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Pattaya Takeover By Russians


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Yes, Russians are indeed a very, very warm people once you get to know them. My impression is that most of the Russians here don't speak English and that causes communication issues with both Thais and other foreigners. Pattaya can be a hard ball city, you can't blame people for putting up defenses.

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It's about the echo!

"as one yells into the forest, it will shout back!

-old russian proverb-

Just had the experience in our place, the staff wanted to check him out, so I had a talk with him and it turned out that simply nobody wanted to accept his - yes lightly unusual behavior - he was singing in Bariton, russian songs, drinking Vodka and Beer, paid all his bills and they weren't small bills with just two drinks on them...he spoiled staff with generous tips, had yes, more then one companion and we had a good time, he understood all, accepted my adivse not to sing in the hallway and keep generally calm after midnight and not going onto the balcony without underwear... he could be seen... :)

...and staff complaining about his behaviour got strict order NOT to look and call for more colleagues to watch him....!!

I made a new friend... invited to moscow..

nothing else to add!

Remember String?

....In Europe and America

There's a growing feeling of hysteria

Conditioned to respond to all the threats

In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets....

....We share the same biology

Regardless of ideology

Believe me when I say to you

I hope the Russians love their children too


Edited by Samuian
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I can just add from my limited personal experience with Russians I had so far that they were quite decent guys. A Russian customer of mine invited me to Walking Street a while ago, probably the biggest blast I ever had there...

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Just a gentle reminder here:

Rule number 7

Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody :)

But its ok to suffer decades of television and movies where the heroes are of a certain race and the white race are all morons who the long suffering dark skinned boss/general/lawyer/ judge/professor has to show how things are done....

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But its ok to suffer decades of television and movies where the heroes are of a certain race and the white race are all morons who the long suffering dark skinned boss/general/lawyer/ judge/professor has to show how things are done....

Whilst I agree with you that this may not be right what does that have to do with the Forum rules?

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And as a matter of topical Russian interest, let's not forget the very serious booze problem they have over there, which also mainfests itself on our streets. This on the BBC website today:

Russia slaps minimum price on vodka

Full Article - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8436863.stm

yada yada yada... so you listen to the BBC too, big deal.

Binge drinking is something the Russians pioneered and only lately has the youth of (for example) the UK taken up this much acclaimed social skill set.

Now quote me something you personally know about the Russian visitors that is original or otherwise not hackneyed, heresay and/or anecdotal.

There's also a very serious booze problem in Thailand. Witness successive Thai governments ongoing purges on alcohol sales and advertising which is confirmed by the mass of wingeing foreigners with bottle dependencies on ThaiVisa whenever there's a temporary ban on liquor sales here.

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My Ukrainian friend's tell me the Russian's drink so much Vodka all the time...and at work so they have alcohol in their blood stream which stops them from freezing to death when it gets to -40C. They are great bu11shitters! :)

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But have you ever waited for a "thank you" from a Russian after politely holding a door open ?

....................long wait. :)

And how many times did you hear a "Спасибо" from a English guy ?

They do not speak any English (at least 99% of them)...

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I had a Russian guy and his Russian wife rent a house from me a couple of years ago, what a fkn laugh, everything was agreed/paid/done and dusted basically, all that was to be done was actually sign the rental agreement??

So we meet in the house (he has already paid me a years rent, in the bank done and dusted!) and sit down at the table ready to sign, so where the eff is he?? I put the documents in front of his wife, she wont sign? so where is he?? - upstairs in the bed fully clothed absolutely blootert!!

Upshot - still tennants of mine and good friends, we still joke about that day, he thought he had checked into a hotel and had no recolection of that day.

As a few posters have said, nice people once you get to know them. They are really nice, they do find it difficult because they are a couple (of Russians) and english is sketchy but welcome in my home anyday!

Dont be too quick too judge, none of us are perfect!!

Lang may yer lum rik !


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If I remember correctly the topic is Pattaya takeover by Russians, the next person to mention binge drinking and Russians gets a warning as well as being sent to the gulag for a number of days.

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Only issue I have are the Russians tendency not to wait in Que and just jump it. (noticed that on a number of occasions) Other than that nought to say bad about them!!

hope they dont skip in front of me...i would be so nice if it happened

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It appears that Russian-related threads brings out the worst in us.

Sorry about that.

So, back to the OP and keeping socially unacceptable habits and binge drinking out of the frame, why do some people have issues with the visiting Russians culture? Is it because they 'look like' farangs but behave differently from, how should I say this... 'normal' farangs?

