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Am I Just The Typical Stupid Farang?


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Thing's aren't as clear cut in the East as the West.

"True love" and "love conquers all" don't really wash. Money, support, family, face etc etc and a whole lot of other factors enter the equation.

Not helping her Mum was a big no no...she would never have forgotten that...

I'm sure your girl did love you...but just fell out of love with you for a number of reasons.

It's happened to us all... :)


Very true words.

In Asia it has to be remembered a different way of thinking is required.

Its very hard to understand, an Asian Female cant Love you in the sense we Westerners understand it to mean,unless you can provide for them and their Families to satisfactory degree.

Old saying "when Poverty comes in the window loves goes out the door"

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Always remember in Thailand, you donot lose your girlfriend just your place in line.

Hmm, I wonder why this how relationships work out for you here.

Jd pool, So i suppose you manage to keep your girlfriend without shellin' out either cash or incentives?

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Stop with the nonsense about grey areas.

Thais I know would never make excuses for this girl and her actions.

Yes, you are just another typical stupid farang whose squeeze is out there getting tossed around by half the town.

Put her photo up, lets see how many of us know her.

Tough words but the truth mate, if you can handle it.

Harsh but true.One good thing come out of this though,theother guys missed their turn when you were with her.Maybe another guy is feeling low like you,as she probably dumped 1+ farang for your turn

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I would say that the girl cared for you but your refusal to help her Mom in her time of need and your long absences. Gave her time to consider her options, a boy friend that I can not depend on to help my mother and is gone for long periods of time without sending a least the basic sum for her living needs, her loneliness during your absence.

Was a disaster waiting to happen. Do not get a Girl friend in LOS if you are not going to be here most of the time. You must also remember that Thai families are very close and the children will take care of the parents in their old age.

Mark it down as a learning experience and do not get into a relationship with a Thai girl without taking into consideration of what her culture is all about.

I wish you luck and godspeed in getting over your feelings for her, she has someone else and moved on. you need to do the same!

Again good luck!


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Thought a lot about your replies to this topic and others that you have made (as a newbe). My conclusion is that you are an ars__ole that has know idea about life in this part of the world. I suggest you stand back and forget you are a farang and try and mix a little. Try a dog steak or even cat steak, then perhaps you will learn about REAL Thai people and not the ones that are influensed by farang culture where you hang out to satisfy you.

I don't know why you'd waste time thinking about his opinions, he's just another unpleasant foreigner touting his thai/chinese Bangkok girlfriend as an ego-boosting penis enhancement and he will always be better than you - leave it at that.

Where did you eat cat, by the way?

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There are two sides to each story. Blaming your ex (or Thai girls in general) won't help at all. Analyzing your own missteps might help you in the future.

Not helping her mother was cruel by Thai standards. This is the point where she lost her feelings for you. The proper response here is to show personal interest in the family situation -- maybe visit mom at the hospital, pay the bill in person, gain face and goodwill. Just throwing money at your Thai girl when asked will not be appreciated. They'll smile and thank you, but you'll be regarded almost with contempt. I talked to this at length with my current GF -- at one point she insisted I spend 8h+ helping her family in a matter we could have paid someone 500 baht to do. Thais may be loose with money and truth, but being there when your close ones need you is indeed one of their core values. Your GF's family are not people you can mostly ignore and passively dislike, like you would in the USA.

You did not take an active interest in what she does and how she behaves. This is a common mistake Farang make. Going out alone is NOT appropriate for a good Thai girl in a live-in relationship. A decent Thai guy would not allow it (unless it was clearly with her friends she knows and they come home at sensible time). Not working (if unmarried), is not appropriate either, not to mention that idleness and boredom encourage bad behavior. She was pushing the envelope, and it is your role as a boyfriend to push back. Thais do not care much for the concept of privacy and personal space. My ex once got very upset when she told me "I'm going to a club on Sukhumwit with my friends", and I told her "ok, go, have fun." She took this as me not loving her and not caring what she does, while I thought I was just acknowledging her freedom (even if it makes me feel bad). Of course, it's wrong to be a control freak, but I think that Thai girls like yours expect a man to guide (and push) them to do the right things.

