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Farangs Were Crashed By A Isuzu Truck On Huaykaew Street.


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I will not be taking a .375 H&H Mauser, with the Kahles sight.

Happy New Year! And best wishes to you all from the Thai Visa team. :)

McG, I feel so out-gunned, mine was just a little Sako Forrester .243 with a Leopold 3-9x40 scope. Good enough for the little piggies though and then some.

How's the Kretek supply?

What a wuss...

I would have expected that you ran it down and killed it with a blow to the head with your fist, or at least a jump onto it's back and a swift bite to the throat.

anyway.. Happy New Year Mr. Blinky and Mr. Mac may all your dreams come true.

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Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7:12 AM

Subject: Don't make the same mistake

Today I went to Burma for visa run. It’s a four hour bus ride to the boarder of Northern Thailand. On the way back, we were on rout for about 3 hours, when the bus came to a halt in the middle of the highway. From the lights of the bus, we all could see that we just came upon a motorcycle accident.

Excellent post. Thanks for sharing.

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... snip ... so I thought I'd throw one in of yours truly ...

Sawasdee Khrup esteemed human male brother, Blinky Bill,

We are awestruck to know that in your previous life you were a wild boar !

But that does, in a strange, serendipitous, way resonate with some of the issues your current human form expresses frequently here involving certain types of fantasies in which "maleness" and "violence" are often inter-twined. What you might call the "fight-club" syndrome.

Not to worry : that's not intended as an insult in any way : our own human male form has the same problems, the same fantasies : they are, we believe, endemic to all the warped less-than-a-whole-female mutants who, due to being steeped in a powerful hallucinogenic drug, testosterone, beginning from about one month of age in utero, become muscularly hypertrophied instruments of evolution's strategy for reproduction of the species at the expense of what you might call the "soul."

God bless that hunter who dispatched your soul, your atman, from that porcine meat-package, and thus enabled you to experience the great gift of being re-born in human form ... thanks, of course, to merit you had acquired in all your other lifetimes, swinish or not.

We pray for you, as we pray for our own human male bag-of-bones : that your next life may at least be human, and that you may receive an even greater gift for your kindness and love of your family (which is also often expressed here) of being born fully human (i.e., a female human).

oinkly, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Sawasdee Khrup esteemed human male brother, Blinky Bill,

We are awestruck to know that in your previous life you were a wild boar ! .........................................

................................................We pray for you, as we pray for our own human male bag-of-bones : that your next life may at least be human, and that you may receive an even greater gift for your kindness and love of your family (which is also often expressed here) of being born fully human (i.e., a female human).

oinkly, ~o:37;

Perhaps, dear ~o:37;, I was a wild boar in a previous life, but I feel that in this present life, most would refer to me as a mild bore.


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I remember getting knocked off my bike in Phuket, before the one way system was in place. I was hit from behind by a pickup truck which lifted the bike and me into the air and to the side of the road. The truck sped off, but a Thai street vendor got the licence plate, and the Kathu police caught up with the female driver near the Kathu reservoir and she was taken back to Patong Police station.

She was obviously very drunk and very rude to the police saying they will lose thier jobs and asking "did they know who she was?"

I was not badly hurt, but my bike took a beating, was bent, and all one side was busted, mirrors and seat.

I was told to come back tomorrow at 11am. I showed up, and met with the Police from the night before and an elderly Thai gentleman. He told me that he would pay to get my bike completely fixed, which he ended up doing and I got it fixed perfectly.

But I did have to sign a document, basically saying the accident never happened. I guess influence can make things go away as well....but I was happy to get the bike fixed and no attempt to blame me.

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It must have been around 2002 that a mate of mine riding his motorbike to Pai was clipped by a truck. As he lay in the road, the truck reversed heading towards him. He moved out of the way just in time. Later in hospital a Thai mother of one of his students explained to him that the truck driver probably was thinking it's cheaper to pay for a funeral than expensive and on-going medical bills and was trying to kill him. It chilled me to the core when I heard this. He was in a wheel chair for over a year and the truck driver was never found.

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Props to the OP for doing the right thing.

But this kind of incident is one reason I don't ride a motorcycle anymore, though I miss the fun and convenience. Riding in Thailand it's just a matter of time before you have a serious--not to say lethal--accident. Not that a car is 100% safe either, but I like my chances on 4 wheels.

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But this kind of incident is one reason I don't ride a motorcycle anymore, though I miss the fun and convenience. Riding in Thailand it's just a matter of time before you have a serious--not to say lethal--accident. Not that a car is 100% safe either, but I like my chances on 4 wheels.

