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Whats Wrong With Ian Forbes?


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473Geo -

Ummm, I think I've always made it v clear that the positives outweigh the negatives for those of us who stay here.

No idea why you would try to state something different - unless you have your own agenda......

I think the idea that Ian has started posting negative posts because he's finally 'learnt things the hard way' is a reasonable assumption.

If I'm wrong, fair enough, but as I say, its a reasonable assumption.

You demonstrate my point.......you think something negative has befallen Ian.......

I think he is just doing a not very good job of extracting the urine.... :)

I'll go for that ...

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Sorry Oz.......but pulling up an ambiguous quote from Ian...........doesn't cut it!!!

hehe, well to be honest i think his latest contributions have been some of his best work yet in regards to comedy value, but it would be a shame to see a guy like Ian end up a cynical and bitter old f*rt

You can laugh....your girl is testing your committment......you don't want to keep up internet contact by sparing a few baht????

:D:D:D:D ......... :):D:D .

Well im never one to deny being a cheap charlie since it would save me heaps in international phone calls but it seems you missed half of my story....

she wasnt testing my commitment as she knows nothing at all about the idea...

It was my own thought of doing something constructive for her and the family, but if you take notice of all the sick buffalo stories and long threads of wiseguys flaming each other about getting ripped by thai women you definately wouldnt pre-empt the "send me money" mentality when it wasnt even asked for by her in the first place.

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hehe, well to be honest i think his latest contributions have been some of his best work yet in regards to comedy value, but it would be a shame to see a guy like Ian end up a cynical and bitter old f*rt

You can laugh....your girl is testing your committment......you don't want to keep up internet contact by sparing a few baht????

:D:D:D:D ......... :):D:D .

Well im never one to deny being a cheap charlie since it would save me heaps in international phone calls but it seems you missed half of my story....

she wasnt testing my commitment as she knows nothing at all about the idea...

It was my own thought of doing something constructive for her and the family, but if you take notice of all the sick buffalo stories and long threads of wiseguys flaming each other about getting ripped by thai women you definately wouldnt pre-empt the "send me money" mentality when it wasnt even asked for by her in the first place.

Apologies......I had the notion that as you stated "reconnected" she would know that you knew there was no longer a connection......so she may not ask but may be waiting for an offer......???

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No worries..

but yeh they had the net on at some stage..before i met her,

It didnt sound like a hint or suggestion that i pay for it as i just asked her in passing if we could keep contact on the net while i was away but she said her father stopped the access, that he was short of money at the time

i was actually thinking its a shame that we are bombarded with these horror stories as its inevitable that some people who are worthy of our help are branded along with the rest..and with the language barrier it can be hard to tell the measure of a person

anyway thats another story

Apologies......I had the notion that as you stated "reconnected" she would know that you knew there was no longer a connection......so she may not ask but may be waiting for an offer......???

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If the amount involved is no more than a good saturday night out on the razz........where's the harm??.......not really a horror story if you never see her again.....

I can understand if people have invested a lot of time, effort, and money........failure can be a crushing blow.....but I have seen many who pick themselves up and just get on with life with a shrug and a smile, you cannot build a future on regrets

So if your spending is controlled......almost like a hobby.....where's the harm?........as long as you realise any relationship anywhere can be transient........

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I've said all along that you can make choices in life. You can INTENTIONALLY choose to be happy or choose to be sad. It's all up to you. I can always think of something positive even in the face of a so called disaster. It just seems here that some people would rather hear of the disasters and other people's problems rather that something positive. Seeing or hearing of someone always having fun annoys them. I haven't changed, but, I intentionally tried to change my tactics and give people what they crave... negativism. They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that.

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I've said all along that you can make choices in life. You can INTENTIONALLY choose to be happy or choose to be sad. It's all up to you. I can always think of something positive even in the face of a so called disaster. It just seems here that some people would rather hear of the disasters and other people's problems rather that something positive. Seeing or hearing of someone always having fun annoys them. I haven't changed, but, I intentionally tried to change my tactics and give people what they crave... negativism. They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that.

