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New Way To Steal Money, Jewelry In Thailand.

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Well, I never knew the actual tally as that kind of thing gets buried very quickly in the books. I would guess in the end about $150,000, not bad for around 4 weeks work I reckon.

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we very much wanted to believe we were drugged into some kind of stupor.

How much was greed a part of this drug? :D:D:o

it is usually a major component of scams


I believe I read smth about trio of lady robbers in South/Central America - basically would lure men to kiss their boobs and next thing the lad wakes up robbed.


Seems the thing to do here is just wear wristbands everywhere, and keep some moist towlettes handy to clean off all the nipples being thrown in your face all the time. Man, I'd love to see wristbands make a comeback; what a spectacle.


Greed was the primary motivator but it got much more complex. Interesting that you smelled the greed right away, it definately opened the door for the whole scam.

i wasnt suggesting that chloral hydrate is the magic potion ,thats just on the nipples scam.

when you look at illusionists on TV they can do these sort of tricks ,when they are not using stooges .

if there is some magic potion in use the culprit would need to be wearing rubber gloves to apply the potion as it would need to be potent to penetrate the skin.

i feel that would alert the victim.

if anyone can get a sample they could become wealthy .

as it has very large worldwide commercial applications . :o


Thank you for the education on chloral hydrate. I didn't know what the "knock out" drug was, so this was certainly very informative for me. Like I said, the use of a knock out type drug has happened to me and it was put in a drink. Knocked me out before I got to any nipple. :D


you are not alone ,some pals of mine were also victims thanks to a girl they met .

luckily they didnt get a badly administered overdose and slept forever .

Some years ago , maybe early 90s there was a big article in the BKK Post

about a gang of katoeys that had been rounded up after doing the drugged nipple scam on tourists. it didnt say what drug they used so there may be others that can be used .

As it stands, I remain convinced these other stories of something that can be rubbed on the skin and put you in some kind of trance or hypnotic state are all BS. Various reasons that they continue to circulate as mentioned by other posters. Interestingly, the stubborn Farang up here won't budge on their inclination to believe, but no one wants to talk to me about it anymore. :D



I agree with you. This discussion thread is the best entertainment for under a buck. I have never read more from wannabe doctors, regarding the drugs and the delivery system. There are so many experts on pharmacology, and physiology in this group; it's unbelieveable. "It's wax, no it's a gel, no it's a jelly, no it's drops....no, no, no, drops won't work because..." There are secret powders, and hand shakes. Mass hypnosis, mass hysteria, mass confusion. Incredible. One poster reroasted a nine-year old chestnut that seems to imply that saliva on the lips of men is a sure indication that something untoward happened to them - much like x's drawn on their eyes. One poster provided a story with no attribution, that did not happen to him, or his friends, or his neighbors, or his relatives, or anyone else that he knew. But, it is "ABSOLUTELY VERIFIABLE". Here's something else that is absoltely verifiable: www.malepregnancy.com.

keep some moist towlettes handy to clean off all the nipples being thrown in your face all the time.

Thank you so much for this, I will now be stuck with this in my mind all day.

Do you think a tennis or badminton raquet might help in deflecting these nipples?

Tthere again could be worse, could be grease nipples being thrown at you.

Here is the story i got from my wife, and one of my thai neighbors who both believe in this. But according to the is there are no drugs involved. These people have some black magic powers. About six months ago, this girl told my wife that she was walking on second road near big C in Pattaya when three girls approached her.they started a friendly conversation, then touched her wrist, and she gave them all herjewlry she was wareing, about 6000 baht, and gave them all the money she had. Thais are very superstisous ( i don't think i spelled this correctly) asnd firmly believe in this so called black magic.

Thais are very superstisous ( i don't think i spelled this correctly) asnd firmly believe in this so called black magic.

In the West,that black magic is called hypnosis. :o

Not all Thais are superstitious while some Westerners are.

Jeff1@ 2005-04-25 09:45:05

The other thing I dont understand is if this " drug " is on the nipple or some other part of the body , why does the one with it on not get knocked out also ?

Jeff1@2005-04-29 03:07:32

I never had a nipple that tasted bad  :D

but as I asked before , why does the one with the nipple ( or skin ) not get knocked out ?

Because it's a transvestite who got his artificial boobs from a sex-change operation :o

keep some moist towlettes handy to clean off all the nipples being thrown in your face all the time.

Thank you so much for this, I will now be stuck with this in my mind all day.

Do you think a tennis or badminton raquet might help in deflecting these nipples?

Tthere again could be worse, could be grease nipples being thrown at you.

Hmm, grease nipples :o:D



I'm pretty well-known (personally to a few members) on ajarn.com, aka the 'paupers forum', and am reasonably well-known in Khon Kaen.

So basically, I'm a farang and the following is a true story.

In 1996 I was in Bangkok with a friend and asked a Thai tuk-tuk driver to take me to a fortune-teller.

He took me to a guy he considered the best. An Indian guy. I walked with this Indian guy into a wide, open air alley with my friend and sat down. The guy then started to work his shit; right in front of my friend.

