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Child Dependant Visa

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Hi can any one tell me the answer thanks

Last year i obtained my visa on my child i have with my Thai g/f it was just after they brought the new rule in for 400,000 baht

so i used part money and part pension , went to renew this year in Korat/ chok chai ever thing OK so i thought a week ago but have had a phone call today from Korat saying that there boss wants me to show 400k in my bank account , i asked why but they did not give me a satisfactory answer have the rules changed ? Korat gave me the number off her boss and i thought i was talking to some one in Bangkok ,but apparently it was another office near to chok chai ,so maybe the person there does not know what they are doing or just being awkward any answers would be helpful thanks as i do not want to put 400k into the bank if i do not require it cheers C.R.

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There never was a part income part money.

The Rule.

(5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within a year.

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Just to clear up a misunderstanding on Bank Balance combined with Pension approval..

Bangkok have in fact allowed this method for a number of years and that is how my Visa extension has been approved for at least 4 years or more.

This time the lady said the Boss had stopped it and she couldn't dare to approve it as she would have problems herself..

May be a case of new brush sweeps clean!

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Just to clear up a misunderstanding on Bank Balance combined with Pension approval..

Bangkok have in fact allowed this method for a number of years and that is how my Visa extension has been approved for at least 4 years or more.

This time the lady said the Boss had stopped it and she couldn't dare to approve it as she would have problems herself..

May be a case of new brush sweeps clean!

Thanks for the reply ,but last year at my local office which is now closed i put in for the visa apparently it was then sent off to Korat and then Bangkok for approval which i assume Bangkok is the head office and they approved ,it is now a smaller office which is denying me this or asking for this ,does anyone have the Bangkok immigration phone number to hand Thanks C.R.

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Bangkok Immigration.

Bangkok Chaeng Watthana Immigration Office

Last Updated by Maestro on Jan 17

—— Postal address ——

Immigration Office

Government Center B

No. 120 Mu 3

Chaeng Watthana Soi 7

Thung Song Hong, Laksi

Bangkok 10210

Phone: 0-2141-9889, Fax: 0-2143-8228

Call center: 1178

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There never was a part income part money.

The Rule.

(5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within a year.


Lite Beer , or any one sorry to be a pest but would this work ,assuming i have an income of say 50k per month that gets paid into my bank in the UK , i would need to draw 40 k out of an ATM then pay it in to my Thai bank account . Over the month i draw out 10k a week or less , and i do this for the next 12 months ,when i go to extend the visa again i show them my T/bank book they can see 40k per month paid in , is this sufficient evidence or would i need more proof of where the the 40k per month came from

cheers C.R.

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Thatbeing said... if your Embassy requires proof, they may accept this and in the case that immigration may want proof in addtion to your letter from the Embassy this may also work (technically not required, but have seen posts by some that they have been requiredto show proof).

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