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My wife just sold her land on a 30 years lease agreement to a Danish buyer.

The land office ask for the Danish guy to provide a Thai translated copy of his name and address registration in Denmark.

So he translated from Danish to Thai and went to the land office.

But they did not accept the translation because the Thai translater didn't have a license, even he was recommended by the Danish Embassy in Bangkok.

The Danish Embassy do not translate official documents.

So now the problem is, the buyer cannot find a Thai translater with a license to translate from Danish.

We tried to email the Danish Embassy but they never replied, so now we don't know what to do??

The Thai translater told us we could go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in BKK to get the translation certified and then visit the Danish Embassy to get it verified.

IS that the only solution?

The land office said they would find a translater for us, but that is 1 week ago and still nothing happened....

The Danish guy return to Denmark within 3 weeks so we don't have much time left.

hope anyone can lead us in the right direction, thanks :)

The Thai translater told us we could go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in BKK to get the translation certified and then visit the Danish Embassy to get it verified.

IS that the only solution?

In my experience it is.

Every document (Dutch in my case) i had to produce has gone through this process. First a translation by a licensed translator (1-2 days) then a certification by the Ministry of foreign Affairs. They will but put some nice stamps on it.

I had to wait between 3-5 working days for that.

The Thai translater told us we could go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in BKK to get the translation certified and then visit the Danish Embassy to get it verified.

IS that the only solution?

In my experience it is.

Every document (Dutch in my case) i had to produce has gone through this process. First a translation by a licensed translator (1-2 days) then a certification by the Ministry of foreign Affairs. They will but put some nice stamps on it.

I had to wait between 3-5 working days for that.

I have to agree here. Head down to Chaeng Wattana and get the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to certify the translation. Generally, this step is required in all official documents, independent of the originating language. I'm not surprised at all that they are balking at you trying to skip this step in the process. They have wide discretion of course in what they choose to accept, but it is hard to believe they will reject it once you have the official seal of approval.


Just a quick point, when you go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building and lodge your document you will be offered the choice of either waiting a few days then coming back to get it (for a very small fee ... plus two return trips in the taxi) or getting it stamped the same day for considerably more. My recollection is hazy but I think it was 1,000 baht (maybe 1,000 baht/page) ... something like that. I am sure some reader who has done this recently can confirm the amount.


There is no one wanting extra money here, it's simply that the translator has to be certified for land department to accept and the one you used were not. Simple. Don't assume that Thai's are dishonest and want to rip you off only because you don't know please.

There are several certified Danish Translators in Bangkok. The Danish Embassy didn't answer so GO There In Person. Go to the Danish Embassy and ask for a list, they have one. That's one way.

It is not unusual that papers like that also have to be certified by the legalisation department of the consular affairs department at the (old) ministry of foreign affairs.

The land department didn't say that they needed so you probably don't but... If you need to go to the legalisation department:

Turn left into Cheang Wattana Rd at Laksi. Pass Thailand Post, pass CAT, you will see a huge sign saying “Government complex left”, pass it 10 meters then you get to the old foreign affairs building (lowish 3-4 storey building). That's the one. Go into the building, take the escalator to the 2nd floor and then take the stairs to the left up to the 3rd floor. The legalization area is just to the left. It’s a pretty busy place that opens at 8:30. If you have to go there, then be there at 8:30. You should be able to fetch the papers the following day after lunch, max one more day. If translation is not accurate, then you will have to amend and go back there again

This can easily be done in 3 weeks.

Good Luck :)


Legalisation department will only certify English and Thai translation of English so if you have Danish papers then you have to get hem translated to English and Thai first before you go there

Price is 200 bath per page, there used to be a same day quick service for a thousand bath per page that is now stopped (according to the signs - I have heard that it is still possible to request it though = can still be done...)

It's a busy place, be there 8:30 AM and you should be able to get papers the following afternoon

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