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My God, Is The Cancer Rate In This Country High Or Is It Me?


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Top three causes of death (broad categories) across the nation for 2003-04 were:

Malignant neoplasm (all forms), 78 deaths per 100,000 population.

Accidents and poisoning, 57 deaths per 100,000

Hypertension and cerebrovascular, 35 deaths per 100,000

The source is annual reports of Provincial Health Offices. I prefer not to say which ones but they all provide a common national comparator (i.e. the same whole country figures). The picture is similar for death rates in most Isaan provinces, though in the one where I stay heart disease kills more than cancer. Apologies that the latest reports I have are now a few years old.

Edited by citizen33
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..all of the above...plus they use aluminum pots and scrape them with metal utensils, so you are ingesting aluminum nit noi at every meal....mmmmm, yummy..it adds up

there have been several cancer deaths in my wife's family as well

Aluminum causes cancer? I thought they were blaming Alzheimer's on the stuff! Maybe it's a double whammy?

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From the first time i was in Thailand i was shocked to see them cutting Asbestos in the street and in the houses.

the dust is everywhere that has got to have a huge effect .

I did mentioned it and they laugh

Edited by Larry321
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Researchers at Yale University of Medicine concluded in 1994 that chili pepper consumption may cause increased risk of stomach cancer. Compared to nonconsumers of chili peppers, consumers had an increased risk of stomach cancer (odds ratio 5.49; 95%). Among consumers, there was a highly significant trend of increasing risk with increasing self-rated level of chili pepper consumption (high, medium, or low). That said the study said that "definite conclusion is not warranted" because there was no assesment of dose relationship.

Another recent study by Mexico National Institute of Public Health found higher rates of gastric cancer in people with high chillie intake (9-25 jalapenos a day!).

I think this might have something to do with it. My girlfriends family has a high rate of stomach cancer in the past and the way they all eat chilli I am surprised they have got a stomach left between them. They also eat som tam with nom pla (i think that is what is called) everyday. I tried a small bit one day and it nearly took my tounge off. Also they tend to eat alot of raw prawn and fish in her area and Japan has the highest rate of stomach cancer in Asia. Maybe the mercury?

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In the Western world nobody ever dies of Cancer....

What is wrong with these Thai people, why can't they be more like us ?

BTW..... 1 in 4 deaths in the USA are due to Cancer.

Not often I agree with you Maigo6 but you are correct, cancer is a much more virulent killer than many realise.

In the UK it is quoted that cancer directly affects 1 in 3 people, don't know the death rate but I'm here to bury my brother in law who died just before Xmas of C. :) His mother died last August of cancer and his father is under treatment to control it.

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I have not checked Thailand's cancer rates, but the amount of people I hear of who die of cancer is alarming.

The rates seem to be high everywhere.

The mortality rate in Thailand may be higher as people often do not go to the doctor until it is too late?

Early treatment seems to be the key to beating cancer.

Here are few factual links to ponder:




I am now 7 months since treatment, for cancer at the base of my tongue,

and have my fingers firmly crossed.

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I have not checked Thailand's cancer rates, but the amount of people I hear of who die of cancer is alarming.

The rates seem to be high everywhere.

The mortality rate in Thailand may be higher as people often do not go to the doctor until it is too late?

Early treatment seems to be the key to beating cancer.

Here are few factual links to ponder:




I am now 7 months since treatment, for cancer at the base of my tongue,

and have my fingers firmly crossed.

Good luck to you!

That extraordinarily high liver cancer rate in Khon Kaen shown in the JJCO Figures is an unusual cancer cluster that, to me, indicates something wrong in the environment there. That cancer cluster should be investigated and changes made to protect the people that live in that area. I wonder what is causing it? Cancer maps and/or statistics on specific cancer types by gender are very useful for focusing attention on environmental problems that are killing people.

Oh should have Googled more before posting ...I see it has been at


I guess avoid koi pla put on food there that causes an infection that produces liver cancer ...a hepatitis B vaccine may also be needed.

Edited by ronz28
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There's always the possibility of the people causing it themselves (cluster of relative affluence able to habitually partake in all the 'fun but bad for you things' available), although yes, it should be studied. I mean our pharmacy in town sells a heck of a lot more STD related meds than our suburban location, and I don't think it's because of the water or any kind of industrial pollution.


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Agree, that people can prevent some cancers by their behavior in Thailand and the cancer rate in some locations in Thailand may actually be extremely high if you live in those areas but overall its low probably due to the high fruit and vegetable intake relative to meat consumption.

1. Liver cancer rate in Khon Kaen, Thailand is the highest in the world and it has been traced to eating raw fish -Koi Pla in that area that carries a virus that causes infections in your liver that turns into cancer. Don't eat raw fish- koi pla. Other liver cancers can be caused by Hepatitis B so everyone should get the Hepatitis B vaccine.

2. Lung cancer is caused by cigarette smoking. Don't smoke.

3. Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus. To prevent most cervical cancer all females should get the HPV shot.

4. Oral cancer (lip, pharynx and esophagus) by chewing betel quid, tobacco and alcohol. Again, Khon Kaen has the highest lip cancer rate in the world for females. Behavior modification needed- don't chew that stuff.

Additional information is available from Google and http://jjco.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content.../32/suppl_1/S82

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..and when all 3 meals a day in LOS are what us farang would call "dinner" type meals in the west..more cooking with those cheap aluminum pots

signed: no simple cereal or blender fruit shakes in the morning for Thais

So you're saying that Thai people are giving themselves cancer via the cooking utensils they use ? :D

I was in Pattaya last week and saw an American family waddling down the road, the girl must have been 90 Kgs and was probably aged 13 years, Mother and Father the same, Obese.

