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Do Kota Baru Issue 60 Day Tourist Visas, After A 3 Month Non Immigrant O?

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I need another 90 days in Thailand

have been here fo 6 months on 2, 3 month non immigrant O visas,

1 issued in Melb, the next issued in Penang.

Does anyone know if its possible to get a 60 day tourist visa issued after 2 non immigrant O's?

Thanks for any advice.

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Yes, Penang are declining issue of another tourist visa if already have tourist visa extension. But only reports of this practice happening is at Penang.

If you want to stay here longer, consider obtaining double entry tourist visa from Vientiane. They are currently free. With extensions and a border run in the middle that would give you nearly 6 months stay.

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No, Penang is single entry only. Vientiane is currently issuing double entry tourist visas in the region.

How about Kota Baru? do they give double entry tourist visas after a 3 month non immigrant O,

Vietnam is a long way for me to go as Im currently inthe south of Thailand.

Thanks for you reply

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No, Penang is single entry only. Vientiane is currently issuing double entry tourist visas in the region.

How about Kota Baru? do they give double entry tourist visas after a 3 month non immigrant O,

Vietnam is a long way for me to go as Im currently inthe south of Thailand.

Thanks for you reply

Not Vietnam......Vientiane is the capital of Laos, situated just across the Thai border.

Edited by keestha
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