He did things crumple up blank pieces of paper in his one hand (us sittingcross-legged, facing each other) and then have me write 3 words on a pad of paper he was holding in his other. He would then ask me to pick a word; one of the 3 that I had written down on the pad.

Then he would open his hand which was closed the whole time in front of me (and at first and in front of my friend)...and the word was written down on the formerly blank piece of paper.


Him: Write down 3 animals

Me *write down* Monkey/Dog/Pig

Him: Pick one

Me: Dog

Him: Opens hand with formerly blank piece of paper, has me open it; written down is 'Dog'; "Do you know why you picked 'Dog?"

Me: erm. No.

Him: Because it is god backwards; and there is only one god...

To make a long story short, I agreed that if he could pick my mothers fukll, legal name and date of birth that I would donate (I think it was) 3000 baht to an orphanage in India.

The mofo went through the whole routine and all the info was there.

The Thai tuk-tuk driver intercepted me as I was walking to an ATNM machine and asked me what I was doing.

He basically said, "<deleted> that", you've already paid the man and took me off...

At various times the Indian guy had me touch only 3 things; a pencil, a piece of paper(s), and a small red and black monkey amulet; as this was my lucky amulet.

BUT, he did a few of his moves in front of my friend; my friend thought it was some freaky shit and left us alone after; so it wasn't just a matter of me touching something.

I was also definitely in some sort of a trance; I had very little control. I would liken it to sleepwalking.

I can't explain it; and I'm a skeptic.

But, then again. I also had my Thai wife predict the deaths of 2 people in her immediate family; I laughed.

1 week later we got the call. Only it took the Thai family a week to get ahold of us in Canada. So the the 2 died at about the time she predicted it.

I was there for the prediction and for the phone call. I also came back to Thailand for the funeral.

She also predicted a few years before someone elses death earlier; so had told me that she could do it; I laughed then.


btw, my friend was fed grapes by a freelancer in Bangkok one year agio and woke up to his shit in a pile and $12,000 in American Express travellers checks gone...

QUOTE(barryofthailand @ 2005-04-24 17:55:00)

Here is the story i got from my wife, and one of my thai neighbors who both believe in this. But according to the is there are no drugs involved. These people have some black magic powers. About six months ago, this girl told my wife that she was walking on second road near big C in Pattaya when three girls approached her.they started a friendly conversation, then touched her wrist, and she gave them all herjewlry she was wareing, about 6000 baht, and gave them all the money she had. Thais are very superstisous ( i don't think i spelled this correctly) asnd firmly believe in this so called black magic.

I watched a programme on channel 4 in the UK last night

where this bloke called Daren Brown went up to people in

the street and asked them for directions and then asked them for thier

wallets, keys,phones ect and the people just gave them to him.

the "victims" said they don't know why they gave their things to him,

they just did.

Maybe no drugs need to be used just the power of the mind

Yeah, I was gonna bring this up too.

I doubt the drugs on nipples or vagina thing. Both of these areas are sensative and have high abosorbtion rates - i.e. it would drug the girl well before you got a lick (of course this may not stop you - and you both could get robbed by the room cleaner :o ).

About 7 years ago, I was drugged in Turkey. I was in a beach bar with my father. I went to the bar for two vodka 'n' cokes - my third of the night. I remember everything up to this point clearly, even now. I took just a single sip of my drink and...it was next morning. My dad was there and recued me. Apparantly I went to the hotel restaurant and ate a plate of flowers from a display, punched an ornate cast iron lamppost until it broke and chased some guy around his bedroom for trying to stop me. I remember nothing of it. I have never acted this way even when very drunk - I am never violent. I am allergic to some drugs that are used as bases to some so-called social-drugs (E's etc) - so it is likely I would react more top them, but it was fairly instantaneous - though I consumed it (I believe) rather than having it wiped on me.


Street hypnotism is not new in Thailand. A Thai is usually approached by two or more women and 'mesmerised' into handing over all valuables. There has been an outbreak of this phenomena in Pattaya during the last few weeks.

The latest report was of a friend of my girlfriend, who is a genuine person who was mysteriously hypnotised on Beach Road, near soi 7. She handed over all her gold and mobile and cash to two 'friendly' ladies. She remembers little about the incident and is very disturbed about the event, even fearing for her own sanity.

Police are little help in such cases; it is dismissed as fantasy. But I do believe in street hypnotism, yet I believe only Thais can be victims of this.

The drugging situation has been going on for years, it happened to me in Manila, my drink was spiked and I just couldn't keep my eyes open, I was lucky, a nearby friend playing pool saw me and took me straight back to the hotel; I lost nothing.

One more point: 'Poppers' or similar substances have a delayed 'memory loss' effect. They are actually a hallucigenic, although I always thought they were a stimulent giving a 'high' for a few seconds. I have not seen them for years, I think they are banned now.

I suppose most benzodiazapines can sedate given in high quantity, beware this scam of Manila, and maybe Thai taxi drivers....

