are labeled a Troll because of the snide comments you make on a constant basis that goes against what everyone else thinks. ie you SEEK  to provoke people because all your posts are SO NEGATIVE

and go against the grain of logical thinking of 99.9% of T.V. Members

Now TRY and say something sensible theres a good boy and we may even downgrade you from Troll status to Teletubby. Hows that ?

Well then I am speaking for the .1% of the guys who dont feel marrying a thai girl is such a great thing.


i think its more than that due to the propaganda sold by marital failures

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I had a mate who got pressured by his gf into marraige coz her family didnt want them to live in sin, he was never bothered about it coz "its just a piece of paper", anyway, over in the UK she dumped him for another guy. :D

Another textbook ending.

Yippie!!! :D

here we go......again


Where? Where ya going? :o

this topic is going where many before have.............straight into a Thai GF/wife bashing session :D

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If I may add my share to this thread.

I have known my wife since I first came to Thailand in 1993 to work. I met her in a bar and we were together for a couple of months. I left Thailand to work elsewhere for a year and kept in vague contact then I returned and we got together again. We stayed together for about 4 years during which time I realised that I loved her more than my wife in the UK. I divorced my UK wife of 20 odd years and was free to marry my Thai girl. However in all the time we were and have been together she never asked me to marry her. I on the other hand did ask her and she agreed. We have been married for 5 years and 1 day and I love her more now than I did before. I only love one person more than my wife and that is our son who will be 1 year old in August.

She has supported me in good times and in bad times and even during the months I went a bit loopy.

She is 21 years younger than me and I dont feel ashamed or worried about that and neither does she.

She is a good cook and a mother and my best friend. If I have any complaints about her it is the fact that she will not teach my to speak Thai.

If I could have my life all over again the one thing I would change would be meeting her earlier than I did.

My answer to the OP question?

Because I love her very much.


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Very Interesting story, it take alot of time to know a person and then make a commitment, sometimes girls that suffer and encounter some hardship are the better girls, instead of University girls

My friend stayed in Bangkok/rayong for 3 months on projects basis and got married to a Thai lady with 2 grown kids , ths lady is 38 yrs old, only after 3 months in Thailand

She is a chicken rice seller, dont know if he was charmed , by the lady , it was so fast

He is already quite old already so maybe time was running out for him, not sure...why

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