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Homeless Swedes Face Deportation From Phuket

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More than likely a sad pair of alcoholics. :) The previous poster that makes the observation that so many others are in detention and not given the option of immediate deportation is correct.

Clearly immigration officials recognize they are more than likely "not all there" or a bit on the old and decrepit alcoholic side. It is unlikely they will make it back to Thailand as they would have no money and prospects of decent employment to raise money for return are extremely unlikely. It is clear by keeping them locked up in a local jail, little would be served to do so and they have enough brains to know these pair aren't coming back. Just a sad case by the sound of it all :D

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if they really wanted they could work, even on thai wages, in so many hotels and guesthouses in phuket -

This is a ridiculous idea. Who would hire 59 year old washed up farangs at any wage?

& tropo knoiws this first hand because he himself is a washed up old farang.

Of course, just as you and most others on this forum are washed up old farang. :)


Of course, just as you and most others on this forum are washed up old farang. :)

I resemble that remark! I'm not that old, and I never wash up. That's the wifey's job.


185 posts show that ThaiVisa did the right thing announcing this crap as breaking news so that they can make more money.

Can we close this thread now please?

if they really wanted they could work, even on thai wages, in so many hotels and guesthouses in phuket -

This is a ridiculous idea. Who would hire 59 year old washed up farangs at any wage?

& tropo knoiws this first hand because he himself is a washed up old farang.

Of course, just as you and most others on this forum are washed up old farang. :)

......okay from one of the 'great unwashed' farang.....a certain Phuket newspaper reports that a Thai immigration spokesperson says that the couple are unlikely to face charges ......other embassies are looking to see how the resolution. pans out...and the world looks on....,.

185 posts show that ThaiVisa did the right thing announcing this crap as breaking news so that they can make more money.

Can we close this thread now please?

If you don't like "Them" why do you write on TV?


Its no fun being on the streets ..... in Thailand.

Alcoholics are just sick people with a costly addiction who can't help themselves as much as they would have done sober.

Removing them from their immediate surrounding might be the kick in da nuts they need to start a fresh healthy lifestyle.

So much hating in the world, I hope 2010 brings out all the bottled up luvs in people.

Its no fun being on the streets ..... in Thailand.

Alcoholics are just sick people with a costly addiction who can't help themselves as much as they would have done sober.

Removing them from their immediate surrounding might be the kick in da nuts they need to start a fresh healthy lifestyle.

So much hating in the world, I hope 2010 brings out all the bottled up luvs in people.

Unfortuantly there will always be hateful people, but don't be bothered by them, they're the sick ones! :)

I notice something interesting on these threads. Europeans have bottomless sympathy for everyone else except their own kind. I wonder why that is? Or are Europeans just patronizing other races? Whenever a certain visa is not allowed or visa runs are cut down there are hoots and cheers from exiled whitey. Whenever a Farang jumps out of a window it's 'serves him right'. Foreigner arrested for overstay: 'didn't he know that before he arrived?' 'He deserves IDC...' What's wrong, didn't things work out for you in the west you have to bring your cynicism here? Where's your spirit of community? Thai people can meet anywhere around the world and instantly start chatting. White people start fighting over who was there first essentially. I mean who made you people the stewards of the world? I think European folks have ruined their own countries and now with their self-hatred are trying to ruin another countries. I wish you would all go back home and sort out your own messes before creating new ones abroad.

Well said and to the point. Except not all Farangs here in LOS are like the ones you so well describe. I sure don't fit that category and have met many others here that don't either. I don't give a hoot for "nationality" or color. Just quality, which comes in many forms. I fear your statement about messing up other countries, may well affect this country too. I live here because overall, I love this country and its culture, despite the many short comings we see around us. I don't believe our culture or morals, should be imported along with us as well. There are over 60 million people live here, and in the 22 years I have been coming here, and in the over 10 years I have lived here, I can honestly say that the majority of the Thai people (near the same % as in any civilized country) have a similar concept of right or wrong, good or bad. Thai people in general, are certainly more tolerant of deviant or outside the box behavior than Westerners are - take these Swedes for example, despite what we think of them, most of what help they did get, was from local Thais (probably the same ones ripping off the tourists, I know) but they did get some support, so some of my friends down there tell me. You can see more of this attitude when you see how they look at lady boys, or gays in general. They are not indifferent to cruelty or murder - they may not talk about it to us - but I listen to the many comments they make to each other, about this killing or that robbery and they are saying pretty much what we would in the same situation. It all gets back to the Asian concept of face. Unlike a lot of us, they don't usually air their dirty washing in public and if there is a way to solve a problem without losing face, then that is the way to go. Most of them still believe that helping out people like the Swedes, will give them a better "next life" or just because they want to help. There are more homeless people in many Western countries than you see here and Thais don't have a welfare system to fall back on, like those in our countries do. What does that say for our culture or values? A few Thais I know well, after returning from holiday or business in the west, have asked me... "why so many homeless and street people" in country so rich? I still don't know what to say.