Well there are those of us who do enjoy your snaps......so keep 'em coming.......

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I've said all along that you can make choices in life. You can INTENTIONALLY choose to be happy or choose to be sad. It's all up to you. I can always think of something positive even in the face of a so called disaster. It just seems here that some people would rather hear of the disasters and other people's problems rather that something positive. Seeing or hearing of someone always having fun annoys them. I haven't changed, but, I intentionally tried to change my tactics and give people what they crave... negativism. They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that.

OK 473Geo, as a result of Ian's post (above) I accept that I was wrong and you were right.

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Ian to me is a rare bird in todays aviary , where many are confined to limited access to the real evolving world , he has more of an old English wry sense of humour , not always easily appreciated .

Please do not be derogatory concerning poor hapless 'PIP' . that was my military nick-name .

Sorry, but have to disagree.

Surprise Surprise..............

He never quite understood that having an opinion did not necessarily mean he was putting down life in Thailand. Hence all the bland posts that actually meant nothing.

Wheras if all of his posts were complaints they would have meant something ?

A 'wry' sense of humour was never displayed, only the boring 'everything is great here' line.

As opposed to the everything is crap here , but I still stay here line ?

p.s. One has to assume he's finally learned the 'hard' way, but is too embarrassed to admit it.

Assumption is a very dangerous thing.

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Ian to me is a rare bird in todays aviary , where many are confined to limited access to the real evolving world , he has more of an old English wry sense of humour , not always easily appreciated .

Please do not be derogatory concerning poor hapless 'PIP' . that was my military nick-name .

Sorry, but have to disagree.

Surprise Surprise..............

He never quite understood that having an opinion did not necessarily mean he was putting down life in Thailand. Hence all the bland posts that actually meant nothing.

Wheras if all of his posts were complaints they would have meant something ?

A 'wry' sense of humour was never displayed, only the boring 'everything is great here' line.

As opposed to the everything is crap here , but I still stay here line ?

p.s. One has to assume he's finally learned the 'hard' way, but is too embarrassed to admit it.

Assumption is a very dangerous thing.

I expected better from you Maigo6 - hindsight is a wonderful thing. If you'd posted this before Ian's post and my apology it would have been more acceptable.

Let's face it, you've posted the odd negative comment before now..... so why pick on me AFTER I've admitted I was wrong in this case?

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I've said all along that you can make choices in life. You can INTENTIONALLY choose to be happy or choose to be sad. It's all up to you. I can always think of something positive even in the face of a so called disaster. It just seems here that some people would rather hear of the disasters and other people's problems rather that something positive. Seeing or hearing of someone always having fun annoys them. I haven't changed, but, I intentionally tried to change my tactics and give people what they crave... negativism. They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that.

ohhhhhhh now i get it...

Its about us smart ar5e5 that take potshots at your photos..arrrrhhhhhh

Well i must admit that i for one have posted in jest about your photo threads on the odd occasion and if i am one of the "they" whom you are talking about than i do sincerely apologize.

I mean that sincerely and i really meant no malice, just silly loutish comments on my behalf, although i can now see how some of the smart remarks in various threads have made you feel that way. :D

As far as the pics themselves go they are always interesting and obviously done well. I guess its just that old thing of having a go at the guy whos got the get up and go to do something worthwhile..that others couldnt or wouldnt be able to do...

Anyway i hope you keep up with the pics..IMO a story with pics is 100% more entertaining than one without.

You might get the odd rubbishing but id suspect from the choice of the 25 or so threads on offer at any time, a good few members would sooner go to the forbesy photo one first up...especially when theres a better than average chance of spying delectable thai dishes therein... :)

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I expected better from you Maigo6 - hindsight is a wonderful thing. If you'd posted this before Ian's post and my apology it would have been more acceptable.