Finally, you left her for an indefinite time, without giving her a clear commitment and picture for the future. Perhaps she saw this as your choice, not a necessity. Even if you talked often, that does not matter. She had no career, so relationship with you was the central part of her days, her livelihood and future. Leaving that in limbo, as you did, probably shook her considerably. This is different than a typical western girl who is financially secure and has several important aspects in her life (career, school, hobbies, friends, BF). Thais live for today, and a long time apart does not help matters.

Hope this will be a good learning experience... many of us on this forum learned about relationships the hard way, seems like you're no exception.

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<deleted>? I just don't get you guys where are you from my man. I go to thailand every yr. you have to take it for what it is the girls have a job to do you can't go over there falling in love . and shit like that I have a good time with the girls I treat when with repect.keep then with me for 3days spend money on them.give them money I there to have a good time to many girls to get stuck with one.a matter of fact I lave 1/11/10 for my 5th trip there I got about 19hrs.thanks for share your storyit will help me so that I won't do anything like that....lol :)

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I read the first two pages of this before JohnDPoole began the cockwaving 'I take care o myyyyy woooomann, she ain't no whooooore' <deleted> and sort of went well off from the OP and I lost interest apart from cheeky fella!

This is why TV is <deleted> these days in a nutshell! Too many fuc_king know nowt <deleted> waving their knobs around in defence of the 'moral highground'

'I'm a better expat than you because.............'

Tossers! Just read back through some of this dribble!

Edited by ProfessorFart
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Thought a lot about your replies to this topic and others that you have made (as a newbe). My conclusion is that you are an ars__ole that has know idea about life in this part of the world. I suggest you stand back and forget you are a farang and try and mix a little. Try a dog steak or even cat steak, then perhaps you will learn about REAL Thai people and not the ones that are influensed by farang culture where you hang out to satisfy you.

you tell him man!

It is obbvious your thai experience runs wider and deeper than any of the experiences we have had.

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I read the first two pages of this before JohnDPoole began the cockwaving 'I take care o myyyyy woooomann, she ain't no whooooore' <deleted> and sort of went well off from the OP and I lost interest apart from cheeky fella!

This is why TV is <deleted> these days in a nutshell! Too many fuc_king know nowt <deleted> waving their knobs around in defence of the 'moral highground'

'I'm a better expat than you because.............'

Tossers! Just read back through some of this dribble!


Definately followed through with that one.


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Thought a lot about your replies to this topic and others that you have made (as a newbe). My conclusion is that you are an ars__ole that has know idea about life in this part of the world. I suggest you stand back and forget you are a farang and try and mix a little. Try a dog steak or even cat steak, then perhaps you will learn about REAL Thai people and not the ones that are influensed by farang culture where you hang out to satisfy you.

I don't know why you'd waste time thinking about his opinions, he's just another unpleasant foreigner touting his thai/chinese Bangkok girlfriend as an ego-boosting penis enhancement and he will always be better than you - leave it at that.

Where did you eat cat, by the way?

Edited by tigerfish
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Thought a lot about your replies to this topic and others that you have made (as a newbe). My conclusion is that you are an ars__ole that has know idea about life in this part of the world. I suggest you stand back and forget you are a farang and try and mix a little. Try a dog steak or even cat steak, then perhaps you will learn about REAL Thai people and not the ones that are influensed by farang culture where you hang out to satisfy you.

I don't know why you'd waste time thinking about his opinions, he's just another unpleasant foreigner touting his thai/chinese Bangkok girlfriend as an ego-boosting penis enhancement and he will always be better than you - leave it at that.

Where did you eat cat, by the way?

wife of 8 years with a daughter,

chicken feet, dog and cat, pigs ears and nose, crickets, frog. innards etc.. all very tasty. maybe you and transam should get together over some (som tam) no chillies of course, and get your facts straight. or maybe that should be a macdonalds!

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I read the first two pages of this before JohnDPoole began the cockwaving 'I take care o myyyyy woooomann, she ain't no whooooore' <deleted> and sort of went well off from the OP and I lost interest apart from cheeky fella!

