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New Body Scanner Tested At Bangkok Airport


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Exactly! I mean, what's the big deal about privacy? It's an outdated concept anyway. I don't mind people snooping through my emails, CCTV or full body scans showing my daughter's little bits to some males in another room. I mean, I want to be safe so that I can live and be err....free?

It should be "no scan, no fly" for the most part. These excuses sound like little children.

Most of the hype says that it reveals too much. Too much fat, too small breasts, that is the hangup with most people. Or maybe their underwear is dirty.

Glad the airport is doing something considering how much bad publicity they have had in the past.

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you can bet your socks that the pat down will only be an option for the first few months. After that it's your bits to the world. what about people with kids? I mean, how would you like some pervert looking at your 14 year old daughter's breasts?

I haven't followed the latest developments on the various models of body scanners but understood that, when/if implemented, you can opt out and go for a pat-down type "scan". Also, in most countries minors cannot go through these scanners as this constitutes a form of child pornography.

Also, these scanners cannot detect items hidden inside the body, nor even externally in fat-folds.

Once some these videos get leaked to the internet hopefully there will be some push-back.

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Exactly! I mean, what's the big deal about privacy? It's an outdated concept. It's too dangerous for privacy now. I don't mind people snooping through my emails, CCTV or full body scans showing my daughter's little bits to some males in another room. I mean, I want to be safe so that I can live and be err....free...

The more security the better in my opinion, even if it is annoying sometimes its better than being blown out of the sky.
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I haven't followed the latest developments on the various models of body scanners but understood that, when/if implemented, you can opt out and go for a pat-down type "scan". Also, in most countries minors cannot go through these scanners as this constitutes a form of child pornography.

Also, these scanners cannot detect items hidden inside the body, nor even externally in fat-folds.

Once some these videos get leaked to the internet hopefully there will be some push-back.

Agreed. I for one will not go through one. These knee-jerk reactions which push through the introduction of equipment of which the full implications have not yet been considered are yet another example of the idiocy of the security situation the world over.

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If these measures can prevent just one plane from being brought down then it's worth it in my opinion. I'm willing to sacrifice any personal freedom if there's a better chance of me reaching my destination in one piece. If someone can see how small (or otherwise) my pecker is, or if I have a few spare tyres which my big shirt normally disguises, so what. Let these 'personal liberties' types sound off, but if one of their loved ones was blown to smithereens, they're the ones who'll be first to complain about lack of security.

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Yep, that's what it will come down to. If you don't want to have your privacy invaded you must have a small cock. They'll supplant the big picture with school yard crap which most of us will fall for because most people born 1970 and over never really grew up.

Absolutely no problem....if you're hung like a Donkey!!!
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At least someone gets it. nice one.

Funny how the 'tabloid' minded sheeple in this forum can only see 'breasts' and 'dicks' in this issue.

I see 'bottlenecks' on our right to roam ,created by manufactured events and fears..

Ten years down the line you will require some sort if 'clearance' to fly anywhere.

Maybe you will have used up your 'carbon credits' for the year.

..or you will be deemed a 'security' threat.

Welcome to the New World Disorder

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They test the body scanners in Germany... with quite embarrassing results for the scanner company.

Come to your own conclusions.

THIS IS THE BEST that scanner sucks and for 3.5million I can sell them a microwave and some tinfoil that will at least make some cool sparks.

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Privacy is only part of what people should be concerned about: how can we really know these machines are safe? They tell us they are, but have they truly been tested enough to know for sure? This aspect needs to be questioned and researched more thoroughly.

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Why do we have to wait until these clowns get this close to the planes before they are detected. Isreal hasn't had a hijacking in years and no scanners they start at the ticket check in line. They have trained people who are asking questions of passengers waiting to check in if you do not respond correctly you are pulled aside for more questions and if you continue to appear suspecious no flight.

If a machine can strip me down to see what is under my clothes I would assume there is radiation involved and no thank you very much I will go for a patdown.

Oh and by the way donot tell me I have to have a scan or I cannot fly, scr-w you dud.

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Why do you think that everybody has to be one dimensional? Do you know that I don't understand the greater significance of all this? Maybe people NEED to laugh in the face of such blatant Orwellian ism as we all know that if you do try to fight it they have a blanket expression to silence all critics - "Terrorist". What exactly was Jesus doing 2000 years ago anyway?

"Jesús era un terrorista" - Graffiti on a Columbian flyover

Yep, that's what it will come down to. If you don't want to have your privacy invaded you must have a small cock. They'll supplant the big picture with school yard crap which most of us will fall for because most people born 1970 and over never really grew up.
Absolutely no problem....if you're hung like a Donkey!!!

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Absolutly no problem with it. If everyone has to be scanned then good! It's not like they only pick out the hot chicks in the queue so they can check out her curves. If you want to knock one out there's internet porn or check or a good jazz mag. I doubt if any guy or woman working for customs would be turned on by looking at a rough outline of the human form that the scanners display. What's the problem?

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I guarantee one thing. I will not be taking off my watch at any airport. Period

Let 'em screen me for an hour. Once satisfied I'm not a security threat, they have no choice but to let me fly.... and I'll tie up as much of their precious time as I can.

I also guarantee that if you have POWER or PULL, you can be exempted from the scan. As soon as you let 1 person past the system, it becomes a complete failure.

I predict they scr*w this up just like most things in this country.

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Even if surreptitious copies of images make it to the public arena, who's worried, the images are not good enough for anybody to actually identify an individual, as I understand it in London the persons doing the scanning are in a remote room and nether see's the persons being scanned not even on CCTV.

