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Interracial Relationships


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As others have pointed out, everyone is basically in competition with each other for the opposite sex. What has race specifically got to do with it?

Western men have options. Western women do not. So the western women huff and puff, and scowl at the incoming foreign brides who don't demand the feminazi equality culture. They wish western men didn't have choices. They are like a labor union that's disgruntled because the company is hiring non-union employees.

Hmm...are you talking about the number of divorced/single retired men? Or, are you saying that some vast number of young attractive regular guys are flocking to Asia for Asian wives? Also are those single men coming here initially looking for wives? What is the number, do you have any real idea?

Right now its mainly older men but with air travel and the internet becoming more mainstream, you see a higher number of younger men getting involved with foreign women. Word is getting out.

You could easily insert a number of nationalities ie: "Argentinian women" "Scandinavian women" into that same sentence in place of "Asian" as men have been saying this kind of stuff forever because it relates to their own preference. "Asian" women, is very broad, and also could mean Asian women from the west or Cambodia or Hmong tribe or whatever. You are basically saying you prefer one race, for race sake, over another race. Which is fine for you, and of course your choice, but seems rather shallow.

Since this is a Thai forum I limited my comments to Asian women but you could include other non western races that come from more conservative and family oriented cultures where relationships and commitment are actually revered.

"Leverage" in regards to what? Having rights? In that case, maybe over time the younger Asian female generation will start having more "leverage" too.

Western women have more leverage because in society they are the prototype ideal woman, looks wise and they are geographically centered around the wealth. I already wrote a list on my previous post.

A mans race had nothing to do with it because he is a man? Can you clarify? (and thanks for the tip about men and women being totally different...)

You are always better off having an unattractive smart son and a dumb beautiful daughter then a hansom dumb son and a smart unattractive daughter. Men are the breadwinners and not the women.

This last one was the one that really had me going " :) " though. You really believe a mans race has no bearing in society? As for Asian women, what part of the world are you talking about? What social class are you talking about? Im sorry, but you come out with this stuff that seems so generalised its a chasm, and other stuff that doesnt come over as anything but a personal opinion that you believe most share. Then again, im guess i must just living in a bubble with no real understanding of how any of this stuff works.

I am talking about Asian women in general. Thai, Filipino, Japanese, ect.

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 Eek so ably addressed many of your comments, but this one has be rather confused as well.  First, do you really think that "wealthier western men" (and do you mean white men here?) are really in high demand in Japan, Nigeria, Columbia, Jordan, etc?  Western men, wealthy or not, are desirable by some women, but this is certainly not the absolute you seem to make it.

Second, you say this has nothing to do with race for men, but let's assume you are right in that the ideal prototype for women is white (not that I agree with that, but just assume it for argument's sake.)  What about men?  Are Asian men the ideal prototype?  Do they have to work harder to compete with Western men, be they white, black, or whatever?

Women are more of a sexual being then men. There is no mainstream Mr. Universe pageant, how many male swimsuit contests do you see compared to female ? There is no comparison.

The prototype ideal man in society is smart and wealthy, race doesn't matter. Look at the mix of wealthy male celebrities in sports or business or anything. The males race can be anything but most of them have white wives.

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Its late, so i'll address what you wrote later, but likely someone else will do that before me.

In the mean time all i can repeat is:

Er..im sorry sokal...but what on earth are you talking about? Are you on a completely different page to the rest of the planet or what?

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Personally I find attractive women, erm, attractive - colour or race doesn't specifically change anything in my view, there are beautiful Thai girls and beautiful English girls and beautiful Egyptian girls and beautiful Kenyan girls, and so on. Differently beautiful perhaps - I'm not sure on this as I have no idea how I define beauty, so I have no chance in explaining it or generalising to a 'standard beauty'.

I like to see couples in love. I don't care about their colour contrast, age gap or even if they are of the same gender. I feel sorry for couples that are together and there is no love between them - this I don't like to see - so perhaps I am happy-ist!

This is an interesting topic, but a dangerous one - hard to comment truthfully if, and I suppose this is a larger percentage of the world's populous than we like to admit, we do harbour any controversial views and/or preconceptions. It is all to easy to suggest a preference (or even a slight discomfort) and be tarred as a racist or a bigot etc.

Thailand has actually put pay to such thoughts and feelings as I once had. I was quite judgemental of large age gaps when I first came here - I thought it both comical and sad - that was when I was working on western ideology and (supposed) morality - as I switched from learned ideals and preconceptions to actual experience and getting to know people in such circumstances, I became a happier and wiser person. Now experience and knowledge gleaned from that experience has put pay to the cr@p that I was formerly indoctrinated with.

If experience teaches us anything about the world it is that no generalisation is in anyway accurate and any taught measurement of morality is in itself immoral.

[Edit - Used 'their' instead of 'there' - I hate that!]

Edited by wolf5370
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Hey all, thanks for the input, but as I mentioned before, if we bring up the whole "Asian girls, White guys, Black guys, White girls or whatever are better than X because of...." topic, it's going to turn into a slanging match, that is no doubt going to turn sexist and probably a bit racist.

Two things we want to avoid.

Can we please stick to the topic of dating races and not people?

On that note, it's not really mentioned, but I know of some Asian and black women who will only date white guys/women (one is a black lesbian). I know their reasons, and I have to admit they are valid although a little generalising, but they said in their cultures and social circles, nobody cared or said anything about it. It's almost like either it didn't matter, or it was considered a positive thing (perhaps a throwback to the colonial days when it would mean wealth for the woman and her family, creating a positive spin on it for her).

One thing I always wondered is why it's such a big deal for white people?

eg: White guy dates Asian girls a lot- "What, can't you get a real woman?" or "You want a subservient woman to dominate" or "You have a small ...."

White girl dates black guys a lot- "You want to piss off daddy" or "You like big ..... and rough sex" or "low class with jungle fever".

Having been the white guy and hearing these insults, I have to say NONE of the three I mentioned here are true. As stated, I dated a blonde girl last year- very hot too... more slim and petite than most Japanese girls. Better in bed too! Asian girls are more controlling in relationships in ways that don't appear obvious- any guy with experience will know that you can boss her around, but boy are you gonna pay for it later! And phallic size is more of a problem for me for the opposite reason. I've missed out a few times because it just wouldn't fit, or I scared them off.

Having known white girls who preferred dark guys, here's one of their reasons: The family culture (of the Pacific Islanders she was into) was very different and gave her a feeling that she would always have a lot of people around- it gave a strong sense of security, that Western culture didn't provide. The guys were rough with each other, but very gentle and docile as partners- in bed and out of it- and size wasn't really something she thought about because once you get used to someone, it's the skills that count (I have to agree- you may be bigger than her past guys, but in 2-3 months it wont matter). This girl was from a wealthy family, was average to above average looking, had a great personality, a good job, and ended up settling with a guy working in a large investment firm.

All one off cases I know, but I hope the explanations from both sides help to bury the stereotypes people have developed.

PS: Check this out- OK Cupid released statistics of race and reply rates, attitudes from their data mining:


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one has to wonder how old you are sokal, you are either really really old or really really young.

Either way you have managed again to turn a perfectly good topic into a rant against women so sadly op, this will now be closed.

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