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When i have been lucky enough to stop in Thailand, or even spend a few weeks, i see a lot of blokes that aint got a lot of dosh that live there, now as much as i would love to spend more time in Thailand, and i can see the attraction, these geezers dont have a lot of brass, so they cant live like a geezer on holiday, so they moan about things instead, they dont enjoy it, they just wont or cant go back. I dont know how many there are living like that, but they should get out, go home , get a job.

If you pulled a few strokes and the old bill are after you, dont worry, unless you are up for a stretch over 4 years, you get 50% off for good behaviour, decent grub, and you will get yourself back in the system in your own country, dont get sick in a country with no social security, go home,   fuk your pride, bite the bullet and go back.

Get your life in order, then go back on holiday.  You know it makes sense


I haven t personally met any of the blokes you are talking about,

If they have do not have a skill they can utilise here in thailand or asia, their best bet is to go back somewhere they can earn cash.

my point is not everyone is over here to have the sort of holiday you are talking about, just because a bloke wears a singlet and thongs and drinks beer chang is no reason denigrate him. If he is having a sook about how he is not happy here.. well say to him som num naa ( its their own fault ).



I met plenty like that, always moaning, complain about how the girls are only interested in money...(the girl in question is usually 3 decades younger and 90kgs lighter).....Complain about double pricing in Thailand,..... (try being a japanese tourist in any european city), the cost of Farang food in Thailand,....... (try the cost of thai food in europe), how those thais cant understand english no matter how loud they scream at them ..( Hellooo, it is Thailand!)..how the Thai's cant run a country..( Asia is in the ascendency, in 20 years Asia will be the powerhouse and economic strongman of the world)...Too Hot..Too wet..these dummies cant make a good roast dinner.....no Coronation Street..Eastenders or Brookside....Cant understand Thai tv..(65 million Thais like it).........and so on and on and on

Yes Bulldog, i also wonder why these people stay in Thailand, maybe they came here on holiday, fell in love with the lifestyle, cashed in thier chips in whatever place they come from, and thought that they would live the life of a wealthy man in Thailand, and maybe they did for a while, then reality bites.

Go home if you cant be happy here, it wont get any better if you dont have no money now, you wont be better off in a few years. Better to leave while you still have the airfare.

Go home if you cant be happy here, it wont get any better if you dont have no money now, you wont be better off in a few years. Better to leave while you still have the airfare.

Well put Begs. If they fall sick, or meet some other adversity, they bludge off others, or pull a con or three. Why they don't hit the toe and leave is beyond me. Probably no money for a ticket, and no relative or friend at home that wants them either.


Go home if you cant be happy here, it wont get any better if you dont have no money now, you wont be better off in a few years. Better to leave while you still have the airfare.

Well put Begs. If they fall sick, or meet some other adversity, they bludge off others, or pull a con or three. Why they don't hit the toe and leave is beyond me. Probably no money for a ticket, and no relative or friend at home that wants them either.

Dr Patpong,

As already mentioned before, the attractions are plain to see, and i think that a lot of people have burnt the bridges in thier own country, Bank loans, Credit cards, basically running away, chasing a dream..the life of adventure.......this is all well and good, but realty does catch up eventually, and you are right about the sickness or accident scenario, a friend of mine had a motorcycle accident, he was taken to hospital, they would not even give him a pain killer before they knew he could pay....

I know some guys that live in Thailand, and they often are wondering how they will pay the rent the following month, these are able bodied guys that should get out while they have a chance, go back to wherever they come from, earn some money and come back on holidays, they would enjoy a holiday..............Instead they live here always worrying about how they will pay the rent, terrified at the new Visa costs ( extensions 1900baht), they do not enjoy thier time no more, they are in a constant state of stress, eventually there comes a time when the shit hits the fan..........i have known guys that have contemplated suicide,......... i have known guys that have carried it through,........... i know guys that will lie,cheat,steal, just to try to get a few thousand baht,............... guys that are just living on a diet of strong beer (more than one has died of alcoholism related illness),................ and then there are the guys in Prison doing 30-40 year sentences going for the big pay day, tempted by the thought of having some decent money in thier pockets again, they have been tempted at the thought of a quick 10,000$ taking some white Powder through Bkk airport for a guy that told them it would be the   "Easiest money they had ever made!"...yea right............

Should they have gone home, faced the music....? I think so

Nothing worse then being broke in a country where everything costs money, at least in the west they can get help, they can if they want to , get thier lives back in order, even if they have to do a bit of time in Prison for some offence they are running away from.....Prison in Europe is a Million times better than Prison in Asia....and they are back in the system, dignity restored. (eventually).  I knew a guy that did that , he was in a mess in Thailand, broke, hungry, a  real state.....someone bought him a ticket and paid his overstay, he faced a Fraud charge, he got 3 years, done 18 months, most of which was in an Open Prison , came out ,got a job, somewhere to live, now he come on holidays with money in his pocket and has a good time, he was once suicidal, now he has a good life.  Sorry this is so long. But i have seen a lot of good men fall by the wayside in Thailand ......chasing a dream

A very insightful view of how it really can be Begs. I think it is so so typical of so so many. Reality therapy will help them to get real...hopefully. Thank you for your contribution.

Good post, Begs.

I knew a man, lived in Thailand for several years. He had some savings (i assume) and made a little by teaching English and/or Thai on the side.

Then came the time when his money got very low. He would get drunk and depressed. Moan about Thailand, a country that he lived in for several years. He even got into fights around town, which was out of character.

Once i heard him ask one of the farang engineers who    worked at Map Ta Put if there were any jobs going?

The engineer asked what skills did he have and he said "none, but i'll do anything, even clean the toilets".  :o

Then one day he vanished. We thought that he went home.

A few months later he returned to Pattaya.  He didn't go home, he went to Bangkok and got a job as an English    teacher.

He was smart and got himself a job, but others get into all sorts of problems, because of their wish to stay in Thailand and not return home.


Excellent post by Begs.   Should be printed out on leaflets and stapled to the passports of all visitors to the LOS, right behind the arrival/departure card.



Yes Heng, maybe it would be a good idea.

But generally people are pretty level headed, but......when people think that they can come to Thailand with a few thousand Pounds and stay.....then they are in Trouble...but i saw a lot in Pattaya in that situation.

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