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Going Back To Thailand After Living In Usa Illegally

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I just want to clear some things up... and thank you to most of you who understand my situation and are compassionate.

I do have a VALID Thai passport. My original one expired but my entire family got it renewed at the Thai consulate here in the US not too long ago. I use this as my primary source of ID. Also, I do have a VALID Social Security Number, however on the face of the card it is stamped "Not Valid for Employment." I do have a Thai birth certificate, although it is with one of my relatives in Thailand.

If I return to Thailand, it is not because I want to live and work there permanently. My goal was to legally immigrate to another English speaking country (and i cannot do this from the USA). I'm sure most of you can understand that as I cannot speak/read/write in Thai, so it would not be ideal to live in Thailand even if that is my country of citizenship.

Regarding the military: As someone who has lived in the US for most of his life, I never even realized I had an obligation to the Thai military until I started to think about returning. My goal is to earn a living to pay off my student debts and send money to my parents so they can stop working like slaves. I thought I would now be able to do this with the education and qualifications that I have worked so hard to attain for the past 15 years. Having to serve in the military for two years, in a country that I left when I was 6 will clearly hinder this process. I think Jinthing made a good analogy as to how I am feeling. But if this is the law, then I will surely abide by it as this whole thing is about doing things legally. I want to be clear, I am not a coward and am not running away from any military obligations. Heck, I am even registered in the US selective services. What I meant when I asked if there were ways to avoid conscription was that if there are any waivers for people in my situation considering the language barrier. If there are, then yes I will take advantage of that to bypass serving. But if there aren't, then I have no choice. That was all I was asking.

Regarding US Immigration: Obviously my opinion will be biased because of my situation. However I am able to see all sides of the story and Muythai does have excellent points. Any kind of amnesty passed would surely attract more illegal immigrants to the US. Although studies show that the passing of the DREAM act would boost the US economy considerably (http://educatorsforthedreamact.org/?p=432). So there are certainly valid points from both sides, which is why this topic is so controversial and will probably go nowhere. There is also a lot of racism involved... but I am glad Muythai does not seem to be one of those people. In Obama's recent SOTU speech, he mentioned immigration only in one sentence towards the very end of the speech:

"And we should continue the work of fixing our broken immigration system," said the President, "to secure our borders and enforce our laws, and ensure that everyone who plays by the rules can contribute to our economy and enrich our nation."

This shows that immigration is not a priority and that it will probably not be addressed any time soon. Although I would like to add that Obama is a full supporter of the DREAM act, he even made that clear during is campaigns. So I have decided not to just sit and wait... for this bill that might never pass.

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Contact me in Florida, ((email removed)). I am married to a THai woman and there are many ways you can qualify as you are to stay in then USA. Especially with the education you now have. Charles, telephone; nine zero four three eight three four six zero two . This is a magic jack number. Has voice mail so if you miss me leave a number.

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Contact me in Florida, . I am married to a THai woman and there are many ways you can qualify as you are to stay in then USA. Especially with the education you now have. Charles, telephone; nine zero four three eight three four six zero two . This is a magic jack number. Has voice mail so if you miss me leave a number.

Hi Charles, I sent you an e-mail. I'm curious to hear about your solutions. Thanks.

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wow, i think living with the fear to getcaught is driving you crazy.

not getting in contact with the police and so on.....how did you guys rent an apartment? dont they want to see an id or did you rent it through somebody else`a friend or fmaily member?

i would suggest that you should come over here and have a look first, but as it is not possible i would suggest you to try getting your visa or whatever in the us. i know that a lot of mexiacan get their visas after even 2-3 years through that, but it doesnt mean you will get it after so many years. its all about your lawyer, your story and good luck.

other than that go to canada if it is easier there. heard a lot of good things. and after you got your visa or citizenship you can go back to the us without a problem.

but you must decide. when choosing the us way you probably dont have a possibility to try canada or else, cause you get deported and cant come to the us for at least two years. sometimes they block you for more.

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are there opportunities for someone like me to work with an American company with offices in Thailand, where my lack of knowledge of the Thai language would not be much of an issue?

The world is yours - finish school no matter what in the USA.

Wait for them to cuff you and drag you to the plane if it comes to that...

You should start practicing the Thai w/ Mom & Dad and anyone esle you can.

I'm in Los Angeles. I'd harbor you from justice until you graduated.

If you have to go back then so be it - its not the end of the world.

Military Service is an honor no matter what country you are in and maybe your USA B.S in Business could be of use.

turn it into a positive no matter what road life takes you down.