if they really wanted they could work, even on thai wages, in so many hotels and guesthouses in phuket -

This is a ridiculous idea. Who would hire 59 year old washed up farangs at any wage?

& tropo knoiws this first hand because he himself is a washed up old farang.

Of course, just as you and most others on this forum are washed up old farang. :)

tropo, im not old but Im feeling rather washed up at times so I guess your right. Best thing for me is, I aint got all my eggs in one baskets & I will be sailing around the worlds tropical islands in no time at all.....meanwhile you and a few of your buddies here will be covering the same old ground, day in day out :D , better luck next life. :D

Perfect timing, to come home to Sweden in Early January. Be prepared for a 40 to 50 degree temperature difference

Alcoholics are the same, wherever they come from.

I agree. Alcoholism, like the use of other drugs, is willful self-abuse.

I disagree - alcoholism is a disease.

Agreed, it is. BUT it is a self-imposed, chosen disease! You do not just become an alcoholic. You are the only person who can make you an alcoholic. You can make up endless excuses and reasons, and alcoholics do because it is never their own fault, but it does not change the fact that this disease is a choice you make.


This being Christmas time and all, I think back to my weekly scriptures class where we were told to be compassionate and all that good stuff right before we discussed one of those violent battle or family tragedies that permeate the good book. Perhaps some of the folks preaching compassion and love should practice what they preach and invite these two ambassadors of cheer into their homes for the holiday. They can wash their feet and give them wine and succor. Following the delousing bath they can sing Christmas songs with them and look for the coins in the plum pudding.

Oh wait, no one will be doing that will they? it's going to be the Swedish government's responsibility, or maybe some benevolent organization's responsibility, right? And therein lies the dilemma. There is no social services net and the foreigners that assist are few and far between. No point in preaching love and understanding unless one is prepared to go and care for these two diseased people who most likely do not want anyone's help nor even understand that they have a problem.

And such is the tragedy when there isn't a Salvation Army unit around that would actually be best suited to provide help. Thailand could use a Major Barbara.

I wish you would all go back home and sort out your own messes before creating new ones abroad.

Yeah!!! Go home!!!!! Sort your own messes out!!!!

Thailand's got enough complete and utter <deleted> ups going to deal with at any one time without us adding to them. :)

May I bring to peoples attention that if we should all keep quiet because we do not know all the facts of a particular case, then there wouldn't be a ThaiVisa, would there?

What people post is their opinion. Their opinions are based on their upbringing, education, level of comprehension and intelligence, their information inputs, their life experiences etc etc. ThaiVisa is certainly not a meeting place for the intelligentsia. It would be very crass for anybody to think that their opinions are a true reflection of reality or an answer to any of the world's problems.

Now cut to the chase. Alcoholism does just suddenly happen. These two irresolute, selfish people chose their own life style ignoring what most would accept to be conventional norms. So be it. At any time they must have realised that they were harming themselves and others around them. There are branches of Alcoholic Anonymous in most major cities of the world but they chose not to seek their help and/or support. Their situation is of their own very predictable making. There were several times in my earlier life when I would have loved to go out socialising and having a few drinks with the lads but I didn't because my kids needed new shoes or something else had to be paid for that I considered was of a higher priority than that my own self satisfaction. Presumably they have enjoyed their life of self indulgence and now the time has come for them to pay the piper. My attitude is not one of compassion or pity, rather than indifference. Maybe now they will rescue what is left of their lives but it is pointless to help somebody unless they want to be helped. Since they have no self respect why should I have any respect or regard for them?

I cannot help but notice that the tree hugging do gooders here are full of compassion for these self inflicted derelicts but from their postings they appear to have little regard for fellow TV contributors whose opinions differ from their own.

"Judge not ....." mate ....a few contradictory statements in this post methinks

Perhaps you would be so kind as top point them out.

