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Shocking Conversation...at Least To Me


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Rule of thumb for me:

Never talk politics with taxi drivers. If they bring it up, change the subject or play dumb.

A lot of drivers bring up the topic first. I always play dumb, but some get all excited anyway. Being hillbillies themselves, there's no surprise that most support the northern hillbilly. Just as the last crash was the IMF's fault, not loose credit in Thailand, so the current global recession is somehow Abhisit's fault.

That about sums up the depth of rational understanding and logic.

It's a long mental journey for these folks.

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Rule of thumb for me:

Never talk politics with taxi drivers. If they bring it up, change the subject or play dumb.

A lot of drivers bring up the topic first. I always play dumb, but some get all excited anyway. Being hillbillies themselves, there's no surprise that most support the northern hillbilly. Just as the last crash was the IMF's fault, not loose credit in Thailand, so the current global recession is somehow Abhisit's fault.

That about sums up the depth of rational understanding and logic.

It's a long mental journey for these folks.

I will introduce some hillbillies to you and tell them how disrespectful you are,then i will move as i hate blood on my designer gear,well from the market.

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I think siggie's being facetious Huey.

Glad somebody noticed ty,why cant people have a joke on here,and accusing me of racism lol.Some of these pc brigade are beyond help,but ty for seeing my intent.

I always try to remember there are lots of nationalities posting on forums like this, all with different concepts of humour.

Try to please them all and you just end up with a 'why did the chicken cross the road . . . ' . . . you get the idea.

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Rule of thumb for me:

Never talk politics with taxi drivers. If they bring it up, change the subject or play dumb.

A lot of drivers bring up the topic first. I always play dumb, but some get all excited anyway. Being hillbillies themselves, there's no surprise that most support the northern hillbilly. Just as the last crash was the IMF's fault, not loose credit in Thailand, so the current global recession is somehow Abhisit's fault.

That about sums up the depth of rational understanding and logic.

It's a long mental journey for these folks.

I will introduce some hillbillies to you and tell them how disrespectful you are,then i will move as i hate blood on my designer gear,well from the market.

I already live with them and help many. We also have these conversations about reds and yellows, I state my case about the old guard in Thailand and the global depression and no one takes offense.

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Can you imagine if the foreigners got a vote,jesus wept,now we would see some violence.The racist riff raff who condemn Issan folk and the decent farang who would help the lovely Issan people

Few as decent as me and few have helped so much.

I just wonder what you've ever done for your fellow man?

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Can you imagine if the foreigners got a vote,jesus wept,now we would see some violence.The racist riff raff who condemn Issan folk and the decent farang who would help the lovely Issan people

Few as decent as me and few have helped so much.

I just wonder what you've ever done for your fellow man?

how long have you got

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Can you imagine if the foreigners got a vote,jesus wept,now we would see some violence.The racist riff raff who condemn Issan folk and the decent farang who would help the lovely Issan people

Few as decent as me and few have helped so much.

I just wonder what you've ever done for your fellow man?

how long have you got

All day.

Okay, I believe you. But still, trying to get alternative views across to the chaps in red shirts (i.e., it's the global economy, Thaksin happened to be in power during the biggest credit bubble in human history, it's not the fault of the current government . . . you get the idea) . . . well, heads and brick walls come to mind.

I'm not insulting them, just making the observation that there is either stubbornness and/or ignorance. It's entrenched.

But add to that, it goes much deeper than Thaksin. It's to do with regime change we can't talk about here. I think this is what really worries them and me to be honest. I'll leave it there.

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Didn't you take a side in your original post?

To refresh your memory, look below.

"[cut] I asked where he was from and he replied Loei. "Ohhhhh. So are you a red shirt?" That only confused him, but I eventually said, "You like Khun Taksin". His response was chilling. No, not unfriendly at all...in fact he wanted to talk about it.

"Now all Thai people are poor because of Abhisit. We all live just like the people in Burma. Khun Taksin love poor people and Issan people."

I was stunned by just how brainwashed some of these people are to think that their government and living conditions are suddenly equivalent -- under Abhisit -- to the Burmese junta.

How can there ever be reconciliation under these kinds of mis-impressions?"

I believe this clearly indicates which way you swing.

Again, you have the right to read into my words whatever you like. Of course, that gives you the ability to be either right or wrong.

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But you weren't shy about letting other farang (Thai Visa Posters and readers) know your personal opinion about the matter....

So what. This conversation is among one group of people, most of whom are not Thai. And by the way, as I looked back through your MANY posts, quite a few stated opinions about Thai politics/government. Or are you the only one on here allowed to do that?

