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Thai Girl Monthly Allowance


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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.  I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.  We get along quite well.  She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.  15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.  ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).  Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

What I would do is work out a strict fixed monthly allowance for the both of you.....Keep a bit for your farng luxuries and then give the rest to her and tell her that it is to last the month for everything....See how she goes with that.

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Why wouldn't you do this in the US, or the UK, or Oz? I would rather xfer an amount each month and let it go than force my girlfreind to ask every time she wanted money - that would be the parent-child relationship that was mentioned. Every month my girlfreind gets enough money to cover whatever she needs and then some, I don't want to force her to take a subservient role because I have the purse strings.

Do Thai girlfreinds hae to be treated differently? If guys treat a Thai differently to a wstern girlfreind the maybe it's no surprise you get bitter people posting about how a Thai girlfreind behaves....maybe it's caused by the bahaviour of the boyfreind rather than an inherent characteristic of the girlfriend

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Why wouldn't you do this in the US, or the UK, or Oz? I would rather xfer an amount each month and let it go than force my girlfreind to ask every time she wanted money - that would be the parent-child relationship that was mentioned. Every month my girlfreind gets enough money to cover whatever she needs and then some, I don't want to force her to take a subservient role because I have the purse strings.

Do Thai girlfreinds hae to be treated differently? If guys treat a Thai differently to a wstern girlfreind the maybe it's no surprise you get bitter people posting about how a Thai girlfreind behaves....maybe it's caused by the bahaviour of the boyfreind rather than an inherent characteristic of the girlfriend

I'm with you on that, simey dee. These cheap charlies living on 20k/mo. who give zero to their gf's or wives no doubt have them turning tricks on the side

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Havent read all the posts. But from what i have read. Its the same old story and the same old replies. Look! If you live in your own country then fair enough. Send her money. Probably can afford it more. If you live here then why bother. 15K. You didnt actually say if she was your gf. You said you liked her and you got on well but i like my gfs friends and we get on well. But they are not my gfs. So i'd say when you move here. Give her nothing. When i mean nothing i mean cash. See how things go with you and her when you are living here. If things work out. Then its up to you. But personally i wouldnt be giving any girl money if i wasnt sure about her. Just my opinion. as for my missus. I dont need to give her any money as she can stand on her own 2 feet. She doesnt need me. Sometimes she earns more than me.

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This is how it has been during my 4 years of harmonious marriage to a lady from Isaan and living up here for most of that time:-

I give her an allowance (or lets call it ‘House Keeping’ money) of 15K Baht/month. Out of that she has to cloth her self and daughter, pay the daughters private education costs, utilities bills, her mobile phone, they pay into a private health fund and day to day food requirements. (I pay the Tesco Lotus shopping bill). She also pays costs associated with her Honda Wave. Anything that is left over and not given to the extended family goes into gold ---- what a surprise!! :o

Occasionally she blows her budget and has to borrow from me, this is sorted by arrangement but she has never failed to pay back. :D

From what I have learnt I don’t think there is any two farang doing exactly the same thing (in this district). I do know I am paying just about top money but then my wife hasn’t got her hand in my wallet every 5 minutes like others I’ve seen. :D

How does this compare with you guys doing roughly the same thing?

Thanks for the input. There seems to be a wide range of opinions on this matter. From the " Rookie Mistake" to scenarios such as mine. I am inclined to think she will expect me to continue to give her some amount of " allowance". ######, I would if I was in her shoes. Even in the States you pay some how, maybe not quite so visably but you pay some how i.e dinners, movies, booze, etc. and it is a lot more then 10,000 15,000 Baht per month. I know she uses the money to help her sister in university, pay for her motor bike, calling me, etc.. One good thing is she never ask for additional funds and seems to balance it pretty well. I think I'll wait to see if she approaches me on it and then play it by ear. I think since I'll be supporting her now I will cut it back. We'll have to work out a mutually acceptable realistic amount. I agree that making her ask for money all the time is not healthy for a relatinship. Thanks to all you out there for your input!!!!!!!!

