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Police And Cameras


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Jeez, you two guys are insane. I live in Nevada. Last thing I want is someone parked right next to the road pissing. Easy to find a side road and get off the highway. The law clearly states stopping on the side of the highway is for emergencies only...can't blame him for stopping you. They stop and investigate ANYBODY stopped on the side of the road. Sometimes it is an emergency and they do provide needed assistance. I find the cops to be, for the most part, decent people. I know several in my small Nevada town. You should hear their stories of the whackos they have to deal with (maybe you?). It would make you a hard person also.

I can't tell you how many accidents I have seen on my desolate Nevada road. Unreal. People think they can go crazy out there and then something runs in front of them, have a blowout, or hit a patch of dirt from the latest monsoon storm. Bingo, you are dead. I don't care how good you are. Like the other poster said, you are now 6 feet under. Unfortunately, these folks sometimes take others with them...that is the big problem.

I wish they would clean up their act over here. Sure, it is nice to get away with speeding, etc. But when they start enforcing laws properly, you won't speed so much, will you? And it will stop those outrageously crazy Thai drivers from passing me on a curve up that Khao Yai mountain road...same place I saw a smashed truck with many liters of red stuff on the ground...ran head on into an on coming truck while passing on a curve.

My friend just got caught drunk driving in Nevada. Big fine...but guess what? He won't drink and drive any more. Good for the rest of us! At least I have a better chance of survival out there. Right next to my business partners office is where a gal was going well over 100 MPH, missed the turn, and hit a telephone pole. She was drinking and is now dead. Her husband, one year later, coming out of the VFW hall at 7am, drunk, ran into a car. Killed the pregnant wife and daughter. Husband survived. He is now in jail for a very long time...where he belongs.

I personally like that fascist BS.

If you have that much hostility towards the Thai police to prompt you to do something this silly, maybe you should go back to your western country. I've never been stopped by the Thai police for anything I did not do, and I find them much better than the petty jerks in America. As for "corruption" what happens here with on-the-spot fines is much better than the petty citation, trip to court, points on your driving record and increased insurance rates that happen at home. Some day you'll piss off the wrong cop with that thing enough, they can ruin your day much more than you can ruin theirs.

No f'ing sh!t!!! Thank you for that! I love riding and driving here. I was under constant stress in the U.S. about tickets, increased insurance, go to jail for more than 20 mph over. And for you idiots that have opinions about that, 120 mph on an empty desert road (but for the radar cop hiding behind a cactus, is not dangerous. If you think it is, you shouldn't do it, but don't preach to me. I've been driving for over 40 years and I drive using my wits, not the rules. As (I think) Winston Churchill said, "Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools." Here, I do not have to sit at a red light in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night purely out of fear of financial ruination. I LOVE riding and driving in this country and take all the negatives that go with it. I am an extremely watchful and careful driver; if I have an accident, it will be unavoidably caused by the other guy, so don't tell me I will kill an innocent person. That's baloney and any skillful and careful driver knows it. And for you naysayers, if I die on my motorcycle at 200 kph, I can only say, "What a way to go!"

Last time I was in the U.S., I got a $120 ticket for pissing in the Nevada desert out in the middle of nowhere. I was standing behind the truck, nothing exposed. The cruising cop, I'm sure, simply noticed how I seemed to be standing there for an extended time contemplating the clouds. Then he skidded in with his siren on (no sh!t!) and confirmed my crime by the unexplainable wet spot on the desert floor. First thing out of his mouth, he screamed loudly in my face, "Why did you piss?" Who needs that fascist bullsh!t?

Never heard so much bulls**t in my life. Expert driver, I have heard all this before and they are now 6 feet under. :D:) I like these little fellows they really say all.

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Have a camera with recording chip in my car, since 6 months. Plug in cigarette lighter and automatic overrecording when the chip is full. Not really for police reasons, have it fitted the camera, in case of accident, that i have some efidence. But twice already the police stopped me, just see my license, looked at the camera on the top of the dash and let me go, without asking anything. But i'm not sure if they really realised that it is a camera.

