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Hi-so Girls In Thailand


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What does hi-so mean?

Is it a group of people who like to talk about how many diamond watches they own? What car they are driving? Which tiny part of an animal is "aroy"? Which animal skin is nice to wear? Who is more successful at work? so on.....

If so, please let me live as far away from them as possible. :o

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Hi So's - their children study abroad. Parents work for Thai or foreign conglomerates, are academics or diplomats. They live in swanky homes, have loads of hired help, are chauffeured in expensive imported cars, drink the best whiskey, often have more than one wife, attend balls, soirees and luncheons at five-star hotels, look down upon the poor farmers up in the North and Northeast, and more often than not, have profited from ill-gotten gains. There are some good high-so people, but as F. Scott Fitzgerald once remarked about the very rich here, they are very different from us. :o

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I gather you must talking primarily here about the way foreigners see such things. Among Thias, birth is what matters, today and forever. Money's not a bad thing, of course, but it can never repair the rank into which one is born. Ask almost any truly upper-class Thai (not Thai-Chinese) what they think of the PM, for example, and you will almost certainly get a particularly vivid illustration of that.

Good post!

The hi-so women I know are not particularly rich, well compared to me they are!

They were born into a good family, ie have a good name like "Na .....", or their parents or grandparent did. And yes, they are all members of the RBSC, but they do say that the noveau riche, usually of chinese origin are ruining some things there, after buying their way in.

All but one drive normal cars around 1-2 million baht.

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They typically land jobs in either the civil service or for big multi-national firms that their parents have organised for them.

and then there is thaksin's daughter who worked at mcdonalds

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My Mother-in-law thinks of herself as hi-so, not because of money but heritage. "My father/grandfather was a famous general , my husband is a retired police commander , I own half of Phitsanulok ect ect ". Boasts to everyone she meets about it . I can deal with that to a degree, but the racist attitude towards some Thais(mostly Issan) has me biting my tongue " They not Thai, low class from Laos or Cambodia". Always embarresses me the way she treats security guards, taxi drivers ect ...all because they are not central Thais!!! Thankfully, wifey doesn't give a toss about such nonsense :o

I am sure not all central Thais with a 'pure' heritage are such bigots , but your family heritage seems to count for a heck of alot here.

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The Thai girls that you think are hi-so's in Q-bar and bed are the ones who are dressed up to look like hi-so's and are really just wannabe's...

Yes, this is a symptom of the high-so disease that reflects the human condition. No foreigner, or Thai for that matter, can enjoy respect or a degree of acknowledgement in Thailand unless that person has money or has developed a certain station in life - but this is kind of universal and we have our share of beautiful people featured regularly in magazines like People and New York magazine who may not fit the Thai high-so description but are our high-sos. :o

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The average foreigner will never run into the real hi-so's in Thailand anyway. And if he does, he is not at all likely to be accepted. Sure there will be smiles and all that, but they see themselves as a whole different breed. I have friends from neighbouring countries who are 'hi-so', but the only reason they became friends is because I met them at uni in a foreign country where they are more open to meeting other kinds of people and where by neccessity, they are forced into meeting other kinds of people.

I visited them on their home turf and its a whole different ball game. 13 or 14 luxury cars (ferrari, benz, nissan skyline etc. )parked outside the home. Cooks, maids, drivers, security guards. Minders sent everywhere to keep an eye on their 22 year old daughter who was never allowed out alone. In her country the family only associates with other hi-so's who all live in a Beverly Hills like neighbourhood with Tennis courts and helipads and for the most part are utterly spolied. By the time they finish uni, they are placed in a family company regardless of their qualifications. After all, they have a degree from an overseas uni. That's pretty impressive to some people. My friend started at US$20,000 a month to be a token Director. She has no idea what she is doing and the employees in the company will never tell her Father.

And that is just the way it is.

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Hisos can be irritating, but a lot of this is due to their upbringing and they neither know, or have been exposed to, many of the realities of life. Many are nice people, but are constrained in their interactions with people of a supposed 'lower status' due to family and peer pressures.

As for us farangs meeting them, difficult but not impossible, if you do you homework. Best places to meet them are at events and shows linked to product launches, anniveraries, charities etc., to which you can get access if you are a farang working here for a well-known company. Most are friendly enough in this sort of environment, and the pro-farang ones will give you more than just a quick hello and a smile. From then on its up to you to use your charm and experience if lookin for a hiso partner.

Some hiso ladies date farangs for the experience, or simply because they enjoy the guy's company, though know that they will never be able to marry him as the family would not approve and many are set up with another hiso by their parents (sort of arranged marriage format).

Can be a headache, and you need a few $$$ to treat the girl in the manner to which she has become accustomed, but you should get good conversation and access to the finer aspects of Thai society if you choose well.

Like in every country, some hiso/upper classes are lovely charming people, some are complete w*nkers.

