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Getting Rich In Thailand


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You asked

" So at the risk of sounding silly, I will ask here what I've been trying to figure out all my life: how does one get rich?

Is it possible for a farang to get rich in Thailand? Does anyone know of such cases? If so, how did they do it?"

If your were lucky enough to meet Bill Heinecke you would probably learn a lot from him.

He lives in Bangkok and is Founder, CEO and Chairman of Minor Group International


The answer is so obvious to your question, who was the richest man in Thailand? He did write a book.

Bill Heinecke is not the richest man in Thailand (think Red Bull), maybe the richest farang, but is actually number 10 on the list.


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Get rich here like ya get rich anywhere else with a few exceptions;

More reliance on trust

Less reliance on credit

More need for flexibility and open-mindedness to how things are done here

Less thinking inside the box

More Creativity


Sunbelt conglomerate

This website... I'm 100% sure it makes a mint.

So many ways... In fact I think there are more ways here to get rich than there are people with the proper mindset to exploit them.

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You asked

" So at the risk of sounding silly, I will ask here what I've been trying to figure out all my life: how does one get rich?

Is it possible for a farang to get rich in Thailand? Does anyone know of such cases? If so, how did they do it?"

If your were lucky enough to meet Bill Heinecke you would probably learn a lot from him.

He lives in Bangkok and is Founder, CEO and Chairman of Minor Group International


The answer is so obvious to your question, who was the richest man in Thailand? He did write a book.

Bill Heinecke is not the richest man in Thailand (think Red Bull), maybe the richest farang, but is actually number 10 on the list.


Your not reading my reply very well.

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You asked

" So at the risk of sounding silly, I will ask here what I've been trying to figure out all my life: how does one get rich?

Is it possible for a farang to get rich in Thailand? Does anyone know of such cases? If so, how did they do it?"

If your were lucky enough to meet Bill Heinecke you would probably learn a lot from him.

He lives in Bangkok and is Founder, CEO and Chairman of Minor Group International


The answer is so obvious to your question, who was the richest man in Thailand? He did write a book.

Bill Heinecke is not the richest man in Thailand (think Red Bull), maybe the richest farang, but is actually number 10 on the list.


Your not reading my reply very well.

the OP only asked " Is it possible for a farang to get rich in Thailand? Does anyone know of such cases? If so, how did they do it?"

Nothing about being 10 on the list 20 or even 30 :) He is still the best example of a Western farang who made it big here

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Wasting all this precious time to make money, which can't buy back the time wasted to make it!

For a while now I have thought investing time now so you can have more time later is a smart play.

If you can condense your "working out of need" life to a minimum it frees you up to a longer "living out of abundance" life.

working 45 years to enjoy a pension when I am too old to really enjoy it never seemed the best plan for me. Thus I have been working on retiring since my mid late 20s. I put in crazy hours for a good few years. Now I put in less than 20 compulsory hours a week and all the other hours are because I enjoy what I do (hours that go into graduate study for example... which I can pay for thanks to the crazy hours I put in back in blighty).

Another way to look at it is:

Find a vocation you love and you'll never work again a day in your life!

Agree with the last sentence... but "later" my "son" never ever comes, it will always remain this mystical "tomorrow"!

Now or never!

I put my bet on now, since ever, for ever - never lost and still going strong, there was always plenty, enough, never went hungry to bed!

Slept on temple floors, on train stations, in Luggage compartments, in caves, in Guesthouses, in Hotels, in Carvanserai's , in Bedouin tents, while traveling crisscross through asia and europe, it was my choice and never regretted it, nor missed anything out on "not having enough money"... the drive to amass riches and fortunes is born out of fear, fear of existence!

But still think that everyoen has a choice and is free to chose, waht he/she whishes to accomplish with his/her life - how do they say here?

Up to You!

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Wasting all this precious time to make money, which can't buy back the time wasted to make it!

For a while now I have thought investing time now so you can have more time later is a smart play.

If you can condense your "working out of need" life to a minimum it frees you up to a longer "living out of abundance" life.

working 45 years to enjoy a pension when I am too old to really enjoy it never seemed the best plan for me. Thus I have been working on retiring since my mid late 20s. I put in crazy hours for a good few years. Now I put in less than 20 compulsory hours a week and all the other hours are because I enjoy what I do (hours that go into graduate study for example... which I can pay for thanks to the crazy hours I put in back in blighty).

Another way to look at it is:

Find a vocation you love and you'll never work again a day in your life!

Agree with the last sentence... but "later" my "son" never ever comes, it will always remain this mystical "tomorrow"!

Now or never!