Reading through this horrendous thread, while nursing a broken collarbone, I did a bit of googling and it seems that there are 200 deaths every WEEK due to motorcycle accidents in Thailand compared to 10 a week in the UK ; both countries having approx the same population though clearly not the same number of motorbike miles per head. Shocking. And still half the riders don't wear helmets in spite of daily police "crackdowns".

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Helmet law is on the books- why isn't it being enforced in CM?

When I was 15 yrs old, I was working in Palo Alto, California, at one of my first jobs, in a car wash.

Was wiping down a customer's window...heard a horrific screeching sound- looked up just in time to see a guy (test riding a bike from a nearby Honda dealer) T-bone a Triumph sports car. He was launched, landed on his back, and slid head first into the street curb at about 40 mph. No helmet.

The driver of the car was a registered nurse (RN). Absolutely disconsolate; weeping and wailing (she hadn't seen him, turned in front of him, killed him).

Certainly made an impression on me, as a young 1967 model Hodaka Ace 100 scrambler rider/owner.

Been riding motorcycles daily for the last 4 decades. Toured all over the world, done track days many times, just got back from a 1500 km trip all over No. Thailand.

I don't even go to Seven a block away, without my lid.

Be safe when riding. Wear a helmet, eye protection- always.

Or as the more light-hearted biker phrase from the US goes- "Keep the Shiny Side Up!".


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Helmet law is on the books- why isn't it being enforced in CM?

When I was 15 yrs old, I was working in Palo Alto, California, at one of my first jobs, in a car wash.

Was wiping down a customer's window...heard a horrific screeching sound- looked up just in time to see a guy (test riding a bike from a nearby Honda dealer) T-bone a Triumph sports car. He was launched, landed on his back, and slid head first into the street curb at about 40 mph. No helmet.

The driver of the car was a registered nurse (RN). Absolutely disconsolate; weeping and wailing (she hadn't seen him, turned in front of him, killed him).

Certainly made an impression on me, as a young 1967 model Hodaka Ace 100 scrambler rider/owner.

Been riding motorcycles daily for the last 4 decades. Toured all over the world, done track days many times, just got back from a 1500 km trip all over No. Thailand.

I don't even go to Seven a block away, without my lid.

Be safe when riding. Wear a helmet, eye protection- always.

Or as the more light-hearted biker phrase from the US goes- "Keep the Shiny Side Up!".


While Thailand has a mandatory helmet law that is rarely enforced, I asume you realize that in the US it is up to the individual states and that the majority of states do NOT have a mandatory helmet rule for all riders. Doesn't make it right or wrong. Just interesting. Ride at your own risk.

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While Thailand has a mandatory helmet law that is rarely enforced, I asume you realize that in the US it is up to the individual states and that the majority of states do NOT have a mandatory helmet rule for all riders. Doesn't make it right or wrong. Just interesting. Ride at your own risk.

Sawasdee Khrup Khun Señor ElJefe,

Fascinating : we, ourselves, don't ride the motorized two-wheel suicide/homicide invitations (have had enough trouble just on a bicycle), but we just had to go and check our assumption that helmet laws were required all across Corporate-Occupied-Mallburgerland (aka Amerikka), and sure enough, as expected, you were right on : here's a map showing the helmet laws (or lack of same) by state in the U.S. Helmet Law U.S.A. by State Map

thanks for enlightening us, ~o:37;

p.s. not that you need to hear this, but we feel motosai dangerous mainly because of the humans driving cars; of course in Thailand perhaps the word "driving" needs to be more carefully defined as : "sitting behind the wheel of a car, sometimes, when not talking on cell-phone, or watching dvd, or looking sideways at sexy person, putting hands on said wheel of the car, and, rarely, looking at the road, other traffic, or paying passing attention to color of traffic lights."

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Can you insert a scanned picture of you with a gun 30 years ago here please? :) I'd love to know what goes on inside your head !!

What a silly request. Ian doesn't want to or need to, so I thought I'd throw one in of yours truly, who, by the way is capable of extreme kindness or extreme violence depending on the situation.

Seems that the good intentions of the OP have bought out a wangker or two.


"Seems that the good intentions of the OP have bought out a wangker or two." Could not of put it better myself :D

"Extreme violence." Does that relate to the little piggies you shot?

Attached a recent photo of my efforts in Africa.. That's real hunting! :D

Happy new year! P.s. Well done to the OP..


