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Is There Really A Changing Line In How Expats See Thailand ?

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A year ago many expats on here would react by strong defending the country when foreigners critic some aspects of the society, with replies like 'then why do you live here' 'it's the culture so accept it' etc, but it looks like as if there is getting more union amongs foreigners who are getting really annoyed about some things, developments, lack of progress, being unable to give positive input, feeling disrespected, immigration rules etc, is there really a changing movement or perhaps seen wrong ?


I've recently been taught by some here that it's much more fun to complain. So I've decided to turn over a new leaf and join the rest of the gang here. :) I'm just having a hard time learning the new process. :D


sounds like a "CRASH" course...

For My part, I am not blind to its faults but still love living here.

Only yesterday I was mesmerized for the first time in years buy a simply enchanting woman on the golf course. She was preparing to take her Teaching Pro test. We played and fumbled a little small talk. Exchanged furtive glances. It was the best time I had had in ages!! I was captivated. She challenged me. She made me think. She made me even a little nervous. I couldn't have wished for more. I felt like a teenager with a crush in his voluptuous French teacher. All the time she exuded an elegant sophistication that I have been unable to find for years!

Now if I didn't live in Thailand, how would I ever have bumped into this delightful Korean lady?

Thank you thailand! I am forever in your debt!

I've recently been taught by some here that it's much more fun to complain. So I've decided to turn over a new leaf and join the rest of the gang here. :D I'm just having a hard time learning the new process. :D

Perhaps the surface ideals of fun is not what it seems to be, Ian. Yet a facade. :)

sounds like a "CRASH" course...

For My part, I am not blind to its faults but still love living here.

Only yesterday I was mesmerized for the first time in years buy a simply enchanting woman on the golf course. She was preparing to take her Teaching Pro test. We played and fumbled a little small talk. Exchanged furtive glances. It was the best time I had had in ages!! I was captivated. She challenged me. She made me think. She made me even a little nervous. I couldn't have wished for more. I felt like a teenager with a crush in his voluptuous French teacher. All the time she exuded an elegant sophistication that I have been unable to find for years!

Now if I didn't live in Thailand, how would I ever have bumped into this delightful Korean lady?

Thank you thailand! I am forever in your debt!

'predestination', 'our path' etc. are universal things, no need to thank thailand for that, i guess ?

if we are ready for it it happens, wherever

off topic


I have noticed a change. There does seem to be less support for knee jerk JUST GO HOME THEN responses. They will always be with us, but there seems to be more support for the idea that those of us who live here have every right to complain and even try to change the things in our lives here that are changeable.


I think some things are inferred as criticism when in fact sometimes people are just looking for an interesting discussion. Not all people interpret the same way of course so this is bound to happen.

Take the Racism thread. I started it looking for a discussion but several responses had clearly taken it as a slight against Thailand. However, if you look at what followed by those who saw the intended purpose, there was a wealth of interesting points raised, some even referenced with supporting material. I found it most interesting despite some misunderstandings.

Perhaps its not as turned around over all as the OP fears.

I would say the forum seems a lot more tolerant than I remember 3 years ago and I for one and enjoying it more than ever. Borderline addict!


Poor posting style......perceived lack willingness to try to understand, causes the go home reaction......why is there less reaction.....because there is an increase in ill thought out posting so people just begin to ignore it.


Post 1

I find it a little odd that Thai people do not hold the door open, but perhaps they have not been 'trained to do this'

Post 2

I have never had Thai people hold doors open, they never hold the doors open, Thai people are ignorant and have no manners.

which post is likely to attract the go home group.......and why do you think that is???....... :)

Poor posting style......perceived lack willingness to try to understand, causes the go home reaction......why is there less reaction.....because there is an increase in ill thought out posting so people just begin to ignore it.


Post 1

I find it a little odd that Thai people do not hold the door open, but perhaps they have not been 'trained to do this'

Post 2

I have never had Thai people hold doors open, they never hold the doors open, Thai people are ignorant and have no manners.

which post is likely to attract the go home group.......and why do you think that is???....... :)

gimme a clue plz ?


it happened i said 'thank you' to one who tried to throw the door on my nose to give them a hint, but they don't even hear it...

to-ta-lly pre-occupied with themselves...

few months ago i had a serious talk with the managar of a mitsubishi showroom about eventual purchase of a car, brutally interrupted by some dumb girl-staff buffalow asking him something, i just left the talk and hope he got the message. i know he did not, but when just doing as if nothing happened i get that stupid feeling again, they always manage to make you feel like an idiot and i don't take that anymore.

few weeks ago a talk with girl from ais phoneshop in carrefour about my account, brutally interrupted from behind by a girl-managar buffalow from mc donalds next door. i turned around shouting right in her face quitte loud 'just a moment ok' (in thai) it took at least 5 seconds before she got the message, confused she turned around and got a 'you stupid idiot' from me in the back as bonus. immediately switched back in the 'friendly smile modus' continuing the conversation what confused the ais girl a bit, hehe...

i dislike myself for doing this really, but they just make you... again and again

really must beware here of starting to generalize (what already happens a lot on this forum) and cultivating hate inside yourself because then better move really.


I've been here almost since TV's inception and I've seen this come and go. Times of uncertainty are the worst. Many people who post here love being in Thailand but aren't of infinite means and uncertain political and economic situations can be a real threat to them. Many of them came to Thailand for a new start and don't want to start over yet again. Others are on fixed pensions from overseas and the fluctuating economy and exchange rates really impact their income. Still more have invested their life savings and see problems in tourism affecting their bottom line.

At times when the picture is more rosy, you see the general mood shift back to being more positive. There's still complaints, but in better times you notice they tend to be a bit more frivolous.

I've been here almost since TV's inception and I've seen this come and go. Times of uncertainty are the worst. Many people who post here love being in Thailand but aren't of infinite means and uncertain political and economic situations can be a real threat to them. Many of them came to Thailand for a new start and don't want to start over yet again. Others are on fixed pensions from overseas and the fluctuating economy and exchange rates really impact their income. Still more have invested their life savings and see problems in tourism affecting their bottom line.

At times when the picture is more rosy, you see the general mood shift back to being more positive. There's still complaints, but in better times you notice they tend to be a bit more frivolous.

hey Vic, did you poll that out of the potential TV advertiser presentation? :)

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