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Thai Ladies (lack Of) Logic


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I have a great wife! But there is one thing,that is not so great;when we have a discussion.For instance,we can have a chat about Mr A and then she can say "I don´t know why he went out of the country",and then I might say" But I just saw him this morning" "Who"? "Mr A of course!" " I´m not talking about Mr A;I talk about Mr B! I think you must know,that Mr A did not get out of the country;how can you come up with such an idea"!? She starts to be irritated.. " But we were talking about Mr A,and then you said,," I try to say." That´s why I don´t want to talk to you" she will say "But,but..." " Now I don´t want to talk any more,I´m tired enough!" And that´s the end of the conversation for that time. This is just an example.Did you guys have some similar experiences? I guess you have;would be fun to share some of them.. OBS! I take most of this in a joking way; it´s not really a problem.And to be honest;I have had similar experiences in my homecountry,although not to the same level...

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Actually, your wife sounds very cute! I'm sure that many Thai women also question the logic of western men. Frankly, I can attest that more than one Thai has wondered about my thought process.

As they say though, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." Combine that with a cultural and language barrier and you have a potential sitcom. :)

Edited by Millard
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Reminds me of the German guy who was divorced by his wife after she found out he had been deaf for more than 10 years but never told her.

Lol. Now that is a great one. Imagine it, how could she not have realised sooner? Maybe if she shut up for a few seconds she might have worked out there was a problem.

And to the OP, my wife is smart but still I get dumbfounded every now and then. She has come out with some right crackers. One time I got 30 points on my licensefor speeding, the cops said it will be wiped of in one year. In the car my wife said, that's good honey, it's already December so you will get your points back next month!!!! Go figure, I tried explaining but she wouldn't have it.

I thought she had gone nuts until in January she made me go to the cop shop and true enough she was right.

Now that is mad!

I think it's just thai logic, it's got nothing to do with the women, it's all of them.

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My wife too. It is very hard to admit they are wrong. They insist that they are right and they never make mistake. Even when she say something and 2 seconds later she know she was wrong. It must be something about losing face which makes it very hard for them to say sorry

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My wife too. It is very hard to admit they are wrong. They insist that they are right and they never make mistake. Even when she say something and 2 seconds later she know she was wrong. It must be something about losing face which makes it very hard for them to say sorry

Yeah, so true. For example, she's holding a glass and drops it. She didn't break the glass. The glass fell. Blame the glass.

"....As they say though, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." Combine that with a cultural and language barrier and you have a potential sitcom. :) ..."


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Reminds me of the German guy who was divorced by his wife after she found out he had been deaf for more than 10 years but never told her.

Lol. Now that is a great one. Imagine it, how could she not have realised sooner? Maybe if she shut up for a few seconds she might have worked out there was a problem.

And to the OP, my wife is smart but still I get dumbfounded every now and then. She has come out with some right crackers. One time I got 30 points on my licensefor speeding, the cops said it will be wiped of in one year. In the car my wife said, that's good honey, it's already December so you will get your points back next month!!!! Go figure, I tried explaining but she wouldn't have it.

I thought she had gone nuts until in January she made me go to the cop shop and true enough she was right.

Now that is mad!

I think it's just thai logic, it's got nothing to do with the women, it's all of them.

That is Thai logic. According to property transfer regulations at Lands Department, if you bought a condo unit on 1st Dec, and sold it on 31st Dec., you will be taxed as having held it for full one year. If you sold the unit on 1st January, you will be taxed as having owned it for two full years, even though you have actually owned the unit for only 31 days.

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By the way,there are some other variations when it comes to ladies and talking; I drive my car,my wife and 2 other women is also in the car,having a lengthy chat,all talking at the same time.I wait patiently,as I learned to do, growing up in my country,for a chance to say something.In a rare moment of silence,I jump in and start to talk,but that seems to be the signal for the others to resume their chat,and they just interupt me in midsentence.Then I think to myself;well,if they can do so;I can do also,and I try to make myself heard,but to no avail.Later I ask my wife,why she wouldn´t listen,when I said something and her answer is:"How can I listen to two people at the same time"...Another one: We go to a shop to buy something,and I tell her to ask the salesperson something regarding the object I want to buy.They engage in a long conversation,I wait.And wait..Finally I say " Well...!! " "What",she says. " About my question;what is the answer?"- " I haven´t got an answer yet",she would tell me.When finally I manage to get some form of information,more often than not,it is not about what I actually asked about.. So I tell her that and I add"Why is it so difficult to get a simple answer on a simple question?"- Then she will look at me,as if I was the most stupid person on earth,and in a sudden outburst of logic,she will say "Why do you go on and ask people in the shops,when you know already,that they don´t know anything!" That makes me shut-up for the time beeing.....