This is why TV is <deleted> these days in a nutshell! Too many fuc_king know nowt <deleted> waving their knobs around in defence of the 'moral highground'

'I'm a better expat than you because.............'

Tossers! Just read back through some of this dribble!

Couldn't agree more, although it's not the only reason.

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Stop with the nonsense about grey areas.

Thais I know would never make excuses for this girl and her actions.

Yes, you are just another typical stupid farang whose squeeze is out there getting tossed around by half the town.

Put her photo up, lets see how many of us know her.

Tough words but the truth mate, if you can handle it.

OP shouldn't listen to 'TheJoker12'. Put her photo up! Cmon Joker!

I read the first two pages of this before JohnDPoole began the cockwaving 'I take care o myyyyy woooomann, she ain't no whooooore' <deleted> and sort of went well off from the OP and I lost interest apart from cheeky fella!

This is why TV is <deleted> these days in a nutshell! Too many fuc_king know nowt <deleted> waving their knobs around in defence of the 'moral highground'

'I'm a better expat than you because.............'

Tossers! Just read back through some of this dribble!

I'm with you there Prof!

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You want a real girlfriend? Ground rules to play it safe are choose a more educated one, not so poor, office job approx. 25K+ so even if the family is poor she alone can afford her life + theirs.

Definitely good advise this. 25k though might be pushing it (especially outside BKK). University educated ladies with good jobs that I know will have salaries in the 10-20k range.

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Nothing new here really, read it all too many times. Everyone seems to have an opinion of their own, bit like an as**ole really.

To the OP, you seriously are heading for more pain if you follow through with this, you just can't see balck from white here, odds from evens. You don't like the reply some people have posted here, yet you are the one who came to us. It's those replies you didn't want to read are probably the most accurate. Until you pull your head out of you ****, you could well be writing another one of these submissions in the future.

Listen to guys like NanLaew, Noi and of course TheJoker12.

Make your own rules as to what you are looking for in a thai girl. One thing for me is, if she can't stand on her own 2 feet, she can never be the woman for me, not in this life time.

Another classic I hear alot is when you marry the girl you marry the family. If this is the case run run run..

Some classics liners:


Thai women are masters at this, seriously like Picasso ---> They are only masters because dumb as* farangs let them be that. I have yet to see how this is true. Why don't we try and be Master's and see what happens.

I am guessing this girl is very attractive, she can probably attract almost any single guy she wants on a basic level ----> Actually from the OP I would guess she is average. Just because the OP fell head over heals for her does not mean she is attractive. Have you see some of the girls farangs think are attractive in Thailand.

I don't wanna go to thailand to have some fun with a random hooker. thats not who I am, and thats not who i want to be. I just want to figure this out. ----> Of course the first time you ever came here was for the food and climate..

I think she tested you and you failed ------------> You should be the one doing the testing, not her, and she failed miserably.

She was choosing between you and her family and she was devastated because the choice she had to make was so obvious ------> Devastated. Nearly fell off the chair when I read this one.

Thai women have their priorities in order... THEY NEED TO BE TAKEN CARE OF FINANCIALLY! Everything else is secondary ------> Then tell them to go get a job and fulfill this need themselves. If you want to be her private bank, thats your choice, but i have NEEDS too, having someone depend on me for financial reasons is NOT one of them by a long way.

Joker what you seem to be ignoring is the fact that those were a couple of isolated incidents over a very long period of time (9 months I believe he said).-----> That should have been enough of a Red Flag.

Some of the OP's replies:

I never asked her to work, I always told her its ok if she wants to work but I don't expect her to and I'll take care of her -----> And as long as she knew that she would keep milking you like the proverbial cow all the meanwhile getting lazier and more demanding.

The reason I didn't pay, quite frankly, is because once you give in you are forever expected to pay every month ----------> As I'm sure you will join this rank if you ever got back with her.

Never gave her the 7,00- baht for mum's operation. I think this is what shes refering to when she said "Do you remember?" ------------> Got you by the short and curlies now. You will be forever making it up to her, with Baht.