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HERE is the man/woman after my own heart.... speaking LOL

may you be enriched, endowed and empowered increasingly as years go by....

you have one of the most positive outlooks in life....

may you live long and happy.... so you may bless others even more.....


are there opportunities for someone like me to work with an American company with offices in Thailand, where my lack of knowledge of the Thai language would not be much of an issue?

1--The world is yours - finish school no matter what in the USA.

2--Wait for them to cuff you and drag you to the plane if it comes to that...

3--You should start practicing the Thai w/ Mom & Dad and anyone esle you can.

4--I'm in Los Angeles. I'd harbor you from justice until you graduated.

5--If you have to go back then so be it - its not the end of the world.

6--Military Service is an honor no matter what country you are in and maybe your USA B.S in Business could be of use.

7--turn it into a positive no matter what road life takes you down.

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I guess you have no soccial security number. If you have one, you can do manything. I would try to stay for a while, You can get a job, even with out SS number. But peaple today depent and beleve to much on degrees. Sometime it's a waist of time and money. I know may peaple (selfemploement) without degree made more money than peaple with "degrees". If you have no SS number a degree can't help you much. But you could easy find a job, but you have to work with the "hands" in the car repair business, in a small backyard garage, do some simple repairs, learn how to fix things, maybe for a used cardealer, cleaning cars, or what ever. There is no degree wanted, they look at your skills. As many of those business runs by asians anyway, it wouldn't be hard to get a temporary jobs in that field. Even in the hotel or restaurant business. Saw many illegal peaple working in that field. Another option is the L1 visa status, but for this you need money to set up business (approx 50'000 USD upwards) and a exisiting company outside USA (Thailand for example works fine). Immigration lawyer can give you exact information on that. This would be leading the way to apply later for a Green card.

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Just my thoughts, surely not of much help, but adds to your knowledge.

The social security administration does indeed issue social secuirty cards to foreign students which allows them to work a maximum of 12 or 20 hours while attending school. A friend of mine here in the US is attending USC and has one. It sounds like there may be other categories also and that is why it is stamped with the "not good for employment" on the card. That is something you need to research. Might be able to get information right off their web site to see what category of card you have.

The US is full of people in the same situation as our friend. Everything is fine until they reach 18 and want to get a job. Most continue to work under the radar or somehow get social security cards, ID cards etc. I would suggest that somehow you get a copy of your birth certificate in your hands. Have it translated and certified as a copy. You might be able to do this at a Thai Consulate. Work on getting an ID card. Of course it depends on the state your in but here in California I know most Thai students get an ID card or drivers license using there passport and student visa so not saying this would work for you. But people do get them. What you need to do is be figuring out how you can work the system to get you some identity so you don't have to use your Thai passport. If you ever get stopped without ID or using only your passport without a visa, you are dead

Here is some information with regard to the employment situation in Thailand. I have two Thai friends here in Los Angeles. Both came here on an english study program with student visas. Both have continued to stay here in the US by getting I-20 (certification from various "language" schools) but their purpose is to try and make some money here. Both work illegally in a Thai restaurant for cash. One has a Bachelor's degree and the other a Master's degree from Thai Universities. From what they have told me the average wage for a college graduate in Thailand is about 25,000 baht/month ($700-725/month). One of them would like to go back but his parents tell him to stay as the job outlook is not good now in Thailand. Thailand is suffering along with the rest of the world in the economic slump. Your skills learned here will buy you nothing in Thailand with your limited knowledge of Thai. I think at best you would survive and that's about it, if you were to return to Thailand. In my opinion you would be better off working under the radar here and trying to survive rather than going to Thailand, trying to make a living, and hoping to return to a western country. I would not be overly concerned with the military service part of things. Of course there is a chance the lottery could take you but in reality would would they do with you not speaking Thai? It certainly would be foolish to tell them you speak any at all.

Like someone said, I would rather try to make something work here hoping that some legislation would be passed than voluntarily return. The worst that could happen is being deported if you are caught. You have a sad situation and while the information/advise you get here might be helpful you need a immigration lawyer. If I were you I would try and survive and at some point you might just fall for the right girl and be able to get married if that is in the cards. Even then of course you will have to jump thru the hoops. Let's face facts, IF you were married with a child, I can't believe, given your circumstances of coming to the US as a child, lack of Thai language skills, any immigration judge not give you the most favorable chance possible under the law. Do you have any siblings? Are they also facing the same problem? Do your parents intend to stay in the US? What is their future intentions? Wish you the best.