"Judge not?" Why not? Are you advocating the abolishment of the world's legal systems?

if they really wanted they could work, even on thai wages, in so many hotels and guesthouses in phuket -

This is a ridiculous idea. Who would hire 59 year old washed up farangs at any wage?

I'm 59, have got a GREAT job, and just washed up this morning! :)

I will be sailing around the worlds tropical islands in no time at all.....meanwhile you and a few of your buddies here will be covering the same old ground, day in day out :) , better luck next life. :D

At least that will get you off the keyboard. 5268 posts plus in two years? Over 7 posts per day?

I will be sailing around the worlds tropical islands in no time at all.....meanwhile you and a few of your buddies here will be covering the same old ground, day in day out :D , better luck next life. :D

At least that will get you off the keyboard. 5268 posts plus in two years? Over 7 posts per day?

Sweetheart, theres people on this forum that more than triple that amount, so whats your point? Is there a sub law I missed somewhere about posting limits? :)

Also, I think its only 6 posts per day, hate to split hairs but ur cookin the books. :D:D

I will be sailing around the worlds tropical islands in no time at all.....meanwhile you and a few of your buddies here will be covering the same old ground, day in day out :D , better luck next life. :D

At least that will get you off the keyboard. 5268 posts plus in two years? Over 7 posts per day?

Sweetheart, theres people on this forum that more than triple that amount, so whats your point? Is there a sub law I missed somewhere about posting limits? :)

Also, I think its only 6 posts per day, hate to split hairs but ur cookin the books. :D:D

I'm saying maybe you live in a glass house, so, you shouldn't throw stones. It's actually closer to seven per day if you really want to split hairs. Some people may think you don't have much of a life with your prodigious posting record.

I feel a bit sorry for them, they obviously love the place to have stayed here homeless without seeking help.

I hope they do return one day if that is there wish.

If they are alcoholics(educated guess) the only thing that really matters in life is the drink. Likely friends, associates, etc, got fed up with helping them (loaning money, place to stay, etc) Most alcoholics do not end up homeless, typically they are functional to some degree though the function deteriorates over time. Typically there are "enablers/codependents" those that help them to continue the lifestyle.

Options are continued drinking- continued moral and physical decline, dementia, death or sobriety and recovery.

Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a diagnosable disease characterized by several factors including a strong craving for alcohol, continued use despite harm or personal injury, the inability to limit drinking, physical illness when drinking stops, and the need to increase the amount drunk in order to feel the effects .

Alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking that results in harm to one's health, interpersonal relationships or ability to work. Certain manifestations of alcohol abuse include failure to fulfill responsibilities at work, school or home; drinking in dangerous situations such as while driving; legal problems associated with alcohol use and continued drinking despite problems that are caused or worsened by drinking. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcohol dependence

taken from http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/faqs.htm#12

I understand all that you have posted, the part I dont understand is (as with all drugs) theres that initial stage where one first has their first drink, their first shot etc etc.......thats where it all goes wrong. Its definately a self inflicted injury, its not like sitting in your loungeroom and a plane crashes through the ceiling striking you on the head....is it?

Nobody willfully says one day "I want to be an alcoholic" Once chemical addiction sets in the big problem is that the addict CANNOT perceive there being a problem. Denial, euphoric recall, rationalization, blame, many mechanisms that prevent the addict from realizing the alcohol is a problem.

Self inflicted in that they continue to use, but keep the above in mind. There are those that even after realizing they are killing themselves and hurting loved ones and friends, simply do not care, and continue to use It is this subset that I would agree with you on. They become selfish self serving "little gods" if you will.

it is people like that, together will all the illegal workers (pakistani, idian, nigerian scams) that makes it harder for all of us and makes immigration toughen up laws...

No, what it is, is that it is people like "that" that bring out idiotic responses like yours.

I don't think this is an idiotic response.

There is a difference between being down on your luck and being a loser. And this couple appear to be losers.

Being in their dire situation they had no right to plonk themselves in another country where they are now breaking the law, have no chance of seeking assistance and increasing their problem 100 fold, plus as I said earlier, incidents like this could increase the chances of a tightening up of visa regulations.

I have no sympathy for idiots, but I do hope that when they finally arrive back in Sweden, they can manage to rebuild their lives, no harm comes to them and they learn from this experience.

I also agree with many posters that bad fortune could fall upon any of us. And if that happens, I know that each will be left on their own to deal with it as no ones gives a toss when it comes to crunch time or a friend in need is a friend in deed is to be avoided.

