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A New Scam?


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I arrived at Ekamai bus station at 15:30 yesterday with the bus from Pattaya. Being a spineless nicotine addict, my first thought was to smoke a cigarette before finding a taxi, and chatted with an Irish/Italian couple who needed some assistance finding a hotel in the Sathorn area.

We were approached by a youngish (early 30s) cop who seemed interested in who was travelling alone. I was singled out and directed to the police bench where he 'asked' to search my bags, explaining that he had caught a 45 year old Italian travelling from Pattaya with 1/2 kg of heroin that very morning. The couple were directed to go their way. I was relaxed about the search, I am not stupid or greedy enough to have anything to do with drugs in Thailand, but was wary of anything being planted in my bags: I have the benefit of growing up in the UK where such things were not entirely unknown in the 70s and 80s.

Cop A was joined by cop B so I was occupied watching both of them, but concentrating on the one with his hands in my bag.

I'm on a 3 month trip, so I have a mix of cash, travellers cheques and credit cards with me.

Yes you've guessed it! After being dismissed by the cops and finding my taxi, the first thing I did was to check my cash and TC's. What a surprise! A 500 Danish Kroner note (approx. Bht.3000) has done a houdini and disappeared.

Mai pen rai. It's rarely a good idea to accuse a cop of anything unless you have hard evidence, and I'm pretty sure that any confrontation with these two would only have added to my problems. So I'll just assimilate the loss and think myself lucky that they didn't try to plant any drugs in my bags. You can bet I did a thorough search of them when I got to my room.

So this is a warning to to lone travellers passing through Ekamai and perhaps the other bus stations around Bangkok. Do not hang around too long after you get off the bus. Just move off towards the street/skytrain/taxi rank and out of their direct jurisdiction. If you do get searched by these guys try to keep your cash in your hands at all times and let them 'search' it that way.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone else with similar experiences, so please post if this story sounds familiar. The best way to stop any scam is to publicise it, but ideally several 'victims' are needed to give it any weight.

Finally, to all the usual flamers here. I'm an occasional visitor to Thailand who has used this forum to learn more about Thai culture, politics, scams etc. I consider myself reasonably street smart but I never saw this one coming. Hopefully this warning will help prevent others being unwitting victims.

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Ekamai has a large number of gentlemen from the local nick running different scams, which includes kidnapping. Google can find many such incidents about police gangs at ekamai. One thing you could have done is to ask that the Italian couple remain with you while the search is done. When you are alone, you can do nothing, prove nothing, and if you disappear ....

Edited by stolidfeline
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Old, old scam

Taking the bus is not worth it if you have to go anywhere near Ekkamai

You should suck it up and saved on the cigarettes for a different form of transportation

You are right though, if you complained or accused them you would be in it deep

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Ekamai has a large number of gentlemen from the local nick running different scams, which includes kidnapping. Google can find many such incidents about police gangs at ekamai. One thing you could have done is to ask that the Italian couple remain with you while the search is done. When you are alone, you can do nothing, prove nothing, and if you disappear ....


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Ekamai has a large number of gentlemen from the local nick running different scams, which includes kidnapping. Google can find many such incidents about police gangs at ekamai. One thing you could have done is to ask that the Italian couple remain with you while the search is done. When you are alone, you can do nothing, prove nothing, and if you disappear ....


Heard of it happening with the Thong Lo police involved a few times. I think Ekkamai bus station may be the Thong Lo police office's jurisdiction. They can be bad news, some of them.

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Never heard of kidnapping..

Yes, the police at that bus station are always on the lookout. Told one of my friends that went to Koh Samad not to ring anything back, he didnt listen and brought back a couple of joints, ended up being caught called me and worked thing out by paying 20,000 baht.

He was lucky they did not put him in the legal system.

Dont know about police planting anything on you. But they will get you for 100 or 200 baht here and there for whatever they can find as a reason.

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Kidnapping? Disappearances? Bullshit. Never happens. Is the purpose of this site to scare the crap out of potential visitors? I don't doubt that it is possible that a copper could have nicked money but I have never heard of it.

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Ekamai bus station is notorious for searching lone travelers. I was pulled into the police box on my way to the sky train. Very rude and beligerent. Told me they are looking for drugs. I said search away, I am against drugs. But I was worried they would plant something on me. Anyway, they left my bags in a heap of a mess. Told me to go, I went rather quickly and sorted everything out later, nothing missing, but a rather unpleasant experience. I will avoid the bus station in the future.

