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Thai Wife Happiness & Mo-jo & Jai-lorn-lorn Aka Got A Thai Wife Now What?


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Dear Experts,

After some two decades of living in China and Thailand I finally bit the bullet and married one of these darlings.

Now I can attest in their beauty, and the GFE in general, nothing but good times.

Dated many, ... always good.

Met the special, paid the sin-sot, tung-mung, ... you name it, I paid. Hug's and kisses for a year. Even signed the paper, but after the 'thai-wedding' it just all went to hel_l. Well its not quite hel_l, but I have never seen anything like it.

Sure we're told how our Farang ex-wives are terrible, and those thai-girls with their charm and wit, ... Sure they can act, we all know about acting.

So I don't butter-fly, don't drink, don't gamble, and don't smoke. I'm the poster-child of farang-angelica.

Got a perfect-10. I'm 50, she's 35, so not even a critical age difference, even meet virtually every thai couples exception of not going over 15 years difference.

I saw this some 20+ years ago with farangs who married chinese girls, that the girls would go from "I hate you" to "I love you", during a drive to the store, ... at the time I simply said "NEVER will I have an Asian GF or Wife".

Ok, so something happened to me, maybe it was hitting 48-50, ... so I did it myself I married one. Now everything on all these websites is all about the PURE HEAVEN-ON-EARTH of these women, and I can attest during the prior 20 years I met my share of GFE both P4P, and non-pay-4-play.

I did all the critical, 15 years, good family, masters degree, ... waited a year to know the girl. ...

So the girl after the wedding isn't the same girl.

My question to all your experts is NOW-WHAT?? Ok, no problem, I can walk, and as we all know a FARANG with money, has about 10 million women to choose from in Thailand alone. But I figure I went for the ride this long.

All my buddies talked about 'MO-JO' ( thai female anger ), and I never gave it a thought, like all of you, when I ever seen anything like this I quickly handed my honey a $1,000 baht note and told her I had to go to the bank and get her more money. ... Yeh, its easy. I was gone, but now I'm married to one, I'm a prisoner :)

But now when she Jai-Lorn-Lorn I in a real bad situation. It's not even predictable or rational.

My best buddy expert on this is 75 and has a 30 yr old Isaan beauty queen, and when his lady mo-jo he just gives her $20 USD, and she's off like a bat out of hel_l for som-tam.

I already give my wife too much money, and chump change isn't going to help so that's out.

No bar girl here no siree, this be the real thing 100% traditional thai girl. Upper middle class family, and perfect mother and father. The mother is a jewel, at 60 I'd marry her if she were available.

Now my preference for handling this crap would be just to go on a walk-about, you know maybe go to Koh-Samui for a week, or Chiang-Mai ( I'm in Nahkon-Sawan ). ... But then why should I run away from my own place?

Now my thai female friends say I'm being taken for a classic ride, e.g. these girls after they get the tung-mun and sin-sod, they like to BORE the shit out of you so leave, and then they can go back to parents and say "Look the farang left me".

My wife speaks english dam_n well as good as me, and probably writes better. We have talked about this, and her opinion is "I Mo-Jo take it or leave-it", ... again, she hid it over a year dam_n good. So why can't she hide it now?

Ahh, she says that now she has to be the REAL person, .... oh and then there's that great thai-sex, ... hel_l yes we all want to have sex with beautiful women, ... I did exactly like all you PRO's here say, I sat her down and said, exactly how much will I get, and she replied I can put out 'twice a day', ... and during the first year, yep, ... ok,

But again, from the time of the wedding night it dropped to once a week, head-aches, girl-time, moon not right,


I can except not getting sex, as a farang, I came out of a sexless marriage from earlier years, clincally a sexless marriage is less than 1-2 times a month.

But this MO-JO thing and JAI-LORN makes me go crazy, ... I'm a JAI-DEE guy, ... spend most of my time at the Wat, ...

Ok, guy's your turn, ... I will answer any question, I never married one, I thought I would give it the benefit of the doubt, ... but from what I have seen so far, ... I think that I will now tell anyone who ask's "NEVER MARRY A THAI GIRL".

I can tell you before the wedding for over a year, she was a queen, but now it isn't even the same girl.

Now I know why 99% of thai-men cheat on their wives, ignore what they have to say, and in general treat their wives like furniture.

Ok, .. your turn, ...

Please I'm 50 years, old and I speak thai and mandarin chinese, ... I have been over here for over 20 years, ... I just want someone who has experience with this shit to give me advice. In all my years of FARANG women I have never seen a bitch like this, ...

