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Why Are There So Few Thais In Britain?


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Britain's not THAT bad, is it?
I lived in London for 10 years. It was my home. I loved the place. Still do. But there's a flip side of every coin. To sum it up: Britain can be VERY bad. Especially England.

What do you mean? Have you lived for 10 years in Wales and Scotland too?

And what do you mean 'Britain can be VERY bad'? In what way?

I mean that there are loads of good things to be said about Britain. But there are bad things also. VERY bad. For instance, I don't think I have ever been to a country where people aren't able to handle criticism; no matter how correct you might be, tell them something negative about their country and it is kindergarten time. But if you ask me (and you did), I would say the worst feature of an unusually large percentage of the British population is a tendency to blame others for their own mistakes and tell lies. Obviously, this is a personal opinion based on experiences rather than empiric studies and I could have been just unlucky, but you asked for it...

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My Top 5 Reasons NOT to live in UK

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I believe Germany has a similar figure of Thais living in the their Country. Its not easy getting a Settlement Visa for the

UK,which would probably account for the relatively low figure,and the stamp in their Settlement Visas "No Recourse to Public Funds"

Quite. This rather proves my point that it's easier for British males to marry and resettle women from colonial countries than places such as thailand, despite what the squealers tell us. This is clearly discriminatory and wrong IMO.

Oh, please do explain how the fact that there are approximately as many Thais living in Germany as there are in the UK proves your point!

I have previously gone into great detail to show you that the same rules and procedures apply to all UK settlement applicants, regardless of their nationality (except EEA nationals, where different rules apply). This includes the prohibition on public funds.

I have also previously shown you that the percentage of successful settlement applications in Thailand is consistently higher than many other countries, including Commonwealth ones.

Your vast experience of applying for absolutely zero UK visas of any type in Thailand (or anywhere else?) leads you to state that "it's easier for British males to marry and resettle women from colonial countries than places such as thailand". Your prejudice, your choice; but you're still wrong.

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I believe Germany has a similar figure of Thais living in the their Country. Its not easy getting a Settlement Visa for the

UK,which would probably account for the relatively low figure,and the stamp in their Settlement Visas "No Recourse to Public Funds"

Quite. This rather proves my point that it's easier for British males to marry and resettle women from colonial countries than places such as thailand, despite what the squealers tell us. This is clearly discriminatory and wrong IMO.

Oh, please do explain how the fact that there are approximately as many Thais living in Germany as there are in the UK proves your point!

I have previously gone into great detail to show you that the same rules and procedures apply to all UK settlement applicants, regardless of their nationality (except EEA nationals, where different rules apply). This includes the prohibition on public funds.

I have also previously shown you that the percentage of successful settlement applications in Thailand is consistently higher than many other countries, including Commonwealth ones.

Your vast experience of applying for absolutely zero UK visas of any type in Thailand (or anywhere else?) leads you to state that "it's easier for British males to marry and resettle women from colonial countries than places such as thailand". Your prejudice, your choice; but you're still wrong.

I thought you'd minced off ages ago.

Is English your first language? Or are you just being deliberately obtuse? But, like, y'know, whatever.

Don't suppose you've been watching 'Muslim driving school', have you? Most amusing. Anyway, woman last week said "I was taken to Pakistan at the age of 13, married within a week of arriving (to her cousin, as it happens), then we both came back to the UK a few days later. I thought I was going on holiday!"

Try doing THAT to a thai and stay fashionable! Whichever way you try to spin it, it's easier for a British national to marry (and resettle) someone of Pakistani descent than thai. Now tell me that's fair - I'd say it's racist.

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Oh, please do explain how the fact that there are approximately as many Thais living in Germany as there are in the UK proves your point!

I thought you'd minced off ages ago.

Is English your first language? Or are you just being deliberately obtuse? But, like, y'know, whatever.

Not going to explain, then? Go on, try!

Don't suppose you've been watching 'Muslim driving school', have you? Most amusing. Anyway, woman last week said "I was taken to Pakistan at the age of 13, married within a week of arriving (to her cousin, as it happens), then we both came back to the UK a few days later. I thought I was going on holiday!"

The minimum age now for a spouse visa is 21, IIRC previously it was 18. Whatever it was in the past, the minimum age, like all the other immigration rules, applies to all settlement visa applicants; regardless of their nationality, ethnic group, religion or any other factor.

Whichever way you try to spin it, it's easier for a British national to marry (and resettle) someone of Pakistani descent than thai. Now tell me that's fair - I'd say it's racist.

If what you say were true, then yes, it would be unfair and racist. But as what you are saying is complete and utter unfounded rubbish, then so are your accusations of unfairness and racism.