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depends on where the pigs/boars were but a LOT of places they are a non native invasive species that wreaks havoc on the natural food chain and ecosystem. They were introduced by spanish explorers for example to the hawaiian islands and there is no way to eliminate them from causing the damage and often extinction to many other native species. For some years the Hawaiian authorities would pay sizeable cash bounties to hunters who would visit the islands and kill the wild pigs. Hawaiians have come to love eating them but most knowledgeable scientists/ecologists etc would prefer they were completely eliminated.

Same goes for the rats, mongoose, wild chickens and cats of Hawaii. It's a shame because about 90 percent of the native bird species have been wiped out over the years.

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Attached a recent photo of my efforts in Africa.. That's real hunting! :D

Happy new year! P.s. Well done to the OP..

Yep, real hunting. 3 deadly zebras and a gun bearer. Well done. :)

I thought that was him laying on top of the zebras, sated after his successful hunt.

Zebras are such a challenge to stalk and shoot, after all....

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Attached a recent photo of my efforts in Africa.. That's real hunting! :D

Happy new year! P.s. Well done to the OP..

Yep, real hunting. 3 deadly zebras and a gun bearer. Well done. :)

I thought that was him laying on top of the zebras, sated after his successful hunt.

Zebras are such a challenge to stalk and shoot, after all....

Nope, I was de-tusking the elephant behind the scenes.. The zebra was a bonus, the gun bearer was as swift and nimble as they come..

To be honest, the only thing I ever killed was a sparrow around 30 years ago, that still gives me sleepless nights.

I do enjoy / cringe at seeing how conversations are steered in random directions by certain "members" though. Particularly a couple who seems to be constantly trying to big up themselves, Oooo look at this picture of my collection of knives, my gun is bigger than your gun, look at all these bar girls that are really genuine friends of mine and like me because I'm such a warm hearted happy go lucky really nice guy. Or, don't mess with me coz I'm really ard !

I think it has something to do with being lonely and insecure but perhaps I'm wrong, I'm no psychologist.

People I know don't need to constantly bang on about themselves, especially not to strangers in cyberspace. Don't stop though, it can be entertaining.

Anyway.. Perhaps I need to get out more this year ! :D

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No offence meant but many of us aren't strangers in Cyberspace, stickleback.

Some of us actually get out and socialise with each other when we aren't playing with our guns and knives, or out bullying weaklings and old ladies. :)

None taken.. and seeing as you mentioned it we might as well post a picture of one, this is a thread about car accidents afterall.

The humble stickleback.. No doubt you've caught bigger ones :D


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No offence meant but many of us aren't strangers in Cyberspace, stickleback.

Some of us actually get out and socialise with each other when we aren't playing with our guns and knives, or out bullying weaklings and old ladies. :D

None taken.. and seeing as you mentioned it we might as well post a picture of one, this is a thread about car accidents afterall.

The humble stickleback.. No doubt you've caught bigger ones :D

Yep, just can't help myself :) ......post-24617-1262694029_thumb.jpg

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Helmet law is on the books- why isn't it being enforced in CM?

When I was 15 yrs old, I was working in Palo Alto, California, at one of my first jobs, in a car wash.

Was wiping down a customer's window...heard a horrific screeching sound- looked up just in time to see a guy (test riding a bike from a nearby Honda dealer) T-bone a Triumph sports car. He was launched, landed on his back, and slid head first into the street curb at about 40 mph. No helmet.

The driver of the car was a registered nurse (RN). Absolutely disconsolate; weeping and wailing (she hadn't seen him, turned in front of him, killed him).

Certainly made an impression on me, as a young 1967 model Hodaka Ace 100 scrambler rider/owner.

Been riding motorcycles daily for the last 4 decades. Toured all over the world, done track days many times, just got back from a 1500 km trip all over No. Thailand.

I don't even go to Seven a block away, without my lid.

Be safe when riding. Wear a helmet, eye protection- always.

Or as the more light-hearted biker phrase from the US goes- "Keep the Shiny Side Up!".


My buddy wrapped his 80cc chrome tanked Hodaka around a telephone pole after a kegger in about '72. Pretty sure it was an 80cc bike. Brings back the memories. I am the same as you McGriff except I can back up better. Remember last year backing out of the Thai Visa party...Anyway my little saying as I have posted before is.."helmets are brain buckets and if you don't have a brain to put in it...<deleted> it!!" I feel naked riding without a helmet :):D:D

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