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I have been smitten by a nice "farm fresh" bargirl. I live in Pats and feel it would be nice to have a live in gf for a change, and grab this one before she is poisoned by the system here. The bar she works is a late night drinking hole and she works from 5pm till 6am every night, unless i bf her, for 4,000 ++ a month. The gaffer, who is a mate, told me to forget her but if i wanted her i had to pay 6,000bht for her release. The whole thing smells like slavery to me, what do you think guys ?

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Dont pay 1 baht , i know many who have just walked away from a bar. have a good talk with your lady and come to some agreement. You have to think about this carefully as it may affect her future for a little while. Good luck to you and her.

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The girls can stop working at any time - just ask the owner of any go-go how many staff simply failed to turn up without any notice the day after pay day.

However, very common for a bar to ask for money if a girls wait to go to stay with a falang.

The normal arrangment is a 50:50 split of any money received between and girl and the bar and an absolute guarantee that the girl would be re-empoyed should the relationship end

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The girls can stop working at any time - just ask the owner of any go-go how many staff simply failed to turn up without any notice the day after pay day.

However, very common for a bar to ask for money if a girls wait to go to stay with a falang.

The normal arrangment is a 50:50 split of any money received between and girl and the bar and an absolute guarantee that the girl would be re-empoyed should the relationship end

But this being a town of too many bars and not enough, ahem, hostesses, I doubt anyone need worry about being re-employed if their relationship went t*ts up.

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Doesn't sound like the guy is a mate if he is asking for money. She can walk away anytime she wants...and probably go back to work there anytime she wants ...as long as she is a good worker. I knew many girls at a bar in Bangkok who would drift away for a few months...or weeks...come back and everything was just the way it was when they left.

Like the guy said above, its not the 4k you have to worry about, its the sick buffalo, in trouble cousin, broken scooter, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.....that'll cost ya way more than 4k a month!

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let's be honest here, forget "slavery" or "prostitution", it's very black and white. you are paying for a girlfriend. do you understand how simple it all is? you are *paying* for a girlfriend. end of story, close the thread, have a freaking blast... but don't look for some magical definition that rights the whole situation as legitimate.

and lastly... you really have 2 other choices:

a) pay the bar to take her off the books for a night or two. this isn't prostitution, you're compensating someone to give a worker the night off.


5) find a girlfriend. for free. and pay to keep her fed and dressed and happy and healthy.

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let's be honest here, forget "slavery" or "prostitution", it's very black and white. you are paying for a girlfriend. do you understand how simple it all is? you are *paying* for a girlfriend. end of story, close the thread, have a freaking blast... but don't look for some magical definition that rights the whole situation as legitimate.

and lastly... you really have 2 other choices:

a) pay the bar to take her off the books for a night or two. this isn't prostitution, you're compensating someone to give a worker the night off.


5) find a girlfriend. for free. and pay to keep her fed and dressed and happy and healthy.

Sounds like marriage to me.

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Don't mean to be serious here.......but......the OP states in his first 2 lines "farm-fresh bargirl" and "works in a late night drinking hole".

How many blokes are gravitationally attracted to this socio-economic profile of a potential partner ceases to amaze me.Classically speaking

a guy might at a later stage air grievances that she is not as "serious" as he is about the relationship,that finances are more

heavily weighted in her reckonings,.. and that their conversation and common interests in their relationship are not very compatible.

Maybe if one were after a "live-in", you could get a professional with a degree,who has a profession? (Not meaning a girl who

works in a beauty salon/masseurs/7-Eleven). There are 13 government schools in Pattaya area with lots of single girls,not to mention

all the hospitals,civil servant offices etc.. etc.. Walk in with a limp the the Physio Department 5555+ in the Bangkok Pattaya

hospital,there are 2 absolute corkers who are single and work in there.If I was not married myself,that is the kind of girl I would see a

future in !!

No disrespect whatsoever is intended to any of the hoards of entertainment girls who come to work in Pattaya, just that I never cease

to be amazed that so many blokes go for this option,when there's so much better out there.

