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Where Is The Missing Ten Baht??


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The Missing 10 Baht

Three farangs go to stay at a hotel in rural Thailand, and the man at the desk charges them Bt300 for a room. They split the cost hundred Baht each. Later the manager Somchai tells the desk man that he overcharged the men, that the actual cost should have been Bt250. The manager gives the bellboy Bt50 and tells him to give it to the men.

The bellboy Boonlert, however, decides to cheat the men and pockets Bt20, giving each of the men only Bt10.

Now each farang has paid Bt90 to stay in the room and 3 x Bt90 = Bt270. The bellboy has pocketed Bt20.

Bt270 + Bt20 = Bt290 - so where is the missing Bt10?

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270 Baht [paid] + 30 Baht [returned change] = 300 Baht.

But what I want to know is what kind of dodgy hotel allows 3 farangs to share a room and only charge 300 Baht for it and then, without any prompting, give a 50 Baht discount.

Something fishy going on here on a number of levels.

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270 Baht [paid] + 30 Baht [returned change] = 300 Baht.

But what I want to know is what kind of dodgy hotel allows 3 farangs to share a room and only charge 300 Baht for it and then, without any prompting, give a 50 Baht discount.

Something fishy going on here on a number of levels.

Bt270 + Bt20 = Bt290 - so where is the missing Bt10?

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270 Baht [paid] + 30 Baht [returned change] = 300 Baht.

But what I want to know is what kind of dodgy hotel allows 3 farangs to share a room and only charge 300 Baht for it and then, without any prompting, give a 50 Baht discount.

Something fishy going on here on a number of levels.

Bt270 + Bt20 = Bt290 - so where is the missing Bt10?

Instead of giving each of the men Bt10, he should have given each man (50 divided by 3) Bt16.666666 (recurring).

3 x 6.66666 (recurring) = the Bt20 the bellboy pocketed.

However, still not sure if that answers "Where is the missing Bt10?"

My head is spinning.

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mm who said that they paid 90 baht? The room was only 250 so they would have paid less which is more 83.3 or something.

Each guy paid 100 baht and got 10 baht back each. Each guys cost was 90 Baht. So 10 Baht has suddenly disappeared.

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270 Baht [paid] + 30 Baht [returned change] = 300 Baht.

But what I want to know is what kind of dodgy hotel allows 3 farangs to share a room and only charge 300 Baht for it and then, without any prompting, give a 50 Baht discount.

Something fishy going on here on a number of levels.

Bt270 + Bt20 = Bt290 - so where is the missing Bt10?

100+100+100=300 OK

300-50=250 Baht OK

Hotel has the 300 Baht and gives back 50 Baht

Now everyone paid 90 Baht=270 Baht. From this 270 Baht 20 Baht are in the pocket of the cheater.

When I give everyone 10 Baht back, there are no 300 Baht anymore, so the question where the 300 Baht at can be only answered 90 Baht each +10 Baht=100x3=300.

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There is no missing 10 baht.

The men each paid 90 baht. 3 x 90 = 270 baht

The room cost 250 baht so they overpaid by 20 baht, which the boy kept. (I think)

Thanks that is what I wanted to tell, but I could not express it that simple can clear! (see posting above)

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Price was Bt300,

changed to Bt250

Therefore each of the men have to cough up 83.333333 (250 diveded by 3)

Now, little Boonlert, gave each man back Bt10

Now the men have each paid 93.3333333

Three times 93.3333333333 = 280

plus Boonlerts 20 in his sky-rocket = 300

As expected there is no Bt10 missing.


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Look at he mens cash flow.

Each man paid 100 baht each and got 10 baht back each.

So, their lodging cost was 90+90+90, and naughty Boonlert pocketed 20 Baht.

90 + 90 + 90 = 270 Baht + Boonlert 20 baht = 290 Baht.

10 baht missing.

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Anyway I'm still convinced that the bellboy pocketed 40 baht instead of 20.

Nope, the bellboy pocketed 20 baht.

Nope,because they got a discount the 3 guys decided to stay another night so they gave him another 270 Baht.

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The three guys were overcharged by 20 baht because of the bellboys naughtiness. Actual price of the room would have been 250Bt after the manager noticed the mistake. The bellboy pockets 20 Bt which increases the actual room charge to 270 Bt. They paid 300 Bt when they checked in and received back 30 Bt - so each of them ended up paying 90 Bt, but unwillingly gave the bellboy a tip of 20 Bt.

Think of it that way: assume the bellboy hadnt pocketed the money and they had got back 50Bt. Each of them would have paid 83.33 Bt which amounts to a total of 250 Bt. They then tip the bellboy 6.66 Bt each (total of 20 Bt) to reward him for his honesty. Total cost of the room including the tip equals 270 Bt or 90 Bt per person. 300 - 30 (rebate given by the manager) = 270 which is what they ended up paying. Nothing is missing.

Edited by emsfeld
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