When I say she came home drunk, I am talking maybe 5-6 times her, over a period of a month, so not everyday ---------> And that's not enough to tell you what she is up to?? Unbelievable!!!!!

I don't understand why she would flat out tell me she has a new boyfriend though. To the guy who thinks she doesnt and just uses it to grab my attention, do you really think thats possible? --- Because she does.

When we went out to eat together or something I usually offered to pick up the bill. Also her younger sister who visisted for a few weeks. With that I mean food, take her go places, no problem. I have no problem with that. ------------------> Wonder if she has ever paid for you, anything, a drink from 7-11, or fruit from a stall on the street? Or is she your typical taker, non-giver?? Just wondering.

Second, if we were to get married, of course I'll share everything I have. ----> Of course, until there is nothing left and you are turfed out on your a_ss. What's your is hers, what's her will never be yours.

I do want her back, and as you adviced I'm trying to talk to her sister. ---------> No matter what anyone tells you, no matter how much she disrespects you, you will still want her back, your in love, and blinded.

I havent made up my mind yet about what exactly to do/believe ------> Yes you have, and you know it.

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No offense, but you must lead a very sad sad "existence" (frankly I wouldnt even call it "life") if you truely believe that.

Then again maybe I'm a hopless romantic, but I'd rather get burned many times trying than reduce relationships to nothing but physical needs. That of course doesn't mean you have to be stupid about it. I sincerly hope I'm not the only one with such an oppinion.

BTW I'm somewhat surprised by the length of this thread, some good replies there (and some stupid ones IMO). I can't possibly reply to everyone giving me advice, so I'll just thank a general thank you for everyboy directing their oppinion towards me.

I am also talking with her again, but I don't want to spill the beans really. We'll see, I havent made up my mind yet about what exactly to do/believe.


Coronadian!!! I think that many people here, not answering and writing posts about this thread, are feeling for you and the dilemma you ended up in. Sorry to say, too many people on this forum prefer to write negative instead of positive stuff. I think it is great that you dare to open up and show a bit of your heart.

Nevertheless there are also many posts that one must agree to. I mean "take care guys" etc etc etc. It is really a problem here at least what I know about it. I haven´t been here more than 2 years soon, but given it a lot of thoughts. The "truth" that I hate most is "without your money - do you really believe that this Thaigirl love you enough to stay??" I hate it mostly because there is a big risk that it is still the truth..

But I do not care either.. we must see these girls for what they are. And we must see what we falangs are. Our behaviour is really bad in the eyes of the Thais. And our behaviour towards these Bargirls are sick in many cases. Than many people on this forum is surpriced and cannot understand why the girls are so "cold" and just looking for money.

Think about it, your own family have NOTHING, they send you out to try to make a living or maybe even make a big catch. You are new, and you are being treated like shit of a lot of falangs along the way..... hmm enough said about that. Wake up people. I think the girls ends up like they have been treated.

My own experience is that there are bad and good people everywhere in this world. give it a chance. Dont stop trying. But try to be a little bit smart along the way. Do not give away too much money just to impress people... But give it and support your "new" family. That is what it is all about here in Thauiland. Dont do it... and people think WHAT ARE YOU GOOD FOR??

Coronodian, try again ,there are many good girls and finally, I did hear a very good "say" , this was from Jomtien - "Jomtien/Pattaya, very good to stay, but not good for starting family" Maybe this goes for Bangkok, Phuket, Hua Hin as well...

Good luck


Edited by glegolo
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I agree with a lot of things johndpoole posted. Read his posts again. Besides that, I think there is a fair chance that you got a 'good' girl - but it's difficult to judge really.

Anyway, whatever you do... get the book "Thailand Fever - a road map for Thai-Western relationships". It is both in Thai and English [maybe send her a copy too]. Good insight in the culture/society differences and how to handle them.

Oh... and I think many forum members should get this book [or a similar one] too, because they really don't understand much about Thai society...

But I guess that you understand it?

I have only been married with a Thai woman and lived her 24/7 for 5,5 years, and I still don't really understand much about Thai society.