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<br />
Britain's not THAT bad, is it?
I lived in London for 10 years. It was my home. I loved the place. Still do. But there's a flip side of every coin. To sum it up: Britain can be VERY bad. Especially England.<br />
<br /><br />What do you mean? Have you lived for 10 years in Wales and Scotland too?<br /><br />And what do you mean 'Britain can be VERY bad'? In what way?<br />
<br /><br />I mean that there are loads of good things to be said about Britain. But there are bad things also. VERY bad. For instance, I don't think I have ever been to a country where people aren't able to handle criticism; no matter how correct you might be, tell them something negative about their country and it is kindergarten time. But if you ask me (and you did), I would say the worst feature of an unusually large percentage of the British population is a tendency to blame others for their own mistakes and tell lies. Obviously, this is a personal opinion based on experiences rather than empiric studies and I could have been just unlucky, but you asked for it... <br /><br /> <br /><br />My Top 5 Reasons to live in UK<br /><br /><ul><li>All my good friends</li><li>History & Culture</li><li>Traditions</li><li>Apples and Sausages</li><li>London Wasps</li></ul> My Top 5 Reasons NOT to live in UK<br /><br /><ul><li>Dishonest & Cheating Characters</li><li>Climate</li><li>Infrastructure</li><li>Filth</li><li>Parking tickets</li></ul><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Hmm, interesting. I'm not going to argue - they're your experiences, after all - but I do find your criticisms surprising. The British are past masters at moaning, especially about themselves and their own country. I slag it off something rotten when I'm here, but get a tad defensive about its 'failings' when abroad.

I could argue all day about dishonesty, infrastructure, filth and your appalling taste in sport, but you are right about the climate - Britain from May-Sept is glorious - nowhere comes close - but Oct-Apr is shocking.

ps our sausages are terrible - you don't want to know what goes in them.

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Britain's not THAT bad, is it?
I lived in London for 10 years. It was my home. I loved the place. Still do. But there's a flip side of every coin. To sum it up: Britain can be VERY bad. Especially England.

What do you mean? Have you lived for 10 years in Wales and Scotland too?

And what do you mean 'Britain can be VERY bad'? In what way?

I mean that there are loads of good things to be said about Britain. But there are bad things also. VERY bad. For instance, I don't think I have ever been to a country where people aren't able to handle criticism; no matter how correct you might be, tell them something negative about their country and it is kindergarten time. But if you ask me (and you did), I would say the worst feature of an unusually large percentage of the British population is a tendency to blame others for their own mistakes and tell lies. Obviously, this is a personal opinion based on experiences rather than empiric studies and I could have been just unlucky, but you asked for it...

My Top 5 Reasons to live in UK

  • All my good friends
  • History & Culture
  • Traditions
  • Apples and Sausages
  • London Wasps

My Top 5 Reasons NOT to live in UK

  • Dishonest & Cheating Characters
  • Climate
  • Infrastructure
  • Filth
  • Parking tickets

WOW..dont mean to hijack your conversation but these things you mention are suspiciously similiar to the bulk of TV posts ive seen where farangs complain about Thailand :D

Maybe, just maybe all these things are universal for every country :)

reason for edit: except for parking tickets!!

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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So the Muslim girl was lying, was she? Thirteen she said she was. Married to her cousin she'd never met, she said. This is known as witness testimony - not spin, not manipulation, but testimony. I know who I believe.

I did not see the programme, so have no idea what she said or in what context, nor how old she is and how long she has been in the UK.

I do know, for a fact, that under the current rules both the applicant for a UK spouse visa and their spouse must be over 21 and they must have met. Rules introduced to attempt to stop young British Asian girls from being forced into a marriage with someone they had never met so that person could come to the UK. The old rules applied to all applicants for a UK visa at that time; the new rules apply to all applicants for a UK visa now.

You may choose to disbelieve this, but you can easily check with anyone who has the slightest knowledge of UK immigration law and will find that it is true.

I see that you are not going to explain how there being approximately as many Thais in Germany as in the UK proves your point. Why is that?

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Maybe Thais do not travel because of a lack of money , they are to busy trying to scratch a living, its ironic that my Thai wife had never been out of Bangkok in her life. It took a falang to show her Thailand. How sad is that that a foreigner shows you your own country

Edited by Thongkorn
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Why would anybody want to live in Britain at all? I am Scandinavian, and lived and worked there as a seaman for nine years. I didn't like it at all. I was very happy when I left for good, and I will never visit again. Dirty everywhere, and only talking about football. No thanks!

Why should any Thai be so silly that they move to the UK?

Nine years is a long time to work under such filthy conditions! Where did you work in the 9 years you lived in Britain? Must have been a coastal Town/City? How much of the UK did you actually see?

I would guess as being a 'seamen' you spent some time at sea?

