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Vets In Pattaya


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Over the 20 years since I have been in Pattaya I have visited altogether 9 vets’ clinics, all of which have been unsatisfactory in some way or other, and certainly two of my pets have died as a result of poor veterinary care.

Now there is good news.

Probably the best vet I’ve met, Khun Net, has opened his own clinic on Siam Country Club Road, “Siam Country Pet Hospital”, tel. 038-413689, opening hours 0800-0000 (midnight). Home visits can be arranged.

Khun Net has wide experience and vast veterinary knowledge. He has a superb touch with animals, is thorough and meticulous in his examinations, ably helped by a lady vet, Khun Pond, and two nursing assistants. At the clinic there are facilities for X-ray, ultrasound, and blood testing.


From the Sukumwit, turn down Siam Country Club Road and cross the railway line. After 500 metres there is a 7-11 on the left hand side, and after another 100 metres the clinic is on the same left hand side. There is parking available on the small forecourt by pulling off the road slightly, or at the back of the building.

It might be an idea to jot down the phone number on a piece of paper and attach it to your fridge with a fridge magnet for future reference!


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Nice of you to help the dog!

However, Khun Net's charges are considerably lower than elsewhere (vaccines, specialised food, neutering and so on), so, with respect, I don't think you have the same place.

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I had good experiences with the gouvernment vet behind the firestation on 3rd road as well as with the vet on pattaya Thai, Pattaya Vetinary Hospital / Nernplubwan.

I'd go there for the simple stuff but for an operation I'd head for Bangkok myself since I don't trust human hospitals nor dentists in Pattaya and therefore am affraid the vets aren't that good either.

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To the OP:

Muang Ake Central Veterinary Hospital-

Located on Sukhumvit Road, Jomtien- just before Tesco Lotus, heading into Pattaya. Had all good experiences there every time we've taken our dog.

Re; the comment:

"... He has a superb touch with animals, is thorough and meticulous in his examinations, ably helped by a lady vet, Khun Pond, and two nursing assistants. At the clinic there are facilities for X-ray, ultrasound, and blood testing..."

Sounds good for me! Think they'll let me make an appointment for a check-up...?

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We've been taking our dog to the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital since we got her about 2.5 years ago.

Mostly young vets, but they seem knowledgeable and they are very caring.

My only gripe is they seem a bit expensive. Anyone else used this place?

Think next time I will try the Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital or the Siam Country Pet Hospital mentioned in the OP for a comparison.

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We've been taking our dog to the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital since we got her about 2.5 years ago.

Mostly young vets, but they seem knowledgeable and they are very caring.

My only gripe is they seem a bit expensive. Anyone else used this place?

Think next time I will try the Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital or the Siam Country Pet Hospital mentioned in the OP for a comparison.

Iv'e used the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital for the last 6 or 7 years, very professional in my opinion, if you think they are expensive just go 500m up Sukhumvit to that one beside SB Furniture, i have 7 dogs of my own, and we look after around 50 others every day, in my opinion the dog's expense means nothing-after all they were born without choice.

Na Jomtien Animal Hospital has been fine as far as i am concerned, cannot comment on the OP's advert, never tried them.

Pawse for thought!

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We've been taking our dog to the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital since we got her about 2.5 years ago.

Mostly young vets, but they seem knowledgeable and they are very caring.

My only gripe is they seem a bit expensive. Anyone else used this place?

Think next time I will try the Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital or the Siam Country Pet Hospital mentioned in the OP for a comparison.

Iv'e used the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital for the last 6 or 7 years, very professional in my opinion, if you think they are expensive just go 500m up Sukhumvit to that one beside SB Furniture, i have 7 dogs of my own, and we look after around 50 others every day, in my opinion the dog's expense means nothing-after all they were born without choice.

Na Jomtien Animal Hospital has been fine as far as i am concerned, cannot comment on the OP's advert, never tried them.

Pawse for thought!

Good to hear LennyW, yes we have always been impressed by the care at Na Jomtien Animal Hospital.

I've seen the other place you mention, think its name is Muang Ake…, and have considered it also.

But habit and familiarity has so far brought us back to the same place.

And I do agree that whatever the expense is, if you take on an animal, you have to care for it.

Just looking for some alternatives and doing a price check…

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  • 2 months later...

Is there anyone else who can confirm the great review of "Siam Country Pet Hospital”?

We have two female kittens who will shortly be ready for the snip, but only the best is good enough!