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Keep in mind the sources people, a Taxi driver, a chilli farmer from a buri somewhere... They are not the most educated people in Thailand and are quite responsive to the over simplified, classic poor vs. rich propaganda that taxsin is all about.

Now, ask some Thais who travel, ask some that have a degree or with 2 one thousand baht notes in their pockets to rub together and you will find that they are greatful for Abihisit. My wife's friends refer to him as "Markbama" and they loath taxsin.

Yeah, Obama is a real savior. Double digit unemployment, astronomical spending and deep recession. Of course, HOPE and CHANGE.

Political ignorance isn't limited to the uneducated.

The average Thai has no influence what so ever on the political system and so does clings to the idea of 'their' side being better than the other. Just like in the US. Faces change, the basic structure of society does not.

(Vote Ron Paul :) )

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  • 4 weeks later...
Volunteer to work for a red shirt victory next election and get the Democrat scoundrels out of office. As a result of your efforts, prosperity will return to the people of Thailand.

I take it thats a tongue in cheek post?

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Volunteer to work for a red shirt victory next election and get the Democrat scoundrels out of office. As a result of your efforts, prosperity will return to the people of Thailand.

I take it thats a tongue in cheek post?

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I have to agree that the braiwashed one here is you. People seem to forget that Thaksin was democratically elected prime mnister. He may have been corrupt to a degree but that is par for the course throughout Asia. Just because the poor people of Thailand like and want Thaksins return doesnt make them stupid nor brainwashed.

Thank you. This is exactly what I was thinking. Thaksin was no prince, but he was not the bogeyman either! 0511-0906-1516-4436.jpg

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Volunteer to work for a red shirt victory next election and get the Democrat scoundrels out of office. As a result of your efforts, prosperity will return to the people of Thailand.

Or at least, prosperity will return, to a favoured few of the people. :D

Just as the last crash was the IMF's fault, not loose credit in Thailand, so the current global recession is somehow Abhisit's fault.

And to think, some people try to claim, that PM-Abhisit has done nothing over the past 14 months ! :)

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I'm afraid that this thread once again shows how far out of touch many TV posters are with opinion in Isaan. Some of us pointed out long ago that it wasn't going to be easy to put the genie back in the bottle after the last couple of rounds of 'the provinces vote, Bangkok rejects'. Yes, Thaksin has tarnished his image somewhat but many of his opponents have alienated Isaan people to a degree that won't be retrievable in a generation. Shocked? Take a trip to Udon or Khon Kaen and ask around in the market!

Of all the replies in this thread, this is one I'm inclined to agree with. While we are to the west of Issan in west Phetch province, the comments seem similar. A lot of good came to area during the time Thaksin was in office, mostly in the form of road improvements, telephony services and basic medical care.

I also don't think the comparisons to the Burmese junta are very far off base, sort of like comparing the DNA of humans and apes, more alike than dissimilar. Thailand is a democracy on paper only and the military leadership are calling many of the shots.

As for talking to the taxi drivers, I've had conversations with them about anything and everything, just like any other taxi driver in any other country. One can often find the pulse of the people inside a taxi.

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Didn't you take a side in your original post?

To refresh your memory, look below.

"[cut] I asked where he was from and he replied Loei. "Ohhhhh. So are you a red shirt?" That only confused him, but I eventually said, "You like Khun Taksin". His response was chilling. No, not unfriendly at all...in fact he wanted to talk about it.

"Now all Thai people are poor because of Abhisit. We all live just like the people in Burma. Khun Taksin love poor people and Issan people."

I was stunned by just how brainwashed some of these people are to think that their government and living conditions are suddenly equivalent -- under Abhisit -- to the Burmese junta.

How can there ever be reconciliation under these kinds of mis-impressions?"

I believe this clearly indicates which way you swing.

So you asked a random taxi driver about his political views and he supported a different politician than you...from this you were "shocked", "chilled", and then considered him "brainwashed" with "mis-impressions"....

You probably shouldn't start political conversations in the future if this is your reaction.

This seems like a wind-up anyways...who starts a post about the politician their taxi driver supported??

Whoa again! You and several of the other responders are reading WAAAAAAAAAY more into what I said than is there.

What shocked me is not that they like or don't like either Thaksin or Abhiset, and if you read again what I wrote in the OP, I don't take a side.

What shocked me was that at least this man honestly believes the people in Thailand are living in the same conditions as the people in Burma.

That's all I'm talking about here. Stop jumping to other conclusions and going into attack mode.