My Thai wife has lived in Thailand for more than 40 years, she don't understand it either!

Who has written this wonderful book? Is it a foreigner, or a Thai?

Edited by bellste
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I don't wanna go to thailand to have some fun with a random hooker. thats not who I am, and thats not who i want to be. I just want to figure this out. ----> Of course the first time you ever came here was for the food and climate..


I certainly didn't come here for the "barscene". I came here because I wanted to backpack and bangkok turned out to be the cheapest flight. I never once was in such an establishment. If that makes me lame, then so be it.


Thai women have their priorities in order... THEY NEED TO BE TAKEN CARE OF FINANCIALLY! Everything else is secondary ------> Then tell them to go get a job and fulfill this need themselves. If you want to be her private bank, thats your choice, but i have NEEDS too, having someone depend on me for financial reasons is NOT one of them by a long way.


It's not quite as black and white, she can survive on her own, was working her ass off, as I explained before. Of course she still makes very little income.


Joker what you seem to be ignoring is the fact that those were a couple of isolated incidents over a very long period of time (9 months I believe he said).-----> That should have been enough of a Red Flag.


You're girlfriend back home never once screws up and goes out alone with her girlfriend? That being said yes I was angry.


Some of the OP's replies:

I never asked her to work, I always told her its ok if she wants to work but I don't expect her to and I'll take care of her -----> And as long as she knew that she would keep milking you like the proverbial cow all the meanwhile getting lazier and more demanding.


Not true, as I said even though she knew I told her she doesnt need to work she still worked. Not all the time, but she did.


When I say she came home drunk, I am talking maybe 5-6 times her, over a period of a month, so not everyday ---------> And that's not enough to tell you what she is up to?? Unbelievable!!!!!


No, what exactly is up? What exactly was she doing then in your oppinion?


I don't understand why she would flat out tell me she has a new boyfriend though. To the guy who thinks she doesnt and just uses it to grab my attention, do you really think thats possible? --- Because she does.

When we went out to eat together or something I usually offered to pick up the bill. Also her younger sister who visisted for a few weeks. With that I mean food, take her go places, no problem. I have no problem with that. ------------------> Wonder if she has ever paid for you, anything, a drink from 7-11, or fruit from a stall on the street? Or is she your typical taker, non-giver?? Just wondering.


Yes she has, many times she bought stuff for us (groceries etc.). And she bought me little presents.


Second, if we were to get married, of course I'll share everything I have. ----> Of course, until there is nothing left and you are turfed out on your a_ss. What's your is hers, what's her will never be yours.

I do want her back, and as you adviced I'm trying to talk to her sister. ---------> No matter what anyone tells you, no matter how much she disrespects you, you will still want her back, your in love, and blinded.




I havent made up my mind yet about what exactly to do/believe ------> Yes you have, and you know it.


No, I haven't. We are talking though and alot of what she said to me makes sense. We'll see.

PS: board tells me "You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text" so I formatted it ugly coz I can't be bothered to figure it out

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In Dubai, Emirates has a whole Government section of housing for the Thai Flight attendants that work for Emirates

There are 100's and 100's of these Thai Girls there. All have a college education which is required. All are way, way above average in beauty. All can speak perfect English.

All are from good families and raised the right way. Many own their own cars and other nice luxuries in Thailand.

90% of them are single and wishing they could find a good faithful man.

Now that is intriguing.

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In Dubai, Emirates has a whole Government section of housing for the Thai Flight attendants that work for Emirates

There are 100's and 100's of these Thai Girls there. All have a college education which is required. All are way, way above average in beauty. All can speak perfect English.

All are from good families and raised the right way. Many own their own cars and other nice luxuries in Thailand.

90% of them are single and wishing they could find a good faithful man.

Now that is intriguing.

If intriguing is code for fiction, then I am right with you on this one. :)

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Let's cut out all the emotional baggage and embellishments included in the post, which have little if any real value to anyone but the O/P. :D If you follow the bullet points I've compiled, (taken in sequential order and not paraphrased). It's easy to see once the emotional crap is weeded out; the picture is slightly less a rosy than the O/P imagined it was. :D There were plenty of warning signs which he failed to see due to wearing his "rose colored glasses".