Edited by Phil Conners
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I also have a considerable number of dogs and experience with two of the vets named.

Muang Ake appears professional due to the size, but it is a bit like using Bangkok Pattaya Hospital - an impressive facade. They have up to 20 vets, of which all but 2 have just qualified, have no experience, and less knowledge; the funds have been spent on the building and equipment rather than on getting good vets and teaching them how to use the equipment properly. If you are lucky you get one with experience, if not you get guesswork and some truly appaling diagnoses. One of my dogs, a large and very friendly but sometimes unpredictable German Shepherd/Baan Kaew cross, blind in one eye after being shot, is muzzled after biting a number of people and killing another dog - one vet suggested that they could train him for me, for a fee; my response was that if they could not even house-train the one dog they had, with all their staff, I could not see how they could train mine competently.The only time I would go there, even though they are one of my nearest vets, is at night for emergencies as they have a vet on stand-by 24 hours a day.

Na Jomtien Animal Hospital is also convenient, but although the vets were competent they are cleary overpriced; I object to being billed for the wrong items which are then corrected when queried for the actual drugs, which I can buy for a quarter of the price in any pharmacy - and dogs' expenses. like any others, do mean something, and while they may not have a choice I do.

I have used the Pattaya Veterinary Clinic on the Pattaya-Naklua Road (left side, some way before Pottisan as you go from Pattaya to Naklua, tel: 038 423410) for nearly 20 years without any grounds for complaint at all, even though they are now 40 minutes drive away. The only thing I dislike about them is the habit becoming common in a number of vets of asking customers to remove their shoes when going into the shop: quite stupid, as the dogs don't change their footwear, and very unhygienic. The owner (now only there on Sundays) asked me what I thought about his improvements several years ago, so I told him what I thought about the no-shoes policy; he agreed and took down the sign about it, but there is usually still a pile of shoes outside. Ignore them!

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We have 10 cats :) Have used Na Jomtien Animal Hospital on Sukhumvit, since they first opened, They are all youngish guys and gals but seem have up to date thinking in their procedures. Their clinic has just been extended and they seem now to have all the most up to date equipment and facilities. We have had 5 females and 2 males done there.

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Is there anyone else who can confirm the great review of "Siam Country Pet Hospital”?

We have two female kittens who will shortly be ready for the snip, but only the best is good enough!


Unfortunately I cannot give the same great review of that vet. Been there a few times (cat family of 9) and my recommendation would be to only go there for vaccine jabs.

They are way to gentle with the animals, while that makes you walk out with a smile, it most definitely is not always the best for your pet, some procedures can hurt but must be done regardless!

And they are not cheap either, paid 1300 Baht for spaying a female!

My personal favorite is one of the oldest vet offices, on Naklua road close to Belucky sausages shop.

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We've been taking our dog to the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital since we got her about 2.5 years ago.

Mostly young vets, but they seem knowledgeable and they are very caring.

My only gripe is they seem a bit expensive. Anyone else used this place?

Think next time I will try the Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital or the Siam Country Pet Hospital mentioned in the OP for a comparison.

i would diffinatley give the Nuern Plub Warn hospital a miss, the said the street dog i took there had arthritous, charged 2000, baht. i took the x ray to another vet who showed me the very clear to see fracture. the girl looked like she had just graduated, talked a load of rubbish.

i amazed pattaya does not have a dog rescue center where strays are treated for free, samui has one as does KPN, collection boxes are in many of the bars also in the immigration office. dogs are neuteured and vaccinated for free, donations appreciated.

Edited by NALAK
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..... 1300 Baht for spaying a female!

My personal favorite is one of the oldest vet offices, on Naklua road close to Belucky sausages shop.

That's almost double what I believe the Pattaya Veterinary Clinic (the one you are talking about, and the one I mentioned) charge.

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We've been taking our dog to the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital since we got her about 2.5 years ago.

Mostly young vets, but they seem knowledgeable and they are very caring.

My only gripe is they seem a bit expensive. Anyone else used this place?

Think next time I will try the Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital or the Siam Country Pet Hospital mentioned in the OP for a comparison.

i would diffinatley give the Nuern Plub Warn hospital a miss, the said the street dog i took there had arthritous, charged 2000, baht. i took the x ray to another vet who showed me the very clear to see fracture. the girl looked like she had just graduated, talked a load of rubbish.

i amazed pattaya does not have a dog rescue center where strays are treated for free, samui has one as does KPN, collection boxes are in many of the bars also in the immigration office. dogs are neuteured and vaccinated for free, donations appreciated.

