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i just think its sad that in this case your ex is living in the same town as her child but chooses not to live with her child- i.e. she places her freedom and new marriage over her desire to be with her child (with support from a nanny/family member while she works). But the child is the most important thing, and she should be with the parent who is capable/willing of taking care of her in the best manner (clearly you in this case- as you say).

what really baffles me is this

we constantly see and hear of divorced couples all the time, and the majority of them seems to have the child/children living with the mother.

yet I have yet to come across criticism along the above line of the father not loving their child?

and yet people want to speak about equality? interesting :)

(and please spare me the remark about how women are more nurturing etc. )

each relationship is different, people come to different arrangements, and clearly with the children's welfare at heart. and both parents are and should be responsible for the children, and your gender should not dictate who should care for the child more. but most important I think it is about time society moves on from trying to stigmatise women based on such narrow views of 'how could she leave her child'. well - for very similar reasons that men choose to, or have to take the decision to leave their child when the partnership doesnt work out. if men are not criticised and accused of being non caring parent, it is unfair to label mothers as such.

T.S - great to hear that you have managed to work things out so well...all the best :D

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First thing that struck me was the "it" bit, Not on mate!

Nice Avatar, by the way :)

"it" is gender non-specific, the sex of the child has no relevance to the content of my post.

Well I'm sorry mate but IMO "it" is not the way to describe your Daughter or Son,

my child, my baby, my offspring, my little one etc

But "it" Never!

But "it's" your child


argue semantics all you want.

i chose my words specifically for the purpose of this post, and you have chosen to miss the point.

what more can i say?


mods, a few sensitive souls have missed the point.

please close the thread. i have no interest in discussing semantics, i merely wished to provide a different point of view.


Slight slant on what has been discussed but how many have found it strange when you are with a new partner and they are overally friendly with their ex.

New one girl and she was always running round doing things for her ex (they had a son who was about 14) and she would spend evenings with his new gf while he was down the pub or out.

As we say in life each to their own

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