Let's face it, you've posted the odd negative comment before now..... so why pick on me AFTER I've admitted I was wrong in this case?

Sorry me old mate......... :D

I just came off a 2 week ban, so maybe I'm a bit trigger happy !!! :)

On the good side at least you have the balls to admit you were wrong in this post, another 1000 admissions of guilt and I will totally forgive you for all your wrong postings in the past !!! :D

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Maigo 6, fyi, F1 fantastic is a lady..

PLEASE give Ian some slack..he puts his money where his mouth is..eg..he supports a Thai family, despite a lot of grief, and carries on none the less, on general principal.

The general tome of many on TV is one of glass half full, judgemental, and negative..he is the opposite, and gets tired of people CHOOSING to be a holes, when they can choose to be SO much better, myself included much of the time. I suppose it comes down to self esteem, or lack therof, when folks err on the side of negative all the time

signed: I'm no better than the people I'm talking about

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It's quite simple, Oz. I finally arrived at the comfortable expat world of thaivisa. For the first 12 years before finding thaivisa I wandered around Thailand with the simple wonderment of it all and you couldn't scrape the smile off my face with a knife. Now I've found that comfort zone of complaining about everything... just like the rest of the expats here. You could say some here have taught me very well.

If you were happy before you discovered Thaivisa and you've now found that Thaivisa makes you unhappy why are you still here?

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It's quite simple, Oz. I finally arrived at the comfortable expat world of thaivisa. For the first 12 years before finding thaivisa I wandered around Thailand with the simple wonderment of it all and you couldn't scrape the smile off my face with a knife. Now I've found that comfort zone of complaining about everything... just like the rest of the expats here. You could say some here have taught me very well.

If you were happy before you discovered Thaivisa and you've now found that Thaivisa makes you unhappy why are you still here?

..with responses like that, I'm sure he'll feel the love and stay on.

signed: another happy camper

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It's quite simple, Oz. I finally arrived at the comfortable expat world of thaivisa. For the first 12 years before finding thaivisa I wandered around Thailand with the simple wonderment of it all and you couldn't scrape the smile off my face with a knife. Now I've found that comfort zone of complaining about everything... just like the rest of the expats here. You could say some here have taught me very well.

If you were happy before you discovered Thaivisa and you've now found that Thaivisa makes you unhappy why are you still here?

..with responses like that, I'm sure he'll feel the love and stay on.

signed: another happy camper

It was a perfectly logical question. I've no intention of making him 'feel the love'. If he's in a place that he doesn't like staying there seems rather perverse to me.

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Personally, I've always enjoyed Ian's posts, with or without photos. Perhaps his latest downbeat missive may have more to do with him holidaying in Pattaya, than anything else. Pattaya always has a negative effect on me, after a couple of days can't wait to get back to the quiet of the rural lifestyle, especially after being bombarded by fake-cockney-speaking Indian tailors. What's that all about?

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Sorry me old mate......... :D

I just came off a 2 week ban, so maybe I'm a bit trigger happy !!! :)

On the good side at least you have the balls to admit you were wrong in this post, another 1000 admissions of guilt and I will totally forgive you for all your wrong postings in the past !!! :D

I wonder how many bans you have had in the years :D

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It's quite simple, Oz. I finally arrived at the comfortable expat world of thaivisa. For the first 12 years before finding thaivisa I wandered around Thailand with the simple wonderment of it all and you couldn't scrape the smile off my face with a knife. Now I've found that comfort zone of complaining about everything... just like the rest of the expats here. You could say some here have taught me very well.

If you were happy before you discovered Thaivisa and you've now found that Thaivisa makes you unhappy why are you still here?

..with responses like that, I'm sure he'll feel the love and stay on.

signed: another happy camper

No Ian you are in good hands. Walking around for so many years in that state of mind of is not healthy and delusional. It seems now you appreciate that there is good and bad here as there is in any other country in the world.

Please don't be too negative though :)

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