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Thai Beauty - Wysmnbwyg


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The Obvious case of WYSMNBWYG is the foam padded bra, it gave us the Thai term 'Jap Foam' and is perhaps the perfect example of What You See Might Not Be What You Get.

So much money is being made out of installing farang noses and oversized boobs on Thai women that real farang noses have been tossed out of the what was the 'International Medical Center' at the Local Private Hospital and which is now rebranded as the Center for Aesthetic Medicine.

Then there's that prized white skin, a few jabs of Gl***th***e will have a young dark skinned Thai woman transferred into a porcelain white specimen of what is regarded as 'beauty'

And let's not forget those beautiful 'Big Eyes'.

Last but by no means least - for that geeky look, what better than a set of fashion teeth braces, almost indistinguishable from the real dental braces, except you don't need to have a set of teeth like collapsing tombstones to wear them.

Yes folks when it comes to the beautiful young things in Thailand these days WYSMNBWYG

Edited by GuestHouse
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I hear you.

I do have a thing for braces though .

Its the Whitening products that scare me . I use the wifes Nivea Deoderant for my Pits. Its got 'whitening' properties, <deleted> does anyone need bleached armpits for :D

Am I missing something :)

Edited by jubby
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Its a great deal more than whitening products, drugs to whiten the skin too.

Wacko! , Just like jacko .

I've nothing against Boob Jobs either come to think about it. But I've always associated Nose Jobs, bad ones I guess ; with Girls who work Thai Guys or did in the past. Is it just me ?

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I'm always upset about the padded bra thing

Yeah me too..the first time it happened to me...i was like lovely jubbly can't wait to get my mits on these little beauties...then off comes the bra and the little beauties had gone from a nice handful to a pancake in the blink of a bra fastener...

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You may knock these things but i think its a great thing that women are intent on taking care of their appearance ... never understood that braces thing mind.

To take care of their appearance is great

To change their appearance is another thing all together

Those wearing padded bras should be charged with false advertising

Edited by LuckyLew
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If the padded bra makes them feel more confident then fair enough. Most women associate our breasts as being feminine and womanly, so often smaller chested girls will feel lacking and embarrassed. More fool the guys who may date a smaller framed slender girl and still expect a real ample chest. It does happen, but not often. Im sure she wishes parts of your body was up to scratch too when the clothes come off too. :)

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You may knock these things but i think its a great thing that women are intent on taking care of their appearance ... never understood that braces thing mind.

From what the girls have tell me, the fake braces look started out more as a status thing because it showed that you had money to afford to have braces and then it quickly evolved into a whole fashion statement with all the fancy colors, etc. The padded bra thing has never bothered me as I prefer little perky pointers to big boobs. Although I personally think it is ridiculous, I can totally understand the girls whitening cream thing which has been brought about by Thai men's seeming preference for light skin and it's cultural connection to being hi-so.

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If the padded bra makes them feel more confident then fair enough. Most women associate our breasts as being feminine and womanly, so often smaller chested girls will feel lacking and embarrassed. More fool the guys who may date a smaller framed slender girl and still expect a real ample chest. It does happen, but not often. Im sure she wishes parts of your body was up to scratch too when the clothes come off too. :)

Great answer!!!!!


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Some people have darker skin areas around their armpits and groin area...thus groin cream. Just does what it says it does..no cryptic deciphering necessary :)

edit: but they could have worded it better lol

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C. An expensive skin care product that every woman should be slathering on her private parts liberally and often.

..and what about men? You are welcome to slather that stuff on your nether regions if you so wish NaiGreg, but dont be recommending that crap to us thanks! :)

Guys..dam_n..you are so judgemental. You want a barbie doll, not a woman. Hows about giving that critical eye a once over on something closer to home.

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A great butt is God's answer to a lack of a rack. :)

Skin whitening crap is what bothers me. I love the golden skin, and North American women pay billions of dollars each year to have the very skin that Thais have naturally.

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North American women spend billions of dollars to have the same skin as Thai women have?..Ian..are you per chance over exaggerating a tad....

(Oh and NaiGreg, my comment came over as overly harsh. I wanted to add a " :) ", but i seem to be adding them a lot lately and looks a bit false lol.)

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In the case of the good old padded Bra, I believe they call em "the wonder bra" in Oz..

You get her home,

Go wandering southwards,

Take off the bra,

Wonder where the h€ll all the boobs dissapeared to :D

The braces would be a more worrying development IMO...

Im wondering in the case of a young Thai couple, if both had braces, interlocking for that first romantic kiss and then finding themselves forever inseperable :)

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you are funny and frank.... in many womanly ways.... love it

If the padded bra makes them feel more confident then fair enough. Most women associate our breasts as being feminine and womanly, so often smaller chested girls will feel lacking and embarrassed. More fool the guys who may date a smaller framed slender girl and still expect a real ample chest. It does happen, but not often. Im sure she wishes parts of your body was up to scratch too when the clothes come off too. :)
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another enchanter.... love it even more.... LOL

C. An expensive skin care product that every woman should be slathering on her private parts liberally and often.

..and what about men? You are welcome to slather that stuff on your nether regions if you so wish NaiGreg, but dont be recommending that crap to us thanks! :)

Guys..dam_n..you are so judgemental. You want a barbie doll, not a woman. Hows about giving that critical eye a once over on something closer to home.

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If the padded bra makes them feel more confident then fair enough. Most women associate our breasts as being feminine and womanly, so often smaller chested girls will feel lacking and embarrassed. More fool the guys who may date a smaller framed slender girl and still expect a real ample chest. It does happen, but not often. Im sure she wishes parts of your body was up to scratch too when the clothes come off too. :D

Sorry eek,always been a leg man myself,and just adore nome lek :)

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Some people have darker skin areas around their armpits and groin area...thus groin cream. Just does what it says it does..no cryptic deciphering necessary :)

edit: but they could have worded it better lol

One of the Hollywood fads is "Anal Bleaching". Yes I saw it on the BBC so it must be completely true. You can pay for a specialist to paint your brown bits - the bits that show when you wear a thong. Equally popular with the boys as well.

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When I first met my gf (soon to be wife) she was using whitening stuff but she stopped when I told her I loved her tanned skin. When she came to the UK for a visit she could not beleive the amount of tanning places. This convinced her even more her natural colour was beautiful.

Why do thai girls want to look ill like british women.

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