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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.  I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.  We get along quite well.  She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.  15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.  ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).  Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.  I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.  We get along quite well.  She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.  15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.  ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).  Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

You are supposed to say something before after you quote the OP.

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Another question. Saloon or salon?

I repeat my question.

Salon. She washes hair in a Thai type beauty shop.

Ok. Just checking as you did say saloon. But i kinda thought it was a typo. Salon workers dont make heaps of money. Unless she owns the business. Then it can be a good income. Not heaps but above average if the location is right. IMO.

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Another question. Saloon or salon?

I repeat my question.

Salon. She washes hair in a Thai type beauty shop.

Ok. Just checking as you did say saloon. But i kinda thought it was a typo. Salon workers dont make heaps of money. Unless she owns the business. Then it can be a good income. Not heaps but above average if the location is right. IMO.

You are right. she make little income, even for a Thai.

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So why is it necessary to give her the allowance? Is it to keep her tied to you? Is it for sleeping with you all month? And if she doesnt get her cash does she go looking for another "daddy" to give it to her? I just find the whole thing silly!

Most of you fellas need to stop marrying and setting up house and just play around! I cant imagine you are that happy! But, then I may be wrong.

Anyways, I wouldnt shell out cash for these girls unless it was for the orgasmic type. Then you dont need to worry about what she does with it and you can return to your home and have that bed all to yourself.


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David1, you are right in a big way; 15k per month is spit. In the USA you piss that much. If anything, you give her the 15k after you move here and cancel it prior cause at least you are with her all the time. I love these posters who get married for such great reasons like easier visa requirements. what a bunch of jokers

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These cheap charlies living on 20k/mo. who give zero to their gf's or wives no doubt have them turning tricks on the side

Always a valuble sorce of added income. I have trouble trying to convice the punters that I'm her brother though :o


:D 55555

Salon.  She washes hair in a Thai type beauty shop.

Ah....my wife had her hair done the other day.... wonder if it's the same place..? :D

Dude - can't believe you are still trolling in here, no ones biting... :D

totster :D

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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.   I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.   We get along quite well.   She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.   15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.   ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).   Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.   What are your thoughts?   Thanks.

You are supposed to say something before after you quote the OP.

a backdoorbandit is not to clever jockstar :o

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It's different strokes for different folks for sure. If I had a baht for every time I have heard that "My girl is different", I could have a VERY nice evening out on the town. That said I didn't mention specifics because my girl IS different. She is more than happy with 5,000 baht per month. She takes kee nio (cheap) to a whole different level. The 5,000 baht per month is hers to with as she sees fit. She normally buys things for her house with the money. She spent 2 1/2 years in Dubai supervising Thai workers and sewing herself in a garment factory. She didn't make a lot of money but what she did make went in the bank. After the 2 1/2 years she finished building her house in Loei province. Since 1991 I have lived with 6 different Thai women. I DO know the difference between high maintenance women and women who have had to work for what they have. My point was that MOST country girls will squander the money and save nothing. They simply live for today and don't worry about tomorrow. There are some who are generous and pay to have a sibling educated so that brother/sister will have a better life than the rest of the family. To give money to the drunken uncle or a Thai boyfriend is another thing entirely. I stand by my opinion that the majority live for today.

A lot of you guys apparently have no idea what it costs to live up country. I'd guess the vast majority of country people make LESS than 3,000 baht per month. To give a country girl 15,000 baht a month encourages the mooches to prey on her. I can assure you that it is a rare country girl that won't spend it all whether you give her 5,000 or 50,000 per month.

If you are referring to me then I can assure you that I have lived up country and know exactly how much it costs to live there. In my posts I talked about improvement in quality of life for the family and providing an educational opportunity... not feeding the mooches. And for the record, my girl has also managed to save some money in the bank as well. Call her rare but she certainly does not fit into the category you portray.

