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I think that he is talking about brothels for Thai men. Many of the girls are indentured servants whose parents owe a lot of money. :)

This is what I though and hoped a topic that ran to 3 pages might be about... a sensible discussion on the inhumaine trafficing of girls, usually sold by their parents at a very young age, into the sex industry for the mainly Thai and other Asian clientel...

Instead it is a thread about some selfish tightwad who wants to buy a girl but doesn't like the price, but instead of saying "I'm a tightwad and don't like the price" is trying to justify his 'outrage' by calling it slavery... pathetic...


Not sure he is a tightwad or just does not like having to pay for this. I agree with him. It's the principal of the deal, not necessarily the money....

I think that trafficking is more prevalent in Cambo, Vietnam, China, and places like India for sure. Not as common here in Thailand. I have met many, many, many bar girls. All were there of their own free will...mostly because of poverty and families to support...and because it is easy money...and sometimes big money.

Sure, there are some slaves here. A recent arrest here in Pattaya is proof of that...and one down south a few months ago. But it is not that common here in Thailand. I have seen them in person in India and Cambo (no, did not partake, just saw them as part of my travels...seriously).

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"Fresh bargirl".That reminds me of,when I lived in Pattaya many years ago and I had four friends from my homecountry coming there for hollyday.One of them was new to the scen;it was his first time in Thailand.He went out alone in the evening and next day, at breakfast, we was curious to know,what he had experienced."Oh,I was very lucky" he told us,"I met a girl in a bar and...." Ok,we said,that´s not so unusual. "But this one was different",he said,"she told me,that she just got off the bus". A lot of laughter and years later,he himself laughed at what he had said. "Just got off the bus" became a household-expession amongst us,and still is.End of story.

Hehe, an amusing story

Not meaning to be picky and this is just an observation, but if you assumed every girl who said this was BSing then you have limited your chances of ever meeting a girl who possibly did really just get off the bus (not that you would really want to play the chances mind you) but for certain they would have all JUST got off a bus at some stage..

just a point

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I think that he is talking about brothels for Thai men. Many of the girls are indentured servants whose parents owe a lot of money. :)

This is what I though and hoped a topic that ran to 3 pages might be about... a sensible discussion on the inhumaine trafficing of girls, usually sold by their parents at a very young age, into the sex industry for the mainly Thai and other Asian clientel...

Instead it is a thread about some selfish tightwad who wants to buy a girl but doesn't like the price, but instead of saying "I'm a tightwad and don't like the price" is trying to justify his 'outrage' by calling it slavery... pathetic...


Not sure he is a tightwad or just does not like having to pay for this. I agree with him. It's the principal of the deal, not necessarily the money....

I think that trafficking is more prevalent in Cambo, Vietnam, China, and places like India for sure. Not as common here in Thailand. I have met many, many, many bar girls. All were there of their own free will...mostly because of poverty and families to support...and because it is easy money...and sometimes big money.

Sure, there are some slaves here. A recent arrest here in Pattaya is proof of that...and one down south a few months ago. But it is not that common here in Thailand. I have seen them in person in India and Cambo (no, did not partake, just saw them as part of my travels...seriously).

I just take exception to him justifying not wanting to pay for it because it is 'slavery'... it isn't 'slavery', it is a fee that is just something distastful to him...

BTW, there is a LOT of trafficing within Thailand, most bargirls are surely there of their own free will, another topic... many of the girls in the Thai/Chinese/Japanese/Korean Brothels/Hostess Bars/Karaoke Bars are 'indentured' having been sold by there parents to pay of debts (not generally the places Western Farang go)... they are not their of their own free will, they stay because they fear leaving and fear for what might happen to their family if they did... and that is before you talk about the girls trafficed into Thailand from Cambo, Laos, China and Vietnam...

I don't like Thai girls being forced into the bargirl lifestyle by economics, girls being forced to do it through fear, especially when many of them are so young, really turns my stomache...



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but for certain they would have all JUST got off a bus at some stage..

my research would indicate that they all got off the bus 2 months ago... even the ones I met years before... :)


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I think that he is talking about brothels for Thai men. Many of the girls are indentured servants whose parents owe a lot of money. :)

This is what I though and hoped a topic that ran to 3 pages might be about... a sensible discussion on the inhumaine trafficing of girls, usually sold by their parents at a very young age, into the sex industry for the mainly Thai and other Asian clientel...

Instead it is a thread about some selfish tightwad who wants to buy a girl but doesn't like the price, but instead of saying "I'm a tightwad and don't like the price" is trying to justify his 'outrage' by calling it slavery... pathetic...


LOL, if I didn't know better you sound like a bar owner, its the principal - nothing more, greedy pissed off falangs in pattaya watching their investment turn to liquid.......makes me chuckle

PS was in a bar last night where a falang was trying to charge 125baht for a Thai whiskey, he lost the custom of 10 people over it for ever lol

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I think that he is talking about brothels for Thai men. Many of the girls are indentured servants whose parents owe a lot of money. :)

This is what I though and hoped a topic that ran to 3 pages might be about... a sensible discussion on the inhumaine trafficing of girls, usually sold by their parents at a very young age, into the sex industry for the mainly Thai and other Asian clientel...

Instead it is a thread about some selfish tightwad who wants to buy a girl but doesn't like the price, but instead of saying "I'm a tightwad and don't like the price" is trying to justify his 'outrage' by calling it slavery... pathetic...


LOL, if I didn't know better you sound like a bar owner, its the principal - nothing more, greedy pissed off falangs in pattaya watching their investment turn to liquid.......makes me chuckle

PS was in a bar last night where a falang was trying to charge 125baht for a Thai whiskey, he lost the custom of 10 people over it for ever lol

Oh contraire... I hate the concept of bar fines... I am just miffed that this guys is trying to pass off his cheap charlie behaviour as a moral crusade against slavery...

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its the way works terrible yes but the owner has probably incurred costs getting this member of staff, also loss of income for him. but as some of posts says the member of staff will get a cut of the buy out fee. if no money paid loss of face with her collegues plus they loose respect for the boss for letting happen. for me just cough up and save the hasle its no more slavery than having to pay the family money to marry the daughter.

just my opinion but when in Rome

p.s 6000k is very cheap so i think mate is doing you a favour at that price

agree with you,paying a small amount such as this enables the girl to return on good terms if relationship does not work out,or if the girl misses the bar scene and her friends too much.

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A while ago I bought a book when I was in Saigon,from one of the itinerant book sellers,it's called "Sex Slaves"(The trafficking of women in Asia).ISBN 1-86049-903-1,distributed by Asia Books Co in Thailand.The writer is Louise Brown, I believe she is a lecturer at Birmingham University.It's not a feminazi rant,but a well thought out treatise on the sex trade in Asia and S/E Asia. Well worth a read,albeit sometimes a rather depressing one.There are many myths debunked and Thailand doesn't come out of it nearly as badly as some other countries in the region.Also while she doesn't actually single out Western sex-tourists as being worthy of praise, it's quite clear that the locals are far far worse in their treatment of women(in general,and not only in the sex industry)It was published originally in 2000,but the edition I've got is 2005,so I think it's fairly up to date

Edited by lekatai
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