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i often shuddered when i read some posts seemingly offering help of various forms.... and with the best of intention, no doubt.....

imho, it is best not to offer assistance that are not quite legal nor legitimate for someone who is already facing multiple problems up front....

our friend here surely does not need any additional legal issue in his already complicated life.... lol

perhaps, ryukn would share with us where he is at the moment in terms of legal help offered by a few experienced legals and paralegals so far....?

you really do not need to go into any detail.... ok? and we all are cheering for you.... CHAI-YO HO HEW <BRAVO....> LOL

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"imho, it is best not to offer assistance that are not quite legal nor legitimate for someone who is already facing multiple problems up front....

Nakachalet, I might assume you could have been talking about my advise since what I offered could be considered borderline. If I am wrong well, it got me thinking anyway. I would normally agree with your statement, but the older I get the more I find that the rules made by ignorant politicians are so often set in place to keep the vast majority of us in our places. Playing by the rules can be dangerous to your well being. I certainly do not advocate committing any felonies which could land someone in jail. But God knows that the USA and most European countries are filled with illegal aliens. If there is someway to get an ID, I say go for it. I would however tell the young man that IF his Social Security card is "not for employment" then if the Social Security Administration saw wage taxes being paid into the account it would be a red flag for someone to possibly go after the individual. So just having a card without the stamp and working would be a risk. Like I said, my best advise is to seek out legal counsel, not take my advise or anyone else here on the board. All this only adds to his knowledge base. I only advocate doing anything to avoid leaving the country as I think the road to immigration to somewhere else might be a long one and if stuck in Thailand waiting could put our friend in an awful situation trying to survive.

Jingthing, you are certainly correct in that "most" law enforcement does not enforce immigration laws, but being stopped and asked to show ID by police and presenting a passport without a valid visa could be like waiving a red flag to the wrong officer.

Getting any kind of state ID or drivers license with his correct name is not illegal and will only help keep him low on the radar.

My heart goes out to the guy and he is certainly been placed in an awful position as he finishes school and seeks to enter the work force and make a living.

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i agree with you 100%.... if and when he is stopped by any law enforcement agent, in town or hwy, he will be in serious trouble.... spending an unpleasant evening in the holding tank....

unitl they can ascertain.... his true identify....

then he would be brought before his honour....

and anything can happen thereafter.... but if he has the number of ARNOLD.... things would be a little easier then.... LOL

also as someone pointed out already.... some even would cook up a sham marriage paying some 5 to 50 thous usd.... for survival and greencard sake.... this might be dead wrong and improper for many of us....

but for the individual concerned.... it is definitely a different story involving his survival and life....

as far as other suggestions are concerned.... ryukn would be the best person to decide which avenue is most appropriate....

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Student loans: they will be sold to a bank as soon as the time to pay them off begins. They may actually be sold a few times in that first year (at least this is the way it was through the 1990s). All this 'ripping off the taxpayer' stuff is moot. If you dodge the loans it will be the run-of-the-mill collection agencies coming after you, not the guys in the black suits and white socks, and your credit rating will be trashed, but it doesn't sound like you're intending to do that.

Crime and intention: you were a kid. What were you supposed to do, at age 10 run off to the Thai embassy and demand they repatriate you? I'm concerned that you coming clean on this with INS may incriminate your parents.

I never had to deal with INS myself, but I've worked at companies in the US where if they wanted to hire you they would take care off all the immigration red tape. Can't say if they would be willing to deal with your situation, though.

Would it be possible to go directly to Canada and avoid Thailand? I can relate to you not wanting to be drafted. I don't know what would exempt you from being drafted, but some of the exclusions from the days when the US had the draft were: college deferment, poor health (including mental health), homosexuality, something about being an only son (not sure about this one), others I can't think of just now. It seemed the popular exemption for families with $$ was to get a psychiatrist to say the kid was mentally unfit. I'm sure the Thai hi-so boys don't have to worry about being drafted, though I have no idea how that is done.

The only real advice I have for you is to wait until you have your degree in hand, along with a copy of your final transcript, before you reveal yourself to the authorities. And keep your fingers crossed no Thai national does something stupid (like the Nigerian xmas bomber) and thus moves Thais to the top of the Homeland Security alert list.

Good luck. Let us know how it turns out.

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I am curious to know if you have a passport. If you haven't got a passport how can you leave the US? If you haven't got a Thai passport how can you come here?

Perhaps it may be possible for you to go to the Thai embassy and ask for an emergency passport which allows you to leave the US and travel to Thailand.

The way immigration in the US has tightened up over the last few years has made travel to/from there difficult.

Good luck.