You arrive at the airport, thirsty, and the friendly taxi driver offers you a can of Coke from his mini cooler.....You accept and hear the reassuring 'fizz' as you pull the ring pull. Next thing you are lying face down in a Manila slum without anything, except a headache. The taxi driver had hyperdermically injected the Coke drink with a sedative and 'spot welded' the hole.

These things do happen!!

The taxi driver had hyperdermically injected the Coke drink with a sedative and 'spot welded' the hole.

These things do happen!!

Do they?

How does this master craftsman manage to 'spot weld' aluminium without the benefit of an argon arc plant in the cab?

As with the tablets glued to tits I am sure one would notice this.

The taxi driver had hyperdermically injected the Coke drink with a sedative and 'spot welded' the hole.

These things do happen!!

Do they?

How does this master craftsman manage to 'spot weld' aluminium without the benefit of an argon arc plant in the cab?

As with the tablets glued to tits I am sure one would notice this.

Probably has a mini welder in the trunk. The tablets are probably molded into little nipples :o

I'm surprised none of the victims woke up in a bathtub packed with ice with kidneys removed. :D:D

I'm surprised none of the victims woke up in a bathtub packed with ice with kidneys removed.  :o  :D

Now that story would scare the crap out of me. Right out of the movies. Yikes!



Regarding the driver in Manila 'spot-welding' the can I'd say the language is off. I'm sure that he can put some drugs in through a hole (probably in the bottom of the can) and then seal it.

A real example in Thailand is people injecting drugs into plastic water bottles and then sealing it with wax or some other such thing.

And I believe now that I was probably hypnotiosed opr something in Bangkok, so I wouldn't say that it can only happen to Thais.

Even now I don't know what happened, but that's just my take on it.

Maybe Thais can only do it to other Thais because they have a greater ability top create an initial rapport; the guy who 'did me' :o was some Indian swami who spoke very good English...



Got Mickey Finned in Phuket 10 years ago, at a country style pub on the back road between Kata & Karon.

Went with a small group I worked with to watch a friend playing in the band.

We bought jugs of beer and I'd had approximately 4 glasses worth when I suddenly felt totally off my face. Luckily my friends knew my drinking capacity and thus realised something was up. They prevented me getting on the bike and one took me home in a tuk tuk. There, I got extremely violent and smashed up a few things, ranting and raving for a bit then I collapsed and got put into bed. Woke up late the next day with the most unbelievable headache and was unable to open my eyes due to the pain light caused me. I was holed up in the bedroom for about 3 days before being able to step out.

The whole episode was very confusing - no one else was affected so it must have been put in my glass not the jugs, I never left the table, the jugs were on the table and we served ourselves. Odd.


Oh shit :o

i'm going on hol's in a few weeks, with my thai (bargirl) gf. I'll make her lick her nipples herself before i go there he he he. And if catch her telling me to look into to her eyes only into her not around the eyes but in the eyes lol (little briton), i'll run as fast as i can!!!!

But seriously, i really dought the durg idea but positive suggestion can be very powerful on suseptabile (my spelling so bad), people. It's not that far out that a skilled person could get some people to do these things. i seen the afore mention show on ch 4 and it could happen.


It's all true. Here's a true story that happened to me just the other night. I went out with a friend for a quiet drink, I remember finishing my 20th bottle of Tiger Beer and the next thing I know it's the next day and I'm in my bed with an ugly woman.

The strange thing is that I seem to remember feeling woosy long before I went anywhere near her nipples.

It's a mystery to me. :o


We've seen two instances of these poisoning robberies in the past months around Pratunam market. What typically happens is that a Thai female with a lot of gold is the victim.

It starts with one member of the robbery gang touching the victim with a cloth and a few minutes later the victim feels somewhat dizzy or nauseous. Then the rest of the gang (all female) arrives to help shepherd the victim to a quiet spot.

The victim feels hot and woozy so they "help" her with a drink of juice which contains a knockout drug. The victim comes to an hour or so later with a fair-sized headache and dispossessed of gold, cash and cellphone.

The only bright spot in all this is so far there haven't been reports of lasting complications from the druggings.

Fellows, get your girl to leave the big gold at home if she shops alone or have her take a friend along.


Looks like Bangkok is becoming the world hub for mind control scammers and sorcerers .




i thought the nigerian scammers were bad enough wanting to practice their English and taking you for a ride but this is a sinister development :D


It starts with one member of the robbery gang touching the victim with a cloth and a few minutes later the victim feels somewhat dizzy or nauseous.

wow... something that powerful must be a swath of cloth cut from the Shroud of Turin??



I met a Thai girl who was a witch. We shared a tuk-tuk in Bangkok. I put my hand on her knee and she turned into a dark soi.


It starts with one member of the robbery gang touching the victim with a cloth and a few minutes later the victim feels somewhat dizzy or nauseous.

wow... something that powerful must be a swath of cloth cut from the Shroud of Turin??


why would they go to all this trouble ? surely they could hit them over the head with a rubber hosepipe and grab the gold and run ?

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