I put my bet on now, since ever, for ever - never lost and still going strong, there was always plenty, enough, never went hungry to bed!

Slept on temple floors, on train stations, in Luggage compartments, in Caves, in Guesthouses, in Hotels, in Caravansary's , in Bedouin tents, while traveling crisscross through Asia and Europe, it was my choice and never regretted it, nor missed anything out on "not having enough money"... the drive to amass riches and fortunes is born out of fear, fear of existence!

But still think that everyone has a choice and is free to chose, what he/she wishes to accomplish with his/her life - how do they say here?

Up to You!

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the OP only asked " Is it possible for a farang to get rich in Thailand? Does anyone know of such cases? If so, how did they do it?"

Nothing about being 10 on the list 20 or even 30 :D He is still the best example of a Western farang who made it big here

At least one was mentioned already.... he came here when he was 18, his dad some high ranking military... it was in the 70ties..another one started some IT related enterprise in the late 1990ties and it took of in a very magic way... another one was "there" already and took a bad dive.... another one and another one.... :)

most I know, make rather a living then a fortune... and there are those who made a small fortune, out of a big one, there are always fortunate and not so fortunate people - think it's called life!

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Do you really want to be rich?


Really super rich?

Why not turn the tables and do what those ladies do in the USA?

Compile a list of all the rich single thai lady multimillionaires

Then go after them one at a time until you land one in a marriage

I would bet you a million dollars that right now there is some super, super rich Thai lady looking for love from anyone?

Then write a book how you did it and make your own million

Happy hunting!

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Is it possible to become very rich in Thailand. Yes, but very unlikely.

First as a Farang the deck is stacked against you!

Any idea you have. You can be sure that thousands already have this idea and are working on making it happen. Their is more competition now then ever before in the history of mankind.

How can you increase your chances. Be prepared. That means getting a very good education, combined with experience, and making the right conections along the way. Then luck comes into play. Sometimes factors that you have no control over come into play. But you need the other things that I mentioned to make things happen. A certain amount of ruthlessness may help. The willingness to take a calculated chance.

Usually a certain amount of capital will also be necessary. You get this by building up assetts. How you do this is complex and varied. You could write books about this.

An example of the more likely path is. A farmer strikes oil on his land and owns the mineral rights. He invests the gains wisely. He sends his children to the best schools. He and his wife put a lot of effort in getting their children ahead a long the way. They become highly paid professionals. They inherit from their parents. They then repeat this basic pattern. You would be surprised how many very wealthy people have a generational pattern like this. This is a winning sort of combination. Lets not get over simplistic and think oh I just need to strike oil. I am trying to make a more general example. Their are a lot of wealthy people who combined with some inheritance and their own earnings that are now supper wealthy. However, those that start with nothing are rare.

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Is it possible to become very rich in Thailand. Yes, but very unlikely.

First as a Farang the deck is stacked against you!

Excuses. Nothing is stacked against anyone, but it's easier to say "the deck was stacked against me" if you end up failing.

Any idea you have. You can be sure that thousands already have this idea and are working on making it happen. Their is more competition now then ever before in the history of mankind.

The "key" to getting rich is not doing what thousands are already doing. You're not supposed to open an icecream shop in a street full of icecream shops and expect to get rich.

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I'm rich. I'm just not wealthy. I'm rich in life experiences, but my bank balance stays pretty much the same month after month.

All the people I know who are wealthy either inherited it or they worked VERY hard and invested their money. They took chances and risked a lot. But, their risks were calculated and backed up by a lot of research. A few were downright lucky to invest in the right stocks at the right time. High paying jobs usually entail a lot of risk, or they come with a back ground in the proper fields. The oil business, real estate, pharmaceuticals, and construction in risky countries all come to mind.

Then, there are the down right crooks who con others into investing in questionable ventures.

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Do you really want to be rich?


Really super rich?

Why not turn the tables and do what those ladies do in the USA?

Compile a list of all the rich single thai lady multimillionaires

Then go after them one at a time until you land one in a marriage

I would bet you a million dollars that right now there is some super, super rich Thai lady looking for love from anyone?

Of course I thought of this. But I guess this is much easier for women to pull off. First of all, there are a lot more wealthy single guys than girls (or ladies) to choose from. Secondly, age and looks are apparently less important to women than to men. I mean, it's rare to find a guy married to a woman much older or homelier than him, whereas the opposite is very common. I guess there are reasons for this? Also, women seem to only want guys who are more successful than they are, or at least as successful. Oh, yeah, and finally, one of the main benefits of great wealth for a guy is the playboy lifestyle and a chance with the young hotties you couldn't get when you were poor. Marriage sort of rules that out.

