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New Body Scanner Tested At Bangkok Airport

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I fully support replacing a slow and useless process with a faster and useless process.

Congratulations to the recipient of the kickbacks. This one should be worth even more than the dedicated shoe scanners.

Sorry to the people who are interested in security. You just get theater and snake oil. Still - the odds are in your favor, and there is a complimentary bag to put over your head in the seat pocket in front of you to further enhance your chances of surviving a terrorist attack.

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The more security the better in my opinion, even if it is annoying sometimes its better than being blown out of the sky.

Instead of understanding and cutting the "root" of those blowings - they are enforcing more and miore and more strict and annoying security checks (as a "leaves" of the problem). But good root will ALWAYS produce some new leaves. Or even a new trunk - to another direction, but STILL from the same root. Always. Even they install a hundred of GENE 10000000 scanners around.

They better spend their time to the "root".

The truth is, we are the root. That is why we can only break off the leaves of the problem.

Yeah, you may be right! Duh! :)

But it is interesting how, since 9/11, the world has surrendered more and more freedoms to protect their freedom...we used to defend our right to privacy, but now it seems we roll over and play dead rather than protest that it is perhaps going too far, that the climate of fear and paranoia is leading us down a rocky path towards...towards.....what?

I think most people around here will be fearful that the thing will reveal a gap between their ears.

I agree with you on most of that Reasonableman, however this too me just seems like a faster way to get people through lines, faster = good, as far as I'm concerned. And a lil more security measures at the air port isn't a big deal.

What I really wish folks would stand up and fight against is other anti privacy BS that has come around since 9/11 things like the so called "patriot act" in the States that have the govt all up in your financial transactions. You can't even wire money online overseas now :D

The truth is, we are the root. That is why we can only break off the leaves of the problem.

Are we? Will someone here even think to blow him/herself somewhere 15000 feet over the Pacific ocean, together with a 200++ sis/bro's? Will someone here enjoy the hard landing to the skyscraper's wall? I dont think so.

A group of a few fanatic id'iots (if they even exist, of course - I haven't seen one yet in my life) still not WE are. You can ask ANY muslim - what their Holy Quaran said about killing innocent or killing yourself.

You'll be well surprised - those fanatics are not even muslims, and well blamed by "classic" muslims too. :)

Take your time in learning the root, bro.

I am glad I like cheap watches. Quite possible a few will get "mislaid" while people are being scanned. :)

Yeah why do I have to take my watch off. I lost my nice watch in SF airport couple years ago since I had to take it off and I forgot to ask for it back. I guess I have to get a sign receipt with the picture and SS # of my Rolex if I am traveling wearing my watch now. The easily can change it with a fake one if I give them the watch

The truth is, we are the root. That is why we can only break off the leaves of the problem.

Are we? Will someone here even think to blow him/herself somewhere 15000 feet over the Pacific ocean, together with a 200++ sis/bro's? Will someone here enjoy the hard landing to the skyscraper's wall? I dont think so.

A group of a few fanatic id'iots (if they even exist, of course - I haven't seen one yet in my life) still not WE are. You can ask ANY muslim - what their Holy Quaran said about killing innocent or killing yourself.

You'll be well surprised - those fanatics are not even muslims, and well blamed by "classic" muslims too. :)

Take your time in learning the root, bro.

What makes such fanatics? They're not born that way.

In any case, this is off-topic so let's forget this side-issue and focus on the thread topic.

Doe´s this mean i have to remove all my metal rods in my penis? :)


Mate if you didn't set off the metal detectors with them in, I hypothosize that your rod ain't that big.

I think most people around here will be fearful that the thing will reveal a gap between their ears.

Yes, that ultimately is the biggest gap in security here.

I think most people around here will be fearful that the thing will reveal a gap between their ears.

Yes, that ultimately is the biggest gap in security here.

Conversation at the computer screen between two lady scanner checkers "Wow look at the size of that woman's belly, she must be 8 month's pregnant"

The other replies, "Who cares, I love the shoes" :)

The GEN2 is said to offer a secure and discreet method for detecting hidden items, such as explosives, weapons, contraband, stolen electronic items or restricted good like bottles of liquid or gels.
I wish they would give us more info regardless. Will the scan look more like this:


Or will it be showing down to skin? I think they would have to have only female guards at the scanners, or nobody would consent.

There was another thread about this, (and privacy), that made a good point. Once there is something that can see your genitals, it will be fetishized. How long until DVDs of the scans are available at Pantip?

We need safety, but at what cost to human freedom and dignity?

Freedom and dignity? There is a cost for both I am willing to sacrifice both to live safe. I know friends who have Ostomy"s that would probably be flagged as a threat but will we balk at the CHANGE or praise it when it saves lives? Anything new always carries controversy because everyone's imagination becomes over active with skepticism until proven of benefit or value.

Who should be concerned with their private parts being discreetly revealed in the interest of safety if it should come to saving their A$?

Lets wait and see and give it time to be tested and proven before hitting the panic button, but go ahead quote this post and rip it apart and give your own opposing opinion. When its the life of a loved one, friend or yourself saved by the efforts of safety policies, it would be interesting to see the change in public opinion on "freedom and dignity."

Yes the elites find it fun humiliating the sheeple and lemmings who occupy this planet and couldnt care less about their personal freedoms and liberties. Its interesting how the underwear bomber coincided with an initial rejection of body scanners at the airports - now of course everyone is screaming for them in the name of 'safety'.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

Are people so blind they cant see whats happening?

I'm glad that there is at least one person on this forum who considers the actions of those in power.

Do you remember all the hype about:

Weapons of mass destruction in Iran? Reality = No weapons.