In 'pre-glasnost' times (thanks moo9), it was normal for Russians to queue interminably for the most basic of items such as daily bread, petrol, transport, etc.. Since they now have embraced the 'me first' culture of the modern, civilised and democratic world, they have grasped the important concept of getting in front that so many Asians are guilty of. For example, when the seat belt sign goes off after parking at the gate, how many tiny, pushy, smiling, ingratiating Thai twerps push past you as you get your kit from the overhead; from all the way back on row 44!!

I am more pissed off by locals pushing in front at bus stops, Post Offices, airplanes or ticketing desks than I am at the odd beered up slavic tourist bloke (with the porn star look-alike girlfriend).

Reason for edit: not all Russian women are porn stars.

Edited by NanLaew
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Only issue I have are the Russians tendency not to wait in Que and just jump it. (noticed that on a number of occasions) Other than that nought to say bad about them!!

hope they dont skip in front of me...i would be so nice if it happened

May I ask what would happen if they did?

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It appears that Russian-related threads brings out the worst in us.

Sorry about that.

So, back to the OP and keeping socially unacceptable habits and binge drinking out of the frame, why do some people have issues with the visiting Russians culture? Is it because they 'look like' farangs but behave differently from, how should I say this... 'normal' farangs?

In 'pre-glasnost' times (thanks moo9), it was normal for Russians to queue interminably for the most basic of items such as daily bread, petrol, transport, etc.. Since they now have embraced the 'me first' culture of the modern, civilised and democratic world, they have grasped the important concept of getting in front that so many Asians are guilty of. For example, when the seat belt sign goes off after parking at the gate, how many tiny, pushy, smiling, ingratiating Thai twerps push past you as you get your kit from the overhead; from all the way back on row 44!!

I am more pissed off by locals pushing in front at bus stops, Post Offices, airplanes or ticketing desks than I am at the odd beered up slavic tourist bloke (with the porn star look-alike girlfriend).

Reason for edit: not all Russian women are porn stars.

I think it's because we are basically jealous of them. We have failed to work out Russian fashion codes and rules of attraction. Viz. Ugly, impecunious-looking blokes in ill-fitting cheap shorts and T Shirts, end up with stunning looking women dressed in really sexy outfits. How does that happen?

Or am I just being superfical and failing to see the beauty within?

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Many of them spend a hel_l for drinks in the 7/11"s and wandering around with their Chang bottle.

To be honest, I never got in touch with them. I much prefer prefer the pre Glasnost Pattaya though.

Happy New Year

Thats what I see mostly , what spending is OP talking about? i would prefer they wore no shirts (especially the yummy ladies) rather than the fashion sense displayed by the men mostly. Sandals and socks are not just for the elderly in Russia :)

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Dont wannan be tolerant, but im tired of them.

They are everywhere and they are very loud. Wife scremin to hubby thru whole Tesco about bananas is just way too much. Very racist about thais. Impolite, rude. If u around them u can forget about privacy and quitness. A lot of vodka and red horse maybe.

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Personally I love the diversity in this town, especially when all kinds of people are all mixed up. I don't like the ghetto experience so much, Germans in Naklua, Arabs in South Pattaya, that fosters an insider/outsider feeling when you are in their turf.

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Personally I love the diversity in this town, especially when all kinds of people are all mixed up. I don't like the ghetto experience so much, Germans in Naklua, Arabs in South Pattaya, that fosters an insider/outsider feeling when you are in their turf.

Speaking of which, notice a new Arab disco/bar complex has sprung up next to the market area in S Pattaya. Even by Pattaya standards that place is dam_n loud! Pity the poor people with apartments backing onto that area. I think there are a couple of hotels backing on. Guess anyone staying in those rooms is going to demand to be moved. Shows what can happen when there are no planning or noise restrictions.

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OP writes about the Russians:

"how well turned-out and polite they are in general"

you must be joking?!

They are impolite, uncouth, treating other nationalities as invisible and inferior.

Most of the russians are cheaply attired and ask the Thai's what they think about them and most will say they dislike them for their unpleasant manners, impoliteness and meanness.


Right on the spot.... keep out of their way. Russians have never been any good news to anyone in this world.

New money in Russia, all kind of lowlife comes to life and begin to travel. watch out!!


I know this may invite the USA bashers out but consider this,

If the Soviet Union (Russia) had won the Cold War what would the World be like now?...return to the dark ages and no travel, so most of you Guys living in Thailand would never of had the chance to go to Thailand never mind live there and most definetely the internet would not be allowed to exist.

What does Russia contribute now, freezing Winters for your Granny?

Russians only understand strongarm tactics...just like Putin the KGB thug.

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OP writes about the Russians:

"how well turned-out and polite they are in general"

you must be joking?!

They are impolite, uncouth, treating other nationalities as invisible and inferior.

