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What Is The Sexiest Thing A Thai Woman Can Do?


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no, i am not saying that, if you are looking for a sexy guy, don't be so defensive. :):D

Ok, good to know. It's hard to pick up on sarcasm when it's in print. And sadly, there ARE some guys on here who would think that way. Sorry to accuse you of being one of them. :D

But I am one them Toni, but most of the time I hide it with sarcasm. But I find the fact that you want to debate this with me mildly stimulating... mentally that is.

Sorry always thought you were a man until a few posts ago. Can we work up from Tom? :D

I don't want to debate anything with you. All of my comments were said jokingly (at least in my head).

Being sarcastic now? My comments were / are jokingly as well Ms. Toni, don't go getting all upset - some guys won't find that sexy. :D

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The sexiest thing a Thai woman can do? Walk away and let a Japanese woman take her place.......no, just kidding.

The sexiest thing a Thai woman can do is to say "Honey, keep all of your money......I don't want any of it ever.....my family does not want it......my friends don't want it........in fact, here is ten billion baht for you to spend on whatever you want."

What a turn on! :)

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The sexiest thing a Thai woman can do? Walk away and let a Japanese woman take her place.......no, just kidding.

The sexiest thing a Thai woman can do is to say "Honey, keep all of your money......I don't want any of it ever.....my family does not want it......my friends don't want it........in fact, here is ten billion baht for you to spend on whatever you want."

What a turn on! :D

:) Sexy indeed, but far more chance of winning the national lottery!

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what about turn offs!

bg from isaan, splay toed, sqaushed nose, dark skin. mum and dad sick, buffalo sick, baby son(dad ran off with mia noi) rice not grow this year! no have rain, red shirt supporter, (love taksin) he very good man. have baby in the oven now, you marry me, pay 1 million baht sin sod.

sorry off topic! :)

Edited by tigerfish
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The sexiest thing a Thai woman can do? Walk away and let a Japanese woman take her place.......no, just kidding.

The sexiest thing a Thai woman can do is to say "Honey, keep all of your money......I don't want any of it ever.....my family does not want it......my friends don't want it........in fact, here is ten billion baht for you to spend on whatever you want."

What a turn on! :)

Japanese are really sexy but there are real sexy Thai girls too. It kinda depends on the person.

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no, i am not saying that, if you are looking for a sexy guy, don't be so defensive. :):D

Ok, good to know. It's hard to pick up on sarcasm when it's in print. And sadly, there ARE some guys on here who would think that way. Sorry to accuse you of being one of them. :D

Sadly, you have to put subtlety in big bold capital letters on these forums.

Or put a 20 baht note under it, then someone might pick it up...

Straying back on topic,

I wonder if nationality really is all that important?

I bet that if the OP liked Thai women in uniform, he'd also like other nationalities in uniform. Although from his subsequent explanations, I got the impression that the preference for uniforms was based on a prejudice against Thai women built up from the many that he'd met that did not have steady jobs, combined with a prediliction for uniforms in many walks of life in this country, civilian as well as civic.


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Jeeeeeesus! Ok nobody got my drift, and obviously nobody agrees with me. Someone even referred to me as a pervert. Ive never met such a bunch of clueless monkeys. Its not about the clothes! :) I'll break it down clearly since you all seem to be on a different wave length than me.


NO but i think the women you are looking for is magy thatcher..... :D
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A nice strong, dark esaan girl on a building site, blue wellies and yellow hard hat ....or.....

watching a girl sit on the street eating kanom cheen and sucking on them there chicken's feet.... S-E-X-Y!!!


I like it................ :)

And to thelaughingman thank you for the post a little light humour that takes us away from the regular posts. I mean it well done my man.

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To the OP "Thelaughingman" you said someone refered to you as a pervert. I think that was me but it was not meant that way. I am sorry. It was just your remark about the 7/11 uniform that promted me to say about farangs hanging out in the store. Just a little light humour. Please do not take offence. I am free tommrow and i know a good 7/11 what are you doing :)

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Still sit by my "be intelligent" ideal.

Not only are they more likely to come from a family that doesn't think of you as a cash cow. But then having a decent conversation is possible. Further more a dumb girl in a sexy nurse's outfit is still dumb, and nothing prevents a smart girl from doing so (I mean wouldn't that just help the naughty teacher/librarian idea?!)

And last but not least, a positive correlation between intelligence and kinkiness exists :)

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To the OP "Thelaughingman" you said someone refered to you as a pervert. I think that was me but it was not meant that way. I am sorry. It was just your remark about the 7/11 uniform that promted me to say about farangs hanging out in the store. Just a little light humour. Please do not take offence. I am free tommrow and i know a good 7/11 what are you doing :D

Well...... hanging out at my local 7/11, per usual.

Still sit by my "be intelligent" ideal.

Not only are they more likely to come from a family that doesn't think of you as a cash cow. But then having a decent conversation is possible. Further more a dumb girl in a sexy nurse's outfit is still dumb, and nothing prevents a smart girl from doing so (I mean wouldn't that just help the naughty teacher/librarian idea?!)