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the input Nalak.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there anyone else who can confirm the great review of "Siam Country Pet Hospital”?

We have two female kittens who will shortly be ready for the snip, but only the best is good enough!


:) Our dog was poisoned in our village and suffered from tick poisoning and liver problems, we took him to the Siam Country Pet Hospital for four months on a daily basis. There were quite a few emergencys through out these four months, but thanks to Dr Pond & Dr Net our dog pulled through.

What i like about Dr Net & Dr Pond is their skill to listen to both the animal and the client, they are young and dynamic with an open mind, which is becoming ever so rare.

I highly recommend them.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you very much for your replies and your experiences sharing :)

We had an emergency with our cat this morning. Troubles started last week when she had stomach problems and been attacked by another cat at the same time. Then the situation degraded every day. On Sunday she was terrible so we went to our usual vet, on Third road. But he did the same as every time, vitamins injection, flee product on the back, pills against worms, and he gave us some pills and vitamin cream inside a syringe. But.... This was wrong, not good enough. She started to be very weaker than ever. She couldn't drink or eat anything, and was barely able to move. Laying on the floor, complaining, and unable to jump on the chair or the bed like she did before. Legs were very cold and we started to fear she was going to die.

So this morning I found your topic and following what I read here, my wife and me rushed to the “Siam Country Pet Hospital” where we saw Dc Khun Net. We were happy to find the place. First, they open early. Second, the place is clean. Third, they obviously love animals there and they have strong knowledge. And more than all, they have equipment. Our cat had blood test and we had results in less than 20 minutes. They found a septicemia and kidney problems. So we decided to have Xray to see if anything was inside the stomach and how were the kidneys. Xray were made and we had results in less than 15 minutes. And they explained us everything with a lot of details, in Thai AND in English :D

Now the cat is in the clinic, with drop for hydration and medicine. They will take care of her during 3 days with special food for cat with kidney problems. After that, they will make another blood test to check if there is anything new.

I had to pay only 1360Baht today for the checkup, blood test and xray and maybe 2 hours of work for 2 people (Khun Net and his assistant). The stay will cost 630 per day with all the attention and the medicine, food, and the drop.

I cannot say my cat will be fine, but I can say I was happy to find them in emergency as I trust what they are trying to do. Blood tests and Xray were made fast and the results were detailed and significant. They have very good English as they explained in Thai to my wife, and in English to me as well. We had a long time in front of the xrays and the blood results to talk about all details and important points. They had time to reply all my questions. They know what they do and I'm happy to know it's them who will take care of our cat now. If they can't do anything, I don't know who can.

So thanks again for sharing your experiences here because if we found this place it is thank to you. This place is a good place and I recommend it at this stage. I will give news about the end of the story later, but for now we are very happy about everything that happened this morning.



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Just another word of warning regarding Nernplubwan animal hospital,

A friend of mine had a baby Siamese kitten. Late night 18th April, The night before Pattaya's main Songkran day, He started breathing very fast and seemed out of breath, His lips started to turn blue so she rushed him to Nernplubwan animal hospital where the girl put the cat in an Oxygen tank for 20 minutes and asked us if he had fallen off a piece of furniture or had a shock. After telling her no, she said that he had a stomach ache and maybe diareahh on the way, hence his fast breathing, and she gave him antibiotics, and inflammitary pills. She seemed more interested in getting off her shift to go play Songkran than properly test the cat and find out why he couldn't breathe properly.

My friend took her cat home, and called me in tears the next day. Her cat couldn't breathe, His lips were blue and he was frothing at the mouth.. She knew that Nernplubwan hospital would be closed as they told her NOT to take him back on the 19th as they were closed to celebrate songkran (No emergency either) So I had to rush her to Muang Ake Vet on Sukhumvit through the Songkran celebrations..

As soon as we entered the vet, they knew this cat was in a very serious condition. Within minutes, his Xray had been taken, and he was placed inside an Oxygen tank before they even knew the cats name. It turned out that he had a very, very serious Virus, which if the cat was left untreated it would be deadly. The kitten had liquid on his lungs, hence the fast breathing. He had to have the liquid removed from his lungs in order to stay alive. Unfortunately, there is no medication for the Virus, and to keep having the liquid removed from the lungs is the only way to keep the kitten alive.