So......why would the OP even fret over the "slave or not a slave" conundrum,maybe aim a bit higher is all ?

I am 37 years old,and have been in Pattaya for 10 years full-time.I'm not a youngster,that is for sure,but even at my age I just could

not bring myself to have a partner who (not exclusively,but usually) left school by the age of 14'ish,no education,no prospects, and

with a family that has an introspective look on most things in life. The thoughts of having any of my family meeting her and waiting for

the arkward,embarrassing silence which would follow after the inevitable questions we all ask of newly acquainted....such as......

What is your job? / Where did you meet? etc.. etc... would be too much to endure.

Anyway,that's just me,and if everyone thought like me the Issan girls would never strike the jackpot !! 55555++

Best of luck to the OP and hope he's happy!!

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slavery is a way of life here, Ive meet plenty of girls that were used as collateral for loans when they where 12 and they will work till they are 30 or so to pay it off, and they dont have the intelligence to question it, they will sell their own kids as well

Edited by rafval
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Amen to that!!

"Hiring" a girlfriend for fix amount per month, isn't that where slavery/prostitution kicks in? Don't want to offend anyone, but I just came to think of it...

How would you classify the payments of a father/husband in, say, the UK, who goes to work and pays his non-working partner a sum of money every month for housekeeping, to look after the bills, food, kids etc?

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The whole thing smells like slavery to me, what do you think guys ?

Look at it another way.

If a company hires an interim manager they pay to the outsourcing agent; lets say they pay 4,000/month for a particular interim manager. The hiring company likes him because of who is he and what he does and want to hire him themselves, full time.

If they want to hire him full time at their own risk the salary is 6,000/month.

I'm not trying to excuse the OP's case just trying to explain it's a business deal; not love but also no slavery; slavery is keeping someone against his/her own will.


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Amen to that!!

"Hiring" a girlfriend for fix amount per month, isn't that where slavery/prostitution kicks in? Don't want to offend anyone, but I just came to think of it...

How would you classify the payments of a father/husband in, say, the UK, who goes to work and pays his non-working partner a sum of money every month for housekeeping, to look after the bills, food, kids etc?

Errmm,let me think about that question.........could it be..... household money???

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[..] Walk in with a limp the the Physio Department 5555+ in the Bangkok Pattaya

hospital,there are 2 absolute corkers who are single and work in there.If I was not married myself,that is the kind of girl I would see a

future in !! [..]

Actually I have a friend who married a nurse. She is the biggest gold digger/hi-so wannabe Thai girl I know.

Not to say it's not possible to find a keeper this way, it's just not a given.

Amen to that!!

"Hiring" a girlfriend for fix amount per month, isn't that where slavery/prostitution kicks in? Don't want to offend anyone, but I just came to think of it...

Isn't that what was the norm in the west until very recently? You married. Wife took care of house and kids and in return you dropped the majority of your earning off at home.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Amen to that!!

"Hiring" a girlfriend for fix amount per month, isn't that where slavery/prostitution kicks in? Don't want to offend anyone, but I just came to think of it...

How would you classify the payments of a father/husband in, say, the UK, who goes to work and pays his non-working partner a sum of money every month for housekeeping, to look after the bills, food, kids etc?

Errmm,let me think about that question.........could it be..... household money???

And how would you distinguish that from paying your girlfriend "household money" in Thailand, if that is what you wished to call it?

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Amen to that!!

"Hiring" a girlfriend for fix amount per month, isn't that where slavery/prostitution kicks in? Don't want to offend anyone, but I just came to think of it...

How would you classify the payments of a father/husband in, say, the UK, who goes to work and pays his non-working partner a sum of money every month for housekeeping, to look after the bills, food, kids etc?

Errmm,let me think about that question.........could it be..... household money???

And how would you distinguish that from paying your girlfriend "household money" in Thailand, if that is what you wished to call it?

Forgive my ignorance but I consider it are 2 completely different things.