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If you look at the television biz here, young actor fellows often get married to less than attractive (but not old) well to do gals from relatively successful families. Just because you're not a good looking actor doesn't mean the girls don't dig attractive guys from poor backgrounds.


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Find a vocation you love and you'll never work again a day in your life!

I did just that. I had a career in the BC Forest industry and I loved it. I traveled all over BC to some of the best fishing and hunting locations in the world. My Scottish father couldn't understand how I could work and still enjoy myself, and especially when I would return home with haunches of venison or slabs of salmon and steelhead. The old Scottish attitude was work was work and fun was fun, but neither could happen at the same time.

When I retired after 40 years in the industry I raised a toast to my father and said... "See Dad, 40 year and I never DID have to go to work!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

OP Define what you think is the definition of Rich? Is it a certain Baht level in a bank, ownership of a certain toy, size house or income level. This could go on forever. Rich to someone in Thailand would be a pauper in another country or just vice versa hence why so many people move to Thailand so they feel rich (whatever their definition is).

Even people talk on here they were rich or are rich and yet to someone else can be in the same financial freedoms and not feel rich.

First set some goals to obtain. Then figure out how to get there.

Or a very silly thing would be as most posters have said, do something you find happiness doing and many times riches are fullfilled. Life is not all roses. No simple answers.

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Ive been financially rich and financially poor. There are other forms of rich;) Funny thing is happiness seemed to always come when poor with me.

Good luck anyway but remember that to make money you will likely have to givbe up a lot of other things and there is no guarantee of success. Then again if that is your aim I hope it works out well for you, and if it is a real deisre then you should try.

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It's not a matter of fate, but rather a matter of will. If you sit on the couch thinking about getting rich, you'll likely never get there. I personally found that the projects where I've made the most money weren't the ones where I was actually trying to make money, but the ones that I did because I liked doing them. Do what you enjoy and eventually the money will start pouring in faster than you can count it. If not, you're at least doing something you enjoy and don't need to worry about doing something you don't enjoy and are not making money from it either. Better happy with the chance of lucky than twice sad, right?

You don't need to be born into a rich family in order to get rich. That's a nonsense logic. If everyone is born into a rich family, where did the money come from initially? Exactly. Somebody poor made money and got rich. Some of the world's richest people started out poor or with barely any money.

I would say motivation is the key factor.

Hi rainman...... In the words of Mikey and Smashie, "wish words mate" I would add two other elements to the equation of getting rich, one of which is luck, but not the sort of luck you would get say, picking 6 numbers on the Lotto and winning big, Great though that would be, planning a future around this strategy is a little bit doggy! Luck, to me, is the cross roads where preparation and opportunity meet. My second ingredient for making money is too lose the chip on the shoulder that so many people seem to carry nowadays; “The world owes me a living” chip! I have yet to meet anyone with this mind set that has any money to talk off, let alone being rich………..Just my two pence!

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"Three replies and still noone has provided us with an easy, risk free method that will allow us to become instant millionaires. It's almost like nobody knows. Very suprising."

Yeah, just like no one knows. Why is that surprising? During a recent commercial shoot for Red Bull, a guy mentioned that he was hired by a pornographic web site, for 80,000THB/month - in a year, he makes a million. His job requires him to perform oral sex on pre-op katoeys, and that might be something that interests you.

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"Three replies and still noone has provided us with an easy, risk free method that will allow us to become instant millionaires. It's almost like nobody knows. Very suprising."

Yeah, just like no one knows. Why is that surprising? During a recent commercial shoot for Red Bull, a guy mentioned that he was hired by a pornographic web site, for 80,000THB/month - in a year, he makes a million. His job requires him to perform oral sex on pre-op katoeys, and that might be something that interests you.

That jobs for suckers!!!

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"Three replies and still noone has provided us with an easy, risk free method that will allow us to become instant millionaires. It's almost like nobody knows. Very suprising."

Yeah, just like no one knows. Why is that surprising? During a recent commercial shoot for Red Bull, a guy mentioned that he was hired by a pornographic web site, for 80,000THB/month - in a year, he makes a million. His job requires him to perform oral sex on pre-op katoeys, and that might be something that interests you.

That jobs for suckers!!!

And do you know, does he get to keep the tips as well?

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I thought there were more intelligent people in this forum. three pages of thread to say that if you have the will you can make money.

who thinks of making money without fund some bad, imagine those who think they have them in Thailand, now ..

why in Thailand?

why not England, Japan or Russia?

want to make money in Thailand or want to go to live in Thailand for prostitution?

there is a difference that many foreigners do not know.

the farang's intelligent in Thai is not suitable to make money.

Edited by 13morris
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