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I don't understand the Thai's way of thinking. It seems by wearing the right brands, drinking the right drinks in the right places they can climb the social ladder, without having education, money, good job etc etc.

I agree, it is rife in other parts of the world but Thailand, especially Bangkok does seem to suffer from it more than most, but then again they have been ###### bent on being like The West for years.

It's very very pathetic indeed. :o:D

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I don't understand the Thai's way of thinking. It seems by wearing the right brands, drinking the right drinks in the right places they can climb the social ladder, without having education, money, good job etc etc.

I agree, it is rife in other parts of the world but Thailand, especially Bangkok does seem to suffer from it more than most, but then again they have been ###### bent on being like The West for years.

It's very very pathetic indeed. :o:D

Thailand is a very materialistic place...not the worst but it sure is right up there...

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A good barometer of if you are a true hi-so or not are if you are a member of the RSBC, have a M.R or M.L at the start of your name (or a Na Ayuthaya at the end). Through that, your social group is pretty much decided. You attend all the society weddings, balls and you tend to end up in the social pages of Thailand Tattler at least a couple of times per year.


Hate to sound ignorant but what is a "M.R." or a "M.L." - or what does it denote?

That and being a member of the RBSC?

Cheers! :o

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A good barometer of if you are a true hi-so or not are if you are a member of the RSBC, have a M.R or M.L at the start of your name (or a Na Ayuthaya at the end). Through that, your social group is pretty much decided. You attend all the society weddings, balls and you tend to end up in the social pages of Thailand Tattler at least a couple of times per year.


Hate to sound ignorant but what is a "M.R." or a "M.L." - or what does it denote?

That and being a member of the RBSC?

Cheers! :o

This thread should give you the general idea.

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A good barometer of if you are a true hi-so or not are if you are a member of the RSBC, have a M.R or M.L at the start of your name (or a Na Ayuthaya at the end). Through that, your social group is pretty much decided. You attend all the society weddings, balls and you tend to end up in the social pages of Thailand Tattler at least a couple of times per year.


Hate to sound ignorant but what is a "M.R." or a "M.L." - or what does it denote?

That and being a member of the RBSC?

Cheers! :D

This thread should give you the general idea.

My God!

Thanks for that, Mac. I had no idea... :o

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A good barometer of if you are a true hi-so or not are if you are a member of the RSBC, have a M.R or M.L at the start of your name (or a Na Ayuthaya at the end). Through that, your social group is pretty much decided. You attend all the society weddings, balls and you tend to end up in the social pages of Thailand Tattler at least a couple of times per year.


Hate to sound ignorant but what is a "M.R." or a "M.L." - or what does it denote?

That and being a member of the RBSC?

Cheers! :o

Well, while being a member of the RSBC won't mean that you'll get a MR or ML before your name, having a title will almost guarantee that you'll be a member of the RSBC, as the of the only way to get membership these days - like the title - is to inherit it.

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some of them are pretty funny and exciting. friend of mine dated one of them - never paid for anything though - she just enjoyed his company and his bed time efforts.

When I saw her at his b.d. at Qbar - man, that's a stunner! now she's in Sing - HK and sometimes in Bkk. calls him to fly over when he can. My point is - some are very easy going ppl, no strings no obligations - just fun.

sure, envy their life style, but also envy lifestyle of Hollywood stars either :-)

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I don't understand the Thai's way of thinking. It seems by wearing the right brands, drinking the right drinks in the right places they can climb the social ladder, without having education, money, good job etc etc.

I agree, it is rife in other parts of the world but Thailand, especially Bangkok does seem to suffer from it more than most, but then again they have been ###### bent on being like The West for years.

It's very very pathetic indeed. :o:D

Thailand is a very materialistic place...not the worst but it sure is right up there...

yeah.. not the worst and is not our bussiness as well. :D:D let Hi-so's leave what they wanted and buy anything they want eventhough they don't have enough education, it is their life who will care about that. do everybody here care about them? if so, then for what? :D:D I better take a long sleep than to bother them co'z we can find this Hi-So's class anywhere not only in Thailand. :D:D

Edited by thymode91
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I have been to Thailand many times and I still can't figure this out.

Its seems that an unemployed upcountry girl with little education or money can climb the social ladder by having an "older sponsor" (usually thai) or by socialising in the right places - qbar, bed places like that.

No, unfortunately, she can not. At least in Thai circles.

Not fair, I agree but having a older 'rich' sponsor as you said will just make the other Thai 'behave' in front of her, not respect her.

As much as I disagree with that, it is probably a way of behaving that is not specific to Thailand...

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I dated a self-proclaimed Hi-so girl in Bangkok for a while. She had her own business, money, flew around Thailand, etc. Only wanted "jai dee". Then one day she demanded 50K baht, "I want support!" That's when I learned her game.

I stepped out of the taxi in the middle of the street. That was the last time I saw her. If she lost face in front of her friends, who cares (we were on the way to meet them for lunch). She didn't deserve face anyway.

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