My friend is very lucky that she went to a different vet on the 19th. It's very annoying how they could say he had stomach pains when he actually had very serious lung problems/deadly Virus. Even a child could see that the problem was in his lungs area, not his stomach.

I would recommend Nernplubwan for only Vaccines, ect, Nothing major. They have let me down in the past with one of my animals and now this has happened to my friend.

I do highly recommend Muang Ake. Very professional, hard working vets, who know exactly what they are doing and speak perfect english.

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Just another word of warning regarding Nernplubwan animal hospital,

A friend of mine had a baby Siamese kitten. Late night 18th April, The night before Pattaya's main Songkran day, He started breathing very fast and seemed out of breath, His lips started to turn blue so she rushed him to Nernplubwan animal hospital where the girl put the cat in an Oxygen tank for 20 minutes and asked us if he had fallen off a piece of furniture or had a shock. After telling her no, she said that he had a stomach ache and maybe diareahh on the way, hence his fast breathing, and she gave him antibiotics, and inflammitary pills. She seemed more interested in getting off her shift to go play Songkran than properly test the cat and find out why he couldn't breathe properly.

My friend took her cat home, and called me in tears the next day. Her cat couldn't breathe, His lips were blue and he was frothing at the mouth.. She knew that Nernplubwan hospital would be closed as they told her NOT to take him back on the 19th as they were closed to celebrate songkran (No emergency either) So I had to rush her to Muang Ake Vet on Sukhumvit through the Songkran celebrations..

As soon as we entered the vet, they knew this cat was in a very serious condition. Within minutes, his Xray had been taken, and he was placed inside an Oxygen tank before they even knew the cats name. It turned out that he had a very, very serious Virus, which if the cat was left untreated it would be deadly. The kitten had liquid on his lungs, hence the fast breathing. He had to have the liquid removed from his lungs in order to stay alive. Unfortunately, there is no medication for the Virus, and to keep having the liquid removed from the lungs is the only way to keep the kitten alive.

My friend is very lucky that she went to a different vet on the 19th. It's very annoying how they could say he had stomach pains when he actually had very serious lung problems/deadly Virus. Even a child could see that the problem was in his lungs area, not his stomach.

I would recommend Nernplubwan for only Vaccines, ect, Nothing major. They have let me down in the past with one of my animals and now this has happened to my friend.

I do highly recommend Muang Ake. Very professional, hard working vets, who know exactly what they are doing and speak perfect english.

i would agree about Nernpluwan, i took abandoned dog there who could not put his leg to the ground. they xrayed him and the kid who was te vet said calcium build upwhich in a young dog i did not beleive.went to another vet with the x ray he saw a fracturestraight away. 2000baht at NPW for nothing, went back to complinbut they all stood looking at TV. will never go back

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Where on Sukhumvit is Muang Ake?

On your left just before the Caltex station that's just ahead of the entrance to Lotus, if coming from Jomtien towards Theprasit Road.

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I have a few street dogs I want spaying,vet on Third Rd will do them for 1000 each, plus 100 a day to keep them until the stiches are out, the govt vet does them for 500,but I need them looked after afterwards,big problem. I can take stitches out OK.

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Just a quick update about the Siam Country Pet Hospital: they phone every morning to tell how the pet is, and it is possible to go there to visit 20 minutes per day.

I compare with our previous vet in third road who didn't even call us after the neutralize surgery and the 3 days after. We had to try to reach him by phone to have news.

Our cat is better this morning, this should be a happy ending story :)

Edited by vediovis
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I always used the Government Vet off of third road where the fire dept is located when I lived in Pattaya. Good doctors, and reasonable prices.


Thank you for the info Barry. I have looked for this government Vets when i have been in that area, but cannot see it. Where exactly is it? is it a shop? Does it have a sign outside, i wondered if you knew the actual address, I would like to try it next time I need a Vets. Thanks in advance.

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You can get their a couple of different ways. The easiest is to go south on third Road from Pattaya Klang and about half way between Pattaya kland and Pattaya thai on the right side is an open gate that leads to the fire Dept. The vets office is in front of the Fire Dept.

The other way is to go down soi Bakaew to the health dept where they are building the new Pattaya hospital, and turn left onto the drive way and go behind the site where the new hospital is being constructed past thw fire dept and the vet will be on your right hand side.


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Dr Jeab



Great Vet. Taking care of my cats at the moment and loves animals. Bit far out near Cholcan hotel but she is very good and not too expensive.

Hope this helps.

I have her business card but cant read the address as in Thai but call her if needed.

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