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Nice one, Vulcan :)

So no coconut tree for the daily image, said Vulcan.

And on another thread, I said, why would anybody be interested in a picture of a dog, there are millions, if not billions on the internet?

I'm sure I'm right but anyway, there must be a reason why there are millions.

And I like this one since this is our Thai soi dog, rescued from the street (soi) when he was still a puppy (same as for my 2nd dog actually). Taken about 24 hours ago :D:D


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Just for fun, when coming out of the office today. At 1/15s and ISO640 with the lens at 35mm.

Makes you wonder why tall Thai girls walk more slowly than the ones average size... :)


Just for fun, when coming out of the office today. At 1/15s and ISO640 with the lens at 35mm.

Makes you wonder why tall Thai girls walk more slowly than the ones average size... :D

Makes me wonder why you took this photo at that speed :D and how using ISO 640 :D

I use AP setting with iso set at 400 and let me Oly E-3 find the shutter speed :)

Sawadee :D


You've missed the point there Kan. The TV setting was appropriate for the blurring/motion effect which has worked well.

The OP was attempting, and did so effectively, a sense of movement.

AV settings would have been useless in this concept.

Back to basics methinks!

You've missed the point there Kan. The TV setting was appropriate for the blurring/motion effect which has worked well.

The OP was attempting, and did so effectively, a sense of movement.

AV settings would have been useless in this concept.

Back to basics methinks!


Yes and thank you :) I missed the point :D

The TV setting was appropriate for the blurring/motion effect which has worked well.

And on this subject, I have to say it is really fun to use the 7D.

It is extremely easy to change the settings once you start knowing the camera and its many buttons.

Takes only a few seconds.

And I really love the viewfinder, I'm sure, as Nordlys said, that the the one of the 5D is as good, if not better, but for me, coming from the 450D, this is just a world of difference :)

Well, edited the post since the Vulcan summarized it more nicely than me at the time I was posting my comment :)

I think you should re-introduce your earlier post.

Your explanation of using the ISO to acquire the correct EV was most pertinent to the image and indeed was an area I had not considered.

Very relevant I think

Just embellishing this. The adjustment of ISO to achieve the required EV is not an action I've considered before. Interesting and thanks.


OK, in this particular shot, I first chose the speed, a few speeds actually, the one I posted is at 1/15 but I took a few more at higher and lower speeds...

The point, as you rightly mentioned, was to get the people going out of office blurred.

I actually wanted them to be very blurred, just to show how eager people are to leave the office.

And put the ISO at 640, so that I could choose a shutter speed that was in accordance with the photo I wanted to take.

Anyway, how lucky am I to spend so much time in traffic jams? :)


I still don't get it....

Wouldn't it better that you set the ISO lower if you want to achieve slower shutter speed or am I missing something?


You are very right, Nordlys, lower ISO gives you a lower shutter speed.

And in order to be at 1/15 s, I needed to go "down" to ISO 640.

The thing you missed is that when I go out of the office, the sun is almost gone and the picture is taken through the tainted windows of the car, hence the relatively high ISO for that shutter speed.

(And I wanted to keep a f 5.6 or higher in order to make sure the background would not be blurred).

Actually I could also have fixed the speed and the aperture and put the ISO on auto, which I'll try next time :)


Took this one this morning with my Nokia phone.

Just wanted to show to Nordlys that the Canon lens 24-105mm is more balanced on the Canon 7D than on the Canon 450D.

And conversely that the Canon kit lens 17-55mm was well balanced on the Canon 450D.


Took this one this morning with my Nokia phone.

Just wanted to show to Nordlys that the Canon lens 24-105mm is more balanced on the Canon 7D than on the Canon 450D.

And conversely that the Canon kit lens 17-55mm was well balanced on the Canon 450D.

You didn't have to do it as I never doubted that. :)

After all those cheapo kit lenses were designed for entry level dSLR like 450D and 24-105mm was designed essentially as a de facto kit lens for 5D. It sure is well balanced in terms of weight and size with 7D as I understand it's about the same weight and size as 5D Mk2.

You didn't have to do it as I never doubted that. :)

And this picture was taken with a phone, not a camera, the Nokia N97, looks quite nice actually, who needs a camera after all? :D


I was in Japan this week, so I'll show you how inventive Japanese people can be in order to save space. The parking tower, where the cars are stored on top of each other. Invented by the Japanese 50 years ago but getting more and more popular. This one is the parking in a hotel in Nagasaki. Photo taken with the phone.



Wife went to Rayong Province last night, big Buddhist ceremony.

One picture among the hundreds she took.

She starts making good use of the Canon 450D I gave her... :)



Hat Yai, three monks one from cambodia two from burma, the one on the far right was very much enjoying himself, he could not sit still continuosly joking around. I tried hard to cach an image with some force to it but limited by camera: ("Olympus Tough" pocket camera) and not wanting to tell the subjects how to perform i shot a few off, have a few more may post later.



I like the relatively long exposure so that the water is not frozen,

but still appears to be flowing.

Was it intentional or did you let the camera choose?


Astral: point and shoot... one day i will upgrade to ..?

This shot i like as well he was there for some time, test of mind over matter to meditate in such a location.



Nearly nailed it. I have hundreds of sharp pics of these Brahminy kites with a sky background. With aperture at f/7.1 to keep shutter speed up, I was not ready for the change in background or tracking the bird's dive and could not keep the AF on target. Hand held at 400mm.


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