"I believe this clearly indicates the way you swing" ??

You're not one of those incredibly annoying Indian tailors from Pattaya are you? :)

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I've heard similar views several times up here from farming people . Hard to say wether its a minority or majority view. It is a simple view and I suppose easy to understand. under taksin they had money, now they don't. Same , Same me. :)

I Blame the Global Economic Meltdown , they Blame Abhisit. Nothing short of them striking Gold or Oil is going to change that mindset.

I've tried explaining this too. Even to a well educated Thai friend who lived in the US for 10 years, speaks perfect English. We discuss how bad trade is, how bad the global economy, how badly it's affecting Thailand, he agrees. But it always reverts to and ends with . . . 'it was better when Thaksin was here' and 'if Thaksin was back it would all be back to normal'.

It's weird.

Not that weird really. In 1975 the Americans who were spending tens of billions in Thailand were asked to leave because they were empowering the poor ethnic Thais.

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Our group of Motorbike taxis here have one who like Thaksin. Half who don't care about him and the rest hate Thaksin.

They are mostly if not all from Isaan.

Specially one is always complaining when he returns from a visit of his home village. He is complete shocked how uninformed they are and how "corrupt" in thinking.

That corrupt thinking: That guy gave me money=that guy is good.

I think in North and North East there are still a lot followers of Thaksin.

Some ethnic Thais will be opposed to him because of his Chinese decent and vote against him for that reason alone.

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I've heard similar views several times up here from farming people . Hard to say wether its a minority or majority view. It is a simple view and I suppose easy to understand. under taksin they had money, now they don't. Same , Same me. :)

I Blame the Global Economic Meltdown , they Blame Abhisit. Nothing short of them striking Gold or Oil is going to change that mindset.

I've tried explaining this too. Even to a well educated Thai friend who lived in the US for 10 years, speaks perfect English. We discuss how bad trade is, how bad the global economy, how badly it's affecting Thailand, he agrees. But it always reverts to and ends with . . . 'it was better when Thaksin was here' and 'if Thaksin was back it would all be back to normal'.

It's weird.

Not that weird really. In 1975 the Americans who were spending tens of billions in Thailand were asked to leave because they were empowering the poor ethnic Thais.

And because the Vietnam War had just ended and the Americans would have no further need for air bases in Thailand.

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I've heard similar views several times up here from farming people . Hard to say wether its a minority or majority view. It is a simple view and I suppose easy to understand. under taksin they had money, now they don't. Same , Same me. :)

I Blame the Global Economic Meltdown , they Blame Abhisit. Nothing short of them striking Gold or Oil is going to change that mindset.

I've tried explaining this too. Even to a well educated Thai friend who lived in the US for 10 years, speaks perfect English. We discuss how bad trade is, how bad the global economy, how badly it's affecting Thailand, he agrees. But it always reverts to and ends with . . . 'it was better when Thaksin was here' and 'if Thaksin was back it would all be back to normal'.

It's weird.

Not that weird really. In 1975 the Americans who were spending tens of billions in Thailand were asked to leave because they were empowering the poor ethnic Thais.

And because the Vietnam War had just ended and the Americans would have no further need for air bases in Thailand.

The Americans had a 10 plan in effect and expected to stay at least that long when asked to leave. Since no formal status of forces agreement was in effect, they were compelled to vacate and leave billions in infrastructure behind.

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Since no formal status of forces agreement was in effect, they were compelled to vacate and leave billions in infrastructure behind.

Better explain to everyone what a SOFA is and is not. It's one of many things misunderstood about the US military and how along with the Brits and Canucks, are head and shoulders above any other in the world.

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Volunteer to work for a red shirt victory next election and get the Democrat scoundrels out of office. As a result of your efforts, prosperity will return to the people of Thailand.

Wonder how many of the Pro-yellow scoundrels actually have turned coat colors now that MORE TRUTH is coming out. And who is actually brainwashed???

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Yes thaksin was corrupt, but name me one thai politician who isnt filling his bank account from the public coffers.

I can name two: Abhisit and Korn

There are many ways a politician improves his lot in life without a direct link to his bank account.

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Yes thaksin was corrupt, but name me one thai politician who isnt filling his bank account from the public coffers.

I can name two: Abhisit and Korn

Me thinks that your coffee intake has impaired your better judgment..... all will be revealed (if the press does: reports honestly, and are actually allowed to without being constantly censored or blacked out...)

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If you look to what the Labour party as done to the UK over the last 12 years and then see just how many fools still vote for them come election time it may help you understand democracy.

Maybe they remember what the Conservatives did.

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