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Hmmmm if I was BIB I would take camera and smash it. Then ticket you. :)

Nigerian way is more effective.

Driving along the expressway between Port Harcourt and Enugu I was stopped at a check (there were five at that time) and asked what that was in the back of the car. Told them it was a camera (in it's carry-case). "Not allowed" and they took it from the car, waved me on.

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Note to self: If in trouble with the law, use Rimmer as my brief, if I'm charged under an obscure 18th century English statute where the penalty is amputation, being pressed to death, hanging, flogging or flinging in stocks" :)

Careful - they may sentence you to deportation for life.

That is worse than any other punishment devised by man.

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Note to self: If in trouble with the law, use Rimmer as my brief, if I'm charged under an obscure 18th century English statute where the penalty is amputation, being pressed to death, hanging, flogging or flinging in stocks" :)

Careful - they may sentence you to deportation for life.

That is worse than any other punishment devised by man.

Depending on the age of the statute it could be deportation to the American Colonies, which may to be too bad - or down under (and by that I don't mean Soi 6).

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Where to get such a camera? I'd be very interested in having one... :)

I have just bought a Fujiko Car Video FK-FM007 for 9,990 Baht.


It records 7 hours of driving on the 8gb hi-speed CF card included.

Fujiko have several shops around Thailand, inc Si Racha and Pattaya Tukcom malls

I have seen the small video units that clip on your pocket or bike, but the intl battery only last 2 hours. But it is more convenient to carry round with you than my unit, which need 12V power,

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I would be more likely to have one on those rare occasions when required to prove my innocence in an incident involving someone else rather then the police, I see more use for it there I have had only an occasional issue with the police and honestly it hasn't been all that inconvenient nor costly compared to back home..

Shake down is shake down, whether by a Thai cop for 200b or the local jurisdiction back home for the purposes of revenue collection to covertly recover budget shortfalls for "fact finding trips" to the Caribbean along with bolstering the insurance companies profit margins but there it's just better disguised..

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Grahamhc - where will you attach it in your car?

You have a sucker that attaches to your windscreen, onto which the video unit clips, and the power cable plugs into your cigarette light socket. Where it fits in YOUR car will depend on the rear view mirror and screen slope.

The downside is you have to guage where you point the thing, but if you have an in-car DVD/screen, you can plug it in there and what it live.

The booklet also say you can use as home monitoring, like checking up on what the babysitter does, but you need a 12V power supply to make it work.

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Grahamhc - where will you attach it in your car?

You have a sucker that attaches to your windscreen, onto which the video unit clips, and the power cable plugs into your cigarette light socket. Where it fits in YOUR car will depend on the rear view mirror and screen slope.

The downside is you have to guage where you point the thing, but if you have an in-car DVD/screen, you can plug it in there and what it live.

The booklet also say you can use as home monitoring, like checking up on what the babysitter does, but you need a 12V power supply to make it work.

Thanks. I will check it out.

I see it more for traffic incidents generally than of BIB intimidation, and think it could be very useful, depending on quality of the image.

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Must get one of those cameras

Trouble is when I don't pay the fine at the side of the road.

Mr police man, stopped my journey and takes me to the police station 10k away

to pay the fine.

But im not sure if I should take the camera into the police station, as the fine has doubled in price now. ha, ha, ha.

This is such good advice for Thailand.

How much are those cameras must go get one tomorrow., will save me a fortune. :)

Could be fun to put one in the bedroom, for when im out at the bars :D

Edited by Firestarter
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  • 2 weeks later...
If you have that much hostility towards the Thai police to prompt you to do something this silly, maybe you should go back to your western country. I've never been stopped by the Thai police for anything I did not do, and I find them much better than the petty jerks in America. As for "corruption" what happens here with on-the-spot fines is much better than the petty citation, trip to court, points on your driving record and increased insurance rates that happen at home. Some day you'll piss off the wrong cop with that thing enough, they can ruin your day much more than you can ruin theirs.

Have ever been to Issan?

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