Swine Flu 'pandemic'? Reality = No pandemic, only a statistic. Now the European court is calling the WHO and pharma corps to explain their actions and for causing death thru untested (rushed thru) vaccines.

On the one hand it saddens me that the sheeple genuinely believe all the hype and lies and tolerate the fear mongering by the W#nkers in power...

On the other hand, I pay very little attention to the bullsh#t, because I now understand that each of us creates our own reality by the things we pay attention to...

In fact, I now thank the likes of George and 'Boy' George Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, etc, for showing me exactly what I do not want and where I refuse to go...

Therefore, let the sheeple believe and go where they want to, but there is no reason whatsoever for a consciously aware person to follow suit. Amen 8-)


One has to question the motives behind buying scanners that simply don't work.

They are insecure in so many ways as to be completely useless for the job intended.

A terrorist would just need internet access to learn how to cheat these scanners.

The money would be better spent on transport and infrastructure. Less taxis would equal less traffic.

Freedom and dignity? There is a cost for both I am willing to sacrifice both to live safe. I know friends who have Ostomy"s that would probably be flagged as a threat but will we balk at the CHANGE or praise it when it saves lives? Anything new always carries controversy because everyone's imagination becomes over active with skepticism until proven of benefit or value.

Who should be concerned with their private parts being discreetly revealed in the interest of safety if it should come to saving their A$?

Lets wait and see and give it time to be tested and proven before hitting the panic button, but go ahead quote this post and rip it apart and give your own opposing opinion. When its the life of a loved one, friend or yourself saved by the efforts of safety policies, it would be interesting to see the change in public opinion on "freedom and dignity."

What do these things have to do with the plane crashing into a mountain? Flying is a very risky thing to do anyway. Planes don't need bombs to fall out of the sky and air crew don't need terrorists to help them crash them. They manage quite well all by themselves.



Hopefully, long term we will look more and more for 'bad' people instead of 'bad' items and pay security guys a decent wage where that is currently not done (like in Germany).


As some people have suggested all this 'extra' security has come about as a direct result of 911.

That being the case, why not just move all US Bound flights to Don Muang and let them profile, scan, check, probe till they feel secure?

Anybody else (UK?) feeling the same need could move their flights to there as well.

Hopefully, long term we will look more and more for 'bad' people instead of 'bad' items and pay security guys a decent wage where that is currently not done (like in Germany).

They could start by banning direct flights to the UK from Yemen.

Oh, they already have.

Hopefully, long term we will look more and more for 'bad' people instead of 'bad' items and pay security guys a decent wage where that is currently not done (like in Germany).

Remember that traditionally, when it comes to taking naked photos, it's the MODEL that gets paid for showing their body, not so much the photographer. When I buy a ticket on a plane, I am the customer. I am the one who is paying for the flight. If that includes taking photos of my little willy then they can pay me for that just like they do for the magazine models. :)


Be on the lookout for nervy sweaty people on planes kissing their a-ses goodbye. They have their reasons for such odd behavior!

this will not stop or detect the terrorist that put explosives in their ARSE...


It should be "no scan, no fly" for the most part. These excuses sound like little children.

Exactly! The rest of us want to be safe, and if you don't feel uncomfortable with the security measures, then don't fly!

Why don't all you safety freaks just stay home and lock the doors. Freedom never was for the faint of heart.

It should be "no scan, no fly" for the most part. These excuses sound like little children.

Most of the hype says that it reveals too much. Too much fat, too small breasts, that is the hangup with most people. Or maybe their underwear is dirty.

Glad the airport is doing something considering how much bad publicity they have had in the past.

Yes the elites find it fun humiliating the sheeple and lemmings who occupy this planet and couldnt care less about their personal freedoms and liberties. Its interesting how the underwear bomber coincided with an initial rejection of body scanners at the airports - now of course everyone is screaming for them in the name of 'safety'.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

Are people so blind they cant see whats happening?

the next step is coming...............everyone will have a microchip embedded at birth!! fact is the last bomb attempt was down to serious failings in the security system.


Not only do you get blown up, you get showered in sh_t and gore! That's just adding insult to injury. Sio I guess we now need to enlist the services of ass sniffers. Where will it all end?

this will not stop or detect the terrorist that put explosives in their ARSE...

Yep and it's already been tried...Arse Bomber.

It should be "no scan, no fly" for the most part. These excuses sound like little children.

Most of the hype says that it reveals too much. Too much fat, too small breasts, that is the hangup with most people. Or maybe their underwear is dirty.

Glad the airport is doing something considering how much bad publicity they have had in the past.

Yes the elites find it fun humiliating the sheeple and lemmings who occupy this planet and couldnt care less about their personal freedoms and liberties. Its interesting how the underwear bomber coincided with an initial rejection of body scanners at the airports - now of course everyone is screaming for them in the name of 'safety'.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

Are people so blind they cant see whats happening?

'The Mask' is surely right: these increasing and utterly unnecessary invasions of our privacy and liberty (introduced on the basis of obviously fabricated and foolish incidents)have nothing whatsoever to do with safeguarding our liberty or safety - rather, they are relentless measures of habituation getting us used to being treated as slaves or crimal serfs (guilty until proven innocent) on a prison planet run by a few 'elite' psychopaths who crave more and more power and dominance over the ordinary decent folk (the vast majority) of our world. Sadly, as 'The Mask' indicates - most people fail to see the inhuman cynicism and machinations of those in power and with power. The good cannot believe how evil the evil really are - and what the endgame of total world-control truly will be like - a hel_l on earth, denuded of all empathy, sympathy and humanity. Let's hope enough people wake up and see what is hurtling towards us before it is too late!

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