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this probably won't be a popular response, but it's my 2 cents.

in your situation, I wouldn't leave the US voluntarily.

your plan of returning to thailand and immigrating to another country is dubious at best. there are hundreds of thousands of thais that'd jump at a chance to immigrate/work in an english speaking country. once you leave the US, you're in a pool with all of those people, except that you'll have some giant red flags associated with your name. I'm assuming you realize that the only reasonable way you're leaving the US is via deportation -- turning yourself in and having them send home.

I realize of course you have a leg up with your US education and english language skills, but essentially you'll be going there in hopes of getting somewhere like the US. it sounds like you want to hit thailand, then avoid anything that'll slow you down, like military service, and bounce directly to another country. the truth is, once you get there, you're going to be there for years. even with your situation, I have no doubt you can eventually make it out, but it's not going to be quick or easy.

you're leaving because you can't afford to pay your loans, but once you leave, you're not going to be able to pay your loans anyway, so those are probably going to default regardless of what you do. you're here illegally and want to leave and go to another country, but you're worried about ruining your credit? you know a decent salary for a thai person in thailand is about $300US a month, right?

what I'd do is default on the loans, start looking for non-conventional ways of making money, find a cheap place to live, and wait for some immigration amnesty help. it sounds like your morals are in the right place, but your view of the situation and reality are a bit skewed. you just want to be a normal guy and do the right thing, but you're simply not in a situation where that's possible now.

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you know a decent salary for a thai person in thailand is about $300US a month, right?

EXCUSE ME.... ericsin

are you not a bit pessimistic on thai salary....?

decent salary at $300 usd a month....?

my maid makes more than that....

with a u.s. degree and in the computer field, particularly with his relatives in thailand who might know someone already established....

our friend, ryukn, could easily be placed in the neighborhood of 60,000-70,000 baht per mo....

wish you best of luck, ryukn.... whatever you do, stay above board and stay honest at all time....

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you know a decent salary for a thai person in thailand is about $300US a month, right?

EXCUSE ME.... ericsin

are you not a bit pessimistic on thai salary....?

decent salary at $300 usd a month....?

my maid makes more than that....

with a u.s. degree and in the computer field, particularly with his relatives in thailand who might know someone already established....

our friend, ryukn, could easily be placed in the neighborhood of 60,000-70,000 baht per mo....

wish you best of luck, ryukn.... whatever you do, stay above board and stay honest at all time....

My maid makes more than that too.

He might be lucky and get 30 to 40K per month as a starting salary and work his way up to that over a couple of years. But that would be the limit.

I suggest he stays in the US until he is litterally dragged out of the country kicking and screaming.

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  • 7 months later...
Contact me in Florida, . I am married to a THai woman and there are many ways you can qualify as you are to stay in then USA. Especially with the education you now have. Charles, telephone; nine zero four three eight three four six zero two . This is a magic jack number. Has voice mail so if you miss me leave a number.

Hi Charles, I sent you an e-mail. I'm curious to hear about your solutions. Thanks.

Have you gotten a TPO [temporary protective order , yet?]

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this probably won't be a popular response, but it's my 2 cents.

in your situation, I wouldn't leave the US voluntarily.

your plan of returning to thailand and immigrating to another country is dubious at best. there are hundreds of thousands of thais that'd jump at a chance to immigrate/work in an english speaking country. once you leave the US, you're in a pool with all of those people, except that you'll have some giant red flags associated with your name. I'm assuming you realize that the only reasonable way you're leaving the US is via deportation -- turning yourself in and having them send home.

I realize of course you have a leg up with your US education and english language skills, but essentially you'll be going there in hopes of getting somewhere like the US. it sounds like you want to hit thailand, then avoid anything that'll slow you down, like military service, and bounce directly to another country. the truth is, once you get there, you're going to be there for years. even with your situation, I have no doubt you can eventually make it out, but it's not going to be quick or easy.

you're leaving because you can't afford to pay your loans, but once you leave, you're not going to be able to pay your loans anyway, so those are probably going to default regardless of what you do. you're here illegally and want to leave and go to another country, but you're worried about ruining your credit? you know a decent salary for a thai person in thailand is about $300US a month, right?

what I'd do is default on the loans, start looking for non-conventional ways of making money, find a cheap place to live, and wait for some immigration amnesty help. it sounds like your morals are in the right place, but your view of the situation and reality are a bit skewed. you just want to be a normal guy and do the right thing, but you're simply not in a situation where that's possible now.

Get a TPO. You are an eductaqed person. How can you possibly think it would make any sense to leave a country that has been your home. You have mutually honored each other. You and the USA. That your education is evidence of. I have communicated with yolu before. Go seek help through your religious org. or congress. That is their job, what they do. NVc is not the boogie man, either.

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