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I think you guys are missing the definition of slavery. slavery is being owned, you dont get to make your on choices (to leave or not) you dont get paid etc etc. So not slavery. your mate offering you a deal on her, well guess he's not your mate.

you can work things out quietly between the two of you. In any case it does not matter if you get the girl from the bar, or an office or on the street you always end up paying one way or another. If married in the US they get half!! Some of you guys with your high horses saying I don't pay, well you take a girl to dinner and pay for dinner and a movie, well guess what you just paid!!

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its the way works terrible yes but the owner has probably incurred costs getting this member of staff, also loss of income for him. but as some of posts says the member of staff will get a cut of the buy out fee. if no money paid loss of face with her collegues plus they loose respect for the boss for letting happen. for me just cough up and save the hasle its no more slavery than having to pay the family money to marry the daughter.

just my opinion but when in Rome

p.s 6000k is very cheap so i think mate is doing you a favour at that price

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"Fresh bargirl".That reminds me of,when I lived in Pattaya many years ago and I had four friends from my homecountry coming there for hollyday.One of them was new to the scen;it was his first time in Thailand.He went out alone in the evening and next day, at breakfast, we was curious to know,what he had experienced."Oh,I was very lucky" he told us,"I met a girl in a bar and...." Ok,we said,that´s not so unusual. "But this one was different",he said,"she told me,that she just got off the bus". A lot of laughter and years later,he himself laughed at what he had said. "Just got off the bus" became a household-expession amongst us,and still is.End of story.

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Aren't we all slaves to our mortgages, cars and mobile phones (I don't have any of these by the way) and isn't a thai worksmen working 7 days a week the worst slave of all?

I think it's horrible.

I just hope the girls working in Pattaya do so out of free will and if so they have a pretty good job compared with other salaries isn't it?

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Aren't we all slaves to our mortgages, cars and mobile phones (I don't have any of these by the way) and isn't a thai worksmen working 7 days a week the worst slave of all?

I think it's horrible.

I just hope the girls working in Pattaya do so out of free will and if so they have a pretty good job compared with other salaries isn't it?

Firstly I have no mortgage , i worked my arse off to pay it off a few years ago so i can have a life,

Secondly I would say most girls in Pattaya are only there because of needs must , like having a Husband or family that has put pressure on the to get money,Or they cannot find any jobs for them to live. How do you put a price on a life sentence for 1000baht or 500baht short time, When you contract some decease thats life threatening, or at least they don't know they have and will come out years later.

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i did it twice and didnt pay a dime, i was very firm and said you want me you can do for me, another good check to see if she is jai dee as you think

first one was with me for four months, it was the best 4 months of my life! it was like a dream, she was perfection! she fell totally in love with me then i did something really stupid, i kick myself for losing this girl.... :)

second one lasted 3 weeks, it was ok but we just didnt mesh

both got jobs right back right away, no problem

i tried the normal girl route too but they are so busy with work and school we didnt have much quality time together

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The more I read on, the more I'm bewildered.

You are BUYING her! Are you that much of a moron, to open this discussion?

W.S.MAUGHAM said: 'No woman is worth more than a fiver, unless you love her. If you do,- she is worth everything you have'.

Obviously, this is not the case... So, what are you guys discussing?

You are buying her. For 20,000Bt + keeps. 20,000Bt is cheap. The keeps can be anything... from supporting her family to the the cost of reattaching your penis!

Now, get off your high horse of the 'slavery' morality... Look at your own face in the mirror. Do you look 'fresh from the farm'? Have you just 'stepped off the bus'? Is your penis still there? Does it do your thinking for you? :D:)

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i did it twice and didnt pay a dime, i was very firm and said you want me you can do for me, another good check to see if she is jai dee as you think

first one was with me for four months, it was the best 4 months of my life! it was like a dream, she was perfection! she fell totally in love with me then i did something really stupid, i kick myself for losing this girl.... :)

second one lasted 3 weeks, it was ok but we just didnt mesh

both got jobs right back right away, no problem

i tried the normal girl route too but they are so busy with work and school we didnt have much quality time together

Er, school? :D

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