And last but not least, a positive correlation between intelligence and kinkiness exists :)

This is so true, intelligent women are much more exciting in bed to me. For 2 reasons, one they seem to be much more sexually confident and explorative (did I make that word up?) and yes kinky and two, there is something so much more thrilling about giving a woman 10 orgasms that truly understands and appreciates what you are doing.

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Not sure about 'sexy' . . . but a Thai woman being herself, talking normally about normal things, being open about realities . . . discussion that shows they are the same as everyone else on the planet . . . I like that.

Next door neighbour, 21 year old came round this evening with her sister and other family members . . . good chat about all sorts of stuff. It was very pleasant.

Sexy would infer intimacy would infer relationship and really . . . I find it's much cheaper if I just interfere with myself. But only on Saturday nights.

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Not really 'what a Thai girl can do' but what my girl does

for me, one of the sexiest things is when she just casually pats the back of my head while I'm driving (this can often lead to quite a vicious ear tug and a declaration of 'man kieow') or, when we're walking around hand in hand, puts my hand on top of her head (yeah i know it's a little weird!) or when I catch her looking at me with a kind of half-smile. The playful stuff that isn't particularly Thai or pertaining to any culture just normal playful stuff.

Also, given the language issues (mine and hers) the depth of conversation and emotions we are still able to express.

And just being able to have a laugh and a joke and lazily enjoy each other. I find that incredibly satisfying.

Now if I could get her into a 7-11 uniform as well....

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The Sexiest Thing a Thai Woman Can Do, is not asking, how much you give me?

When making love with a woman becomes like being in a taxi with the meter running, that's one of the greatest turn offs.

As long as the meter also starts with 35 Baht and after 1 hour driving she asking for 235 baht don't understand what is turning you off about this :)

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Midnight sitting outside Subway at Sukhumvit soi7 and watching all the drunk tourists going back to their hotel with a ladyboy of the night and laughing my <deleted> off just thinking about the look on their face when they stick their hand down and find the old meat and 2 veg, lol.


Sir! I was NOT drunk!



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Not sure about 'sexy' . . . but a Thai woman being herself, talking normally about normal things, being open about realities . . . discussion that shows they are the same as everyone else on the planet . . . I like that....

Oh well, as long as were are just talking hypothetically... :)

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To me, sharing a shower with a woman is VERY sexy... if they enjoy it. If not, well, it's all about what turns THEM on. I'm not too interested in an unwilling partner. One of those Japanese rubber dolls would be more appealing.

But, it is all the little things that add up to being sexy. It's the little, affectionate touching that makes me feel good. Just stoking my hand, patting my leg, or giving me a light, friendly nudge is all it takes. It doesn't have to be much, and less is even more. I have a few ladies that do that with and to me and it keeps me from staying anywhere else. Grabbing and clutching is okay, but that is more just joking around and not truly sexy.

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Not really 'what a Thai girl can do' but what my girl does

for me, one of the sexiest things is when she just casually pats the back of my head while I'm driving (this can often lead to quite a vicious ear tug and a declaration of 'man kieow') or, when we're walking around hand in hand, puts my hand on top of her head (yeah i know it's a little weird!) or when I catch her looking at me with a kind of half-smile. The playful stuff that isn't particularly Thai or pertaining to any culture just normal playful stuff.

Also, given the language issues (mine and hers) the depth of conversation and emotions we are still able to express.

And just being able to have a laugh and a joke and lazily enjoy each other. I find that incredibly satisfying.

Now if I could get her into a 7-11 uniform as well....

I agree entirely, but could you change the 7-11 uniform to one of those gals at DTAC... They are HOT!

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I love it when they chew their food with their mouth closed...

few things less attractive than not doing that. you can have the whitest skin, the roundest boobs, the best nose silicone can make. but if you eat with your mouth open and worse still, talk while eating, I will take a bath room break and go home.

Actually, I used to do that if they brought friends or sisters. Then I found out that is somewhat, cultural.

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Not really 'what a Thai girl can do' but what my girl does

for me, one of the sexiest things is when she just casually pats the back of my head while I'm driving (this can often lead to quite a vicious ear tug and a declaration of 'man kieow') or, when we're walking around hand in hand, puts my hand on top of her head (yeah i know it's a little weird!) or when I catch her looking at me with a kind of half-smile. The playful stuff that isn't particularly Thai or pertaining to any culture just normal playful stuff.

Also, given the language issues (mine and hers) the depth of conversation and emotions we are still able to express.

And just being able to have a laugh and a joke and lazily enjoy each other. I find that incredibly satisfying.

Now if I could get her into a 7-11 uniform as well....

I agree entirely, but could you change the 7-11 uniform to one of those gals at DTAC... They are HOT!

Ever seen the Tiger beer girls? Blimey! Can't tell if that dress is body paint, there's only so many ways you can look at your watch.

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