Where do you live at present? Thailand or Scandinavia?

like a lot of Thai people you were not qualified enough to secure a higher paying menial job in your home country? And you were silly enough to work there for 9 years!

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Why would anybody want to live in Britain at all? I am Scandinavian, and lived and worked there as a seaman for nine years. I didn't like it at all. I was very happy when I left for good, and I will never visit again. Dirty everywhere, and only talking about football. No thanks!

Why should any Thai be so silly that they move to the UK?

Nine years is a long time to work under such filthy conditions! Where did you work in the 9 years you lived in Britain? Must have been a coastal Town/City? How much of the UK did you actually see?

I would guess as being a 'seamen' you spent some time at sea?

Where do you live at present? Thailand or Scandinavia?

like a lot of Thai people you were not qualified enough to secure a higher paying menial job in your home country? And you were silly enough to work there for 9 years!

Being a seaman isn't a menial job. It's both skilled and dangerous. Merchant seaman have the second highest job fatality rate in the UK, beaten only by deep sea fishermen.

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So the Muslim girl was lying, was she? Thirteen she said she was. Married to her cousin she'd never met, she said. This is known as witness testimony - not spin, not manipulation, but testimony. I know who I believe.

I did not see the programme, so have no idea what she said or in what context, nor how old she is and how long she has been in the UK.

I do know, for a fact, that under the current rules both the applicant for a UK spouse visa and their spouse must be over 21 and they must have met. Rules introduced to attempt to stop young British Asian girls from being forced into a marriage with someone they had never met so that person could come to the UK. The old rules applied to all applicants for a UK visa at that time; the new rules apply to all applicants for a UK visa now.

You may choose to disbelieve this, but you can easily check with anyone who has the slightest knowledge of UK immigration law and will find that it is true.

I see that you are not going to explain how there being approximately as many Thais in Germany as in the UK proves your point. Why is that?

But that wasn't my point. I can't help it you cannot understand context or basic english. Frankly, the propect of picking apart every nuance of the english language with you is too tedious to contemplate. The German comparison IS quite useful now you mention it - presumably all EU countries discriminate against thais?

And the programme...another girl featured has been ostracised for the last year by her family for refusing to go through with her arranged marriage in pakistan, again to an unmet cousin. She fled the ceremony and returned home post haste. This girl is now 19.

Anyone who has worked under the current government knows dam_n well there are rules and there are rules. When you have 15 years experience of this you may begin to understand. The FACT of the matter is, it's easier for some nationalities to gain entry than others - it seems blindingly obvious thais are discriminated against because they are judged to be pros or other 'non desirables'.

But you believe what you want to believe. You have ultimate faith in the system if you want. Bravo. The rest of us have our eyes and minds open.

And get on with the poll, won't you? I do find it highly amusing that one of you censored another of you because someone else was censored. Orwellian nightmare, anyone? Stick the poll up.

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But that wasn't my point.

Then why say that there being approximately as many Thais in Germany as in the UK proves your point? What did you mean when you said that?

And the programme...another girl featured has been ostracised for the last year by her family for refusing to go through with her arranged marriage in pakistan, again to an unmet cousin. She fled the ceremony and returned home post haste. This girl is now 19.

Good for her. But what's it got to do with your erroneous assertion that Thais are discriminated against by UK immigration rules and procedures? If she had gone through with the marriage and the groom then applied for a UK settlement visa he would have been refused and told to apply again when they were both over 21.

Anyone who has worked under the current government knows dam_n well there are rules and there are rules. When you have 15 years experience of this you may begin to understand.
A lot more than 15 years of working for or with various government departments, in fact; plus nearly 10 years of taking an active interest in immigration matters and successfully sponsoring UK visa applications in Thailand, by Thais.

Whereas your actual real experience of UK immigration and visa applications is, by your own admittance, zero!

it seems blindingly obvious thais are discriminated against because they are judged to be pros or other 'non desirables'.

A higher than average annual settlement application success rate of over 90% in Thailand proves you wrong. Even if the success rate were 100% there would still be far fewer Thais in the UK than some other groups, Pakistanis for example as you seem prejudiced against them, for the simple reason that fewer apply.

As I said before, the political beliefs of this boards individual admin, moderators and members is their own affair. If people want to reveal same, that is their choice. I notice that you are unwilling to state yours.

Now, are you going to answer my questions, or will you once again hide your inability to do so behind more fatuous comments about my supposed lack of English skills?

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I'll answer pertinent questions. I tend to ignore the fatuous and irrelevant.

As I said before, the political beliefs of this boards individual admin, moderators and members is their own affair. If people want to reveal same, that is their choice. I notice that you are unwilling to state yours.

Why, I'd be delighted! Start a thread on it and I'll gladly elucidate. I don't see why your mob should object - unless they have something to hide, of course...

Oh, and don't play the race card, eh? It is the last refuge of the morally bankrupt.