*I stayed with this Thai girl for over a year

*She had a low paying sales job when we met,

*BUT she gave that up when we traveled

*I also sent her a bit of money while I was gone

*She still didn't have a job at this point

*Sometimes she would come home drunk

*she drink beer with uncle

*One night she didn't come home at all

*one night she came home in like a party dress, super drunk

*she met a friend and then went to go dancing

*there was my birthday, when she didn't come home

*she said she went home to her mom

*she said she go drink with friend because I don't like her

*she was sorry and she loved me

*We both cried when I left

*I also send her money again

*she sends me an sms saying phone is broken

*sometimes it would ring but nobody picked up

*not a word for 2 weeks

*I get an sms from a thai number saying she lost her phone

*I have new boyfriend

*Thai culture have to take care parents

*you not even care abt that


*shes not drunk regularly

*she isnt a party girl

*Shes an amazing cook (what thai gurl isn't good at cooking thai food? :D )

*She took care of everything (she wasn't working so <deleted> else was she doing? :D )

*She is everything I could hope for (I always say set the bar low enough and you can step over it instead of jumping... :D )

This was truly a slow motion train wreck in the making. It matters little if she was a flat nosed, dark skinned, splayed toed, 3rd grade drop out from Issan or a uni-educated, pearly white skinned, thai-nese, hi-so from Bangkok. The signs were there; the O/P either failed to see it, or didn't want to see it.

Self delusion is often the hardest illness to diagnose. .. :)

One thing your post proves is like many couples ... they didn't communicate and clearly they were in love.

ANOTHER WAY TO LOOK AT THIS ... Yes SHE was self-delusional and should have broke this off sooner.

By the way - you left out a lot including her growing up in Issan where she likely bathed and washed cloths in a river because she had no running water or electricity and that she almost surely came to BKK to make a better life for her and her family via sending money home ... but what you do say can be easily taken to mean ....

She was committed to him. She was an extremely hard and honest worker. Her best job she had she quit to because BF wanted to travel. After BF woo-ed her away to see sights she probably never thought she would she returned to BKK with no job, no means to send money home and ended up taking a job that required her to work every single day at something she hated for about $15 a day --- no days off. She quit and decided to instead make $15 a day working selling Issan food on the side of the road all the time while watching farang BF have all the money he wanted to do anything he wanted. Doing this while taking complete care of BF including washing cloths, cooking and generally everything she could to make him feel like a man --- in fact he did fall and remain head-over-heels in love with her but just wouldn't give her squat in the way of money and kept it all to himself ... even when he kept leaving her unexpectedly he would only give her $300 (he says) to take car of apartment, food and all her other needs for months. At one point in the relationship she broke down and couldn't take it anymore and started drinking and partying ... something she had never been able to do because she was too busy working and helping parents. After a week or two of this she saw this was wrong and went back to being the perfect little thai wife/gf but still had to work a job that no farang would do here for $15 a day, let alone an hour. She did this even after he left yet again unexpectedly and with no notion of when he would return and having to pay almost entirely for the apt. that farang bf chose to live and clearly out of her means of paying for (air conditioning?!?!?)... finally she came to her senses and moved on.

But am sure in your mind she was a money grubbing Thai whore who spent a year of her life to nail this guy for about 20,000 bhat.

Again, you simply proved the obvious and that is they had issues like all couples who split but sadly theres really seemed to be about communication.

Well said

Some people just don't get it. If you've got money or seem to have money and you're with poor people, you should pay perhaps for everything. This is Thai culture. When I'm with rich Thai's I'm never allowed to put my hand in my pocket but when I'm with family in Esaan, say at a restaurant maybe 4 handed, then I don't think twice about stumping up 1000 baht for a huge meal with drinks, (It's very reasonable here compared to Bangkok and the south). I think the OP is kee neeow and that's what lost him his gal...