Ok boyz how do you manage this thing mo-jo and jai-lorn-lorn? Soap? Beatings? You give them money? Laugh? That's what I do now, when she throws my clothes out in the street, I laugh, and then she laughs and kisses me, ... but PLEEEEEEEEze I'm too old for this shit.


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Welcome to marriage. Your girl sounds like she may be a bit to handle. Most of the upcountry girls were a little more gracious I always thought. Once they got you things change But even back in the states after a while the honeymoon is over & things like sex headaches & bickering seems to be more on the agenda. If it gets to rough you can always get out. I just let my girl believe I am a poor farang farmer & let it at that. but she isn't gaffing me either. If anything she is to much of a hawk on saving so we have always. Good luck. We or I should say I laid the groundworks what I expected in return in the relationship & she has honored every thing(pretty much) With some of the usual Thai resentment -but has a good heart.And the best family I have seen in Buriram.

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( I'm in Nahkon-Sawan ).

Sure you are. But posting from the cold USA.

Always like when big brother is looking out for our best interests. :)

Somebody needs to inform ppl of trolls it isn't always that easy to spot. But usually they are newbies.

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So what, dear experts, is his agenda ? Why spend so much time composing such a long post if it is not genuine ? He may have a valid reason for going back home for a visit.

Thaibean, there may well be value in listening to the local experts.....your Thai female friends.

Edited by Latindancer
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Dear Experts,

After some two decades of living in China and Thailand I finally bit the bullet and married one of these darlings.

So I don't butter-fly, don't drink, don't gamble, and don't smoke. I'm the poster-child of farang-angelica.

I saw this some 20+ years ago with farangs who married chinese girls, that the girls would go from "I hate you" to "I love you", during a drive to the store, ... at the time I simply said "NEVER will I have an Asian GF or Wife".

My question to all your experts is NOW-WHAT?? Ok, no problem, I can walk, and as we all know a FARANG with money, has about 10 million women to choose from in Thailand alone. But I figure I went for the ride this long.

But this MO-JO thing and JAI-LORN makes me go crazy, ... I'm a JAI-DEE guy, ... spend most of my time at the Wat ...

Now I know why 99% of thai-men cheat on their wives, ignore what they have to say, and in general treat their wives like furniture.

Please I'm 50 years, old and I speak thai and mandarin chinese, ... I have been over here for over 20 years, ... I just want someone who has experience with this shit to give me advice. In all my years of FARANG women I have never seen a bitch like this...


Now I know why 99% of thai men cheat on their wives.. hahahaha

you can go back to China, there are more than hundreds of millions women there for you to choose since you speak mandarin well

im going back next month, wanna come?

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a troll it probably is,but interestingly the topic that is posed is an all too familiar one,and replies about other's experiences,one year on after marriage, would be interesting to read.

Nothing changed with my current wife.. all the same still but i got a good one this time. I was however married to a Thai lady when i lived in Holland, she was no bar girl. But she became a massage hooker in Holland in the 3rd year. That was the end of the relation and of course the change in attitude after a year. I think it all boils down to what kind of girl you meet. Meet the right one and you got a good match, meet the wrong one and you got a trauma.

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My wife speaks english dam_n well as good as me, and probably writes better. We have talked about this, and her opinion is "I Mo-Jo take it or leave-it",

Which by the sounds of the English used would make you that voodoo bloke from "Live And Let Die" :)

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Troll or not it's quite interesting and of course most will know this is what happens in a large percentage of relationships, for many women it's a money thing.

My question to you guys would be have you changed in that first 12 months?, the courting is over, the family love you, you've probably bought her a house and so on, do you still pay attention to the little things, basically do you work at your relationship outside of handing over money?

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...My wife speaks english dam_n well as good as me, and probably writes better. We have talked about this, and her opinion is "I Mo-Jo take it or leave-it", ... again, she hid it over a year dam_n good. So why can't she hide it now?

Ahh, she says that now she has to be the REAL person...



She says that now she has to be the real person? Kick her a$$ out. She basically admitted that she was acting in order to sucker you in. And now that you been hooked, boated an on your way to being filleted, it is time to leg it. Your post did not say if you bought land or a house in her name and that may have been her long scam plan.

Dude, you are just 50, and hopefully have another 30 years to live. Do you really want to spend it with a grumpy wife, who you need to pay to keep happy? There are plenty of nice ladies out there itching to meet a good guy.


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"I finally bit the bullet and married one of these darlings."

It sounds like you're the real romantic type, and you're going to get what's coming to you. To you, women are interchangeable and, what the heck, more or less disposable. Now, you're upset the she has the same perspective of you.