Rather than generalizing why don't you take the time to post specifics... after all that is what the OP requested. :o

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i think the reason you hear so many people state that their wife or girl are different is because they have in fact been able to weed out the bad and/or got ahold of a truly good girl. It's not like they are few and far between in thailand, its just that the majority look or find them in the wrong place/circumstances and then feel obligated to warn all others about the evil Thai woman.

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Personally I dont see what the big problem is ?? All these people decrying giving an allowance or pocket money to your girlfriend sound to me like they are insecure that others may percieve they are having to buy love or thier partner..

I mean would you not give your Euro / Western girlfriend financial support and housekeeping money ?? I know I would (and did).. So a girl I have a relationship with has to spend money to live (the occasional clothes, visit to a spa, be able to buy a drink for a friend, not feel continually poor) why would I not give her that freedom ??

Lets face it its hard for a TG to make a living.. It seems to me that without education even making 15k of so in a month is really hard to find.. I can make that in a day. So I should force my girl to work 12 months of the year when I could do the same in less than 2 weeks, makes no sense to me.

Sounds 'old fashioned' 'not PC' 'living from the 50s' well so be it, I think a division of labour is fine, let me worry about money, let her worry about our living envioronment and comforts.. Frees me the time and energy to make real money and I am then happy to share (within reason).

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Personally I dont see what the big problem is ?? All these people decrying giving an allowance or pocket money to your girlfriend sound to me like they are insecure that others may percieve they are having to buy love or thier partner..

I mean would you not give your Euro / Western girlfriend financial support and housekeeping money ?? I know I would (and did).. So a girl I have a relationship with has to spend money to live (the occasional clothes, visit to a spa, be able to buy a drink for a friend, not feel continually poor) why would I not give her that freedom ??

Lets face it its hard for a TG to make a living.. It seems to me that without education even making 15k of so in a month is really hard to find.. I can make that in a day. So I should force my girl to work 12 months of the year when I could do the same in less than 2 weeks, makes no sense to me.

Sounds 'old fashioned' 'not PC' 'living from the 50s' well so be it, I think a division of labour is fine, let me worry about money, let her worry about our living envioronment and comforts.. Frees me the time and energy to make real money and I am then happy to share (within reason).

I would have to applaud and second that post wholeheartedly. I am troubled by the stinginess of some posters. Their unwillingness to share gives a bad name to farangs in the eyes of Thai ladies. It's like these people want to keep their women down

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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.  I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.  We get along quite well.  She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.  15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.  ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).  Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

You are not going to like me for saying this but I will for your own good...

*I assume your girlfriend can speak English, where did she learn? Is the rest of her education to the same standard?

*What is the age difference between the two of you?

*Where did she get the money to set up her salon?

*Under what circumstances did you meet her?

If you can't give yourself reasonable answers to these questions, think very hard before committing yourself. This part of Esan is pretty much ground central for scheming "ladies of fortune" They are often supported in their endeavor by their whole family, who will know they are a sex worker, as will the community at large around you.

You may think I am being a bastard telling you all this but I once worked with a bloke who was in a similar situation to you at the outset. He ended up agreeing to look after her two young children and after six months had child of his own on the way. To cut a long story short the guy ended up penniless and discovered the man who the kids referred to as uncle was infact their father who had also been living of my associate’s largesse.


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Psycho. Independent of your jaundiced views on Isaan women, allbeit 2nd hand prejudice, I don't get your questions.

Where does education come into it? My wife finished school at 11, but has an higher IQ than a female lawyer I dated in UK. Also learned English in 9 months. Has taken me 5 years to get half as proficient in Thai.

The age old age question! As long as he's not 60 years older who cares.

She works in the salon not owns it!

What difference does it matter where they met. Can't find any stats that says if you meet in a library you have a better chance of marriage success than if you meet in a bar!