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I would like to thank the OP for sharing this. I use Ekamai bus station from time to time but usually get off before Ekamai, if possible, on any return leg. Posts like this may save somebody some money and hassle in the future.

As usual, helpful pieces of advice detailing specific dangers for tourists in Thailand such as this are met with posts telling you you are stupid for being robbed etc. This is normal for TV.

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We are after all in Thailand!! this is not a scam it is just a simple case of an opportunist cop taking advantage of the op"s inadequate security of his personal belongings..ie..money!

And the question i ask you is ....will this stop you from using ekamai?.............NO!

Will it make you be more switched on as to were you keep your money?......YES!

I never said he was stupid for getting robbed!

I said it was stupid to have your money in your bags.

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I never said he was stupid for getting robbed!

I said it was stupid to have your money in your bags.

Thanks for the few positive comments. I only took the time to post so that others could learn from my experience.

For the 'usual suspects' that have obviously never been searched by police anywhere in the world...duuuuh!

Like you I keep my money in a small bag known as a wallet!

Faced with the challenge of keeping my eyes on two pairs of untrustworthy hands and drugs already having been mentioned as a reason for the 'search', I concentrated on limiting the chance of them placing narcotics in my baggage. Yes, police on a drugs 'search' generally will check every pocket, bag and container in your possession. If I had to choose between losing Bht.3000 and spending (a long) time in a thai jail for drugs offences, I would obviously choose again to be fleeced by the cops.

Perhaps more interesting, does anyone have similar experiences at Morchit or Pinklao bus stations, or is it really only Ekamai that is a problem? I have previously travelled through both, and Ekamai as well, without problems. Have things changed there too?

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Notorious ... kidnapping ... shakedowns ... :)

I've been through Ekkamai as a lone traveller LOADSA times without the slightest hitch or unease. I'm pretty savvy and don't miss much, but have I missed something at Ekkamai? Now you got me scared ... :D

Come to think of it though, I only hang around there when waiting for the bus, not when I've arrived from somewhere else.

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I never said he was stupid for getting robbed!

I said it was stupid to have your money in your bags.

Thanks for the few positive comments. I only took the time to post so that others could learn from my experience.

For the 'usual suspects' that have obviously never been searched by police anywhere in the world...duuuuh!

Like you I keep my money in a small bag known as a wallet!

Faced with the challenge of keeping my eyes on two pairs of untrustworthy hands and drugs already having been mentioned as a reason for the 'search', I concentrated on limiting the chance of them placing narcotics in my baggage. Yes, police on a drugs 'search' generally will check every pocket, bag and container in your possession. If I had to choose between losing Bht.3000 and spending (a long) time in a thai jail for drugs offences, I would obviously choose again to be fleeced by the cops.

Perhaps more interesting, does anyone have similar experiences at Morchit or Pinklao bus stations, or is it really only Ekamai that is a problem? I have previously travelled through both, and Ekamai as well, without problems. Have things changed there too?

Have never seen anyone getting done over or searched at the times ive been to MoChit...

Not that im a doubting Thomas...and you often hear about farangs getting stung for carrying Viagra at Ekk and fined..but im just interested to know if you had the notes loose in your bag?? or did the guy actually pull a wad of notes out of a wallet and somehow tuck one away??..if thats the case im suprised he only took the one or how he was even able to tuck away just one note without it being so obvious??

Again, not doubting, ive just never seen the BiB doing a search so i wouldnt know how they do it and its beyond me how they can have the gaul to just blatantly help themselves while in your full view..not that they'd care :)

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Again, not doubting, ive just never seen the BiB doing a search so i wouldnt know how they do it and its beyond me how they can have the gaul to just blatantly help themselves while in your full view..not that they'd care :)

People reporting this generally say the search happens in the police box at Ekkamai.

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do a Google on "WARNING: EKKAMAI SHAKEDOWN" and the top hit should be a report on my experience there a couple of years ago.

As others have pointed out; best to get off the bus at On Nut, saves time as well.

It is always a good idea to thoroughly check out your backpacks and bags every once in a while to make sure something that might get you into jam hasn't gotten lost in one of the many small compartments. The single Valium that caused me so much grief (and Baht) had ridden around in an rarely used inside pocket for more than three years.

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