What is that down to, pure gluttony ? You think that young girl wants to look like a hippo ?

Now, I know this forum tends to Thai Bash at any given opportunity, but this is totaly insane !!!!

So not only are they the worlds worst drivers, the worlds most violent devious people, the laziest , stupidest uneducated drunken layabouts, now they invite cancer upon themselves with gay abandon......... :D

ThaiVisa Thailand experts, you have to love them. :)

And you know they were american because? come on maigo6, get off the grass.

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I posted a thread on a Thai site about the use of asbestos sheets used for buildings in the Villages , the reply i got was they are no more harmfully them MDF.

Also the average Thai has 20 tea spoons of sugar a day. what about Diabetes, although there are loads of sugar and salt in ready meals sold in the west. where do you stop .

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Maybe it is just the circle of people you know. I don't hear of deaths in Thailand other than the violent ones in the news. However, I used to live in a small town called Squamish in Howe Sound, British Columbia. There was a chemical plant and a pulp mill in the narrow inlet next to the town. There was no place for the fumes to go if there was a temperature inversion. It seemed like there was an un-natural number of cancer deaths in the town. I lost at least 5 personal friends in Squamish due to cancer over a 4 year period. And, information from my wife and her friends who were nurses at the local hospital, there were lots more with cancer in that town.

MMM your right , thankfully the pulp mill is closed now, used to live up in eastern end of BP West Van and could smell it even there!

Here I have had two friends die of cancer ( both English expats and young, one brain cancer the other stomach), my Thai wifes' younger brother died in 2008 from cancer in his sinus..thought to be from fish farm chemicals where he used to work, her uncle died a few months back too, stomach cancer..seems a lot don't it! I seem to remember reading someplace that Thailand is up there with the highest cancer rates in the world...

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I'm sure building and <deleted>**ing with asbestos without wearing protection counts for a massive portion of cancer. You should have seen the looks I got when I told them not to use asbestos on my roof. They thought I was retarded. They'd bash into it with their hammers like there was no tomorrow alll without masks.

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Well, after reading this, I think I might know why my blood circulation has went to shit over the past while. My feet have been numb for the past 10 - 12 days, constantly in pain, can't run, have trouble with stairs, etc. Went to a private clinic, but the doctor basically just laughed at me, because I'm only 28 and according to him should be about 30 years older to have anything wrong with my blood circulation.

At first I just assumed it was because of drinking and smoking, but maybe I was wrong. Huh, go figure. Alright then, quick detox it is, eat in from now on.

Edited by cdnmatt
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Wind farms are very inefficent and require more energy than they provide to produce it.

Causes of cancer are many-fold but Thailand used to be very low down the list until capitalism came to town. Thais traditionally ate lots of bitter and raw herbs which kept the liver leaping like a salmon. Now they suffer the same problems as we do, in fact all countries do, when they abandon traditional diets.

Trans fats, refined oils, fake sugars, acid-forming foods, pesticides. Any food that is manufactured industrially is 'food' in name only. Until people get this, they will remain sick.

There are some protectives which can mitigate the risks. Good old garlic, turmeric, neem and apple cider vinegar are all on my list of daily supplements.

Wind farms are ..... : Would you please clearify with documented facts, that windmill farms are VERY ineffective and that they require more energy than they produce.

Example: The more than 5000 windmills in Denmark produce around 20 % of the countrys energy, and the numbers are going up as more windmill parks are getting on the grid...

According to Wikipedia, wind power currently provides 19% of Denmark's electricity (the largest percentage provided by wind power anywhere).

So facts PLEASE before just sending out wrongly posts.....

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Kidney cancer seems to be one of the major cancers here. Father in-law died at 72 from it. I am convinced after living in the rice belt of the country for several years that the use of pesticides and related is a major contributor. Minimal research also indicates that rice processing and related dust has some negative health impacts.

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..and when all 3 meals a day in LOS are what us farang would call "dinner" type meals in the west..more cooking with those cheap aluminum pots

signed: no simple cereal or blender fruit shakes in the morning for Thais

So you're saying that Thai people are giving themselves cancer via the cooking utensils they use ? :D

I was in Pattaya last week and saw an American family waddling down the road, the girl must have been 90 Kgs and was probably aged 13 years, Mother and Father the same, Obese.

What is that down to, pure gluttony ? You think that young girl wants to look like a hippo ?

Now, I know this forum tends to Thai Bash at any given opportunity, but this is totaly insane !!!!

So not only are they the worlds worst drivers, the worlds most violent devious people, the laziest , stupidest uneducated drunken layabouts, now they invite cancer upon themselves with gay abandon......... :D

ThaiVisa Thailand experts, you have to love them. :)

I think the OP was just pointing out that in his experience Thailand seems to have an unusually high incidence of cancer, and he was curious if others felt the same or had figures to prove or disprove it. No call for a "Thaier-than-the-Thais/don't dare criticise them" rant to be stuffed down his throat.

As regards the Americans, obesity and it's attendant problems are a national concern or hadn't you heard. :D

Edited by rott
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One other factor should be taken into account. Medical services and their availability has improved dramatically over the last 30 odd years I have been coming here. More cancers are now being detected. Mind you I think the general diet has got worse over the same period. See far more fat kids in Bangkok now than ever before.

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