May be interesting if they were to place a a very beautiful scantily dress lady by the scanners just for a laugh... :)

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Exactly! I mean, what's the big deal about privacy? It's an outdated concept. It's too dangerous for privacy now. I don't mind people snooping through my emails, CCTV or full body scans showing my daughter's little bits to some males in another room.

If the scanner can't pick up a load of *bomb parts* strapped to a fat guy while being *operated by a professional* when they *know he's loaded*, how well is it going to work with some poorly trained and half asleep numpty in charge of it?

Watch the video. Technology doesn't equal security. It's just more expensive bullshit to make the public *feel* safer.

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Yes the elites find it fun humiliating the sheeple and lemmings who occupy this planet and couldnt care less about their personal freedoms and liberties. Its interesting how the underwear bomber coincided with an initial rejection of body scanners at the airports - now of course everyone is screaming for them in the name of 'safety'.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

Are people so blind they cant see whats happening?


Indeed. Create a problem, cause a reaction (fear) and then come along with a solution that would never have been accepted originally. The hegelian dialectic has been a cornerstone for governments to push through their agenda for centuries.

Just a few days ago we heard from Emmanuel Goldstein (a.k.a. Osama Bin Laden) reminding everyone of why we must sacrifice our freedom for the sake of liberty - except that freedom and liberty are the same thing.

How long before there are calls from the big brother apologists to have body scanners in shopping malls, night clubs or any other public place? A few attempted terrorist attacks in these areas should do the trick.

As did Winston Smith in Orwell's '1984' most people are growing to LOVE big brother.

Agreed; though don't expect the "sheeple and lemmings" to catch on anytime soon. Besides, they'd actually have to confront a different perspective than what is given to them.

It's a little strange that anyone who believes in "other motives" is considered a "conspiracy theorist". I think it reasonable to assume that many powerful people and organizations have their own motives for profit/gain/control/power. In another time and place this "conspiracy theorist" may be a revolutionary, perceptive individual; as he has remained open-minded.

But of course, do the same, get the same. Believe the same, nothing changes.

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Its full body naked with a faint outline of the clothing. The image they show the public is negative and blurry, one button press to invert it and its full color with your genitals and face.

A full body naked picture will be stored on databases around the world, linked to your "file", bank accounts, medical records etc etc... also creating the worlds largest collection of child pornography.

It will also without doubt cause cancer.

A major shareholder of the company making them is one of the scariest guys on the planet, Michael Chertoff ...

Google him... will blow your mind.

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They test the body scanners in Germany... with quite embarrassing results for the scanner company.

Come to your own conclusions.

The machine in the video is a "thermal" scanner which is different from the backscatter technology being suggested in most places. Additionally. the security procedure shown in the video is significantly different from what will be employed in airports.

Of course it still will all come down to the attention of the agents overseeing the procedures.

On a lighter note you should see this... :)

Edited by marc11864
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The more security the better in my opinion, even if it is annoying sometimes its better than being blown out of the sky.

Instead of understanding and cutting the "root" of those blowings - they are enforcing more and miore and more strict and annoying security checks (as a "leaves" of the problem). But good root will ALWAYS produce some new leaves. Or even a new trunk - to another direction, but STILL from the same root. Always. Even they install a hundred of GENE 10000000 scanners around.

They better spend their time to the "root".

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The more security the better in my opinion, even if it is annoying sometimes its better than being blown out of the sky.

"Those that would give up freedom for security will have neither."

Benjamin Franklin.

Some would find the statement by US Homeland airline security chief last week that they ALLOWED the "underwear" bomber to board (denying to Congress that they had failed to "connect the dots" of his father reporting him to the US embassy), as well as other potential 'terrorists" on their "no fly" lists, and enter the US so "they could follow and monitor them" to be completely counterproductive to virtually strip-searching you sheeple.

Go ahead, be a good little sheep :Baaaah! Baaaah!

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At least someone gets it. nice one.
Funny how the 'tabloid' minded sheeple in this forum can only see 'breasts' and 'dicks' in this issue.

I see 'bottlenecks' on our right to roam ,created by manufactured events and fears..

Ten years down the line you will require some sort if 'clearance' to fly anywhere.

Maybe you will have used up your 'carbon credits' for the year.

..or you will be deemed a 'security' threat.

Welcome to the New World Disorder

And oneday we'll all have mobile phones in our pockets, be taking public transport to work and will be able to communicate through a World Wide Web! "Carbon credits?" "New World Order?" Is that what it's like up there on your Planet? You conspiracy dudes do my head in as you use all the tools of progress then slag off the "New World Order!" "Manufactured events?" That's disrespectful to all those who die in these "manufactured events". Ferme ta gulle!

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The more security the better in my opinion, even if it is annoying sometimes its better than being blown out of the sky.

Instead of understanding and cutting the "root" of those blowings - they are enforcing more and miore and more strict and annoying security checks (as a "leaves" of the problem). But good root will ALWAYS produce some new leaves. Or even a new trunk - to another direction, but STILL from the same root. Always. Even they install a hundred of GENE 10000000 scanners around.

They better spend their time to the "root".

Don't be so sure those ignoring the root are doing so in ignorance: it isn't their motive. Don't be so sure some posting here in defense of this nonsense aren't PAID to do so.
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I think these body scanners are a great idea. They make a profit for a company that is in the security / military equipment field. And some government official gets to pocket some of the contract money. So everybody wins.

Well, sure, the rest of us get more and more inconvenienced and more and more paranoid about our safety. And yeah, there is the small point that this actually does nothing to increase real safety.

But if you ignore that, it is a great idea.

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