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You have absolutely no personal experience in this area.

You state opinion and rumour as fact.

You refuse to answer questions about your stated opinions.

It is obvious to all what conclusion must be drawn about you and your posts.

I wont be starting a topic about other's political beliefs; as I've already said it is of no interest to me.

Play the race card? In what way have I done that? Oh, I forgot, you don't answer questions.

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No, as I said, I don't answer questions that are fatuous or irrelevant. You continue to misunderstand the tenet of my argument, deliberately so, it appears. A not uncommon device employed by your mob, I've always found...

But I'll answer your race card question, as it's direct and relevant (not to mention scurrilous). You said "Pakistanis for example as you seem prejudiced against them".

DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?? Just want to make it clear for you as you've a habit of not being able to pick the bones out of a discussion.

I wont be starting a topic about other's political beliefs; as I've already said it is of no interest to me.

Bawk bawk bawk! You won't do it because you know EXACTLY what the results will be. Isn't expediency wonderful?


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We live quite close to the Thai temple in Wimbledon, the wife has met a few of her friends from there. As far as the weather goes she much prefers the more moderate UK climate but she does miss Jan and Feb each year, annual hols.

Most of her Thai friends in London are here with British partners, most work P/T or full time normally in Thai restaurants or bars but I don't know any of them that are planning to retire here, most are waiting for their partners to retire and get back to Thailand as soon as possible. But they do like the £'s

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No, as I said, I don't answer questions that are fatuous or irrelevant. You continue to misunderstand the tenet of my argument, deliberately so, it appears. A not uncommon device employed by your mob, I've always found...

You continue to hide behind the usual excuses of the prejudiced when questioned, such as the one above.

But I'll answer your race card question, as it's direct and relevant (not to mention scurrilous). You said "Pakistanis for example as you seem prejudiced against them".

No, that's the racist card!

Bawk bawk bawk! You won't do it because you know EXACTLY what the results will be. Isn't expediency wonderful?

I wont do it because, as I've said several times now, the results are of no interest to me.

As is continuing this 'conversation', I'll leave you be under your bridge for now.

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Come now, maybe its time you two got a room!!!

Preferably one with a square enclosure with ropes all around and some padded gloves so no-one gets seriously hurt


A scrap with someone from surrey? Sounds fun. No doubt he'll be quoting extensively from the Queensberry's rules when I'm knocking his block off...

No, I'm sure your first suggestion would be more appealing to him.

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No, as I said, I don't answer questions that are fatuous or irrelevant. You continue to misunderstand the tenet of my argument, deliberately so, it appears. A not uncommon device employed by your mob, I've always found...

You continue to hide behind the usual excuses of the prejudiced when questioned, such as the one above.

But I'll answer your race card question, as it's direct and relevant (not to mention scurrilous). You said "Pakistanis for example as you seem prejudiced against them".

No, that's the racist card!

Bawk bawk bawk! You won't do it because you know EXACTLY what the results will be. Isn't expediency wonderful?

I wont do it because, as I've said several times now, the results are of no interest to me.

As is continuing this 'conversation', I'll leave you be under your bridge for now.

Ah, mincing off again, eh?

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We live quite close to the Thai temple in Wimbledon, the wife has met a few of her friends from there. As far as the weather goes she much prefers the more moderate UK climate but she does miss Jan and Feb each year, annual hols.

Most of her Thai friends in London are here with British partners, most work P/T or full time normally in Thai restaurants or bars but I don't know any of them that are planning to retire here, most are waiting for their partners to retire and get back to Thailand as soon as possible. But they do like the £'s

Precisely. UK immigration clearly see thais as coming here for the money and then buggering off sharpish, so discourage applicants. Pakistanis, on the other hand, intend to settle in the UK for life, which is why the rules are applied differently. It is rather surprising that some people can grasp this.

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Not wishing to start another bun fight, but I would say that the UK Immigration Rules are written in such a way that they are open to differing interpretations. This can be seen when comparing 'levels of difficulty' as expressed by some members in non EEA applicants from different countries obtaining their UK entry visas. From my experience in Thailand and dealing with the Visa Section of the British Embassy Bangkok (lately through VFS) during the past 9 years, I can say that some time periods have been seen to be remarkably easier to obtain a visitor / settlement visa than others. The rules had not changed, rather the interpretation of the rules by the ECO's. Just my opinion, not interested in getting into a handbags at dawn catfight.

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You are in essence correct. ECOs judge each application on it's own merits, using the immigration rules and the entry clearance guidance.

Being human, some ECOs may apply the rules and guidance more or less strictly than others. Indeed there was a few years ago an ECO in Bangkok notorious for being more strict in her assessments of applications than others at the post; a strictness she had acquired while posted to Islamabad!

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