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wife of 8 years with a daughter,

chicken feet, dog and cat, pigs ears and nose, crickets, frog. innards etc.. all very tasty. maybe you and transam should get together over some (som tam) no chillies of course, and get your facts straight. or maybe that should be a macdonalds!

More willy-waving.

Because you've eaten cat and pig nose I haven't you're better, na na na-na na? Throwing out the exotic foods that you've eaten and suggesting than anyone who contradicts your opinion is a MacDonald's-eating, culture-shy bar-crawler? So if I say I've eaten chicken feet, dog, pigs ears, crickets, larvae, frog, innards, rat, elephant, crocodile, bat, snake, kangaroo, various gazelle, buffalo, bison, giraffe, zebra, ostrich and more... does that make me better than you? Or at least able to eat chilli like you can?

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Well said

Some people just don't get it. If you've got money or seem to have money and you're with poor people, you should pay perhaps for everything. This is Thai culture. When I'm with rich Thai's I'm never allowed to put my hand in my pocket but when I'm with family in Esaan, say at a restaurant maybe 4 handed, then I don't think twice about stumping up 1000 baht for a huge meal with drinks, (It's very reasonable here compared to Bangkok and the south). I think the OP is kee neeow and that's what lost him his gal...

I don't think he was kee neeow as you put it. I am sure he was generous to his limits. You are WRONG in my opionion. I don't give a rats if they are from Isaan or Esaan or Nakom Nowhere. I think its down right disrespectful to "expect" just because one is a farang. I don't mind shelling out alittle more, but these people have to come to think of us as money making machine. What really ticks me off is that they seem to raise the bar each time. Soon what is more than generous is simply not enough. Never assume a farangs wealth. You know what they say about assumptions, but if your happy to supply kudos to ya!!!

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Well said

Some people just don't get it. If you've got money or seem to have money and you're with poor people, you should pay perhaps for everything. This is Thai culture. When I'm with rich Thai's I'm never allowed to put my hand in my pocket but when I'm with family in Esaan, say at a restaurant maybe 4 handed, then I don't think twice about stumping up 1000 baht for a huge meal with drinks, (It's very reasonable here compared to Bangkok and the south). I think the OP is kee neeow and that's what lost him his gal...

well said

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Stop with the nonsense about grey areas.

Thais I know would never make excuses for this girl and her actions.

Yes, you are just another typical stupid farang whose squeeze is out there getting tossed around by half the town.

Put her photo up, lets see how many of us know her.

You know all this from the OP's first post? :)


Yes. Its all there.

Yes...It is all there......Including his age, and their age difference. Motives do tend to differ depending on how much older the 'sponsor' is.

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Stop with the nonsense about grey areas.

Thais I know would never make excuses for this girl and her actions.

Yes, you are just another typical stupid farang whose squeeze is out there getting tossed around by half the town.

Put her photo up, lets see how many of us know her.

You know all this from the OP's first post? :)


Yes. Its all there.

However....He did mention that they really opened up to each other. If that was the case, and she really loved him, she should have enlightened him to his duties to her family. They may still be very happy together if this was the case.

Yes...It is all there......Including his age, and their age difference. Motives do tend to differ depending on how much older the 'sponsor' is.

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I read the first two pages of this before JohnDPoole began the cockwaving 'I take care o myyyyy woooomann, she ain't no whooooore' <deleted> and sort of went well off from the OP and I lost interest apart from cheeky fella!

This is why TV is <deleted> these days in a nutshell! Too many fuc_king know nowt <deleted> waving their knobs around in defence of the 'moral highground'

'I'm a better expat than you because.............'

Tossers! Just read back through some of this dribble!

Couldn't agree more, although it's not the only reason.

As much as I don't want to, I also have to agree. About as much nonsense as I have read on any thread in the years I have been reading TV.

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You should have figured this out a long time ago, the reason you did not is /was due to the fact that you were in love with her, being in love with someone is an addiction, and addictions must be avoided due to the fact that one is no longer in control of one's emotional faculties

By all means like your g/f very much, but do not fall in love, in this way you remain emotionally free and retain mental clarity when it comes to sorting out personal relationship problems.

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