Most of the russians are cheaply attired and ask the Thai's what they think about them and most will say they dislike them for their unpleasant manners, impoliteness and meanness.


Right on the spot.... keep out of their way. Russians have never been any good news to anyone in this world.

New money in Russia, all kind of lowlife comes to life and begin to travel. watch out!!


I know this may invite the USA bashers out but consider this,

If the Soviet Union (Russia) had won the Cold War what would the World be like now?...return to the dark ages and no travel, so most of you Guys living in Thailand would never of had the chance to go to Thailand never mind live there and most definetely the internet would not be allowed to exist.

What does Russia contribute now, freezing Winters for your Granny?

Russians only understand strongarm tactics...just like Putin the KGB thug.

I'm not even a USA basher, but that is preposterously misconceived, embarrasingly naive, Fox News style perspective of the world. It seems you may be a USA basher in disguise, posting nonsense to bring out the worst in us.

What do you think the Cold War was? It wasn't a real war, it's just a figure of speech. The Red Army wasn't going to roll into Europe and the Good Ol' USA if Ronnie the nutter hadn't stopped them. (if they had, maybe the illegal war in Iraq and the face-saving sideshow in Afghanistan wouldn't have been fought)

But now I find myself digressed into your digression., so I'll stop before I get my bottom immoderately smacked again.

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Well it should thin out the Indians, Arabs and Africans a bit. Russians are not known for tolerence towards the...well they are not known for their tolerence.


I happily agree with the beginning of the sentence, but this..

" .....Russians are not known for tolerence towards the...well they are not known for their tolerence."

Which school did you go to, any other mental problems, or only this anti-russian-phobia?



Well, as you claim to be russian, even if your russian spelling is a bit off, then the sentence you quoted seems to fit you perfectly!

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One thing I think is true about Russia today. They THINK they are more important than they actually are. That makes them still a bit unpredictable and dangerous. An example is their flaky behavior regarding Iran, the war in Georgia, the pressure on Ukraine. Their ego is fragile. You could say a similar thing about the USA, but objectively the USA still is much more important globally than Russia. Russians believe they are the equals in power with the USA and that is a bit touchy, because they ain't.

Edited by Jingthing
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OP writes about the Russians:

"how well turned-out and polite they are in general"

you must be joking?!

They are impolite, uncouth, treating other nationalities as invisible and inferior.

Most of the russians are cheaply attired and ask the Thai's what they think about them and most will say they dislike them for their unpleasant manners, impoliteness and meanness.


Right on the spot.... keep out of their way. Russians have never been any good news to anyone in this world.

New money in Russia, all kind of lowlife comes to life and begin to travel. watch out!!


I know this may invite the USA bashers out but consider this,

If the Soviet Union (Russia) had won the Cold War what would the World be like now?...return to the dark ages and no travel, so most of you Guys living in Thailand would never of had the chance to go to Thailand never mind live there and most definetely the internet would not be allowed to exist.

What does Russia contribute now, freezing Winters for your Granny?

Russians only understand strongarm tactics...just like Putin the KGB thug.

I'm not even a USA basher, but that is preposterously misconceived, embarrasingly naive, Fox News style perspective of the world. It seems you may be a USA basher in disguise, posting nonsense to bring out the worst in us.

What do you think the Cold War was? It wasn't a real war, it's just a figure of speech. The Red Army wasn't going to roll into Europe and the Good Ol' USA if Ronnie the nutter hadn't stopped them. (if they had, maybe the illegal war in Iraq and the face-saving sideshow in Afghanistan wouldn't have been fought)

But now I find myself digressed into your digression., so I'll stop before I get my bottom immoderately smacked again.

You conveniently forgot that that is exactly what they did. Heard of Tschekoslovakia 1968? Alexander Dubcek?

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Also note the poetry of Wallace Stevens, poet and insurance executive.

Best known poems ...

"Anecdote of the Jar," "Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock", "The Emperor of Ice Cream," "The Idea of Order at Key West," "Sunday Morning," "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird."

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Also note the poetry of Wallace Stevens, poet and insurance executive.

Best known poems ...

"Anecdote of the Jar," "Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock", "The Emperor of Ice Cream," "The Idea of Order at Key West," "Sunday Morning," "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird."

I just "sound Off-ed" the English footy to have a gander and a fair crack at this. I have never heard of him before (only Robert Frost stands out for poets from across the pond). Sunday Morning is a good poem with a wonderfully lyrical use of language but I liked less "Thirteen Ways" and "Dissilusionment". I only tried those three, but will check out the rest.

Are we off topic here? I think we WILL be told. (But I bet you don't get suspended for discussing poetry).

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