United we stand, divided if we fall.

In a way, this couple are perfectic, but it`s also tragic.

So really all the comments on here is neither right nor wrong.

Yes, it's a sad world

The people behind alcoholism come from all walks of life. All educational backgrounds, all races and all religions. Rich, poor, HS dropouts, Phd's, lawyers, houswives,etc etc. Rather tha saying they are losers, I would tend to say alcoholism has has led them to lose a great deal. You never know what their backgrounds are. I know of a honors neurosurgeon that lost everything, because of the progression of alcoholism. I know of a woman with a masterd degree that almost died from alcoholism, was saved in an ICU over two weeks. Upon discharge she went to the bar.

Addiction can turn the most loving, kind, intelligent, courteous, honest people into lying scamming con artists that steal from grandma in a wheelchair.

Alcoholism kills 5 times as many people as all illicit drugs combined and it is an absolute tragedy for families and society.

I have tried to buy food for many a down and out person panhandling claiming to be hungry. Almost uniformly turn down food. Usually need money for booze or drugs.

I will be sailing around the worlds tropical islands in no time at all.....meanwhile you and a few of your buddies here will be covering the same old ground, day in day out :D , better luck next life. :D

At least that will get you off the keyboard. 5268 posts plus in two years? Over 7 posts per day?

Sweetheart, theres people on this forum that more than triple that amount, so whats your point? Is there a sub law I missed somewhere about posting limits? :D

Also, I think its only 6 posts per day, hate to split hairs but ur cookin the books. :D:cheesy:

I'm saying maybe you live in a glass house, so, you shouldn't throw stones. It's actually closer to seven per day if you really want to split hairs. Some people may think you don't have much of a life with your prodigious posting record.

Clearly Karen, I am a person who care about what people think of me :D .

As I said, theres people on here with posts of 20 per day and plenty that have around the 6,7 mark, so at least I have company :D . You are right, my posting was at 6.56 (so by the slimest of margins I am closer to 7 than 6 - theres no trickin u, is there? :):D

Perfect timing, to come home to Sweden in Early January. Be prepared for a 40 to 50 degree temperature difference

Alcoholics are the same, wherever they come from.

I agree. Alcoholism, like the use of other drugs, is willful self-abuse.

I disagree - alcoholism is a disease.

Agreed, it is. BUT it is a self-imposed, chosen disease! You do not just become an alcoholic. You are the only person who can make you an alcoholic. You can make up endless excuses and reasons, and alcoholics do because it is never their own fault, but it does not change the fact that this disease is a choice you make.

And it is thinking like this that is just ignorance.

My father was an alcoholic and every morning you hear the same thing, "Im sorry I will stop drinking, but it never stops" Believe me he tried many many times but never could stop not even till the day he died.

Do I like alcoholics- NO!! do I think they can control the cravings - NO! How can you judge someone when you have no idea how it is - take a walk in their shoes pal!!

May I bring to peoples attention that if we should all keep quiet because we do not know all the facts of a particular case, then there wouldn't be a ThaiVisa, would there?

What people post is their opinion. Their opinions are based on their upbringing, education, level of comprehension and intelligence, their information inputs, their life experiences etc etc. ThaiVisa is certainly not a meeting place for the intelligentsia. It would be very crass for anybody to think that their opinions are a true reflection of reality or an answer to any of the world's problems.

Now cut to the chase. Alcoholism does just suddenly happen. These two irresolute, selfish people chose their own life style ignoring what most would accept to be conventional norms. So be it. At any time they must have realised that they were harming themselves and others around them. There are branches of Alcoholic Anonymous in most major cities of the world but they chose not to seek their help and/or support. Their situation is of their own very predictable making. There were several times in my earlier life when I would have loved to go out socialising and having a few drinks with the lads but I didn't because my kids needed new shoes or something else had to be paid for that I considered was of a higher priority than that my own self satisfaction. Presumably they have enjoyed their life of self indulgence and now the time has come for them to pay the piper. My attitude is not one of compassion or pity, rather than indifference. Maybe now they will rescue what is left of their lives but it is pointless to help somebody unless they want to be helped. Since they have no self respect why should I have any respect or regard for them?

I cannot help but notice that the tree hugging do gooders here are full of compassion for these self inflicted derelicts but from their postings they appear to have little regard for fellow TV contributors whose opinions differ from their own.

what happened to the Golden rule bagwan???

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