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5-a-side Football / Futsal -sathorn/silom, Wanna Play?


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Ok, seems we're all set for playing today at 4pm...

So, as far as I know, the 'list' for this week basically assumes same as last week with a couple of exceptions...:

Expected for Sunday 28th:

- Damaja

- Angustan(+1)

- Beejoir

- Dred

- Groovetank

- JonnyF

- Thehabs

- NicFoxe

- Sure

- Beechy

- Bkksteviejai

- vid1

Maybe, but not sure:

- Tamo

- Richard_smith237

- Aaron UK [walk-in]

- Martin DE [walk-in]

- Ronnie - ?

- EmanuelSWE

- Chrisdino

- MegaRanter

- ChrisMoss

- VespaSeeker

- WarpSpeed

Hope to see you all there!


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Cheers to the 12 players that came on Sunday 28th. Good friendly games are becoming the consistent norm, which is really great to see and makes for a very enjoyable Sunday afternoon.

I tried to make a booking for a mid-week game, but I'm afraid to say there were no slots free on any evening except Friday. It's fully booked at any time from 18:00 till 22:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I can try again on Wednesday to see if there's been any cancellations, but I don't hold out much hope for that.

So, we can try again next week.

Booking for next Sunday is already made though.

So, hope plenty can make it on Sunday 7th March at 4pm

Please post your availability for next Sunday (yes/no) here on the topic.

Cheers and see u soon.


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Shame. I was looking forwards to a game today...I Even purchased so new trainers after the soles came off mine last week. Thanks for the loan of your spare trainers Chris.

I didn't realize it had been that long since I did any exercise !!!

I've been hurting all week, but it was good to do something...

Count me in for Sunday 7th...

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Hi guys,

Thanks again to the above for posting their availability here on the topic during the week.

Should have enough for this Sunday assuming all confirmations stay as so.

I'll be coming with the ball (now nicely pumped up) but have had a pretty bad ear infection last few days, so may only participate lightly again.

As usual, court is already booked for 4pm 7th March.

So, as far as I know, the 'list' for this week assumes mostly same as last week with a couple of injuries and exceptions...:

Contact list:

Expected for Sunday 7th March:

- Damaja

- Angustan (+1)

- Beejoir (+1)

- Groovetank

- Thehabs

- Tamo

- Sure

- Richard_smith237

- Bkksteviejai

Maybe, but not sure:

- Beechy

- NicFoxe (injured still?)

- vid1

Can't make it (till) or haven't been/seen/heard from for a while:

- JonnyF (14th Mar?)

- Aaron UK [walk-in]

- Martin DE [walk-in]

- Ronnie (?)

- Joseph (?)

- MegaRanter (?)

- Luang (? -injured)

- Neutronium (? -injured)

- EmanuelSWE

- Chrisdino (?)

- ChrisMoss (?)

- VespaSeeker (?)

- WarpSpeed (?)

- Wossnext (?)

- MSingh (?)

Cheers & c u 2moro!


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Joining the long list of famous footballers, as well as the weekly injury list, I've snapped my 5th Metotarsal and will be in cast for 2-3 months!!

See you all on the other side.

Yep...get well soon Chris

As for me I have severely bruised tendons / bone in right elbow....should be ok.......


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Sounds quite competitive?

Or is everybody thinking they can still cut it like they did 20 years ago? :)

Glad to see it has taken off though for all the work the op has put in getting it off the ground,maybe i might pay a visit is it ok for a Berbatov type lazy bastard! :D

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Joining the long list of famous footballers, as well as the weekly injury list, I've snapped my 5th Metotarsal and will be in cast for 2-3 months!!

See you all on the other side.

Sorry to hear that Chris, my ribs have just about recovered from Dred's "vicious" body check two weeks ago :):D

Adam, I'm OK for this Sunday or a midweek game if a booking opens up...

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Sounds quite competitive?

Or is everybody thinking they can still cut it like they did 20 years ago? :D

Glad to see it has taken off though for all the work the op has put in getting it off the ground,maybe i might pay a visit is it ok for a Berbatov type lazy bastard! :D

Your alternative is closer to the truth. :) .........i'm still 20 years old in my mind, but sadly.........the body isn't following!

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Sounds quite competitive?

Or is everybody thinking they can still cut it like they did 20 years ago? :D

Glad to see it has taken off though for all the work the op has put in getting it off the ground,maybe i might pay a visit is it ok for a Berbatov type lazy bastard! :D

Your alternative is closer to the truth. :) .........i'm still 20 years old in my mind, but sadly.........the body isn't following!

20 years old in my mind - my greying hair and pulled muscles tell me otherwise. I'll be needing viagra just so I can stand up after a game.

Are we on for a Mid-week game ?

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Joining the long list of famous footballers, as well as the weekly injury list, I've snapped my 5th Metotarsal and will be in cast for 2-3 months!!

See you all on the other side.

Ah that's no good. Didn't sound that good yesterday. Anyway you can take some pride. According to Wikipedia "Stress fractures are common in the fifth metatarsal among athletes"

You're an athlete mate - congrats! Pics for the fitness geeks (like me).

Bone: Fifth metatarsal bone250px-Gray288.pngThe fifth metatarsal. (Left.)250px-Gray268.png

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Joining the long list of famous footballers, as well as the weekly injury list, I've snapped my 5th Metotarsal and will be in cast for 2-3 months!!

See you all on the other side.