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Now I know why 99% of thai-men cheat on their wives, ignore what they have to say, and in general treat their wives like furniture

Seems the OP knows Jack Sh1t.

My guess is he's pussy whipped because he doesn't know how to be anything else.

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Who's to say that this story/post isn't true for others. I found the story/post quite interesting.

The post may be closer to the bone than many would care to admit.

From some of the situations I have observed over the years, things aint going to get any better.

Keep your sanity and dignity intact, walk.

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So what, dear experts, is his agenda ? Why spend so much time composing such a long post if it is not genuine ? He may have a valid reason for going back home for a visit.

Thaibean, there may well be value in listening to the local experts.....your Thai female friends.

Thanks latindancer sounds like you got a heart. I note that 99% of the reponse here is from little boys that only know about women from smelling their sisters underwear. Yes, I'm posted this from the States, had to come back for my fathers funeral. But I'll be back in two weeks in Nahkon Sawan.

So how about it guys? How about telling me how to live this woman? FYI: Yes, ... house, car, $2M sin-sod, $200k tung-mung, ... you name it I paid, and yes like I said, the parents are jewels.

I'm not looking for help from the 99% here that only know about women from smelling their sisters under-wear, I'm looking for advice here from a real man who has conqured this set of problems. When I was younger and wiser there is no way in hel_l I would have married an Asian woman. For the reasons I mention above, ... They play with your emotions.

Yes, the P4P girls treat you well. We all know this, e.g. those of us who have actually been with a real woman.

So how about it? I have read TV for long time, and this is my first post, my view is that its 99% little boyz or maybe even some fresh farang meat that's been to Pattaya, or Phuket, .... but so what, I'm in Asia for the long-haul. My friends married to thai-woman experience this same shit, and just tell me to deal with it, but they are ALL married to bar-whores... So its easy for them to toss the gal a $500 baht note when she mo-jo, ... bar-girls are driven by sex and money.

So I paid and paid, and after many years found the perfect girl, from the perfect family. Wise men have said that bar-girls are best, but as we ALL know they all got hubby's and BF's, and gik's on the side. I know that the gal I married is 99% HONEST, this I know. She's a very good woman, just hasn't a clue to not keep her mouth shut.

Like a farang marriage, staying in for 20 years is mostly about tolerating abuse, ... its all too easy to walk, and great advice here to walk to Pattaya? Oh yea, and get what a lady-boy? No thanks. I want a 'real woman'.

So about it? The entire premise of every single website in Thailand is ran by lawyers hustling their services and great virtues of thai woman, but as we ALL KNOW the ONLY good thai girl you'll ever find from a farang point of view is a GFE from the street, bar, or club. Yes, these are the best, ... but it's all about money.

So now I have the thai wife, and its really not about money, she just doesn't have a clue about how to live with another person, or a man. As you all know, thai-men really don't talk, and most thai girls are intimate with their friends. I really think thai-women see the farang as a toy. They ALL want a farang, but when they finally get one, .. NOW WHAT, I think this is the post marriage syndrome.

Wise men here know that I'm not alone, ... so how do you guys deal with this?? I'm not going to walk, I'll give it 3-5 years, ... tossing her pocket change like all my bud's do with their bar-whore wives ain't going to work. Her parents are rich.

Please somebody give me some tangible advice, or it proves once and for all that TV is just a bunch of losers who don't have clue about what they claim to know.

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I think some of you are being a bit tough on this guy. Him posting from the US (for whatever reason) doesnt make the story null and void as one poster said it is a valid scenario that many must find themselves in...no arguments that a SuperB!tch Thai wife would have to just about be the ultimate hel_l on earth existance.

I cant say i have firsthand experience but the thought that comes to mind might be to play them at their own game. A farang wife will often cut out sex and other incentives for punishment for bad husband behaviour so why not let it be yourself who cuts out the one thing that good wifey has so dutifully hung around for...CASH

Maybe concoct some story such as how your kids (if you have them from previous life in usa for example) are doing it tough finacially and you have to cut back on expenses in Thailand to help them out..

maybe hint about selling some of the creature comforts that she has come to take for granted or cutting back on lavish household and entertainment expenses or hocking a few pieces of jewellery or soemthing.

when she doth protest you innocently explain that you must "take care children because the only ones who treat you good and might be the only ones left to take care of you when you get older"

might sweeten her up a bit but then again it might also get you pushed of a balcony :)

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Please somebody give me some tangible advice, or it proves once and for all that TV is just a bunch of losers who don't have clue about what they claim to know.

Now if that doesn't prove this guy is a troll, I don't know what does. That and the fact he used the term "GFE" in a topic about marriage. :)

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