Get more experience of females before generalising :o

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For the last 8 months I have been sending a girl from Issan 15,000 Baht per month.   I see her when I come over, have met the family, etc.   We get along quite well.   She works in a saloon in Kalisin and appears to be fairly leveled headed.   15,000 baht per month did not phase me when I was working in the states but in June I am moving to Thailand and will be on a fixed income.   ( I am not necesarily retiring but sold some properties and decided to enjoy life while I am still young, 47 years old).   Question is should I cut her off when I move to Thailand as I will be supporting her, or at least cut the monthly allowance down?  If I cut it down, by how much then?    I don't want to be bothered for money all the time so I am inclined to reduce the amount to 10,000 Baht per month.   What are your thoughts?   Thanks.

You are not going to like me for saying this but I will for your own good...

*I assume your girlfriend can speak English, where did she learn? Is the rest of her education to the same standard?

*What is the age difference between the two of you?

*Where did she get the money to set up her salon?

*Under what circumstances did you meet her?

If you can't give yourself reasonable answers to these questions, think very hard before committing yourself. This part of Esan is pretty much ground central for scheming "ladies of fortune" They are often supported in their endeavor by their whole family, who will know they are a sex worker, as will the community at large around you.

You may think I am being a bastard telling you all this but I once worked with a bloke who was in a similar situation to you at the outset. He ended up agreeing to look after her two young children and after six months had child of his own on the way. To cut a long story short the guy ended up penniless and discovered the man who the kids referred to as uncle was infact their father who had also been living of my associate’s largesse.


She WORKS in a salon, she doesn't own it. Good god you are quick to tar all the ladies of issan with the same brush. Not every woman makes her money in the sex trade (things have changed since your mother was in college), and if they have beeen, so what? The only people who worry about it are closed minded simpletons who reply without properly understanding the post.


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Esan Psycho:


Generalizing in Thailand is a very good practice and very, very often accurate assessment of the whole place.  Look before you leap!  No....  Don't leap is better.




I have to agree Doc. Turok posts the same sort of message over and over. This time it's finally funny. I wonder if he realizes it?

edit: emoticon

Edited by aughie
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Personally I dont see what the big problem is ?? All these people decrying giving an allowance or pocket money to your girlfriend sound to me like they are insecure that others may percieve they are having to buy love or thier partner..

I mean would you not give your Euro / Western girlfriend financial support and housekeeping money ?? I know I would (and did).. So a girl I have a relationship with has to spend money to live (the occasional clothes, visit to a spa, be able to buy a drink for a friend, not feel continually poor) why would I not give her that freedom ??

Lets face it its hard for a TG to make a living.. It seems to me that without education even making 15k of so in a month is really hard to find.. I can make that in a day. So I should force my girl to work 12 months of the year when I could do the same in less than 2 weeks, makes no sense to me.

Sounds 'old fashioned' 'not PC' 'living from the 50s' well so be it, I think a division of labour is fine, let me worry about money, let her worry about our living envioronment and comforts.. Frees me the time and energy to make real money and I am then happy to share (within reason).

I would have to applaud and second that post wholeheartedly. I am troubled by the stinginess of some posters. Their unwillingness to share gives a bad name to farangs in the eyes of Thai ladies. It's like these people want to keep their women down

Origionally I thought the Op was a fool giving away 15K to yet another isaan gold digger, after all paying someone to stay at home and laze about is hardly building a healthy mindset for the girl is it, but if I was loaded I couldn't give a toss what you lot thought and I'd probably do the same!!

My wife works in her own salon. I don't give her a baht. I pay for the room and most of the food otherwise she's independent.

Personally I would rather my wife supporting herself and being satisfied with her achievements than feeling like a 'kept woman' who can test her partners love by asking for more ( honey, Tilac you buy me gold?)

Like I said if I was loaded I'd do what I liked but I certainly would be asking advice here!

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only ever given a monthly allowance to student pussy, as sometimes there parents have a hard job lookin after them - as soon as they have graduated its stops, maybe give them 3k or 4k to go shopping from time to time :D Imo people should look after themselves, and not bludge off others unless they are in an exceptionally bad situation..

Any woman that "demands" a set amount per month & does not want to work, even though they are in a position too work, is nothin more than a cheap hooker imo :o

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