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My wife too. It is very hard to admit they are wrong. They insist that they are right and they never make mistake. Even when she say something and 2 seconds later she know she was wrong. It must be something about losing face which makes it very hard for them to say sorry

wives are never wrong! you don't believe it? ask my wife! :)

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By the way,there are some other variations when it comes to ladies and talking; I drive my car,my wife and 2 other women is also in the car,having a lengthy chat,all talking at the same time.I wait patiently,as I learned to do, growing up in my country,for a chance to say something.In a rare moment of silence,I jump in and start to talk,but that seems to be the signal for the others to resume their chat,and they just interupt me in midsentence.Then I think to myself;well,if they can do so;I can do also,and I try to make myself heard,but to no avail.Later I ask my wife,why she wouldn´t listen,when I said something and her answer is:"How can I listen to two people at the same time"...Another one: We go to a shop to buy something,and I tell her to ask the salesperson something regarding the object I want to buy.They engage in a long conversation,I wait.And wait..Finally I say " Well...!! " "What",she says. " About my question;what is the answer?"- " I haven´t got an answer yet",she would tell me.When finally I manage to get some form of information,more often than not,it is not about what I actually asked about.. So I tell her that and I add"Why is it so difficult to get a simple answer on a simple question?"- Then she will look at me,as if I was the most stupid person on earth,and in a sudden outburst of logic,she will say "Why do you go on and ask people in the shops,when you know already,that they don´t know anything!" That makes me shut-up for the time beeing.....

your problem is that they talk like you write. no space in between words and sentences :)

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.."She starts to be irritated.."

( I can relate) ..be wary... VERY wary.. signed: speak slowly and with purpose

:) Aunty Coggers !

So true..... everyday of my sad existence here I have to go through the painful process of irritating her to understand what she is trying to say...

I get one chance only..and then it is followed with

“pwaa baa saa dek” “bua” “pood maak” “why not understand”

“you no subject when explaining, you like a bad book!” :D this is the one that kills me..

last night she brought washing machine powder and fabric conditioner when she came home she gave me the bag and said “here, for your jobs”... I was like I am the boss in the house...she is all yeah, you sure! Where is my big money then boss?

okay. I'll do the housework then! :D

she smarter than me.... sometimes :D

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She knows everything and she's always right. :)

When she makes some mistake,"It's not a big problem" :D

After 3 or 4 mistakes,i try to point out that many small problems can lead to a big problem,then"You speak too much" :D

Ladies and Logic are not much in agreement,just try to make them happy,give them presents and don't be pedantic. :D

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Every woman is the same.

Yesterday we are on the phone and I am in 711.

Her: My cellphone is almost out of money.

Me: Ok, I will get you a TopUp Card.

Her: No, don't.

Next day

Her: Where is my topup card?

Me: Didn't you say not to buy it for you yesterday

Her: Yes I did.

Me: Then why are you asking me where is your topup card?

Her: Why do you have to raise your voice?


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As others have said, it's not a Thai thing. For example, my American girlfriend. We had made plans with some friends, but my girlfriend wasn't feeling well that night. I said that I'd stay home with her. She told me, "No, go out. It'd be impolite to break our commitment with our friends at the last minute. Also, I'll be sleeping all night anyways."

So I went out and when I came back, my girlfriend was angry. When I asked what was the matter, she said, "When I told you it was OK to go out, you should have insisted on staying home with me!" :)

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Today my friend and I were sitting with our respective Thai wives eating in a restaurant that serves sticky ribs. When I'd finished my wife kindly reached across the table and wiped some sauce off my chin which I'd managed to smear over my face whilst eating.

My mate had just had a pretty miserable journey with his wife in the rain and they'd had a bit of an argument en route.

On seeing my wife wipe my face he innocently asked his wife: "Is there any sauce on my chin?"

Bullet-reply: "There's a toilet there with a mirror in it. Go check yourself".

The way he rolled his eyes at me really made me laugh.

Thai logic? I don't think my mate's wife got a lift home :)

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I could bore you with a list of funny stories, not the least of which is trying to explain to a Thai woman the concept of debt, interest and loans. In trying to do so on a number of occasions I get the same answer each time... "You don't understand!"

Yes, I DO understand. What I don't understand is why when I ask what something costs I get the same answer each time... "You don't understand!"

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Yes, I DO understand. What I don't understand is why when I ask what something costs I get the same answer each time... "You don't understand!"

Or "How much was it?"

Answer: "it was half-price"/"it was discount"/"It was buy one get one free"

Equation: Portion of Thai female brain rotates clockwise to match appropriate answer to match type of item purchased. Block mouth and tongue from stating actual amount paid until same question repeated a minimum of three times.

Edited by chriswatson
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