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Any Places To Exchange Coins?


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Hey all, I have some change leftover from traveling through the Philippines before I came to Thailand, and I'm wondering if there's a bank somewhere on Phuket that will exchange my coins for THB. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 USD worth of Philippine Pesos. Currently I'm in Kamala Beach, but I can catch the bus if there's a place nearby that will do it.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Living in high price Phuket and wanting to change approx 10 USD in P.I. coins...Maybe time to move to a much lower cost area. Donate the coins to a Filipino working in the town so these coins eventually get back to the P.I. for good use.

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Living in high price Phuket and wanting to change approx 10 USD in P.I. coins...Maybe time to move to a much lower cost area. Donate the coins to a Filipino working in the town so these coins eventually get back to the P.I. for good use.

How does one recognize a Filipino in Phuket? Are there certain places/jobs they are likely to be at?

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