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Why Not To Crap In The Woods !

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I'm normally in the habit of taking the dog for walk in some nearby land, so there I was yesterday having a smoke and some iced coffee when I got the rather urgent feeling of having to "go"... no worries, plenty of foilage for a discreet bowel manuover and I had the Pattaya mail in hand for cleaning duties....

Anyway, fast forward this morning and I'm in the same area, leaving the dog run about enjoying his freedom when I hear him rustling in the bushes which I had used yesterday..." uh oh I think !!" (as this dog has a peculiar fetish for rolling in buffulo crap....) Rush into the bushes and there he is rolling around in the same spot with bits of the "Pattaya Mail" sticking to him..

After I gave chase to him and finally calmed down ...rolled him around in some dry sand to try and dampen the stench and took him home... I told the Mrs that he had been rolling in buffalo sh*t again and she comments he stinks worse than normal..... "errrr maybe it was goat sh*t this time" .... Hosed and scrubbed him for the best part of twenty minutes and the fcuker still stinks...!!

Anyway, lesson leant I suppose, but at least it had a day in the sun as opposed to being fresh fresh which would have been alot messier...

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doing my sherlock holmes bit, I know that you billy must be a first rate husband and your wife can never have been exposed to any other farang.

My deduction was based on the fact that your wife did not recognise it when exposed to it...buffalo shit.

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For some strange reason, dogs seem to enjoy rolling in foul smelling crap. The worst is if they roll in a decaying animal. Second worst is rolling in decaying dead salmon. That is one reason why a lot of my friends won't take their dogs for a walk along salmon bearing streams in the late fall and early winter. The worst that ever happened to our pointer was when it rolled in a decaying pig that was REALLY far gone and just a mass of gue.

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Ugh!!!! :)

I was expecting something to do with a cobra / spider / poisonous plant.

This deserves to get a further airing in the Pub (with the description of the stink from the dog, 'airing' is a suitable word), moving it there (or maybe it should be in pets) :D

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Now imagine you keep 6, more or less undomesticated mountain dogs. They catch the scent and move in en masse while one is in flagrante dilecto. It's not pretty and I still bear the scars. Could have been worse I suppose, as the local Thais are very good at keeping down the wild pig population.

Ian, I used to live on the beach, both in the US and Canada. My pointer just loved rolling in washed up, decaying sea lions. It is an exquisite stench not easily neutralized or masked.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I remember staying up in the mountains with a hills tribe and the only choice was the woods. However, we were given some advise - watch your backside as the boars will smell it and come looking and might lose your package. :)

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