What a b_gger mate! Definitely will miss u as one of our most regular and chirpy chappies!

Will u come and visit us once in a while?

And what about Dred? Is he gonna be coming still, even without u???? :)

How did it happen btw? Someone step on your toe or was it a driving shot into the ground?

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As for me I have severely bruised tendons / bone in right elbow....should be ok.......
for me due to my old injury and 2 torn knee ligament (both on the right and left!) the knee is all swelled up now but should be ok with some icing....
Sorry to hear that Chris, my ribs have just about recovered from Dred's "vicious" body check two weeks ago :):D

Blimey, we're not gonna have anyone left to play in a few weeks at this rate!!

Maybe we should consider some way(s) to reduce the potential/risk of injuries.. ?

I think it is starting to get a bit more agressive and competitive last few weeks, not quite as relaxed and good-mannered as was first couple of weeks.

I'm thinking we should try and ease off the gas a bit, especially in tackles and 50/50 balls. Probably not wise to go at it hellbent to win the ball on a pitch that's made of concrete and is about as forgiving as Satan's hoof! No real need after all - we don't even keep score most of the time and that's how I'd prefer to keep it. I will get drawn in sometimes myself when the pace quickens up - especially if someone's hacking at my heels or buzzing around me like a starving jack-russell. But it's best if we try keep it a quick passing game rather than a quick-running/tackling game methinks.

So any suggestions on slowing things down a bit?

I'm thinking of at least instigating a bench ref, one for each 'team', and we start calling more fouls and free-kicks. At the moment it's all on 'honour' rules, but it's maybe a good reminder to hear a whistle every now and again when the blood starts to rise up!


Edited by damaja
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Adam, I'm OK for this Sunday or a midweek game if a booking opens up...
Are we on for a Mid-week game ?

I'm sorry to say the slots for mid-week were all full again when I asked - Tues, Wed, and Thurs all fully booked from 6.30pm till at least 9pm!

Will try again later in the week for next week.

Of course, Sunday 14th March is still booked, 4pm again, so post away with your 'yays' and 'nays' please.


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As for me I have severely bruised tendons / bone in right elbow....should be ok.......
for me due to my old injury and 2 torn knee ligament (both on the right and left!) the knee is all swelled up now but should be ok with some icing....
Sorry to hear that Chris, my ribs have just about recovered from Dred's "vicious" body check two weeks ago :):D

Blimey, we're not gonna have anyone left to play in a few weeks at this rate!!

Maybe we should consider some way(s) to reduce the potential/risk of injuries.. ?

I think it is starting to get a bit more agressive and competitive last few weeks, not quite as relaxed and good-mannered as was first couple of weeks.

I'm thinking we should try and ease off the gas a bit, especially in tackles and 50/50 balls. Probably not wise to go at it hellbent to win the ball on a pitch that's made of concrete and is about as forgiving as Satan's hoof! No real need after all - we don't even keep score most of the time and that's how I'd prefer to keep it. I will get drawn in sometimes myself when the pace quickens up - especially if someone's hacking at my heels or buzzing around me like a starving jack-russell. But it's best if we try keep it a quick passing game rather than a quick-running/tackling game methinks.

So any suggestions on slowing things down a bit?

I'm thinking of at least instigating a bench ref, one for each 'team', and we start calling more fouls and free-kicks. At the moment it's all on 'honour' rules, but it's maybe a good reminder to hear a whistle every now and again when the blood starts to rise up!


I've missed the last couple of weeks due to the ribs (my fault BTW, I ran into Dred - couldn't stop) but last time I played it wasn't too bad in terms of competitiveness, about right I thought...

One of the guys on the team that isn't on the pitch acting as ref wouldn't be a bad idea though, even if it's for simple things like throw-ins and to keep watching the clock for the 6 minute turn-around. Not essential, but maybe worth a try...

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Again, mine was self inflicted, I turned and volleyed a high ball just that little bit too much and the pressure on my load bearing foot just snapped the bone, my footwear is not perfect and the surface is hard.

As Adam says its heated up a bit since the first 2-3 weeks and its time to chill out a bit, be nice to lay off the gas.

Also if everyone bought two coloured shirts either white/red/blue it would help hugely. I've got football kits from my company and I'm happy to donate them for cost (50 baht) per shirt, but they are either Green or Yellow, will add a new kit soon for the coming season in red.

Dred might make the final Sunday, but it'll be his last for a while as he's back to cold land for his sins.

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Probably right Adam, my fall was due to my over exuberance (rather than anything malicious). I'll need to take it a bit easier I think...although I thought I was pretty slow anyway!.

Two colours of t-shirts is certainly a good idea to avoid confusion.....

Hopefully I'll be able to play Sunday


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mine was just due to old injuries working up again. honestly there is no malice in the game at all, just the game become faster as blood rushes and i have not seen a bad tackle at all in all the games. as we get more tired through the game, we just have slower reaction time. Also might be a good idea just to come in a little earlier to get some warm-up done before game starts as i think last week Chris just came straight into the game without any warm-up which might have cause the injury

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mine was just due to old injuries working up again. honestly there is no malice in the game at all, just the game become faster as blood rushes and i have not seen a bad tackle at all in all the games. as we get more tired through the game, we just have slower reaction time. Also might be a good idea just to come in a little earlier to get some warm-up done before game starts as i think last week Chris just came straight into the game without any warm-up which might have cause the injury

Good idea Angus.....a warm up would help me I think. I'll maybe try and get down there a little earlier

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